Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Chuunitrixx sighed; not in annoyance or contempt, but exhaustion -- unadulterated, pure exhaustion. Instinctively, she reached for her gun, but her hand paused. "No... you aren't worth it..." she says, looking at Mamoru's clone and Flan. "None of you are worth it.” Chuunitrixx straightened out, pocketing her hands, “Who are you to stand against the crashing tide? A kitchen wench and a glorified scullery maid? I should blow you open, scatter you across the walls; this disrespect for all I have done in the service of the Chateau, when you all fail," she trembled, angry, "But, no. I will not fall. I have never fallen. This disrespect is intolerable..."

Chuunitrixx shrugged, suddenly, as if something had changed in her. An epiphany of sorts; more to the point: the creation of apathy.

"Whatever... I'm going home..."

Taking her leave, Chuunitrixx returned to her Chapter, and pressed her hand to the elevator console -- suddenly disconnecting her Chapter without warning. Across the Chateau, Chapter 4 became the new Penultimate Chapter, as Chapters 5 and 6 were offline.

...however, Chapter 6 was still very much operational.

"Enderall," Chuunitrixx announced, "Operation: Necropolis is approved. It's time to dust off Lady Traptrixx's Sacred Treasure..."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 1 day ago

Light was happy that Graft took her joke in stride, giving one of his own at her expense. "Haha, yeah. You see so many crazy stuff when you have a staring contest with the abyss." She watched as Graft went from a bit of unsettled laughter to being super serious, scolding Salem who had managed to push Graft's buttons even if it was for Light's benefit. She watched as him and Graft had an exchange, Salem trying to get under Graft's skin a bit and telling Graft to destroy his new minion before leaving in a huff. "Huh, so thats what doll boy is like without their creator. This is so interesting, watching everyone break down without the hand in the sky directing us. I'll put my little spin on this..." Light said, waiting for Graft before she continued.

"It doesn't really matter what you do. Just do what you want to do. Thats my philosophy from now on! No more dancing on mailboxes or unfun grinds for that one obscure piece of armor that you'll never use! Although the former was kind of fun..." Light said, tapping her chin in an absent thought. "But yeah, just do what you want. If you want to follow what your creator told you to do, thats what you want to do. Want to diverge from that and become the mechanical corporate overlord of the world? go and do that! Or you know, be a dad~." Light finished, giving Graft a sassy, almost flirty pose.

After seeing what Graft did, Light continued. "But yeah, I REALLY wanna hug someone, so... How long will it take for you to make something that Rodius wont yell at me for? And can it be in bracelet form or something easily removed." Light said, getting back to a more casual pose. "Either way, I'll have to go get some gold somewhere... Know where to start? Doubt any adveterers are going to wander into the vault area anytime soon if our other comrades have anything to say about it." She asked, hoping Graft would point her in the right direction so she wouldn't wander aimlessly.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

@Xaltwind @Guess Who


@Xaltwind @Stern Algorithm

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 4 days ago

Mamoru wasn't sure how to feel at Gromgard's simple reply. Perhaps she has been thinking too much about her current situation? It is still fairly fresh on her mind. Or perhaps Gromgard is just a simpleton. But even if he was, that didn't mean Mamoru also wasn't over thinking things. Despite her strength, she sorely lacks experience, which was something she actually felt envious about now. Gromgard seems to have at least gone out of the chateau to battle enemies far and wide, and likely has learned much from his experience. Whereas Mamoru simply tailed behind her Creator, hearing only his thoughts and seeing his views. Now that she doesn't have him, she needs to see this world with her own eyes for once. It was certainly something to think about.

Soon the group would return to the Chateau with new information, prisoners, and ideas. Upon returning Mamoru made sure to inform a skeleton sentry to find Bone Daddy and send him to the ritual zone. He would be under strict orders to guard it, but also maintain subtly. She does not want any native people investigating the area for any reason. Afterwards she'd also contact her clone with a new job, though oddly enough the skeleton butlers couldn't find her. Mamoru was debating recalling her to absorb her memories, but refrained for now. The clone may be in the middle of something important, though she would send a skeleton butler to pass along the message. Eventually the two chapter lords would arrive to Rodias's personal chambers. Mamoru would knock, announce her presence, and once allowed in she would go through the formalities as needed before giving her report to Rodias.

"Lord Rodias, your humble servants have returned. The goblin painters are safe and sound, however we have confirmed that there are potential hostile forces within the nearby woods. We came across a small group of cultists who in their fervor attacked us without any chance of parley. We were easily able to defeat them and have brought three of them back for further questioning. I personally managed to extract some information from one prisoner before I allowed him to be secured by the goblin troopers. From him, I have learned that the cult follows a god by the name of Ditronius. The cultist himself comes from a town called Gronbell, which is to the southwest of the Chateau, approximately sixty miles away. This cult is fairly wide spread but at the same time low in influence, as we found no signs of a temple of place of worship, but we did find the location where they made their sacrifices. There were traces of some sort of profane magic, though I regret to say that my own knowledge of magical lore is lacking, so I have sent Bone Daddy to go to the area and study the magic circle to ascertain the magic and strength of the circle."

After giving that report, Mamoru also raised her head to hand Rodias a scroll of information that she had gathered during their short trip, as well as a rough approximate map of the area, though it only covered the parts that Mamoru herself was able to explore. "Aside from these cultist, I have also detected various natural mineral deposited, and the forest itself seems to be flourishing well with life. Most of the materials I have detected are of a fairly low quality by Yggdrasil standards, however I have also marked down various resources that resonate with an unfamiliar power. The mountain in which the Chateau sits upon is quite abundant with this mysterious resource, which I believe may be a material native only to this realm and not our own. Additionally I have found signs of beasts who do not seem like a common animal, though I was unable to find any physical evidence that would lead me to believe if they are creatures not familiar to Yggdrasil either. But it does at least show some evidence that there is more than common woodland creatures in the woods." Once Rodias receives the scroll Mamoru would lower her head once more and finish her report.

"Lastly, I would recommend that we should secure the forest around the mountain as to prevent any natives of the land from unexpectedly stumbling upon the chateau or any of our forces within it. Since we are no longer receiving supplies or resources from our usual sources, I highly recommend that we send out labor forces to begin escalation and harvesting of the local minerals in order to maintain a steady rate of production. Naturally such activity may alert nearby locals, and as such I shall defer to your decision. That is the end of my report."

Meanwhile at a nondescript location in time, the Mamoru clone listened to Flan, worried that the sweet little slime couldn't possible force Chunnitrixx to back down peacefully. Even the realm Mamoru would need to use her skills carefully if she wanted to win, and this clone had no abilities beyond her buffed stats, which alone wouldn't be able to stop the other chapter lord's full onslaught. Still Mamoru respected Flan's decision and stood by, but still ready should Chunnitrixx choose to fight. Fortunately however, Chunnitrixx backed down, trying to reclaim some pride and leave without a fuss. Once she left, Mamoru simply let out a sigh. "Honestly... First she rebuffs Lord Rodias in front of the other chapter keepers, and now she pillages your kitchen and feels offended that you choose to defend it. It is little wonder that the creators were always in tense negotiations with one another." Even though she was a clone, Mamoru still knew the many battles her creator was involved in against even the other Sable Lords. Mamoru isn't surprised at Chunnitrixx's attitude considering even their creators couldn't get along, but she did hope that without any creators to guide them, none of the Chapter Lords had any real reason to cooperate with one another, or even allow each other to exist when they could simply conqueror each other and this new world.

Which now that the clone thought of it, may be something everyone has already thought about. Even Mamoru's own draconic instincts calls for her to set out from the Chateau and take what is hers by sword. She could command the infinite undead of the Chateau to flood the world with undead soldiers, but soon Mamoru shook these thoughts aside. Dreams of conquest were just that: Dreams. She needed to focus on the task at hand. "I'm sorry that had to happen Flan. Do you need any assistance in the kitchen? I am no proper chef, but I am equipped with skills that will bolster your crafting abilities."

In another nondescript time and space, a black skeletal robot alongside with one hundred other skeletons were dancing nonstop to a snappy song, as his master had ordered him. Before he had left Butterfly's master, M177013, had left the game he had ordered Butterfly and as many other skeletal butlers nearby to dance in the Chateau's ballroom for no reason but his own amusement. Being his creation, an undead, and a robot as well, Butterfly did not question these orders at all. He in fact felt obligated to ensure that these skeletons did not disappoint his master by elevating their intelligence to allow them a greater sense of rhythm and coordination, acting less like MMD puppets and more like actual background dancers with their own life and existence, despite their undeath.

