Carter Patrick-Winslow

Time: Morning
Location: Walking along the streets of Ember Grove
Interaction with: @princess Violet(mentioned), @Ithradine Lucius(mentioned)
The raindrops felt cool against his face as they fell causing an easy smile to spread over his face and a feeling of peace to envelope him where he stood on the sidewalk - head inclined upwards so as to better appreciate the weather. There were few things that Carter loved more than rainy days and the fact that they were able to enjoy one the first day he was able to explore his new town after spending the last couple of days unpacking...he's not about to take it as anything but a good omen.
Breathing in deeply, he took a minute to appreciate the smell in the air - to him the smell of rain is the smell of cleansing, the smell of life - before continuing on his way. Much as he would like to, he couldn't just stand in the rain all day long. He still had errands to run, groceries to buy, especially since breakfast this morning used the last bit of food in the fridge. Once I'm done, I'm going to take a nice long walk, maybe through the park? A smile crossed his face at the thought. And after I head back home, there are several blankets and books waiting for me as well.
Nodding his head as he finished planning, his rain-induced smile becoming just a little wider, he refocused his attention back to his current mission. Alright, first things first, getting supplies while acquainting myself with the town. Now I just need to figure out where the grocery store is...maybe in or near the mall?
One of his hands reached up, tousling his hair slightly as he tried to recall a map he had seen of the town, while the other one found its place in one of the pockets of his black bomber jacket. Some people might think it was strange that he was walking around without an umbrella, but the rain wasn't that heavy and he felt that he was dressed appropriately enough for it not to matter much anyway with his jeans, sneakers and moss green long-sleeved shirt.
Turning a corner, there seemed to be a few more people on the street as well as what seems to be a couple of businesses, so he figured that he wasn't too far off track at least. Giving a friendly smile and nod to a young woman and a dark-haired gentleman busy conversing with each other as he passed by, he figured that even if he does end up getting lost, he should be fine asking someone for directions if it really comes down to it.