The Sheets

Gender: Male.
Homeworld: The Asteros system, home to the planet known only as Asteros Primaris and none other, was a place of moderate civilization and lesser wealth, isolated from the grand galactic community through rampant raging thunderstorms and electromagnetically charged typhoons, invalidating all accomplishments that might have been present prior, and all technology which might desire to approach it. With a technobarbaric culture not dissimilar from old terra, those who made ends meet bound together underneath the grand hulks of culture's greatest and grandest achievements turned nothing more than glorified sheds and shelters. A deathworld per definition, its lethality turned the planet into a prison, the skies were nothing but distant imagination.
Unbeknownst to the men and women and children, human and animal, these conditions had not always been true. Legends naturally speak of vast swathes of luscious fertility, uninterrupted by vicious weather and darkened grey horrors looming amidst the heavens as they lash out with vicious fervor and inhumane evil upon all life below them, but few would believe these to tell of fact.
Civilization had been established upon the world due to its strategically advantageous mercantile position at the center of numerous trade routes and ease of approach, but one day the orbit of Asteros Primaris was ruptured, and a spiral which could not be interrupted entered into motion. Slowly it would then descend, until it would finally be swallowed in the sea of a cosmic furnace. Five thousand years ago it occured, and fifty years from his arrival, it would conclude.
Today there is no such thing as Asteros Primaris, instead all that remains is one solitary fortress of steel and memory, drifting the ocean inbetween stars, placed in perhaps one of the most vital junctions in the Imperium: Star-Harbor.
Appearance: The star of Asteros carved itself into his body over the many years he spent on its only planet, making all hair fall out, and due to the atmosphere of the planet and the proximity of the star, the skin to pale. Aside from this his biological development remained largely unimpeded, though without doubt mutations and uncertainties presented themselves quite early. At 13 feet of height, accompanied by a demeanour of steel, and a voice of gold; a body untouched, devoid of scars or injuries, save for one. Paired with an eye of an appearance like staring at the yellow sun paired with a clear sky is an eye of cybernetic make with a soothing reddish shimmer. Besides this, his body gives off no other extreme qualities, though his eyes were a quality massive enough for many, even himself, so he removed one, and chose to see and walk amongst both the world of mortals and truth.
Veritas Res was never an individual who garnered attention from his grand gestures, or expressive wealth of physique; his entire aura of authority stems from one thing, and that is awareness of truth. His assurity, lack of movement and stalwart motion grant those under him their souls of steel in battle, mortal or legiones astartes. He moves with slow, but unceasing, impending flow. Even when still, he always remains active, be it tapping his fingers whilst sitting, or repeatedly grasping the air whilst standing.
Personality: Veritas Res speaks in absolutes, and with short and impactful deliverance. Much like his aura of authority would expect, he is not excessive in this delivery, and will sometimes even prefer vagueness over clarity when interacting with those around him. As such he is an individual who seeks executive authority. Whilst his drive towards ever-increasing authority has always remained, how he embodied that authority has however not always been the same, be it amongst his brothers or in the galaxy at large: once he was open, spoke with intricacies and eloquence not unlike those of a bard blessed thrice with prowess, potential, and knowledge. He would speak at length on how to accomplish any and all given tasks, and would see them done exactly as predicted.
But over time his decisive, rapid, and deep truth has morphed into the slow, unceasing, and impending juggernaut which he now exemplifies with absolute comparison. Often attributed to maturity of personhood, but the true answer would be known by none other than himself and his father, whom he has spoken with at length regarding numerous aspects during their meeting and his subsequent summons and request meetings since thereafter.
Veritas Res suffers namely from insecurities regarding his prowess of futuresight, be it the untold horrors which he sees before him on his coming crusade, or those whom would suffer from his victories, even those he will lose upon his ultimate conquest. He hardened himself therefore to the plights of others, for he could not handle the trillions of lost souls and their cries yet to come, and he reckoned that the only entity in the galaxy who could harbour their despair was none other than the father, The Emperor. As such, unlike some of his other kin, brutality and efficiency of delivery are crowning aspects of his small legion, capable of competing with the largest of his siblings' armies. Neither does he shy away from lies, using them strategically and seldom, but with massive implication - a hypocrisy to some, but to him, he views it merely as a tool to uphold truth. Due to this, he is an impeccable liar of few equals: perhaps requiring foresight not incomparable to his own to discover.