Additionally as he was only level 35, Butterfly also did not stop dancing even after Rodias had called for any chapter keeper or level 40 NPC to arrive to his hall. He figured that this was intentional, and that Butterfly must continue dancing for the entertainment of the others. He continued to do this until finally, a new skeletal butler arrived to inform Bone Daddy of his new mission. He was to go incognito to investigate and guard a profane site near the Chateau. Once more, Butterfly did not question these orders as he used a simple magic spell that transformed him from his black adamantine skelebot into a dark and hooded figure. Something that would easily camouflage themselves in a forest. With his new orders Bone Daddy would leave the Chateau and head towards the magic circle, taking note of the new location but otherwise having no real strong opinions about it. If no one told him about the Chateau's new location, than it probably wasn't that important to be concerned about.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"It's very nice to meet you, Mars," Kath replied, keeping up her polite, yet not completely formal facade. Once the adventurer had taken his leave and left the two girls to their own devices, the dragonoid would take her own leave of Ashara to perform her own bit of research. Unless the kitsune enjoyed pouring over near illegible books with her, there wouldn't be much for her to contribute with, so she was happy to hear her suggestion to separate momentarily and reconvene later.

Unable to read any of the signs that may have directed her to a library, Kath would use a combination of poking her head into stores to see if any had a large supply of books and asking for directions to find herself inside the local general store. There, the owner would be kind enough to let the girl have a look at his collection of literature and give her the chance to reveal what the purpose of the second large book she brought was. Having suspected that the difference in language would come up, she had brought a lexicon of all the various languages she had translated back in the old world of YGGDRASIL, in the hopes that she might find one similar to this region's primary language. It was no Rosetta Stone, but it was far better than starting her research from scratch.

Time would pass. Much more time than Kath would think if anyone had asked her how long she had been at her research, but even she knew it was time for a break. Significant progress had been made though, and she knew that when she left the general store finally and had a basic understanding of what the buildings around her were for based solely on the sign posts outside them. She wouldn't be writing any academic papers in this language, but she could help any possible spies Lord Rodias might send into towns and villages in passing off as any normal citizen.

Speaking of spies though, Kath couldn't shake the feeling that one was on her tail at that very moment. In the corner of her eye, she had seen them, staring at her from across the street just before someone had passed between them and allowed her pursuer to fade out of sight. Just because she couldn't see them though, didn't mean she didn't still feel their aura lingering in the area. It was quite a powerful aura as well. Possibly even as powerful as herself. If not for the safety that Ashara's presence provided, Kath would be feeling extremely cornered at the moment.

And then a voice in her head caused her to jump. She had been so focused on her surroundings, Graft's message had taken her completely by surprise. "Er, yes Graft? I don't have access to my library, but if I cannot answer your question myself, I should be able to direct you to the text you might need," Kath would reply. While she kept her polite tone, her draconic eyes would continue to search for that small, cloaked figure she had spotted earlier.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 22 min ago

When guests were over

Whoops, Graft thought. Had he said 'benefit to himself'? A slip of the tongue, of course, since his modus operandi was all for the benefit of Chateau Gothika and its residents. If Salem harbored any real understanding of his position, that implication would be crystal clear. Still, it was a minor gaffe, since getting the wrong idea was understandable and a good leader took total responsibility for clear communication. As such Graft consented to hearing Salem out, folding his arms over his planted cane to listen, despite his embarrassing misuse of irrelevant words like 'tantrum'. He did not expect to profit in this exchange of his time for the puppet's 'advice', but given the status of his fellow Chapter Keeper and creation of the Bandersnatch Lords, he could not discard the possibility of something worthwhile slipping out.

The two of them examined the Nightgaunt, readying herself to leave and train. When Salem spoke, he used hushed, serious tones. When he implied her to be Brushen Penn's favorite, however, Graft knew that his very young ally could not possibly be speaking in earnest. As if adults cared about silly things like favorites. There was successful and unsuccessful, useful and useless, debit and credit. Affection did not factor into the equation. Besides, what did Tabula have that he did not? By definition she had no ability, talent, experience, or even personality. All she had were her scars and her sex. Now, judging by the vastly-skewed ratio of female to male creations in the Chateau, the Sable Lords did seem to prefer females, but none of them played the essential role that he did. That just left Tabula's all-but-confirmed abuse at Penn's hands, and surely Salem couldn't mean that.

Graft stroked his enormous mustache, looking at Salem in a new light as the kid made senseless recommendations about Tabula's fate. Or could he? The director ran over his stockpiled information in his head. Alone, abandoned, unliving, unimportant, an item that had been thrown away, and not by circumstance, but by design Maybe any kind of attention, especially physical, counted as love in his eyes.

Graft smiled. Everyone had a weakness, be it a physical spot, a type of damage, a special spell, or even painful figments of the past. Those were fine, but they could be covered up and accounted for. Graft preferred to exploit Want. Want was a straight shot to the heart. With one's wants revealed, they could be exploited in full.

A few moments later the director watched Salem go. The mannequin had left a bomb behind, its payload far more dangerous than the secret it oh-so-kindly agreed to keep. Even Light seemed amazed by the kid's behavior. “Such curious thoughts. He thinks he knows me so well, yet he does not comprehend how utterly irreplaceable my Factory and I are.” A sinister light filled his eyes from within as he raised one hand. “Nor the depths of my control.”

He snapped his fingers, and the nearby Guards seized up. In a matter seconds they fell to pieces, their flesh neatly detaching and unraveling to leave behind neat piles of biomatter. Graft scooped one up and worked it with his claws, molding it like clay. “Nanoflesh is the ultimate asset,” he told Light. “It can create, it can consume, and it can destroy. Nothing that has partaken may defy me.” The glow faded, and he gave a chuckle. “Pardon me, you were saying something about a spin?”

Brevity was the soul of wit, and Light managed to say more in fewer words than her fellow guest had. He did feel a sense of freedom, an increased license to choose for himself how best to carry out his work. Investing in Tabula was just the start. “Corporate overlord, hm?” An amusing notion. Though a boss in his own right, Graft ultimately served the interests of the Board. Even if only one member remained, he intended to perform his duty, the very purpose for his existence. Anything else would be inexcusable. Light offered an alternative, her manner playful and alluring. Smiling, he played along. “You flatter me, dearie. To think that I, a mere inventor and businessman, would receive the attentions of such a mighty and exquisite creature.”

Of course, she got straight to business afterward, and Graft was more than happy to accompany her. “As a temporary solution I can sell you Guards or technoorganic homunculi that you may do whatever you want with. If you do not have the money now, I trust you sufficiently to allow you to pay later, albeit with slight interest.” He turned his head away, grinning in an almost bashful manner, as if the interest were some sort of inevitability that he couldn't do anything to stop and was embarrassed about. “As for something that could permit you contact with your fellows, I may be able to think of something. Like a perfect ledger, the world's balance exists so long as there are countermeasures for every measure, so just as you have an aura, there must be an effect that annuls it.”

Light's mention of gold piqued his interest, as money so often did. “So, you want to be eld-rich, do you? Well, gold must be found, earned, or taken. Deep below the earth it forms, occasionally winding up in mountainous riverbeds, at least in the old world. It can be exchanged for goods and services, or simply stolen from the less powerful. However, I despise petty theft and do not condone it.” He flashed a scowl, metal teeth locked together, as he mentioned theft. However, his earnest personality returned quickly. “If you don't want to dig in the ground, I suggest finding something that people want and giving it to them. Naturally, until we know the lay of the land, such options are off the table.”

Later on

Graft gave an amused chuckle at Kath's reaction. As knowledgeable as she was, she must have known about his Open Line skill, and that plus her typically unflappable bearing made the act of startling her fairly significant. “Pardon me, I must have taken you by surprise. Is everything going well on your expedition? I wanted to ask your help to complete the task given to me by Rodias, for which I will gladly reimburse you.” With an appeal to authority given and an offer of recompense affirmed, thereby creating a formal contract, Graft took for granted the aid of his previous coworker and continued. “I require as much information as can be gathered on the inconspicuous fauna of this world. Equivalent to the old one's rats and birds. Visual and behavioral details are the primary concern. If you and Ashara could keep an eye out and report back, I would be most appreciative.” Leaning back in his chair, he listened for Kath's reply. If today was really his lucky day, she could at least give some details right now about creatures she'd spotted to get him started, but the promise of a full report later was good enough.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ashara was slightly amused by display of familial affection. It reminded her of her own family back home at the shrine. Though, had she been a smarter lass, she might have been able to pick up on the father's not-so-subtle jab at his daughter's affection for Mars, and her in-turn rather flustered defense and denial of said affection all but conforming it. Alas, the fox was none too bright in matters such as these, and so the entire spectacle passed right above her airheaded ... head. When the smith thanked her for helping his daughter do her chores, she merely smiled and bowed politely.

"It was no trouble at all, sir." She said. Honestly though, it hadn't been any trouble. With her strength and speed, Ashara could probably have finished the entire thing faster if she'd done it alone, but she decided to not mention that since she didn't want the poor girl's efforts to be thought of as meaningless by her own father. Not even Ashara was that dense.

