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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 18 days ago

Several minutes passed with no reply from Salem; figures, for all his pontificating about honesty he was awfully tight-lipped when honesty became inconvenient. Re-reading his initial message a few times while he waited, Aaron fumed. He couldn’t believe him! Good grief, Salem didn’t need anyone’s meddling to make him look suspicious, did he? He could achieve it flawlessly on his own! Of course, Aaron expected him to blame some noble or other anyway; Salem still maintained that his current investigation was Lady Sinnenodel’s fault, or the Queen’s fault, or his fault, always pointing outward and never entertaining that none of this would have happened in the first place if he’d remembered his position and kept his sanctimonious mouth shut.

Aaron forced himself to take a breath. He was getting far too worked up, though being forced to sleep outside probably played a part in his growing irritation. But what else could he do? Salem seemed to think of him as the scum of the earth - or that’s how he came across, anyway - and tasked with befriending the man, Aaron couldn’t very well refute him as strongly as he’d like out loud. A pit formed in his stomach as he once more remembered that he wouldn’t even escape him on break; he could just see it now, Salem trailing through the castle at his heel, all “equality would be better” this and “your traditions are dated” that, treading his ungrateful feet all over centuries of treasured history as if it were nought but some gilded cage. Aaron chuckled humourlessly; either that or doing his best to sneak anywhere he wasn’t supposed to be, or maybe piss off the head butler or try to start a revolution among the lower staff, given Salem’s apparent compulsion to get himself into trouble.

The sound of a door opening pulled Aaron out of his internal grumbling, a little spike of tension bringing him back to reality. No, he was fine. No one could see him from there. Soon after the door, though, came footsteps, and a female voice humming a familiar tune. Lilie?

Aaron risked peeking over the wall to confirm that yes, it was Lilie, leaving her dorm with something draped over her arm. His jacket! Shit! And she was walking this way!

Shrinking into the corner, Aaron held his breath as she approached the walkway, simultaneously hoping she would stop there without seeing him and devising some excuse in case she did. Oh, he was just getting some fresh air, he was just inspecting the wall, he was— wait, she was walking right past?

Indeed she was; Lilie walked up the walkway without a care in the world, still swaying a little bit and humming happily. Good, she hadn’t looked his way, but the thought was of little comfort considering she’d eventually have to turn around. As she knocked on his door, he considered jumping the wall and pretending he’d been off on some errand and was just coming back, but that was a terrible plan; she’d definitely hear him, and probably turn around to see him halfway over the wall with no good explanation.

Bracing himself for the worst, Aaron looked on as Lilie waited, a little spaced out. He watched on edge as she realized no one was answering, looked around the porch, finally turned around and…


Lilie turned around and smiled, looking proud of herself and strutting down the walk to the mailbox, mere metres away from where Aaron sat against the wall in plain sight. She bumped into the mailbox, sang a lyric to it, and laughed before draping his jacket over it and making her way back to her dorm again, never even once glancing in Aaron’s direction.

Astounded, Aaron peeked over the wall again to watch her go, wondering if he was more drunk than he previously thought. Had that really just happened? Had Lilie walked past him and not seen him at all? Sure, she didn’t look right at him, but he wasn’t exactly hidden either - she must have seen him in her periphery. With the moon out it was practically daylight out there, surely she would have—


That’s right! He was a freaking light mage! For the second time that night, Aaron remembered that just because he could see in the dark didn’t mean everyone could. He didn’t know how dark the world looked to Lilie at this hour, but regular human night vision combined with her drunkenness probably left her blissfully unaware he was there at all. An astounded laugh escaped him at the thought; to think, she could practically look right at him and never see a thing!

Heaving a sigh of relief and amusement both, Aaron retrieved his jacket and put it on before sitting back down, letting his head fall back against the wall. He had to shift a bit when the mask on his arm jabbed into his side, and pulled it into his lap to admire it again. It really was exquisite work, and he couldn’t deny that it felt good to sport a Noilan raven again - beyond the one on his scabbard, anyway. He still thought blue went better with black than silver did. He smirked, wondering what Princess Ryner must have thought of the get-up. Surely she’d known about it; his mother might not have accompanied the Princess on campus, but the two were thick as thieves nonetheless.

Of course, with that thought came a much less pleasant one, and Aaron’s limbs grew heavy once more with exasperated dread. Ryner might have gotten a kick out of the outfit, but there was a certain other important noble in his life who he expected wouldn’t be nearly as amused. He sighed. He was going to get one hell of an earful when Varis let him in in the evening, that was certain. An earful and probably worse. Not just for being late - as if that weren’t bad enough - but being late and returning dressed like a Noila mascot. Aaron rubbed a hand down his face, feeling more and more exhausted at the thought of it. Honestly, he probably should have been more nervous about all that than he was. Moon only knew how he tended to freak when he knew he was in trouble with Varis - something he’d never really done too much of with the Noilas, interestingly enough. He supposed Varis had a certain talent for making him sweat.