As such Veritas Res is an odd companion for the more righteous Primarchs, for his accomplishments may be assured, but the delivery he uses to achieve them, and the way in which he interacts with his fellows both above and below may cause conflicts to come.
- Psyker (See Psyker Assignment).
- Might: Veritas Res maintains an expected degree of inhumane prowess in battle, capable of delivering strokes with his sword powerful enough to deliver even immortals to mortality. This expands further into his body at large, which expectedly is almost incomprehensibly powerful much like many Primarchs, though for him it is perhaps a degree above most. Though whilst his muscle structure may be compressed beyond imagining, he is not a quick fighter, and as such he is slow to take action in a duel, though when he does it often ends quickly thereafter.
- Authority: Veritas Res is a skilled ruler of people, not because he is a person with good qualities, but because he has an often mystifying ability to use the right people at the right times to achieve the right results. He is therefore an authority on using people, and gains his aura of authority from it. This aspect of his is usually what might put him into conflict with others, but it is also the quality which is hardest for his rivals to disapprove. As such, it is equally what garners him favour amongst his followers; a divisive attribute.
- Damocles' Battlements (Artificer Armour with remembrances towards death and time, and sigils hoping for the death of time, highlighted by elaborate gilding and embossings and carvings).
- Sword of Damocles (A master-crafted power sword capable of embodying Veritas Res' psyker prowess and power with every motion; a time-gilded armament).
Assignment Grade: Alpha.
Though Veritas Res does not seem a psyker to any and all around him, it is undeniable that his psychic connectivity with the warp and the powers that be is of an immensity rivaled by few. The entirety of his psychic prowess, however, is somehow magnetic towards one power in specific, easily described as a metaphorical black hole ability.
This ability is futuresight, which forced him to see the future with his eyes, and it was an uninterruptable process. He had no choice but to see that which was coming. He chose then to live a life of reclusive living on Asteros Primaris, where he soon became a fabled Seer and a cornerstone of the rising civilization which would eventually dismiss their prior clan rivalries and band together to escape their planet's inevitable end. Shortly after growing up on Asteros Primaris and being taken care of by a family of mortals he awoke to his power, and saw the seas of the cosmic furnace before his eyes. After this, he strategically chose reclusion, building up favour and reputation, before eventually using it and his accumulated prestige to lead the people to the sea inbetween stars.
Therefore after joining his father, The Emperor, he dismissed himself of one eye so that he could live in both future and present, which is why the only noticable flaw with his body is the noticably dominant cybernetic eye at the left side of his skull disrupting the otherwise human silhouette.
Due to the black hole nature of his ability, it is the only one power he holds, but is of an immeasurable strength when compared with other diviners within the Imperium.
Biography: Ripped from the safety and security of his birth chamber thanks to the powers that be, much like the rest of his siblings, Veritas Res was thrown outwards into oblivion, and descended upon the world formerly known as Asteros Primaris during the peak of their turbulence. Amidst an ongoing clan war between the region's primary powers, isolated from the rest of the islands of civilization that had emerged across the planet's surface due to natural cataclysms, a shooting star fell upon the cloudy skies and parted the vapour like a blade parts flesh. As the darkened capsule had fallen directly onto the head of one of the clan leaders, the dispute was settled through divine intervention.
Unknowing of how to adequately respond to such a tremendous event, the clan leaders gathered from either side in a here-to-fore unseen display of neutrality known as the Great Confluence, the victor having brought the void-coloured object, unwittingly a capsule, with them. And as the Grand Confluence occured, the religious-scientific customs and cultures entered an odd equilibrium.
As the verdict was about to descend from the winner's chief judiciaries, steam emerged, and the black object opened only to reveal a soon-to-grow Veritas Res. Taking it as the Gods disagreeing with their verdict, the Worldseers, shamans who, through the application of rudimentary technologies who could work even in this hellscape, had augmented their minds into complex comprehension and predictive engines, reckoned that the absolute opposite of the verdict should, in truth, be the one verdict to be actualized after the conflict.