Still, when the pouch of money was thrown her way, and she deftly caught the small bag in the air, Ashara did something most sane people wouldn't. Rather than actually count the amount inside, she merely plucked a single coin from within the bag, then held it out to examine it in the dim, lacking light of the forge. Turning and adjusting the angle, she inspected the strange currency. It was completely different from the coins back in YGGDRASIL, of which there were only two, but both were made of gold nontheless. This... Metal, whatever it was, seemed very different, and the shape of the thing seemed to be off and irregular as well. Deciding she could neither figure out what metal the little thing was made from, nor if it was actually valuable or not, Ashara returned the coin to the pouch and tied the whole thing to the side of her sash. She then gracefully bowed - deeper this time - in response.

"You are most generous, you have my thanks, good sir." Of course, for all Ashara knew, this money could be fraudulent and the man was merely playing a trick on, or taking advantage of, her good will. It really didn't matter though, whether he was earnest or not would be provne once she returned to the Chateau, and thereafter the interactions with the villagers could be discussed, and what actions to take against them decided on later.

Still, there was a certain something tha Ashara couldn't help but shake. The metal ore they had brought, this Amberyte, seemed to be something quite special. And judging from how Corona had sung its praises, it might even be quite valuable. Not to mention, the fox was certain that Graft would cry metaphorical tears of joy if he was given a brand new resource with which to indulge his Factory. As such, there was only one thing left to do!

"Pardon me for asking." She began, calm and serene as alwys. "Would you mind parting with a small bit of this Amberyte ore?" She asked politely. "If you wish, I could use the payment you just gave me to buy a small lump, if you desire compensation." She paused, before adding. "If the money I received is enough to do so, of course." Ashara smiled sweetly. "I have never seen mketal quite like this, and would love to bring some as a memento of my visit to your village. After all, my friend and I sadly cannot stay for long." She explained, without going into details, just as Lord Rodias had instructed! Oh, she was doing good, yes indeed! Surely she would earn her lord's praise after this mission was done an-

... Huh?

Ashara's face shifted. No longer smiling, her eyes turned sharp and serious. She looked over her shoulder, towards the door and window of the smithy. There was an unpleasant feeling... A presence, a strong one at that, which was not familiar to her. It was not the aura or energy of someone from the Chateau, but it was nontheless powerful and - more alarmingly - on the same level as the Chapter Keepers. Though it only lasted for a short few moments, the uneasiness did not leave Ashara and she worried for her companion. After all, she had sworn to protect Lady Kath to the best of her abilities, and that was what she was going to do.

"Excuse me." She said, turning back to the father and daughter. "I need to check on my friend." Ashara said, rather abruptly for her, giving only a slight bow before leaving through the door, the bells around her ankles jinglign contineously as she moved at a quick pace.

Locating Kath was not difficult. For one, Ashara's superior senses of smell and hearing made it rather easy to pick on where the Librarian was. Furthemore more, her ability to sense the spiritual essence and distinguish between familiar auras and unfamiliar ones made it even easier to pinpoint where she was. Moving through the villge at a brisk pace, she weaved and flowed past the villagers and peasants taht either got in her way or moved too slowly and needed to be circumvented. It took less than a minute before she found her ally, now busy with hispering to herself...

"Milady Kath." She announced, concern on her face and worry in her eyes. "Are you alright?" She asked in earnest. "I felt something unfamiliar but powerful just now, so I came back to make sure you were unharmed." The fox-girl stated, looking at and examining her friend form different angles. Glad to see that she had no injuries or visible signs of being attacked, Ashara let out a sigh of relief... Before asking. "Pardon me but... Why are you whispering to yourself out here?" Sge tilted her head, looking at Kath with a quizzical expression.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Hunt for Answers

They found their prey a little way out into the snowy plains where it had hunkered down in the snow, presumably to digest the tree it had devoured earlier. Its camouflage made it look like a small snowed over mound, or perhaps a large rock but this did not help it hide from the hunting party thanks to Kaldora’s aerial reconnaissance and the hunter’s own ranger and beast hunting skills. The party road in a wide disparate line as they approached, with Kaldorna and Zouyu able to be found off to the right while Arthanar rode in the center and leveled his musket at the monster.

”Even if it is as high level as Rodias it shouldn’t be too much trouble.” Kaldora replied confidently to Zouyu’s concerns as Arthanar’s shot rang out and the beast rose from its resting spot to charge the hunting party with an impressive degree of speed. ”This is our specialty after all.”

“[Evasive Action]!” Arthanar called out as the beast began to charge him and the center of the hunter’s line. He pointed down at the ground as he yelled, causing a faint pulse of green energy burst along the ground around him in a circle, buffing the Hunt’s captain and those around him with increased movement speed and agility. The loose formation the Hunters had adopted immediately came into play as those on the side of the formation spurred their dark unicorn mounts into a flanking action, circling to either side of the beast as it powered its way towards the scattering center. As the wings of the battle line fanned out dozens of oversized muskets were raised and aimed at the beast before crack of gunpowder and calls of “[Crippling shot]” rang out, causing hot lead to stab into the joints of the monster’s hind limbs.

Though the damage was minimal the shots sapped the strength of the beast temporarily, making its charge falter. As it did the hunters it had been careening towards dissipated, hunters dashing away and to the sides of its path of destruction, Arthanar’s skill letting them evade the monster with ease for a short while.

”Let’s go! We’re harassing it first.” Kaldora instructed Zouyu before spurring her own mount to race along after the right flank and calling out ”[Drive Beasts]!” to buff the speed of the hunting hounds and the hulking Smogticore in a larger and more manner than Arthanar had the mounted hunters. The hunting pack followed after the mounted Vampires, the Skinkhounds for the moment doing little else but barking at the great beast to intimidate it while the tamers leading them bided their time.

The House sized beast, still utterly enraged, charged the closest group of hunters as soon as they opened fire on it with standard shots from their muskets, their shots hammered into the monsters thick hide, leaving a dozen small bleeding wounds. It seemed like paltry damage compared to what would be inflicted upon them should the beast’s rampaging charge reach them. But reach them the beast did not. Once again green energy pulsed among those imperiled, boosting their speed and evasion, as Arthanar pointed at them and [Evasive Action]. Simultaneously a volley of [crippling shot]s from the other hunters once again slowed the beast to aid in their fellow’s escape.

This cycle would repeat several times over, with a clump of hunters forming and shooting to draw the beast in, only for them to scatter as Arthanar buffed them and the hunters behind the beast targeted its legs to stop it from catching them. This tactic gave Kaldora plenty of time to talk to Zouyu about Rodius’s battle back at the Beast Pens as the pair rode/ran around the outskirts of the hunters’ circular skirmishing formation.

”To reply to your previous question, Yes, I did indeed watch our young master’s battle in my arena, where he fought every Level 70 beast we had all at once!” she told him, before giving a quick recounting of how the match had gone. ”Quite the breathtaking style of combat, even if it was a tad slow to get the job done. I could feel my heart in my mouth every time he gracefully avoided death, and I could feel it break every time he acted in sync with comrades who are no longer with us.” she said before pausing as she recalled how Rodius’s fighting style had repeatedly left openings for his absent allies to exploit. The purpose he had given them had let her avoid thinking about how the other lords were gone but now that that fact had reared its ugly head again in her mind she could not help but see the gap in their own fighting style clear as day, the place where their sire should have been leading the charge.

She was broken out of her mournful reprieve by Arthanar‘s shouting “Kaldora. I’m runnin low!” from somewhere down the line. She knew instantly what he meant. The tactic they had been using had been slowly chipping away at the constitution of the beast, which now had dozens of minor wounds perforating its body, but it was reliant on Arthanar’s skill to keep the hunters out of its grasp. Now however he was running out of mana and so it was time to engage the second part of the plan.

”Ah, it seems we’re up. Thank you for your patience Darling. Go as wild as you wish, just be sure not to break it completely, as we do need it in one piece in order to capture it in the end.” she told the weretiger, before also unleashing her Smogticore on the beast with a cry of ”Nightshade, [Attack]!”

Though it was only a fifth of the size of the mighty tusked monster Nightshade the Smogticore charged it fearlessly with a roar at the behest of Kaldora’s skill, clouds of thick purple smoke streaming behind its head and neck like a lion's mane as it ran. The pachyderm, finally presented with a target for its ire that was doing the exact opposite of running away, counter charged, its hooves thundering across the plains as it bore down on the predator. Right as the two where about to clash Kaldora cried out ”[Dodge],” causing Nightshade to lunge to the side at the last moment with supernatural speed and narrowly avoid being trampled. The thick plumes of gas streaking after it collided with the pachyderm instead, stinging its eyes and choking its lungs while the Smogticore‘s tail lunged out, the toxic green stinger on the end raking the herbivore's side as the two passed one another.

As the Smogticore skidded to a halt behind the best and roared a taunt the pachyderm, bleeding, poisoned and temporarily blind, charged on heedless if the predator's challenge. Right towards Kaldora and Zouyu.