Still, he wasn’t sweating nearly as much as he thought he probably should be. Maybe it was the comedy he’d witnessed with Lilie just now, or maybe his lingering buzz taking the edge off, who knew. Aaron was tired enuogh that he didn’t really care to find out.
Bitching about @Trainerblue192 and hiding from @Hero

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ryner laughed at Eris’ wink, the tension easing out of her smile as she did. “A bold move, Mr.Samael, but it seems tonight at least, fortune does indeed favor the bold. I’ll have our publicist reach out to yours. We’ll probably make official statements tomorrow night but this way, you can better coordinate whatever steps you take to protect your image.” Ryner tapped on the desk as she spoke, the movements sharp and harsh but barely making any noise. Concern flashed over her face at Max’s comment.

“You don’t need a plan at all. I’m not about to make my students defend themselves when I’m standing right here. If for some reason someone comes into this room without my permission, it’ll be considered a violation of my privacy and I’ve killed for less in a darker time. As long as you three are here, no harm will come to you.” Ryner promised solemnly. “My students are more important than my reputation but clearly I trusted my subordinates too much and you all have taken the fall for my naivety. For that, I apologize. I know it's a far cry from anything substantial after what you've been through but it is all I can offer at this moment."

Though to answer your question Salem, yes they will use mind magic to interrogate you. It is one of the horrors I intend to protect you from.” Ryner knelt in front of Salem, a soft smile on her face. “You and I both know the investigation is nothing but my mother’s ego and Lady Sinnenodel’s sadistic pleasure. Tonight's event will not impact anything. You’ve stayed strong this whole time. Trust me for a little while longer.”

Interacting with @WeepingLiberty

“Yes, thank you.” Dennis muttered as he clung to Amaris amid crowd, this face taking on a distinctly green tinge. “Princess Nox is here and she looks halfway ready to kill someone herself. Queen save us, that’s a nasty looking axe.” Dennis muttered under his breath. A few people around the pair glanced over at the commentary, realized who was talking, and shifted away, leaving a few paces of space around Dennis and Amaris.

“Apparently, our Princess hid Eris and the mages away. Princess Nox just finished clearing the admin building and it looks like she’s moving onto the lecture halls next.” Dennis kept a stream of information coming quietly under his breath, just loud enough for Amaris to hear. “I didn’t realize you could call someone stupid that many ways.”

The flow of students continued past the administrative building, dark and lifeless as several of the royal guard stood outside. More royal guards patrolled the walkways and the dorm area, shepherding students as quickly as they could. Tonight was a poor night to be caught outside.

Interacting with: @ReusableSword

She wrapped one hand around his throat and another dug into his still good shoulder as she pulled, straining to dig her fingers into Victor, but she struggled to leave a dent in him. She jumped back, wary and suspicious. “That is… unusual. You must not be a student then. I thought you were just another dumb pet of hers, prior occupation and all, but you’re a little studier than most aren’t you?”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Victor Astorio

Jackpot. Just as he had thought the vampire before him was old and solitary. Going off about her life story and how the princess truly was before the war. This wasn’t entirely surprising to him given what he had learned during his last training with Ryner. How this woman spoke of past interactions and friendships almost made him think that she was in love with the princess at some point. His eyes followed her movements with ease but he did not move his head.

The girl continued to speak as she darted around him, she had definitely been alone a long time. Normally other vampires would go for the kill and continue on when faced with a vampire opponent. This one however demonstrated restraint, if only to gloat and show off but restraint none the less. One thing did stand out about her, being staked through the heart and still being able to escape. This peaked his interest on the subtle hint as Ryner did tell him that some abilities did allow for a vampire to move their heart to another portion of their body. This could explain how she escaped when the others did not.

Still, this one continued on expressing her views on this place and the current way of things. The only question he had up until this point was what the hell that operator was doing? He hadn’t turned off the phone and could still hear muffled voices. Hopefully something in the way of backup would get here soon. She stopped finally across the roof from him and pondered a few questions before lunging at him. He did not move, neither to dodge nor defend himself. This one liked to talk and although she was strong he wanted to see just how strong she was. It didn’t seem like she was holding back too much. The protective sleeve on his bad arm did conceal a small blade that he could use rather well if he had too.

She paused when she reached him, her fingers dug but didn’t seem go as deep as this one wanted. His skin didn’t tear, his muscles didn’t separate, and his bones didn’t break. They hung there in that embrace for mere moments that felt like minutes. His eyes locked onto hers, no color or interest flashed through his eyes. He showed no emotion as he continued to asses her just as she did to him. Then, she took a few steps back and spoke again.

“That is… unusual. You must not be a student then. I thought you were just another dumb pet of hers, prior occupation and all, but you’re a little studier than most aren’t you?”

He still hesitated for a moment to answer her, “Something like that.” He moved now slowly to the right of where he was, squaring up with her. “So what is it then? You speak like a spoiled little girl who whines when she doesn’t get her way. You simply can’t move on from the glory days can you? Can’t adapt to the new way of things? No wonder why you seclude yourself and only come out to hunt.” He was fishing now, fishing for anything more he could get from her. “A scarred little girl who won’t even tell me her name.” he still moved slowly angled his good shoulder toward her and the bad one that concealed the blade behind him.