And as such, Veritas Res was gifted to an ordinary family, carrying ordinary ties, and an ordinary occupation of medicinemen.
Time then flowed abruptly, and conflict eased into silence, with what would otherwise be considered commonplace reverting into obscurity. Border-clashes ceased and communication entered into a new norme of diplomacy. Things seemed well, and the now child Veritas Res, seemed to be growing up into a prosperous future. But then was dawned his power, as abrupt as the vision which he was haunted by had come to him, he had garnered an unparralleled skill. He saw flame, and he witnessed those closest and their silhouettes perishing in screams as their bodies incinerated, and their homes became dust and particle; fueling an infernal forge of cosmic size and variance; an ever-changing surface of a sea so bright it could not be seen, only felt, and that feeling was so rapid, it could not be sensed.
Veritas Res was disillusioned then, for as he sought advise from those closest to him, he walked a path which allowed him to only gaze ruin and desolation. The ground was wrought, molten; vaporized. And as he had arrived at the inner-chamber of his medicineman 'father,' his heart would burst, and he gazed at the presence of a sickened man touched only by a pestilence incomparable to all others, and died within moments amidst boiling cysts and sick-yellow fluids.
Overwhelmed, he fled from civilization, and wandered the wilderness. Discarding all that he had grown up to believe, and all he had grown accustomed to feeling.
Through apparent fluke, but truthfully through awareness, on his travels a since matured and grown teenage-aged, man-shaped Seer of incomprehensible disposition made himself known to all who happened across him. Unlike the Wordseers of common culture, this man had neither the sacred transformation nor any obvious truth-seeing intermediary - instead, he merely knew, because he knew, and told because he could. Thus the Worldseer became truth, and pilgrimage into obscure reaches and dangerous lands were initiated merely to speak with this immense individual.
Unbeknownst to them, this was Veritas Res, known now only as The Worldseer, who through year-long deliberations had settled on a perhaps obnoxious, but equally desperate plan. He realized his predicament, and his privilege, and sought to disguise his plan in the veils of wisdom. He saw truth, and saw fact, and with it, he grew into becoming the chief authority within a soon-to-be made tribal coalition to ascend beyond confinement.
The chiefs who had long-ago decided his fate soon came to recruit him into their fold, and asking for truth, and once delivered, they shuddered the thought, but could not dismiss it, for they knew of his wit and the vileness of fact and reason. How could they not, when they lived in a world where the cold-heart of reality was the only thing that could keep cool the planet of Asteros Primaris which was soon to descend into infernoes so profound and miserable that words could not possibly describe them with adequance.
The coalition would thusly embrace all clans, and all cults, into one unity, and with that unity, they would scour the realms for artifacts and technologies to help their ascension into an unwitting paradise yet out of reach. Armed with the knowledge of The Worldseer and his wisdom, they needed not be indecisive, and purpose soon came to drive this momentary alliance into a community, and a community into a nation embarking on exodus. Through countless tribulations, and millions of perishing souls to the terrors of human inferiority and information disconnect between the truth of The Worldseer and the biology of mankind, inevitably the Worldseer would himself embark on the crowning journey across twelve continents, and once returned, would install the propulsion mechanism upon their world ark.
The Worldseer partook the quest, and on his journies, met men and women of various walks of life who followed in his steps. A fellowship was formed without a single spoken word from his mouth, for as he walked, followed by those who saw his presence as divine message, he deliberated on the future, and the meaning of his sight and wisdom. He could not see the world, but he could hear it, he could see the future and truth, but not hear it, and as such, there were many events which he could see that were mystifying, illuminating, and disheartening all the same.
He had been changed by his power, and it was apparent to himself the most. He could feel little joy, but he had an impossible drive which he could not attribute rime or reason to. Whilst he meditated, the congregation expanded, and soon hundreds of thousands walked in his wake. But he knew it, and he knew what they would experience, and he knew how they would react to the truth.
Many years later, having ascended mountains, traversed oceans, and lumbered objects, the artifact-engine had finally been returned, carried on the backs of a horde of humans shepherded by none other than The Worldseer. Their return demanded much jubilation, but Veritas Res was adamant in the necessity of the World Ark's final assembly; any form of celebration could be performed post-safety.