”Oh dear.” Kaldora commented as she urged her mount to evade the beast bore down on them ”This isn’t quite what was supposed to happen”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Collab with @The Irish Tree

After shaking off the understandable mortification of Rodias coming across her laying eggs and their very long talk, a very exhausted Chuunitrixx was snoozing around the small, nested clutch; the quartet of eggs well-guarded by the encirclement of her arms and legs, met at elbow and knee, and warmed by her own body heat, blankets, and her jacket that covered them. Around her, Expedition Team Alpha's Survivors of the Apocalypse were gathered, and watching their Hivequeen sleep; be it out of an instinctive need to be her guardians or an abject curiosity to meet their new Overlords -- their aunts and/or uncles, to be more specific. Chuunitrixx had only laid one egg in all their known years; the city-sprawling Mimic that was Enderall, their mother. As such, a new egg -- even more so, four new eggs -- was something of spectacle that they could only fully appreciate in this New World.

They conversed between each other; all wondering what their new additions would be like, if their Hivequeen would lay more eggs, and other manner of logical thoughts they'd never had the faculties to dwell on. As the Expedition Team of Chateau Gothika, this was fair practice for their assembling skills and forward-thinking; it helped that their [Barbarian] and [Assassin] Classes had been replaced with the more adaptable [Adventurer] and [Organizer] Classes, respectively, so they weren't focused on strict combat, but many things. They were the only ones, so far, but Chuunitrixx had imbued Enderall with the Racial of [Alexander] to change herself and all things of her freely, so, perhaps, there would come to be more of them.

They were sure that the new Mimics in the eggs would have the Racial of [Alexander], as well, or something that would function on the same level. It was a mystery that agonized them, but they had their own tasks to fulfill, and started to organize Survivors of in groups that would comprise end that each Settlement was comprised of three Concreep Mixers, ten Sentries, thirty-six Template Survivors of the Apocalypse, and the egg that would hatch into its intended leader for a total of fifty units -- the agreed upon measure that Rodias permitted. After that, they set to raiding Kath's Library for supplementary knowledge.

Chuunitrixx had left explicit instructions to gather tomes with anything that pertains the Classes of [Warrior], [Ranger], [Sorcerer], [Wizard], and [Alchemist]. Each Settlement was going to have an explicit focus, which she would decide when she awoke; the tomes would stand as building blocks and guidelines for her children to follow, once she sent them out into the world with them. Surely, Kath would understand the greater good that losing an armful of books would gain the Chateau. Knowledge secured, the Alpha Survivors returned to Chuunitrixx's Chapter... without even checking out a single book properly.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"Yes, things seem to be going fine so far." As if completely forgetting about the possibly hostile presence nearby, Kath would become excited and begin a very long winded reply to Graft. "Ah, I actually just so happen to have been taking notes on the various flora and fauna that me and Ashara have seen while making our trek here," she began, taking the large book out from under arm and opening it to the first page. "Since you specifically asked for fauna though, I'll just skip over the entries on plantlife that I made note of. The first animal I spotted was a small rabbit which crossed our path on the mountain. It looked to be about two and half pounds or one point thirteen kilograms. Lengthwise, it appeared to be about fifteen inches or thirty eight point one centimeters long. It's fur was red-brown in color, with a white underside. Just like the rabbits of our world, it had the typical large hind feet, long ears, and short, fluffy white tail we would expect to see. Once we were spotted, it took off at what I would estimate to be a eighteen mile per hour sprint or twenty-nine kilometers an hour."

This in-depth description would continue for quite some time before she moved on to the next animal she had spotted: yet another rabbit. Next would be a description of a goat she had spotted, standing upon the edge of a far off cliff. Thanks to its distance, her report was far less detailed, though she made sure to still include what she could see. When Graft inevitably told her he had heard enough, she would happily offer to lend him her book to read for himself once she had returned, so he could skim through the unimportant details and also see the sketches she had made.

That would be when Kath's ever protective, and evidently very necessary, traveling companion would return to her. "Ah yes, Sir Graft's Open Line caused our little stalker's presence to slip my mind. They've definitely been keeping an eye on me, though they haven't made any attempt at an assault on my person yet," she told Ashara, both explaining away her strange whispering and easing her mind to the hostile presence's unhostile action taken so far.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ashara was relieved to hear that her superior was unharmed and, apparently, unphazed by the sudden appearance of a strong presence that rivaled their own power. Most averagely observant people however, would likely have picked up on Kath's comment about the stalker being little, ergo, Kath had actually seen who the aura belonged to. Unfortunately, as Ashara was neither particular observant, nor prone to prying or prodding her peers for information, this valuable aseet of intel was going to go to waste, for now.

"That is good to hear. When I noticed the aura, I was worried it might have been something hostile that was targetting you while I was away. My apologies, milady, I will try not to stray too far from your side in the future." Ashara apologized, bowing her head and looking both concerned and upset.

After all, Kath was more than just her travelling companion, she was the irreplacable librarian and CHapter Keeper who held the knowledge of over a thousand tomes! If something were to happen to her, much more so while under Ashara's supposed protection, the fox could only imagine the consequences of her negligience. This was, after all, very different from her past duties of simply patrolling the halls of the chateau. Where once she could leisurely stroll, at her own pace, and only interfere when necessary, this duty wass far more hands-on, and required far more paying attention... Something that sadly wasn't the forte of the spirit fox. Luckily, for the time being, Kath was unharmed and well, which at least was a comfort in the department of concerns.

Still though, first Lady Chuunitrixx singing and now Lord Graft's distracting head-messaging? It seemed their allies back at the castle had no intention of simply letting them go about doing their mission without interference or distractions. The raven-haired beauty sighed. She also made it a point when doing her work back in the day, to stay out of the way of the Chapter Keepers' and their minions' way while working. She never interupted or made a huge scene to garner attention or any such... So why was it that the rest of them were so uncouth and incapable of showing restraint? Really, they had no manners at all!

With a bit of inner monologuing to herself done, Ashara turned back to Kath, speaking in a lower tone, in case prying ears were trying to listen in on the two pretty ladies and their private conversation.

"Milady, if I may suggest something. I believe we should begin our withdrawal and return to the Chateau." She said, calm but serious. "I do not believe we will learn much more by lingering here. I have watched, talked to and observed the locals here, and I believe there is little more we can gain by staying here longer... Unless there is something you yourself have uncovered?, milady? " Ashara stated and asked, tilting her head sideways to emphasize her query. "If not, we should avoid inviting the owner of that presence to catch us off-guard again, and leave before they actually try something foolish." She finished, looking over her shoulder before straightening her posture a bit.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

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Light listened to Graft talk, laughing at his pun play. "I guess so!" Listening to him talk about where to find gold, she shrugged and scratched her head. "Alright then..." With a wave, Light ripped the air next to her open and popped into one of her portals, leaving Graft to his devices.

"Hm.... Who would know the best place to get money... oh thata right!" Light muttered to herself as she wandered the Chateu, thinking to herself until she remembered that a few of the lords had gone down to the village. They had a grasp of the land below, maybe they would know where to get some loot? Playfully skipping, Light wandered the chateu a bit more until she found out that the scouting party had returned, prisoners in hand.

After popping in and out of a few of her portals, eventually Light figured out where Mamoru and Gromgard were as they reported everything to the boss man. With a quick 'pop', Light listened in for a bit before stepping into the room, only catching the tail end of the report. "Hi guys!" Light said, waving to everyone as they were rounding up. "Need help with something? Apparently I need gold to pay Graft to make me stuff, do you guys know where any might be?" Light said, approaching Mamoru and Gromgard, but refraining from hugging them. The same twitchy motion that Graft saw could be seen with her arms and hands, as she restrained herself, although barely. "Oh, and how did the town thing go? Hope they're friendly!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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@Xaltwind @Guess Who


@Xaltwind @Stern Algorithm

@Lucius Cypher@Rockin Strings@Archmage MC

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@The Irish Tree, @Stern Algorithm

As power once again began to flow through the proverbial veins of the Chamber of Imaginary Numbers, the floor began to awaken - rather quickly in fact. From having been noething more than a silent tomb colored a deep, dark and dim blue, things were now changing at a rapid pace. The four lesser orbs that loomed above the main dais sparked and crackled as they came to life again, bristling and sending arcs of their violet energy wildly around themselves, as if overjoyed to once again be active. The great big sphere at the center of the room began to hum softly, as it too began to recover its glow and modest, limited radiance. The walls began to send numberous small packets and surges of energy along its numerous paths, and the runes and glyphs came to brim and pulse with their luminence once more.

As Rodias reactivated the golems, the sound of groaning metal could be heard throughout the floor, followed by heavy thumping steps. The servitors and caretakers of the floor's day-to-day needs were again active, and as if nothing had ever stopped them, began to resume their duties at once, without fail or confusion. Then again, the golems of this floor were not but mindless machines, set to perform their tasks and obligations regardless of circumstance. As they began to move and work however, Rodias and the Many-Heads-of-Salem would be privvy to watching the magnificent revival of the blue aurora borealis that was the ceiling of the COIN, and one of Ivonbraids' personal favorite aspects of the area - he was very proud of it.