“You speak like you truly knew Ryner at the time. But she changed and you didn’t, she grew stronger and you dropped, she came into the spotlight and you faded into the shadows. So tell me, just how long did you love her? Only someone who loved her would lash out like this.” He was looking for a deeper emotional response now. “Someone who loved her would do something like this, this petty revenge. Kill a few “Sheep”, stir the pot, get her to remember that you still exist and disappear into the night. All so you don’t have to face her and those feelings of yours but you still remain a topic. We vampires might not have much in the way of emotion, but those few who know what love truly is can see it on others.”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Amaris Marivaldi

Mentions: Smol Dennis @Achronum

Amaris cringed at the mention of Princess Nox, the memory of her own personal interactions with the royal still rather fresh in her mind. She found herself hoping that Nox would be too busy sorting out the mess to have to deal with a secondary encounter with the woman.

She always looks like that, but it gets worse when she doesn’t have the axe.” The countess breathed calmly, keeping her posture tall and her eyes active for anything that might stand out. She listened intently as Dennis listed off some of the actions taken by both Nox and Ryner. A part of her was beginning to wonder how he was able to gather such in depth knowledge, especially when the subjects were royal subjects, but she opted to leave the conversation for another time. She was, however, unable to stifle a small laugh at his follow up comment.

* “Non ne conosci la metà.” Amaris chuckled under her breath as the group they had been travelling with continued to be corralled along. Every so often she would spot a student, high on the night’s festivities, attempt to break from the crowd only to be swiftly returned to the flow of foot traffic by a royal guard.

Well, at least it looks like security tightened up a bit. I wonder how long it will take to get this mess sorted out now that Nox is back on the warpath.” She mused, taking a moment to glance down at the mage still attached to her arm. He was very clearly still distressed about the situation, and rightfully so. Amaris felt a twinge of guilt, that if she had kept her curiosity in check he wouldn’t have had to witness such frightening things… but realistically she knew it was likely he would have still looked into it and suffered silently on his own. At least she could be there to provide whatever small amount of support she could for the time being.

We shouldn’t be too much further now, right? You’re doing great.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Bert Macklin
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Bert Macklin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The sound of the door closing was accompanied by the smallest groan. Irritation aside, the night had been anything but dull. Ben had to wonder where the princess's praise for this mage had come from. Rude, uncultured, ignorant, and a myriad of other unpleasant words popped into his head as she had spoken. His image of a sweet, obedient mage had been all but shattered. Perhaps he had expected too much. His father was right, the house of Eve was the laughingstock of all the nobles, and now they were doomed to suffer the same even here. How was he to look walking around with a mage of shock white hair? It was as good as a scarlet letter. There was no hope of attempting to gain a relationship with either of the other nobles, and he felt utterly humiliated. But perhaps he was hasty with his judgment. If the princess was endeared to his new mage, then there must be a reason for it. Clearly, the girl hadn't been of sound mind and would certainly be the same person Princess Ryner had described. They could start with a clean slate tomorrow. If she was uneducated, then this was an opportunity to mold the young lady as he saw fit.

The more optimistic viewpoints served to calm him down, and after a minute of deliberation he made a decision to start his plans. When he passed the young girl's room, however, he found himself stopping. He wanted to verify her claim, and without any hesitation, he entered her room. After turning on the lights, he decided to stroll into her closet, shocked to see such few articles of clothing. Eleanore would be devastated if she had such few options! He squinted at the materials, finding them much too short for his liking. She was so small and fragile looking that he was sure she would inevitably give the wrong idea going around dressed like that! He shook his head, exiting both closet and room before he would take out his flip phone, placing several calls. Once Ben finished, he decided to visit his own room. Unfortunately, he could not bring all the weapons he desired, but this was as good an excuse as any to touch up on his traditional archery and dart throwing.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“You don’t need a plan at all. I’m not about to make my students defend themselves when I’m standing right here. If for some reason someone comes into this room without my permission, it’ll be considered a violation of my privacy and I’ve killed for less in a darker time. As long as you three are here, no harm will come to you.”

Max stared forward with lidded, unamused eyes as Ryner interjected. He knew royals were bound to be narcissistic, but jeez; this was an A-B conversation, Ryner, C yourself out. He drew back from Eris into a standing position, still reluctant to take off his stupid cat mask in case he accidentally pulled anymore faces. Eris had the right idea, at least. Trusting his safety to a Noila of all things without a backup plan was asking for trouble.

“My students are more important than my reputation," Blatant lie, at best her students were part of her reputation and thus important to her as a means to an end, "but clearly I trusted my subordinates too much and you all have taken the fall for my naivety. For that, I apologize." Doubt it. Max trusted her actions but not her motives; he thoroughly believed she'd kill anyone who stepped into the room without her permission, but all her sanctimonious crap was unneeded and frankly, insulting. She could baby Flower Boy all she wanted, Max wasn't falling for it.

He inched a hand into his pocket, though he paused before pulling out his phone. The Retriever might've been privy to whatever game the two princesses were playing, or at least picked up bits and pieces while his nose was lodged firmly between Noilan asscheeks, but that seemed like the type of conversation Max wouldn't want to have recorded anywhere. He doubted anything would stop Nox from pulling phone data, nor did he know if Ryner had some policy on potential recording devices in her office. The less people that knew about his involvement in this, the better; less chance for this to bite him in the ass later. He really was locked into waiting for the situation to resolve itself, it seemed. Great.