And such the world bound together, gathered onboard a world ark the likes of none other, carrying a visage like no other, and bearing the futures of warriors like no other into the heavens. Many were sacrificed to the fires soon to come, for it did not have infinite capacity, and assuredly rage and fury the likes of few others in the galaxy were directed at Veritas Res for it. But equally so, those who had been chosen viewed him with a reverence no other entity save for the Emperor and few others could possibly recieve.
After their ascension, and brief drifting amidst the stars, the Emperor would soon find this desperate band, and thusly Veritas Res revealed his true name, known unconsciously, to all. Joining the Emperor on his quest in the same breath and embarking on a grand galactic quest for humanity's ultimate dominion.
Events partaken since then are numerous and varied, conquests aplenty, and the ruin and prosperity of civilizations in equal repetoire to his belt of accomplishments.
But chief amongst his accomplishments is the unified defense, and subsequent obliteration, of a threat the likes of which mankind has yet to see since. The vicious Rangdan Xenocides; brought forth by the Imperium's grandiose expansion, from the reaches of the void an unknown threat had emerged and assaulted loyalist worlds with brutalities the likes of which were thought impossible. In a desperate defense, Primarchs were hailed from across the galaxy, and amongst them were Veritas Res and his Truthlayers. Having foreseen the various battles' happenings from within his command chamber, the Sanctum of Truth, aboard the III legion's Gloriana-class battleship the Absolute, his legion were perhaps the most well off legions amongst those whom had participated, suffering acceptable losses; sparking great controversy and potential conflict between him and those siblings of which had also participated without sharing the same fate as his own legion.
His presence throughout the campaign beyond its defense were largely secondary, and supportive in nature to other, larger legions and their various assaults, granting the final periods of the campaign needed momentum to finish the threat as rapidly as it deserved, ruining worlds in plentitudes and decreeing ruin upon metropolises.
The years then flowed, wars were waged, and subjects were made to submit or suffer the absolute price, aided by his abilities, he had a flow and momentum to his tasks which even his own legion had a difficult time adapting to. But in time they too would accustom themselves to the reforms and systems that their Primarch had set in motion for them, and their pride and awe at their leader grew with each foe slain and each venerable sacrifice endured for the sake of a goal no one could dare see but yet dreamed of seeing all the same. All for an ultimate victory yet out of reach.
The skills of not only his legion, but those of Veritas Res himself, were yet again put unto display for others to see as, during the Tethonus Siege, they were called in by the Primarch's brother Augor Astren lay waste to yet another dissident foe. The war was protracted, but ended in finality with the two primarchs' combined effort, the mechanist primarch of Mars building an unseen siege monstrosity, and Veritas Res plotting its firing coordinates, resulting in the final deciding factor for the world to eventually tip towards oblivion.
However, this would not be the last time that these two would meet before the Ullanor Campaign. Yet again yet would cross paths, in addition to another, Micholi of the Night Watch Legion, during the Fall of Gardinaal in the approximate 900s.M30.
Sent by the Emperor on a mission of great assault and conquest over the peoples of Gardinaal, a mission of which he had foreseen undergoing, the Primarch made perhaps his mightiest display of prowess yet. In a bout of almost surreal mysticism, Veritas Res contacted the two of them and requested their presence, outlying cryptic, yet obvious requests for their fleets and forces to follow, all the whilst himself initiating conflict with the military power of Gardinaal's solar empire. With all pieces in motion, the ultimate result would be the elimination of the nation's capital, with all other subservient settlements being brought into fold thereafter.
The campaign was swift, and frought with oddities the likes of which coincidence itself could not possibly explain.
And thus, only Veritas Res was the answer.
Though the foe had been vicious, and the response delivered hundredfold, plans were made for the system with great ambition in mind, an almost surreal product of Veritas Res' otherwise iron rule.