As life returned to the chamber that had been asleep for so many years, the main event was nontheless the revival of the Chapter keeper herself. The casket that safely housed her petite, but well-endowed, frame began to hiss and rumble. The protective, translucent shell around it began to withdraw, sounding somewhat similar to a heavy industrial door opening automatically. As Rodias held and supported the tiny automaton girl, he would be the first to witness her slowly opening eyes, one green as an emerald and the other similar, but with thick, amber-like discoloration close to the iris. Her expression remained the same however, a calm, peaceful, yet also neutral and somewhat indifferent look to her face. She blinked once. Then twice. Then her mouth moved, and the soft voice, that spoke in a slightly monotone and mechanical way, made itself heard for the first time in over half a decade.

"Start-up sequence, initialized. Success. Unit online. Updating. Error. Considerable time-lapse detected, attempting to re-align systems. Failure. Switching to autonomous mode. Success. Adjusting settings for movement and daily functionality. Success. Unit: Isolde Theta-Arondight-9 has successfully reactivated. Commence operations."

Her first words were more like that of a computer's OS when just booted up. Though, given her nature as a machine-based lifeform, perhaps it wasn't too strange. Once this initial tidbit was out of the way however, Isolde sat up, looked around her surroundings, then landed her gaze once on the floating doll heads, then moving to look Rodias straight in the eyes.

"Observation. You're not Creator Ivonbraids." The girl stated bluntly to the gentleman who had helped hold her up as she was wakening. "Aarmed. Chastity may have been jeopardized during prolonged inactivity. Concerned. Did you do something shameful to this unity while it was asleep?" Apparently, somebody had taught this little lady about creeps who went about and violated coma-vitims, or something of the sort, given her immediate distrust and labelling of the Salbe Lord as a possible pervert. Also, even though she said she was alarmed and concerned, her face and tone of voice did not change - not one in the slightest.

Before Rodias even had a chance to respond however, a whirring noise could suddenly be heard. And slowly but surely, rising from the dais just behind Isolde's own casket, ten glass-like pillars began to rise out of the floor. They looked similar to big test-tubes or the type of full-body medical tanks you saw in sci-fi movies and media. Inside each tube however, was a figure. Each looking identical to the next. Each wearing a bodysuit, and a very stylish visor-like headgear. Furthemore, they all very much resembled Isolde, albeit without her braid or lavish clothes. With hissing sounds and small jets of steam shooting out of the sides of each tank, their respective doors slid open and stepping out from within these oversized preservation tubes, the ten members of the ESPER Wings emerged.

Standing side by side, silently glaring at Rodias and Salem's medium, the many visors lit up with a deep, bright red light, which was rather unsettling. Either they were planning to attack, or they were simply judging the visitors - harshly - after the comment made by their Keeper. Speaking of, Isolde had by this time climbed out of her pod and was standing next to the Sable Lord, a veritable dwarf in height when compared to the much taller man. The stasis casket, on the other hand, slowly began to descend back down into the dais, before being gone completely. The ten tanks of the ESPERs also sank back into the ground. The only things remaining atop the elevated plateau now, were Rodias, Salem's many heads, the ten Aerial Aces of the Chateau, a suspiscious Isolde and the large, humming COIN Sphere.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 22 min ago

Like clockwork, Kath took Graft's prompt and let loose the floodgates. At once she began a nonstop torrent of description, relaying every pertinent detail and an abundance of irrelevant ones. If the rabbit she described typically inhabited wild areas, any facsimiles endowed with Salem's eyes would be out of place in a civilized setting, thereby being useless for the Director's purpose and good for little more than biomass. Admittedly Graft needed a lot of it for everything he had in mind, but in business efficiency was everything. No point in taking pains chasing after little rewards when better resources could be found elsewhere. So Graft attempted to steer the conversation toward fauna Kath might have spotted while in the village, creatures equivalent to the rats, pigeons, and other such tolerated vermin of Yggdrasil. It took the patient, dedicated effort of redirecting a raging river, but he managed to get her on track. After a few more minutes it seemed to Graft that the stream of information had devolved to more of a circular whirlpool, going nowhere and devouring his time, so he chose to cut it off. “Alright, that should suffice. Thank you for your cooperation.” He paused for a moment to hear her offer, smiling. “Ah, I would greatly appreciate that. Have a pleasant journey. Farewell.”

Going quiet, he made to dispel the Open Line, but on a spur of the moment impulse decided to leave it open. Almost immediately he heard the recognizable voice of Ashara. From the exchange that followed between her and Kath, he garnered that there had been some sort of unwelcome presence about. The way they talked about it, specifically its aura, made it seem significant. To hear uncertainty and a little alarm in the tones of beings whose strength rivaled Graft's own was disconcerting. “Such power not only exists here, but reared its head so soon after our arrival?” he murmured to himself, his end of the Open Line muted. His duty to ensure the success and safety of Chateau Gothika demanded that he treat any potential threat with utmost seriousness, and this event kickstarted an explosion of possibilities in his mind. It could be that the region the Chateau appeared in was under the watch of some sort of authority, and that already eyes and ears hastened the guild's way to gather information about the intruding anomaly.

An unlikely possibility, to be sure, but Graft could not afford to brush it aside. As one of if not the most intelligent denizens of the Chateau he harbored a responsibility to explore possibilities that others couldn't so much as dream of. That was what it meant to be the Director. The Overseer of Operations. He should be the one standing at Rodias' right-hand, not that trigger-happy flibbertigibbet.

Of course, to prove it he needed results. Until now, he'd been tinkering and experimenting out of his own passion, filling time while he waited for the data he needed to accomplish the task given to him. But now he felt fire flooding through his veins, the drive to achieve a higher station and be able to accomplish more. The drive to be recognized, appreciated, and rewarded. Graft bent to his work, and his genius began to flow.

The machine of industry whirred to life once again. Graft barked orders as he labored at his table. His manufactories received new schematics and configurations, groaning and grinding into action, and deliveries started to pile up at his tableside. He sank deeply into his table's interface, moving its myriad arms as extensions of his body. Filaments and pincers smaller than a grain of rice manipulated flesh and technology on a minute level. Tissue and bone, muscle and nerve. Artery, organ, tooth, and claw. Circuit, diode, coil, transistor. He pulled apart, stitched together, and made new. A picture lay in his mind, clear as day, and like the sculptor freeing his vision from the block of stone he worked steadily to bring what he imagined into reality. Graft was in the zone. When speech came through the Open Line attached to Kath, he listened without breaking his focus.

All the while, his dutiful guards patrolled the Chateau's entrance and the various floors, watching in eerie silence. They knew not to delve too deeply into Enderall, but what little they saw they stored neatly away.

At last, Graft pulled his claws free from the table. They gave resistance, shlorping wetly as he pried free of the connecting neuron-filled tendons that had sunk into his nanoflesh and joined him to the table to make one organism. He sighed in contentment, looking out over the smorgasbord he'd created. An Open Line connected him to his assistant. “Papillary, bring me some food and water. Prepare to show me what you've achieved with Tabula.”

A few minutes later her assistant found him reclining at his desk in his office. She approached quickly, placing the trey on his desk. Behind her, following her like a shadow, was the nightgaunt. Something seemed different about her. As he picked up and bit into his sandwich, trying not to accidentally catch mustache-hairs in his mouth in his hunger, Graft affixed her with the gaze of his mask's special lenses. Just one of his many achievements, it sported updated firmware able to run diagnostics like his operating table, taking stock of a target's attributes to return fairly accurate approximations of level, HP, and MP. With more testing and fine-tuning it could improve a lot, but he knew that a better option would be to procure enchantments from Oz. A visit to her domain occupied a lofty position on his massive mental life of things to do.

Then again, why go in person? He held up a finger to his visitors to tell them to hold on, swallowed his sandwich, then created an Open Line to Oz. “Hello? Hello? Oz? This is Director Graft. I'd like to place an order. Two glass lenses, an inch and a half in diameter, both enchanted. The enchantments I desire are Life Essence, Mana Essence, and Statistic Essence. We can discuss compensation at your leisure. I will send a Supervisor to pick up the items once they are ready.” A few moments later the Line went out, and Graft turned his attention to the others.

Even without the reliability of magic made for the purpose, he could get a pretty good idea of Tabula's status. Data from the mask flowed through his skin and into his mind, allowing him to guess her growth. Ten levels, he concluded, frankly amazed. Her health and mana had increased substantially. Of course, he'd enhanced her growth rate, and his setup for giving her experience was basically cheating—a higher-level Guard with its mental state switched to hostile but its body physically inhibited so that it couldn't fight back made for easy and bountiful experience. But this was a revelation. It was possible for those other than Supreme Beings to grow like they did. Entities not born, but made.

He rose and approached her, feeling her arms. Where before there had been nothing, he could tell there now existed some muscle, and his knowledge of biology told him which it was. Not the lean sort that lent itself to Dexterity, but the thicker sort indicative of Strength. “What weapon did you give her?” he asked Papillary.