4x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The deal was sealed, much to Eris' delight. Antigone would be able to pass on the message sooner than later, and of course the thought of having the princess in his pocket--shallow as it was--was the cherry on top. He grinned at Ryner, eyes traveling down out of habit, though her hand looked off. Or it sounded off? How the hell did that work? He must have been more stressed than he thought, the sound of her tapping the table seemingly out of sync, like a mismatched audio clip in a film. Maybe she didn't actually hit the desk? The entire thing was oddly bizarre, making him feel like he was having an out of body experience. No, he needed to relax, he wasn't going crazy.

He couldn't quite relax just yet, though, the princess' response to catching what Max had said making him suppress a groan. The kid was subtle, but it looked like he would need to work on that a little more. Funny, since he thought that it was just unnoticeable enough, but she must have been super attentive. Eris almost rolled his eyes at Ryner comforting Salem, shifting slightly in his seat. For once he was more disappointed in the mage than scoffing at the princess deigning to stoop down to hold the crybaby's hand. If he couldn't keep his head in a situation like this, then life as an Astorio mage was going to be very difficult for him. Maybe she felt bad for putting him in that position. Guilt always did weird things to people, but either way, Flower Boy couldn't even pretend to hold himself together.

As the thought crossed his mind, Eris' eyes widened. Flower Boy hadn't uttered a peep, how did she know what he was worried about? It was obvious, sure, but...he hadn't said anything. At all. Not a word, he was sitting there stressing and sweating. Could he have missed him talking? No, they're right next to each other! Eris inched away slightly from the princess, clearly unsettled.

"Your Highness, is there an enchantment or--what is happening?" He asked, seemingly disturbed. "It feels like something is going on here."

Sitting in a chair next to @Scribe of Thoth and @Trainerblue192 wondering if he's high or drunk or something with this BULLSHIT.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Interacting with: @Scribe of Thoth@Hero@Obscene Symphony

Salem watched as the Princess tapped her nail against the desk, sharp and harsh movements yielding almost no sound. His vision wasn't as sharp as a vampires, he couldnt tell if she was actually hitting the desk or merely stopping millimeters before its surface in what could only be years of muscle memory stopping her from ruining several desks. He watched as she tapped a few more times, noting that there was no damage to that area, not a single mark, scratch, or indent that could've come from there mere strength they're race tended to have. He was almost lost in the tapping itself, wondering if there was some code behind it, a message she was trying to convey to others outside this room? But he couldn't gain any further understanding of the noise as it didnt match any coding he knew.

Salem's attention was drawn away as she addressed Max and Eris' whispers. Ofcourse she could hear them, they were known for their hearing. He was sure Eris wouldve known that, well might've known that if he paid attention in his classes, but even then Salem believed that most all would know about a vampires ability to heighten their senses. His families partners may play hosts and show what Salem now considered to be extreme kindness, but he also knew of the fear one could strike in another. He listened to what she said, mentioning they didnt have to defend themselves, and it made him wonder all the more what those two were up to. Salem's magic was no where near where it needed to be to fight off a vampiric attack, and he doubted Max had any useful skill in that matter either.

What perhaps struck him the most was Ryners ability to kneel down before another. Her words were kind, and comforting, leaving Salem to wonder where all of this was during dinner. How could the house be so divided? A small knot began to form in his stomach as he thought of Aaron and the circumstances that he had to grow up in. It helped to explain him in some light, yet it left for more to be desired. Salem felt relief in knowing that the investigation wouldnt be affected by this unfortunate series and he began to relax a bit more. He may not have said it outright, but a Princess should be able to read her councils intentions on their face, it would make sense that she could feel Salems worries.

Salem looked towards Eris and dared not to look back at Ryner as he spoke. An enchantment in place? Of what kind and why? Everything seemed to be going civilly so why worry now about such things? What made him think about the room having some form of magic placed on it? Salems eyes finally turned and landed on the Princess almost as if they were waiting for the answer themselves.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ryner’s entire body rippled and suddenly she was standing back behind the desk,a duplicate of the chair she’d brought around next to her. She looked down at the offending piece of furniture, then to the one across from her, and back to the one next to her with an unhappy sigh. “Now why’d you go and ruin it? I was told to hold you until she got back and here I am, struggling with a punk ass vampy. One too many brews down the ol’ hatch, if you know what I mean! Haha!” Ryner cackled as she spoke, the words lining up less and less with Ryner’s mouth as she leaned over the table and poked Eris’ head. The sensation of touch never came.

“Oh, feisty boy in here tonight! Guess my little spell’s coming undone since I’m about outta magic here. They already cleared the building so my job is technically done.” The voice echoed around the room, the words coming slurred and choppy. Ryner became translucent and the room grew darker, colder. “Take the south exit and head to a dorm they won’t look for you. I’m sure someone like y’all has a friend or two to rely on. Or, you can just hide here until Princessy shows back up!”