The Meeting: He stood silent, near motionless, surrounded by the robed, beaten, robbed, yet hopeful; surrounded by those who had followed him through oblivion into a darkness filled with light and possibility, a new beginning without destination. He turned around, facing those behind him, those smaller, weaker, and more vulnerable than him, and felt nothing, saw as some disappeared and others new entered. He saw conflicts to come, which would rock this make-shift vessel of gargantuan size to its destruction. He gazed into their bright eyes: blue, yellow, red, and green, and saw them fade and be replaced. Then he gazed at their bodies, smaller than him: muscular, feeble, weak, sickly, and injured. Saw those too flow through time as if nothing, interchangable; nothing more than dust. He saw despair, hope, ruin, and salvation in the same passing moment, with his eyes he saw the future as if instantaneous, portrayed in luscious colours of crimson. He would have felt betrayed, if he had felt anything for those around him at all. Though there was one exception.
He reflected on what was behind him, and spoke:
"My name be Veritas Res, I am the Worldseer of whom you all allowed to lead you.
We have accomplished much, and you have learned now of, and will soon enter into, the paradise which I had seen; you have all followed truth and now you shall be rewarded for it."
He spoke with a monotony which was filled with warmth only because those mortal, feeble minds desired him to be their saviour; an icon of which to attribute their own worth upon. They believed he represented them, but he had seen what is to come many times, and the awe and grandiosity of which he attributes to one entity and none other would place all others to the side. The mortals and their worth was measured merely in their living; they should live, and shall live, and he shall make them live properly. But they did not think of him in the way that he truly is, they did not hold truth, and he could not blame them for their miniscule existences. He had witnessed what is to come, and had understood its meaning. Lacking the ability to hear the future did not impede this revelation.
In a serene silence they adored him, and as he turned around yet again, he admired something even greater. The entity which, no matter how many times, how many futures he sees, cannot be less profound. An entity which holds no shape, a being of a golden glimmer which radiates through time like the sun shines through the clouds.
He was stopped abruptly, as he beheld it, him. In that moment, his mind was enslaved to the present in a surreal display of unbridled power, the future which he had no choice but to gaze into ripped from his grasp in a fashion describable in no other fashion than divine. He saw an entity bathed in a golden glow, clad in a robe of white, looking him eye-to-eye, entity-to-entity, and for the first time ever, he felt that there was something, someone, who he could connect to and follow. His unreasonable drive became clear, and the truth behind the truth became fact. The Emperor of Mankind had graced him with his presence, had graced him with his own existence. Had granted him the momentary respite from the heavy burden of truth, as if telling him that he need not be alone in holding onto its massive weight.
Veritas Res put his hands together in a customary bow, traditionally performed by the Worldseer-caste of Asteros Primaris, and lowered his head to the height of his father's chest and continued, a slight warmth of tone clearly present in his response to the truth which the Emperor had given him just prior, after having arrived to give purpose and future to his own son.
"I have seen you, yet I could not know of you, in my sight. Now I hear you, and I see, and I know what I want, and what you want."
He raised his head slowly, meeting gazes with an entity who occupied all time in his sight, for the first time ever, forcing him into the present, forcing him to see the world of mortals, and see the god who dwells within it. And that God was a God yet not, who desired mankind to not be schackled to superstition, or limited by the untruth of faith. As they connected eyes, the Emperor looked down upon him, but Veritas saw warmth, suns much like his own occupying the Emperor's eyes.
"The Truth of which you desire I shall deliver; the warriors you wish I rule I shall command; the enemies you wish vanquished I shall conquer; the nations who are unpermissible I shall ruin."
And it was then that his neural synapses roared in harmony, as if struck by lightning, a sense of accomplishment and gratitude, and all other positive emotions which he had discarded until now were reciprocated in one singular action.
A smile formed with elegance on the Emperor's lips, faint but filled with a warmth unrivaled by even the sun of Asteros, and a kindness which even the age of his childhood could not compare.
"Join me aboard the Bucephalus, son."
The words were like song, and the noise was near visibly golden; a charisma unlike any other, Veritas Res could not help but seem a child before the enormity of this individual who surely had no equal. He could do nothing but nod, for he could not possibly respond to words spoken with such perfection. All that he could do was action, and with that action he would surely deliver that which was wished of him.
And in that same moment, future returned, and the two of them moved to board the Bucephalus. In their wake, Custodes guarded the Emperor at every turn, the people whom Veritas Res would leave behind so dumbstruck by the magnificence as to not realize their own fates to come.