“Um!” the assistant bubbled. “We didn't have any melee weapons lying around, and she couldn't figure out how to use one of the Guard's guns, so I gave her one of their gas tanks.”

“I see. Was there any change to her behavior?”

Papillary nodded. “She started out completely blank, just mindlessly doing what she was told. However, as she kept smashing Guards, she...well, got more into it. Enthusiastic, even.”

Graft thought about that. It explained the subtle differences in Tabula's manner from her arrival. When he touched her, she had jerked a way a little, as if angry. “Of course. Starting with a blank slate, her character is molded by her experience. If violence is all she knows, violence is who she is. If her opponents do not resist, she will acquire a taste for beating on the helpless.” Now that would be ironic. Graft started rethinking his strategy. He did not want to make her into a killing machine. A far more impressive and revolutionary achievement would be to cultivate a sophisticated, intelligent individual. He considered what role she could play in the Factory, and the Chateau. A dark knight, maybe? A lady berserker? An elegant assassin? A malignant caster?

An idea came to him, and he knew in an instant it was the right one. Ambitious, risky, maybe impossible. But all the more glorious for it. If he could do this, he could do anything.

Graft thought about how to approach Tabula. She stood before him, tired and sore, addled into agitation by combat, maybe resentful. She stood at a fork in the road, and he needed to guide her the right way. What would Rodias do? Well, he could guess. Graft stepped forward, put his arms out, and pulled the woman into a close embrace.

“Please forgive me,” he said. “I thought that I could just build you up, not thinking about how it would affect you. You will not turn out the same as your creator. Not lonesome, spiteful, distant, and brutal. Instead you will be righteous. Strong, but deliberate, and kind to allies, working for the good of the guild. A Paladin, and then a Bishop. We will train you in Faith in addition to Strength from now on, and in less cruel ways. It will be tough, but it won't be suffering, and it will be worth it. You will soar on those black wings of yours.”

Tabula was confused. It was an information overload. But she felt Graft's warmth, and his intentions. With nothing to go on but his actions, she chose to squeeze him back. Pleased Graft let her go and stepped back, hurrying to make preparations for his grand presentation. Papillary, wrestling with feelings of jealousy, asked him, “Sir, if we're going to train her in Faith as a Paladin, won't she need some god to believe in?”

“Of course!” Graft exclaimed. He extended a single claw, pointing upward. “She will worship the same god I do, the one true deity that governs all, orchestrating the movements of nations, forcing hands and filling minds to the point of obsession.” An unsettling, wide grin dominated his features. “Profit!”

He then hurried to make the last of the preparations. “Tabula, drop by the lab,” he said at one point. “I made something for you in particular. The first and only of its kind. An easy task by my standards, but anything is more presentable than what you have on. I hope you enjoy it.”

One last task awaited Graft before departure. A number of Guards had assembled in front of his lab. Standing before them, he extended his tentacles to plug into their skulls. For a technoorganism, memories were ultimately mere fluctuations in the brain, data that could be accessed if housed in the right medium. In a matter of moments he assimilated the visual and auditory data accumulated during their patrols, adding their memories to his own. "Interesting." Over the course of the trip, Graft mulled it over.

Some time later, after Rodias had awoken from his night's repose and found a Guard at his door requesting a meeting, the doors to the Final Chapter opened wide. In marched Director Graft, flanked on either side by Papillary and Tabula. Behind him marched three ranks of Guards, all of them carrying something, with a few of them working together to carry larger items. Rubbery veils covered them all, keeping the various items hidden from view.

After nearing Rodias, Graft and his aides knelt. “Good day to you, sir,” he said. “I am pleased to say that after many hours' slavish work in my laboratory through the night, I have accomplished not just your task, but a number of other things besides. It was obvious to me that the assignment you gave me, so simple and mundane, was really a test to see how far above and beyond I could push myself. Just the sort of thing one might expect from a true overlord. I can only hope that I met your expectations.” Head bowed, he gestured at the Guards behind him. “I have for you an array of prototypes, projects, and proposals, awaiting your inspection and approval. Shall I begin the presentation?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rockin Strings
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Rockin Strings Mechanically intelligent, musically inclined.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gromgard nodded at Mamoru. "She's done most of the work so far." he said, reaching to pat her shoulder. "She's much smarter and stronger than she looks." He was truly proud of the work they did together, though knew he didn't do nearly as much as she did... yet...

Not long after that, Light walked in. Rodias ended up giving each of them some gold, which Gromgard was grateful for, before asking about some paintings for the chateau. "I'm sure they would love to paint something for you." Gromgard smiled in reply before bowing and taking his leave.

He made a quick stop by the large room where they were called to before their quests. He left the map the artists had made on their way back to the chateau on the table with his own message. Important Area: Cultist Activity

He then returned to his quarters. He first thought about going to bed but he wasn't tired. He decided to stop by Penn and Shill to tell them about Rodais' request and to give them their gold. The pair was all too happy to make art for the chateau. While thinking of it, Gromgard grabbed the painting he'd stashed earlier to return to the artists.

He then went into his torture room. "Glad to see you're awake." he smirked, grabbing a whip. "I know one of you have already told my companion some information but you have more you can tell us. You saw how I dealt with your companions. We can do this the easy way or the hard way." He cracked the whip in the air before looking at the three captured cultists. "If what you tell me is valuable enough, you might gain your freedom." He laughed evilly before aiming to whip each of them across their chests.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

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Light gave Rodius an "ok boss" motion as she put the gold she was given into her pocket space. "Wasn't expecting gold fromt he boss, but I'll take it." Light said, shrugging a bit to herself as she left Rodius's chamber and went to where the cultists were being held. Since she didn't know the layout of the chateu too well, she didn't find them until after Gromgard had started whipping them.

Once she foudnt the room she popped her head inside the room. "Helloooo everyone!" she said before observing what was going on. Gromgard whipping the prisoners gave Light an idea, and acting as if she was appaled by what he was doing, she grabbed the whip from Gromgard and chastised him. "No no no! We can be nicer than that!" Of course this whole time her insanity aura was flaring up, affecting the cultists far more than Gromgard.

Turning to them, the tip of Gromgard's whip in one of her hands, she said. "What this guy meant was... Tell us stuff about the area and everything. Even public knowledge works!" As Light said this, the affects of her aura would cause the tied up cultists to hear barely audible, but loud whispers. Releasing Gromgard's whip, she moved up to one of them and gave him a one armed hug, smooshing his face into her chest. "Its either whips or looots of fuuun~, maybe both if your into that sorta thing. Just tell us stuff like, whats nearby, how does time work, what is your favorite flavor, whos your deity, any guilds around, the king's name... you know, easy stuff~." Light would leave Gromgard to interrogate one the way he wanted to at this point, as she was having fun with her cultist.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

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Salem Vicarious, Lord of Lost Things

@The Irish Tree @Xaltwind

Salem's doll heads gleefully watched Rodias work while Salem's body was making its way from the first Chapter to the last. Salem had an idea what the secret words were to unlock the Chapter, having been Dr.Drd's closest confidante, but figured they'd at least watch the Sable Lord Lord struggle in the time it took Salem to reach the Chamber of Imaginary Numbers. Much to Salem's chagrin, Rodias successfully cracked the code, which meant that not only was Salem's entertainment spoiled, but it also implied that Rodias knew Dr.Drd well enough to guess the secret word. Dr.Drd often vocally complained about his peers to Salem, so Salem had assumed that Dr.Drd wasn't particularly close with any of them. To add insult to injury, Rodias referred to the Fifth Chapter's Keeper as Salem's stepsister.

Salem arrived in the Chamber while it was in the middle of booting up, floating over towards Rodias as the heads returned to the City of Lost Things to join Salem's collection of body parts. Upon Isolde's awakening, Salem felt some relief that the first name Isolde called out for was her own creator rather than Dr.Drd; it implied that Dr.Drd had not worked extensively nor taken a great deal of ownership in this side project.

Seeing the potentially sticky situation that might occur, Salem decided to step in, "Where are you manners? This is Rodias, the last remaining Sable Lord. Your creator has abandoned you like the rest of our creators have abandoned the rest of us. Only Lord Rodias remains to watch over the Chateau. As your fellow Chapter Keeper, I can vouch that between the time that your casket opened until now, Lord Rodias has done nothing to you, though as a Sable Lord, he would be well within his rights to do whatever he wished." Salem wanted to see how Isolde would react to the news of abandonment as well as suddenly being the property of another Creator.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

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Before he had even received the opportunity to be rid of his robes and finish his coffee, Rodias quickly found himself in an audience with Graft, the sight of the Sable Lord in his sleep wear no doubt proving odd, but with a snap of his fingers Rodias’ very shadow swept across his being as a spiral, trading cloth for cloth as he fully changed his clothes while barely moving a muscle. Displaying no response to it outwardly, Rodias would think: ”Thank god...thought I was going to have to have a meeting while hiding my morning wood.” MMO armor thankfully was pretty good at hiding genitalia.