The room when dark and the chill overtook them as whatever spell they were under disappeared. The three of them were just standing a few steps behind the chairs and nothing was set out like Ryner had done just moments before. Outside, a few voices could be heard murmuring, their footsteps loud with the sound of armor, before they passed down the hall.

Interacting with @WeepingLiberty

They arrived at Dennis’ dorm unhampered. Several other students stood outside, staring at the pair as the approached. Dennis let go of Amaris and bowed. “Uh, thank you so much. I had uh a good time tonight before all…” He waved back at the campus. “Do you think uh maybe we could hang out again?” A fe of the others behind him rolled their eyes and slipped back inside while the others turned to each other without speaking. One girl stood stiffly, arms clasped tightly in front of her, as she stared down Amaris.

Interacting with: @ReusableSword

The vampiress drew back as if she was struck, mouth agape for a moment. “You think I loved her? Ha! I couldn’t think of anything further from the truth! Open your damn ears! What bit of what I said suggested I loved her? I loathe her. No, I wasn’t going to steal back into the night. I was working my way up to the bitch. I’d play with her toys, tear them all apart and liter them around for her to see, and then when she came sniffing around, I’d tear her limb from limb!” She shouted at him, lunging for him again and baring her fangs. In the background, the lights turned off. One by one, they flickered out and the darkness advanced on the ballroom. The wailing of emergency vehicles went quiet and the chattering of the investigation stopped once only the moon and the stars remained to illuminate the campus.

“And what does a worthless little worm like you think it deserves to know my name? You, who grovels at her feet, at the feet of this blasted Council who gave away everything they worked for-we worked for!-just to accommodate so worthless agreement? We are immortal and great! They are fragile, weak, and helpless. Their magic is a crutch! So why are they worth anything?!” She screamed at him. “I’m going to kill you anyways so what does it matter? The last damn thing you’ll hear is-

“Valentina.” Ryner interrupted, arms crossed as she stared down the vampiress in faint amusement. She’d come up over the edge of the building as Valentina lunged and brushed a bit of dirt of her suit jacket. “I thought I had you killed all those years ago. You must have had a vial of that blood still. I must have missed one.” She walked steadily, unperturbed at the violence in front of her. As the Princess spoke, Valentina’s shock quickly changed to fury. “I’m sure we could have settled this a different way.”

“Settled? You condemned them to death! If we still had that blood, I could have put the whole crew back together!” The vampiress screamed, her attention off Victor and fully on Ryner. Ryner started walking away but paused.

“I suppose you could have. But that did defeat the purpose didn’t it?” She asked, considering the question. “You all were a fun distraction Valentina but my siblings were right. It was time to come back.” Ryner waved her hand dismissively, back still turned. “You can finish this right, Victor? I’ll start the paperwork for the whole mess. Try and hurry please.” With a strangled shout, Valentina pulled a blade from her boots and threw herself at the Princess.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 3 mos ago

If it's too good to be true, it usually is.

How Eris managed to forget that rule was beyond him, the blonde's amusement somewhere in the negatives. He should have noticed sooner, but considering until their slip up the phony princess played her part just as Ryner would, it was safe to say he had fallen for it hook, line, and sinker. Illusionary magic, he really should have recognized it sooner than he did, but for some reason thought the princess above such measures. No, more like they weren't worth the time--why waste her time with 'suspects' when she had somewhere else to be? Princess Ryner was aware of the on-goings and was either with the task-force pursuing the real murderer or was doing as Nox was and clearing the perimeter.

Either way, it was a sore loss.

Moving his hand, he took off his mask for a moment, brushing his hair away from his face. That chill was something else, and he couldn't say he was entirely fond of it. Still, he was a business man through and through, and even if the little favor wasn't his to claim anymore, there was still work to be done. Without explaining himself, he snatched up the inkwell on the desk and opened it up, taking a moment to dip the quill in and pulling on the opened notepad that had been neatly placed on the desk. The quill skated across the page effortlessly, the message formed in record time. He folded the paper in half, repeating the writing briefly, and once he put everything back where it was, he left the note front and center on the desk.

Now that that was taken care of, Eris was more than ready to call it a night. He was pretty sure he didn't need to ask Alderman if he was ready to do the same, but there was a tiny hitch he nearly forgot about when he looked up and saw Flower Boy. Right, the thing was probably quivering in his shoes over being tricked by magic again. Well, he wasn't alone at least.

Placing his mask over his face again, Eris leveled a look on Salem. "Well, then, we won't be inconveniencing any more princesses tonight, I'd rather not run into either of them right now. We're leaving," He stated.

As much as he wanted to leave, though, he couldn't quite abandon Flower Boy. He couldn't say it was out of compassion, maybe having another mage around just in case was good enough to ward off the chills, but leaving him there didn't sit well with him for some reason. "Are you coming or are you staying?" He asked, his voice a little lower. "I don't think heading to the noble dorms right now is a good idea. If you don't want to stay here alone, you can come to my dorm." Maxie would enjoy the new company, at least, and if he couldn't quirk up the courage to go anywhere, he could always crash on the couch or something.