(image stopped working, they look like the dudes behind Veritas Res in his image, the stone slab is a veteran sigil.)
Legion Name: Formerly known as the Lightseekers Legion, a name borne by them in reverence of their yet unanointed Primarch and their loss without him. Upon his return, Veritas Res proclaimed the Legion as the "Truthlayers," for never again would they be lost within darkness and without vision, they would know truth and lay it down upon the soil of worlds if such was needed for the Imperium.
Legion Number: III.
Legion Strength: At the height of their numerical worth, the Truthlayers, then named the Lightseekers Legion, numbered in the 200,000s but dwindled at an urgent haste. With the return of their Primarch, Veritas Res, the strength has remained at an all-time low, but a near constant, 50,000 astartes.
The Legion maintains 5 organizational structures; 4 chapters (V, VII, IX, X. VII is reinforced), and the Ultima. The Ultima is the Primarch's senior command element composing of the legion's variety of ancients, praetorate, and banner-bearers.
The most common battlegroup utilized by the Truthlayers, is the Chapter Dulon. A Chapter Dulon battlegroup is two chapters, controlled by a member of the Praetorate, sent on campaign.
Warcry: "It is known!"
Before battle there were once two different war cries which would be heard depending on the Primarch.
"It is known! Victory!"
"It is known! Defeat!"
It has morphed over time into the more neutral version for perhaps obvious reasons.
Dramatis Personae: Important note to mention is that, within the Inner Court, their Primarch Veritas Res, does not speak unless he declares conflict. As such, most of the conversation is held by the Praetorate and various heads of their various regiments and intra-organizations; Grandmaster Apothecary and others of such stature. The removal their Primarch has on their exchanges allow the legion to maintain far less removed from the world at large, and as such, others, than their Primarch.
- PPRAETORUS ULTIMATUM Balisterus Stratama - Chief of the Praetors, the legion's strategic and warrior upper-caste gathered within the Inner Sanctum, known as the interior organizational entity, the "Inner Court." And within this court of Six, seven including the Primarch who allows self-governance of the legion to be performed by these six individuals who have been within it far before him, and thus know it far more intimately. Balisterus Stratama is chief amongst the rest of the Praetorate. Blessed thrice with strength, thought, and truth, he carried the strongest divination within the legion, so powerful in fact that outside of battle, he is often found immobile upon the 2nd throne within the Inner Sanctum. As an ancient of the legion however, having known well from the hideous rule of a legion without Primarch, there is no one as learned in catastrophy, and how to thwart it, than he is. At this moment however, it seems an odd choice for such a quality to be so well represented within the upper-most echelon. Probably tradition.
- ARTISAN FORGE LORD VENERATUS TECHNICUS Obrix Palolennaeus - Whilst there are many, far more than any could possibly believe dwell beneath the ornate hallways and amidst the intricate complexities and machinery. Whilst Tech-priests spread through the entirety of the Star-Harbour, their service did not come without risk to the self of the legion. Forced to patrol their space for them, the Forgeworld Mortisimo performed the duties requested in adequate reciprocity. Built on the planet proper by the mightiest thinkers across the system assembled for its sole creation, Obrix Palolennaeus now stands as the sole servant of the single most powerful, and profoundly ruthless weapon known to him. He is the one who maintains this machine worthy of worship, and also serves as a potent enforcer. Though he has never seen the Seven Thrones to operate in tandem, he dreams that one day it could become reality.
Favored Tactics/Battlefield Role: "I arrive now, and see wroth, I see fury, anger, despair, misfortune, misbegotten warriors. I arrive now and what do you see in me? I am Absolute.
All you needed to acquire victory was me, and thus, with me, what you cannot do, you can now do."
- Veritas Res, meeting his legion.
Unlike most other legions, the Truthlayers do not operate in smaller groups, and instead only engage with smaller or greater army groups. This is because the flaw of their gene-seed is the same as their greatness. The modern strata was deviced immediately upon their Primarch's return, after having been told about their failures as the Lightseeker Legion. And whilst there are none who maintain the immense psychic divination prowess of their Primarch Veritas. But those of the Inner Council, those who are then by definition the uppermost commanders and leaders within the legion, do share comparable genetically derived psyker traits.