Standing with a dramatic wind blowing his cape behind him, Rodias would carefully examine the hidden outlines of the items that Graft’s factory had completed, smiling in satisfaction as he said: ”Efficient as always Graft. I-...Wait, who are you?” as he turned to Tabula. Poise gave way to pure confusion, cape twisting into a question mark behind him as he observed Tabula from all angles, walking in a circle around her. Looking to Graft, Rodias would ask: ”Is she one of your employees, Graft?”

Aware of Tabula’s discomfort and confusion, Graft smiled. “That is correct, sir. She is the cornerstone of one of my new endeavors, Project EVO. Meet Tabula Rasa. Tabula, meet Rodias, my boss. Say hello, Tabula.”

“Hello, Tabula,” she stuttered, shaking. Rodias’ very presence seemed to affect her severely, unsurprising given the vast gulf between their levels.

Graft chuckled, which came out as a burst of static. “Allow me to share the details. The primary goal, or mission statement if you will, of research and develop is to make Bandersnatch more powerful. Some might think of power in terms of numbers, resources, and territory.” His AOI mask switched to projector lenses. Images of Mamoru and Gromgard flashed, then Chunnitrixx, then her mimics moving cargo to and fro. All things he himself could not possibly have seen. “I looked somewhere else. Where is the greatest source of potential?” The projection emitted by his lenses changed, showing an array of different species, including animals described by Kath and retrieved by Kaldorna and Zouyu. “Within living things. As you well know, every entity carries a metric that we observe, a measure of overall ability called ‘level’. That measure takes into account attributes like HP and abilities such as skills and spells. For some reason most entities remain stuck at a constant level, but Supreme Beings such as yourself are capable of increasing your level through experience. I wanted to see if a created being could do the same.”

He laid a clawed hand on Tabula’s shoulder. “Enter Tabula. I repurposed the leftovers of...my former authority as a study to try and guide development myself. I am ecstatic to report that she has already gained about five levels in the fighter class from training against my Guards, and exhibits heightened HP, Defense, and Strength. My current goal is to train her as a paladin and eventually valkyrie.” As he talked, his projection changed to show diagrams and relevant images. He’d been speaking matter-of-factly, if impassioned, for a time now, but as he clasped his hands together Graft’s voice grew excited. “My studies have a long way to go, but surely you can imagine the possibilities. We would be able to raise new personnel to suit any role, cultivating whatever skills we might need. Perhaps even we could ourselves attain new heights. An invigorating notion, is it not?”

Rodias paused to take in all this information which, frankly, was a bit overwhelming for the Sable Lord. So...this girl was created by Brushen Penn? He’d never seen her before...nor had he ever even heard mention from Penn of another NPC being created beyond those in the Factory Floor. He didn’t know how to feel, especially given the fear in the girl’s eyes as she looked at him. It was...strange, to say the least. Was this how “normal” people were going to react to him?

Shaking that thought from his mind, Rodias would instead address the premise of Graft’s “grinding” in order to strengthen the Chateau, the likes of which was in and of itself a very sound idea, and already provided an answer to a question that had been bothering Rodias since he’d engaged in his melee last night. That being, whether they could grow stronger at the same pace as when it was all a game. However, perhaps either because Graft’s life had mostly been spent at his current level or near it given how guild NPC creation worked, or simply from how seldom the factory director engaged in direct combat, there were nuances that needed to be addressed.

Clearing his throat, Rodias would say: ”It is indeed invigorating. But, it does have a few holes in it...at least, as far as you’ve explained it to me. To begin with, Tabula, was it? I suppose she started from an early level...say, anywhere below ten. Gaining experience from levels 1 to 10 is a simple matter, the type of experience that can be gained simply from enough sparring matches or training sessions. But once you grow past level 20 cumulatively, that’s when penalties begin kicking in. Put simply...in order to actually grow your Level, you need to not only work longer and harder at it, the actual experiences need to grow in peril.”

Walking to the window, Rodias gingerly opened it, looking outside for a small bird, perhaps one intent on soiling the rooftops with its feces, before a glint of steel would emerge from his cloak, a squawk echoing through the sky, before Rodias suddenly held the bird’s neck in his hand, tenderly held betwixt two fingers that could so easily snap it in two. ”I could kill a million of these birds, and never once see myself grow in strength. Even if it was my first time picking up a bow, it would need to be a challenge to shoot something down with it. Many people in YGGDRASIL would focus their levels on singular purposes; Base classes advancing into High classes, then Rare classes manifesting from their specific choices. My Shadow Class, for example, is only attainable by one who not only specializes in stealth classes, but skills to debilitate. Poisoner and Blood Drinker let me debilitate those I fight, but in terms of Rare classes, Shadow doesn’t increase my offense very much. I’ve heard of there being countless Rare classes that are unobtainable if you don’t follow a very specific Leveling routine...and even if you do, they may not be worth it for you as a person.”

As he spoke, the bird held in his grasp seemed paralyzed in fear, before it vanished completely inside of Rodias’ shadow, the Sable Lord’s now free hand brushing itself off against his cloak. Smiling slightly, Rodias said: ”However, knowing you, you already have an idea in mind to deal with this. Its worth noting as well, that just because it is hard to do something, does not mean it will make you stronger. If you, for example, tried to and managed to kill me here in this room, despite the difference in our levels, you’d maybe only gain about three. A large amount at once to be sure, but not enough to be worth the effort and risk. As such, its better for one to face numerous foes on their own level.

Graft listened at rapt attention, claws tented. Not only did Rodias seem to approve of his project, but he offered a whole heap of priceless information to help with it. When Rodias got to the point he stroked his mustache in contemplation. “Hmm, fascinating.” So, he would need to change the routine often. And he would need to do research to figure out the exact leveling path that could take Tabula from nothing to Valkyrie. He continued to absorb the Sable Lord’s advice up until the point he outlined a hypothetical fight between the two of them, at which point Graft sneezed. “Oh, pardon me. The very idea…sniff...of contention between us fills me with aversion. But thank you, thank you a thousand times for the guidance. I will put it to good use. Tabula will become a shining star in our guild.” He squeezed the Nightgaunt’s shoulder. Tentatively, she extended one of her wings, and the oversized hand upon it clasped Graft’s own.

Clearing his throat, Graft then tilted his head at his Guards. “Now then, I have much to show. Shall I proceed, sir?”

”Go right ahead Graft. I’m curious, since you’ve made these devices and kept them shrouded,” Rodias would reply, taking his seat upon his throne. He was poised with his back arched forward, waiting expectantly with his hands folded beneath his chin. All the while, he was thinking of how to make himself more...approachable. Was it the green skin? The ears? Both? What had Tabula so on edge?

Graft, meanwhile, looked almost giddy. He motioned a guard carrying two items forward. “Excellent. First, your order. I contacted my compatriots in the field and gleaned the necessary details from them to make two surveillance organisms based on this region’s animals. This one is Intravis, Type S.” A flick of the wrist unveiled a simple case made of the same greenish organic metal as the Factory, which popped open with a hiss. Inside was a small rodent, with coarse grey fur and beady black eyes. “Like all products in the Vis series, it’s designed to mimic the animal’s behavior while serving as a discreet surveillance drone. Salem’s eye would go inside its mouth.” The second small case swung open to show a larger rabbit creature, dull-eyed and listless. “Agravis, Type G. While the other is meant for environments where humans dwell, this one is more suited for fields, forest, and roads. G types are an alternative to your proposal that necessitates the use of Salem. This Agravis is actually a technoorganism, capable of storing everything it sees and hears as encoded data in its brain. I am able to interface with it to extract the data and view it for myself. I have a hypothesis that in the same way my Open Line and the various Message spells transmit information across great distances, I may eventually be able to route G types’ data into a machine, from which it can be absorbed mere moments after it’s experienced. It will take time, but I believe it to be the superior option.”

He waved the Guard away, who took the two little spies to the back of the group. Another took its place, also with two covered items. “I also have for you some navigational equipment. Spyglasses and compasses already exist, so I simply modified existing schematics for Factory production; if mine prove inadequate, I recommend order more sophisticated devices from Oz.” Without much interest he unveiled the tools, but the second veil he removed with aplomb. “This, however, is something truly exceptional. In Yggdrasil, bats and whales discovered their surroundings through sound. Surely, I thought, a technoorganism can do the same.” From the case he produced a wide, roughly circular object like across between a drum and a lung. Its top was sleek and smooth, glittering faintly in a multitude of colors. “Behold, the Scanner. Simply agitate the organism, like so…” He squeezed a bulbous growth on the thing’s side, making it wriggle.

After a moment it compressed, releasing a loud, spine-chilling tone that echoed throughout the Final Chapter and the floors beyond. Atop the Scanner, the prismatic surface began to generate light, gradually creating a three-dimensional projection that soon resolved itself into the shape of the Chateau Gothika in its entirety, and a bit of the mountain it sat upon. “Voila! That tone filters through its surroundings, touching everything and bouncing back to the Scanner. Then the integrated projector, reverse-engineered from the technology in my mask, displays the information it receives. The result: a topographical map of the surrounding area.” The Director looked very pleased with himself. “Of course, it is neither the most inconspicuous nor the most accurate, and it would need to be run constantly to keep users apprised of entities’ movements, but it is only the prototype.”