Ready to turn it in for the night with @Scribe of Thoth and @Trainerblue192, though he knew this was BULLSHIT.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Interacting with: @Scribe of Thoth@Hero@Obscene Symphony

Salem stood there, fist shaking in anger at what had just transpired. This was the second time that he had been manipulated by the royals using a mage as a tool. The more he was surrounded by these royals the more he began to understand how Aaron acted. How he would survive this break surrounded by them? If it was for the strong emotion of anger and betrayal running through him he would have sighed at the thought of having to spend more time around them. Unfortunately for him, strong emotions have the tendency to affect ones magic, it's more so with primary affinities, but this may have been an exception. As he nodded towards him. "I will definitely not be staying. I appreciate the offer and would be more than delighted to take you up on that. Would you mind if I invited someone else there as well? I need to speak to someone if possible." He spoke through gritted teeth, trying to remain calm as his tattoos began to glow faintly. The roots in his mask crept further and further into the mask, small cracks beginning to form in the porcelain on the surface.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Max's head snapped to the 'princess' as she seemed to teleport away, then outright popped the fork out of his sleeve when her tone changed. If that wasn't Ryner, who the fuck was it? Apparently one of her loyalists, but if so; why the dishonesty? He didn't like this. As the illusion faded, Max flicked his wrist with a frustrated snarl, sending the fork flying to slice through the air where Ryner had 'stood' moments prior before it looped back around and clattered uselessly to the floor. The rest of the metal objects in the room rattled in tune with the toss, but didn't shift from their positions outright.

Stupid fucking Noilas, he knew this wasn't safe; he knew it! Granted, he wasn't expecting this level of magical bullshit, but he'd be prepared next time, and with more than a fucking salad fork too.

"I don't think heading to the noble dorms right now is a good idea. If you don't want to stay here alone, you can come to my dorm."

He can fucking what?!

"I will definitely not be staying. I appreciate the offer and would be more than delighted to take you up on that. Would you mind if I invited someone else there as well? I need to speak to someone if possible."

Who the fuck was he inviting? That pale girl? His whole extended family? The Retriever? This was getting out of hand, now there were two of them.

"Eric, what the fuck are you doing?" Max suddenly exploded, not even bothering to hide the fact that he was seething at this point, "First of all, I don't wanna sit in a room with Mister Makeout Session over there and whatever used goods he brings over to suck face with next," He pointed accusingly at Salem, "Secondly, Nox is apparently on the fucking warpath for us - if that wasn't a fucking lie too - so what happens if she just kicks the door down?! You gonna hide behind your mountain of hair products?"

At the end of his tirade, Max let out an aggravated groan as the metal in the room vibrated briefly again. Every fiber of his being was screaming at him to trash the place, but he knew it wouldn't do him any good. He wasn't even mad at Eris, or even Salem really, but it wasn't like he could take it out on whoever the fuck was playing mind games with them earlier. Or maybe he'd get lucky and Ryner's pet illusionist was still listening in, at least it'd make him feel a bit more vindicated.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Amaris Marivaldi

Mentions: Smol Dennis @Achronum

Stepping up to their destination at last, Amaris was able to sigh a silent breath of relief. While she hadn’t expected anything to come jumping out at them from the dark, the knowledge the pair carried with them was a heavy one. Somehow, having returned unhindered by neither criminal nor guard made the situation just a bit easier for her to handle. The countess smiled warmly at the mage as he separated from her and bowed his farewells.

I’m sorry the night had to end the way that it did, but I had a wonderful time as well. I appreciate the opportunity.” She replied with a curtsy just the slightest bit deeper than when she had met the boy back at the dance hall. At this point she couldn’t yet say that she completely trusted the boy but he was sweet and hopeful; hopeful that perhaps the Revel wouldn’t be the only night she would be allowed the comfort of casual socialization.

Do you think uh maybe we could hang out again?” The mage asked her lightly. The countess nodded her head, maintaining her warm visage despite the eyes burning holes into her from beyond.

I don’t know about your friend there, but I would certainly enjoy that.” Amaris shifted her attention from Dennis to the stiffly poised girl awaiting the boy’s return. Lifting her right arm, she offered a polite wave with little expectation of it affecting the girl’s apparent mood.

You shouldn’t keep them waiting. I’ll see you around, ok?” With a final curtsy, Amaris left Dennis to the care of his friends so that she could return to her own dorm. She doubted even the nobles would be given free passes for breaking the mandated curfew considering the circumstances, and the last thing she wanted to be dealing with was an angry Nox for failing to comply with official orders… again.

The countess walked swiftly and with purpose, quickly exiting the circuit of general dorms and setting course for the noble’s.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Cool beans, Flower Boy accepted the invitation. The vague idea of the mage owing him crossed his mind, but honestly, he just wanted to get the hell out of there. The kid looked like he was going to yell or cry or some other shit, which fine, whatever, Eris would just retire to his room and let the kid weep into one of the couch pillows. They could work out a thanks or deal or payback tomorrow, all Eris wanted to do was run a hot bath and then sleep off the mindfuck that had just happened. He wasn't a huge fan of being played and would much rather just forget the entire night happened.