Because of this, the Legion focuses on large scale battles, preferably with as many of their own forces as possible partaking, so as to maximize the efficieny of their combined battle prowess. And multiplying their combat effectiveness.
If the battle does not include a great host of the entirety of the legion, then a praetor-equivalent will lead the army in a much similar fashion to what Veritas would, from the immediate front, but just behind it, surrounded by a cadre of honourguard and tech-marines to manage the intricate and delicate portable digital warmaps the legion brings along with them; capable of displaying information acquired from the mapping performed from orbit upon the battlefield.
Whilst these do not hold the same importance as they would with Veritas, capable of seeing the future movements of the enemies through it as medium, the Praetors' innate psyker heritage from him would allow them fervent divinations with sudden, and common onset, with which they would use to direct their forces through their mobile headquarters carried and maintained by hundreds of servitors and lesser mechanics, lorded over by the Mechanaugur; the chief Tech-Marine within the legion.
During any mission, the establishment of the forward headquarters is most paramount, and as such, over time, the process has been simplified to the point where every astartes in the legion are equipped with a closed-system communications network, a one-way speaker between every layer of the hierarchy; As a regular astartes you can only recieve orders and communication occurs only within your enclosed squad element. Your sergeant recieves orders from the one which rules that company, and so on it progresses further upwards until the final peak; Veritas Res.
However, when Veritas Res accompanies a battle, the aforementioned "mobile headquarters" is, per definition, necessary, to maximize his combat effectivesness and increase drastically the legion's combat effectiveness. As such, when he is the leader of a force, instead of maintaining an honour guard, the Praetors serve as both advisors and attendants on the field.
Should it be necessary for Veritas to take to the frontlines, the entire advisory becomes the Inner Council, and operates not dissimilarly from a war council, merely on the field of battle as opposed to far ways from it.
Notable Combat insight of the Truthlayers at present moment include::
- Vast Veteran numbers.
- Above-standard Terminator usage.
- Utilizes shock-based tactics.
Legion Characteristics/Ideology: Within the Star-Harbor they hold the only home that ever would belong to them, and the only one place they would defend with a zeal so magnifique as to even send the most nefarious entities as far away from it as possible. It is a city for which only the Astarte may gather, and a world for which nothing less is allowed entry or sanction to approach without the express permission of its master, Veritas Res. But should you be granted that extreme prvilege you would see, as you dock, a mighty harbour capable of maintaining a stellar armada too massive to comprehend, and ladened across all the piers, all the walls, and all surfaces truly, are the bones, regalia, and most venerable relics of those fallen for the true path.
As you delve future, you note the lack of sound nor thralls, servitors, or anything else which would make the location seem all the more inviting. You feel alone, and insignificant, but suddenly, it dawns on you, as you are being escorted deeper and ever deeper into the myriad labyrinthine passages, that there has never been a single word spoken, and instead, as you approach quarters and corridors far more occupied, that there is a lot of sound, merely none which is immediately comprehensible, instead they speak in signs, elaborate and circumstantial techniques with myriad meanings with an unlikely ease.
Even if you had experienced company with a mute, this was much unlike it, this seemed far more eleaborate, and far more coping in nature. I was a complex system indeed, you saw the same sign many times, between brothers sparring and cleaning the various remembrances laid across and decorating the many passages, but never did they seem to mean the same thing, or if there was a variance, you could not comprehend it.
No wonder then, that people call Star-Harbour the Ghost of Asteros.
As you enter into the royal hall, you see a gargantuan throne of steel, circuitry, and seven tech-marines, and an assortment of stationed tech-priests procuring, tending, and applying the necessary maintenance on the Legion's perhaps most important artifact; the Primarch, Veritas Res' throne, the Regis Dominatus Informatrix. You have heard rumors of it, traders love to gossip about space marines after all, so... This is where the elucidating Primarch joins his psychic mind with the eyes of the fortress, and sees through it.
"Hail, Trader," a voice boomed amidst the silence, a presence making itself known clearly, as he stood on the right of the massive machination.
"Your merchandise is validated, your cargo has been unloaded: leave."