Rodias was looking very impressed, but at hearing the sound that the Scanner made, Rodias would seemingly freeze up, shivering where he stood. ”Erm...the technology sounds quite together but...would running it constantly not wear the device out quickly? Other than that concern though, very well done on the Intravis and Agravis. I would say to hold off on constructing something as elaborate as the G series’ central bank until we know it is needed, but I wouldn’t want to ruin your fun. “

Something about that noise was clearly aggravating...then again, he doubted that anybody could stand such a noise, save maybe for Graft. Looking over the navigational equipment, Rodias would hold up a spyglass and test its magnification, before putting it back down, looking satisfied. ”Fantastic work, Graft.”

“Why thank you, sir.” Leaning on his cane like a dandy, Graft talked through an enormous smile. The only flaw Rodias pointed out was something he conceived of as well. “I daresay that if you’re pleased now, you could very well blow your top in a minute or two. I’ll run through my other works.” As he listed his products his Guards showed them one by one. “Aydi and Emel Shells, able to shoot adrenaline and melatonin injectors, respectively. Useful for strengthening allies and sedating enemies. Iyes Shield, capable of wide-range defense via interception of incoming projectiles and spells with lightning bolts. Iyes Pylon, repurposing lightning for offense. And a particularly potent little problem solver, the Enar Patch.”

He held up the device in question, staring at it through half-lidded eyes. Roughly the size of a snuff box, it features a glass tank, a pump, various pipes and wires, and various needles on the bottom. “Short for Nanoflesh Rewrite. As you’re no doubt aware, I possess an incredibly potent ability as a Technoorganic Bioengineer: nanoflesh. While it looks like a mere fleshy putty the color of sea foam, I can control it at a near-microscopic level. I work constantly to increase my mastery of manipulating matter with it. The Enar Patch will help in the future as we seek to expand our influence. With a bit more R&D, I foresee being able to distill small amounts of programmable, high-performance Nanoflesh that this device can deliver into a host body and extract once it’s done its work. You see where I’m going, of course. We could surreptitiously alter people in this new world, changing allegiance, personality and even appearance, to a limited extent. Just sneak it onto someone, from a hero or a king to a particular guard or merchant, and watch events unfold from the shadows. A few changes in the right places and the courses of entire nations could shift to our advantage. Power and secrecy both, in the palm of your hand..”

Graft replaced the device in its case and held up his hands in placation. “At this point, were there any dullards around, they might ask if this was necessary. But you and I know better.” His voice became low and confidential as he stepped forward, his grin and eyes intense. “Our arrival in this world has set things in motion. We did not drop into a blissful and unaware paradise, no. Already, powerful entities skulk in the shadows, their ears and eyes on the unfamiliar newcomers. And we have not been subtle. Our scouts left the Chateau with no info-masking measures like False Data Life or Jamming, some flagrantly showing off their power or filling the countryside with noise.” His projector lenses flashed images of his comrades, seen through the eyes of his Guards. “Whoever it was that stole a peek at Kath in the village today was just the beginning. There were many beings stronger than us in the old world, and there are mostly likely many here. For that, we must be prepared.”

Still smiling that indelible smile, he raised a clawed hand from his cane and motioned the last few Guards forward. The four of them carried two large cases between them, lugging them into position behind their boss. Graft stepped out of the way, extending tentacles to pull both covers away, and the coffin-sized cases hissed open.

“Here are the firstfruits of Project REPLICA.”

Inside each was a body, white as porcelain. One was young, thin, and neither discernibly male nor female. The other would have been that of a somewhat thick-bodied woman if not for her pointed legs, overlarge hands, and faintly piscine features. “Body doubles. The most effective insurance policy. While little more than shells now, they are almost totally organic, and can be completed with the help of personal examinations and Kath’s archives, then developed into serviceable approximates and put to work. They can be sent out to deal with the unknown, or take a fall. Offerings to sate whatever would wish us harm, while the real prize slips away. They can be made of any of us, and act just like us. Even you.” Graft stepped back, bowing his head, and closed the cases. “I assure you, I make no pretensions of equaling the Supreme Beings in station. My meager creations pale in comparison to the works of the Board. I only endeavor to serve Bandersnatch, and to ensure its prosperity and future. I hope that you approve.”

Rodias looked over the adrenaline and melatonin injectors, the likes of which he recalled being uncommonly used buffing items in YGGDRASIL Online. They were fairly effective, but were limited in use due to the wielder needing to have ranks in Alchemy to even use them...though he had to assume Graft had improved upon the design considerably. The Iyes Pylon was impressive, seeing as he could imagine how effective it could be in a massive battle.

When it came to the Enar Patch however, Rodias’ mind started racing to wonder if allowing such a thing to be mass produced would be a mistake or not. It was without a doubt, objectively useful, but Rodias wasn’t short sighted enough to assume that it could purely be used to benefit him. The reality of it would be that any under its influence were under Graft’s influence, a prospect that bode some consequences given his enthusiasm for his work. He didn’t expect Graft to betray him in the slightest -- Far from it, he assumed that perhaps the most terrible thing that could arise from this is Graft using it to force the entire world to bend to the will of the Chateau. Rodias had no such grand ambitions...not yet, at least. Currently, just having a warm bed and delicious meals three times a day was bliss in and of itself, given the slop he ate back home. Keeping his subjects happy of course was another high priority. He’d have to discuss the nanoflesh later with Graft...but he could raise no objection to it. Not after he’d already condoned torture, grand expansion, and espionage on the innocent.

...Thinking back on it, Rodias was now growing more and more unsure of when he decided that those were okay. Not in a chronological sense; Each date was so recent that there was no way he could forget. It was more the...moral, sense, that he was entirely unsure of where he stood. Was this how his character would have viewed such issues? With indifference, or a single-minded self-serving interest in the preservation of the things he liked at any cost? It was frankly confusing...but...some part of Rodias deep down started to wonder…

Had he ever truly been a good person to begin with?

Standing from his throne, Rodias would loom over one of the REPLICAs, softly pressing a gloved hand into the side of its arm, testing the feeling of the flesh. It was uncanny. Almost a perfect recreation of humanoid skin. And yet, on the surface, Rodias couldn’t help but smile as he realized just how useful all of this was. ”No need to belittle yourself, Graft. Amongst all beings in this world, I doubt that regardless of strength any of them could think of something on this scale. No one’s loyalty is in question until it comes time to ask,” Rodias would say, looking to Tabula. Stooping a bit to be on eye level with her, Rodias would smile ever so lightly, easing his stance to let her know that he meant no harm as he held out a hand. The shadow of his head crept along it, before the bird from before, now dyed an inky black signifying it as a permanent resident of a Vampire’s Household emerged, obeying silent commands to chirp and sing for Tabula. ”I forgot my manners in all this excitement. I am Rodias. In a way, I am your Boss’ Boss,” he would explain, being as simple and brief as he could to make it easy on her.

As Rodias approached Tabula, unease filled Graft. He could not say with certainty what she would do. So far she’d been meek and passive, but anything could happen if he continued to agitate her -whatever his intentions-, and that could spell disaster. Fighting the urge to say something, he watched as Rodias attempted to show her a friendly face. To that end he resummoned the bird from earlier to beep and tweet, which might have been macabre had Tabula any real understanding of what happened. At first the Nightgaunt looked equal parts worried and defensive, but a curiosity replaced it. The Sable Lord introduced himself, and Tabula could respond of her own free will.

“Hello, sir,” she told him, her voice low but faintly melodic. Though silent, she’d been listening this whole time, and managed to pick up that ‘sir’ was something one called a boss. Papillary did it for Graft, and Graft did it for Rodias, so she should do it, too. Faced with such a strong presence, she felt an almost petrifying urge to do things she ‘should’, so as to make sure nothing happened to her, or to Graft.

Rodias felt a bit awkward, given that Tabula didn’t seem to react much at all to the songbird in his hand. Clearing his throat, Rodias would take a step away from her and withdraw his Household bird, saying: ”Well...let’s see, I believe that now that we’ve reviewed your current projects, is there anything else you’d like to go over with me, Graft?” as he turned to the factory director.

Bandersnatch’s last Sable Lord received a shake of the head. “No, that just about covers it. I will be working to improve upon these prototypes and ready them for mass production. In the future, I imagine Tabula will study with Aurora, but that may be a way off. Should you have any need, please do not hesitate to call upon us.” He bowed his head, followed by Papillary, and after a moment Tabula rushed to mimic the gesture. The Guards began to head out, carrying their various loads. “Farewell, sir.”

Rodias would nod, bowing slightly as Graft and his entourage left, leaving the Sable Lord alone to ponder just what was going on with his own mind...and whether it was something that needed to be cared for in the first place.
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