Of course, where he expected maybe a smartass remark or a roll of the eyes from Wells, instead the kid exploded. He didn't know the guy could talk so much, lashing out at the two of them. Whatever patience Eris had clung to seemed to run out by the time Max finished, though he didn't miss the metallic shaking. Anastasia have mercy, he couldn't believe the kid lost his composure. Now he had to look after two children. Dragging along the mage with a thumb in his mouth and now dealing with this little tantrum lost its appeal fast, Eris seemingly searching the ceiling for a few seconds as he deliberated how to handle this.

When he finally looked back down at Max, he decided to be as upfront as possible. "Good thing this isn't about what you want," He snapped. "Get your shit together, we're going back to the dorm and you can cry in the shower or mope in your bedroom, you don't even have to look at anyone else for the rest of the night so fucking relax."

He wasn't going to give either one of them the chance to protest, his cape billowing behind him as he strode to the door. "Invite whoever you want so long as they're gone by the time tomorrow comes. Let's go, now," He barked at the pair.

Ready to turn it in for the night with @Scribe of Thoth and @Trainerblue192, though he's over this BULLSHIT.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Victor Astorio

Victor continued with his defensive posture and side stepped her advances all for the sake of buying time. He knew help had finally arrived when the ambiance of sirens and flashing lights stopped and the utter silence that came with it encroached on the two. Still, just before this girl was going to try to strike him again he heard a familiar voice.


The distraction was exactly what he was waiting for. The princess had her entire attention allowing him to step closer to Ryner to see how things played out and turned off the phone in his pocket. Slowly drawing the thick but short knife he had concealed and waited, he could tell by the way she was talking that she was going to leave this to him, and he could barely wait. All he needed was her approval for him to continue, it wasn’t long before he had it and the woman lunged at her with a knife of her own.

Normally Victor would draw out a fight like this but not this time. This Valentina had killed some of his classmates and carelessly killing mages pissed him off. If only Ryner hadn’t told him to make it quick. At least this one was enraged and not thinking maybe if she was she would have seen the flash of silver from metal glinting in the moon light in front of her, she would have felt him grab her leg and spin her around. With a second flash of silver she hit the side of another A/C unit.

He figured that in her near blood drunk and rage induced stupor that it would take the girl a few moments to realize what just happened. The first thing she might notice would be the fact that victor was still holding something in his hand, the glint of sharpened steel in the fading moon light tinged with a dark red stain that dripped to the floor. The second, was that he was holding something large in his other hand. Something that once belonged to her. Her entire right leg dangled from his hand, tendons cut with precision and practice. Then the last thing she could notice, was a hand holding a blade at his feet.

“Dismemberment is an acceptable form of capture and I do enjoy picking apart my prey.” Victor dropped her leg then picked up her knife. She began to say something or just to scream again, he will never know. As with the simple flick of his wrist, her knife impaled through her throat. “I think we have heard enough out of you today.” The sadistic side of victor was starting to show through now.

Valentina in an act of pure rage and desperation drew the blade from her through and with her remaining good limbs lunged at him with strength and furry. Yet she was still sloppy. Victor easily side stepped her thrust and in two more strikes cut off her arm at the elbow and her leg at the knee. She was but a torso with a few stumps now, in time she could regenerate, but he wasn’t going to let that happen.

“Usually I would draw a fight like this out, but she did tell me to hurry.” The girl before him still wiggled and squirmed. “My position within the council does grant me some discretion when it comes to my targets. If they are too dangerous to be left alive, I can choose to be their executioner.” He paused for a moment as he kicked her onto her back placing his boot on her chest. “Doesn’t happen very often but it can happen.” He took a moment to look to the sky and over towards were Ryner had left and sighed.

“You already showed us that you are too dangerous to be left alive. Not only for what damage you can cause against the crown, but the council as well. For that reason as well as many others I will carry out your sentence right here and right now.” He was well aware that this part wasn’t necessary or true, but he didn’t get to do it that often and always liked doing it. That and if his memories were ever looked at he had this to at least show that he tried.

“You stand accused of murder, assault, heresy, and treason. How do you plead?” the look in her eyes was all he needed to carry on, knowing full well he destroyed her vocal cords. “By the power given to me by the Crown and the council. I, Count Victor Strigois Asterio, Council headhunter holding the rank of operative, sentence you to true death by dismemberment and sunlight.” Kneeling down he placed one knee on her chest and the other on her head forcing her mouth open with one hand the large vampire took his knife and began to cut her fangs out.

“Born of blood.” Victor spoke as he tossed her fangs aside, it was an old Asterio punishment for those that disgraced the family or crown. With his good arm he began to dig his hand into her rib cage slowly breaking through cartilage and old bones. “Risen from ash.” He could feel her shriveled heart now a pool of dark and bright colors of blood surrounded them. “This is your end.” He gripped his strong hand around her heart and looked into her eyes, “you will be dust.” Ripping pulling and tearing, blood spewed from her with a gargled scream. Her heart torn out of her and crushed in the Asterio’s hand.