You shiver at the tension, atmosphere, and legion of the place itself near overwhelms you, and then, another gargantuan angel of death made themselves known, but instead to force you back, it grasped your palm with relative warmth, and spoke, "You ought not spend time here, Trader. You have better places to be, better places to go, and more to gain beyond our meager system, do you not?"
"And that was how I, Adryminichy Akorov, of my fair vessel The Farjumper, were the only civilian vessel to ever deliver to the Barren Star Asteros. Jealous, eh?"
"Hogwash, no way that could have possibly happened!"
"It did, it did you senile drunk!"
"Then what did you deliver, eh? EH?"
"Ah, erm. Hm."
"I can't tell you friend, I really can't,"
"And that was how I, Adryminichy Akorov, of my fair vessel The Farjumper, were the only civilian vessel to ever deliver to the Barren Star Asteros. Jealous, eh?"
"Hogwash, no way that could have possibly happened!"
"It did, it did you senile drunk!"
"Then what did you deliver, eh? EH?"
"Ah, erm. Hm."
"I can't tell you friend, I really can't,"
An Example of a Truthlayer ritual.
The Truthlayer Legion maintains a strict, rigid, yet at some times loose, ritualistic lifestyle in a system which demands the use of your mouth as least as possible. All rites of invitation are done in carving, so that those newborn Astartes recieve their first shoulder plate, and before the Inner Sanctum, are told to validate that which is found carved within them. Usually to their surprise, the name of their human name is carved upon its interior, followed by the date of their arrival into this very chamber. They are then told to carve, atop their old name, their new name within the legion. And told that this ceremony was their birth. Little to their knowledge, the next four carvings within, dates, foretell their peak, promotion, and death, followed by the fourth, Date Ultima.
Relationships: "To The Emperor, Our Loyalty Sworn. His Truth is Absolute. To His Foes, We Vow Ruin."
Legion-Legion Dynamics: The Truthlayers are, truthfully, an group amongst the legiones astartes whom will perhaps partake in near-most conflicits which would demand the presence of more than one legion entity. And as such, has built up a strange repetoire of relationships amongst them. No true rival, no true allies. The reason primarily is Veritas Res, and the nature of his warfare, the nature of his presence, and the nature of walking at the wake of such an individual. Little thought is put towards the Truthlayers, they are merely the tool by which Veritas Res operates, and whilst he treats them properly, he shows no true compassion for any one identity, only a singular purpose. The myriad mysteries that he holds silenced from the world, the extent of his knowledge, makes legion diplomacy difficult in his presence, and as such, most would notably prefer to do as little of it as possible with him. Though his straight-forward approach in all things doesn't help many keep their distance for long, especially in times of war. As such, complicated is the best suited word.
Legion-Imperial Army Dynamics: The Legion does not hold any truly noteworthy relationships with the soldiers of men and the mortal in general. This being said, he treats all units under his wing with the same degree of respect unrelated to whether they be immortal or mortal. The Truthlayer warmachine is one which does not stop, and as such, to work, it maintains all elements of the engine with equal care. Apothecaries aiding humans is not unheard of, and melding of organization can occur if warranted. The battle stratagem of the Truthlayers put all things, living or dead, into equality. As such, he has become the saviour patron of some regiments, and the doomsayer of others, and even in the various corners of the Imperial Army barracks, he is a contested character for gossip.
Legion-Mechanicum Dynamics: The Truthlayer legion has strong ties with a major forgeworld in distant proximity from Star-Harbour and is supplied through it and its 8 serf-forgeworlds. Whilst Veritas Res and the Truthlayers may uphold the Imperial Truth and raze in its name, they have developed friendly relations over the past 150 years, now providing a worthwhile partnership. Thanks to the importance the legion places of information coordination technologies, and Terminator Armour variance, The Forgeworld of Mortisimo and its serf-planets are now valued equal in importance as Star-Harbour, and regularly patrol the region under the Planetary-Governor's personal requests. Though only with minor fleets, typically filled with the youngest of the legion, serving as a way for them to accustomize themselves to the culture and rituals of the legion on a 'final voyage' before being allowed into battle.
"The vileness of the Xeno is a plague which is allowed artificial life due to nonsensities."