His one final act against her to make sure she wasn’t getting up was decapitation. The scene on top of that roof top was now one of gore and death. Pieces of vampire and pools of old and new blood scattered. There was nothing more for victor to do now, he picked up her blade and left in the same direction Ryner went. He figured at the very least he should talk to her before heading home. He could only hope that his mage wasn’t involved in this mess as well.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Interacting with: @Scribe of Thoth@Hero@Obscene Symphony

Tonight was certainly full of surprises, most notably having to agree with Aaron and now having to side with Max. He had a point as to the potential for Nox coming towards his dorm as well, it wouldnt be much safer than Salems. Honestly, it might be better if Salem asked Victor to stand guard during the night as he was probably the only vampire brutish enough to stand up to Nox, let alone take her in a fight. His eyes darted between the pair as tensions rose and Eris quickly displayed his aura of Master and Mage. He'd been fairly coy with Max up until now, seemingly tolerating the metal mages stubbornness and unwillingness to bend, but in just a moment he showed that he was like most other Vampires. When things didn't turn out their way, they showed dominance over their mage in order to take back the reigns and show who is truly in control.

Salem had seen this with his families own Vampires once or twice. It was always a frightening display that caused the room to fall silent and air to still. All friendly pretenses melted away and the kind smiles turned to still, frigid, pursed lips. For a split second Eris embodied that same dominance, and it brought Salem back to childhood, seeing a ghost of his vampires in the face of Eris. After a few seconds of silence he coughed to break it as he pulled out his phone. "Right. I'll make sure to stay around back so as to not draw attention, and so that I dont bother you sir." He sent a quick message to Aaron as he began to make his way down the dark tunnel.

"Hey, sorry it took so long to respond. It's been a...crazy night to say the least. I can't speak over message but meet me at Eris's and we can talk there. Don't tell anyone where I am, or that you've spoken to me, and try not to be seen by anyone. I'll explain it all when you get here."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Bert Macklin
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Bert Macklin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dates: September 21st - October 7th

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"We interrupt your program for an emergency broadcast. One week ago, the terrorist group known as the Red Hand launched an unprecedented attack against the students of the Noila Academy. The terrorists kidnapped Valentina Ricci, once an anti-treaty activist and known isolationist, and forced her to frenzy hours before releasing her into a campus of Reveling students. While the threat was contained quickly, six students suffered critical injuries before the vampire was apprehended: fourth year Andres Santiago, fourth year Sofia Andrich, third year Elijah White, second year Mallore Dalish, second year Isabella Smith, and first year Cassandra Roth."

As their names were called, a photo of each student flickered across the screen.

“All students were transferred to intensive care immediately following the attacks and while there has still been no official word on their condition current condition, most are expected to make a full recovery in the next few years. The students and their families have been taken into protective custody until Princess Nox confirms that these students were not selected intentionally. We go live now to the steps of the Grand Citadel where the Council and Princess Ryner have gathered to release an official statement."

The Grand Citadel loomed above the gathered reporters, the Council standing at the top of the steps looking grim. Queen Anastasia stood directly in the center, Lady Sinnenodel's proxy and Lord Astorio on the left and Lord Eve and Lord Marivaldi on her right. Princess Ryner stood at the base of the steps, the Royal Guard separating her from the crowd of reporters murmuring among themselves. The Princess held her hand up for silence and the murmuring stopped.

"Tonight, I stand here to take responsibility for a brutal and horrific attack against the innocent. In an unprecedented move, the rogue mage group known as the Red Hand tortured a vampire into animalistic instinct and directed her at a campus of unprepared and unaware mages. Thanks to the actions of Victor Astorio, Eris Samael, and countless other students, the intrusion came to the attention of both campus security and the Royal Guard who quickly and efficiently secured the campus and ended any further threats to the students. I am eternally grateful to those who stood up against this cowardly, unjust attack."

"But as quickly as the threat was subdued, six students still suffered injuries. Even one would have been too many but six students under my protection breaks my heart." Ryner paused a moment as her calm and determined demeanor fell, showing the frustration and grief. It took her a moment to blink away the tears prickling at the corner of her eyes but she got herself back under control. "We stand in our grief with the families of these students. This attack has not only hurt their child but has taken their sense of safety and peace of mind. Yhee Council has provided them with a secure location to stay together for the duration of their child's recovery but that is a far cry from the stability the families had before this. As the person who was responsible for protecting everything they've lost this past week, I beg both their and the peoples' forgiveness."

"But I will not cower in the face of my failures. If anything, my resolve has never been stronger. Never will such an atrocity occur again so long as I still walk under the starry sky. But, I do not expect you to believe me after my incompetence led to such a disaster. In the words of a dear colleague, promises are little more than the empty shell of actions. This past week, I’ve spent evenight, midnight, and morn securing additional security measures for the Noila Academy. Princess Nox is currently occupied leading the investigation but she has graciously given one of her top mages leave to retrain the campus security, review and bolster existing wards, and develop security policy that will set the standard for all mage colleges across the realm. I am personally funding these improvements both here and at other colleges; I will not rely on public funds to cover my shortcomings.” Ryner spoke with determination, making eye contact with the cameras. “Furthermore, I have decided to develop a community outreach program to help reduce the ease with which this group can recruit. I will not be doing this alone. Many of the realm’s top empaths will be assisting, including Isadora Starag and her partner Count Alder Noila. I know nothing I can do will fix what has already happened but I can ensure this will never happen again.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Dates: September 21st - October 7th

Dates: October 8th - November 4th

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