
• Title: Merchant of Misery
• True Name: Willowa Turnas
• Age: 856
• Species: Drow
• Weapons: Alchemical Concoctions.
• Species Traits:
• Special Abilities:
• Inventory:
• Background:

• Title: Merchant of Misery
• True Name: Willowa Turnas
• Age: 856
• Species: Drow
• Weapons: Alchemical Concoctions.
• Species Traits:
Sleepless: Blessed as a creature of the dark, she resides in the night and shall remain awake in the dark. While succeptible to physical exertion, she never has need for slumber and at most requires an hour of relative inactivity to be refreshed even after the most arduous of endurance tests.
Beloved Daughter: Blessed by a patron goddess of nightmares, she receives boons for her service in the form of aid from arachnids, rodents, and small creatures who make the stocking of her inventory a far easier task. Maintaining this blessing requires frequent tokens of affection to be offered in return.
• Special Abilities:
Master Alchemist: A mixing of science of magic, alchemy requires years of trial and error along with a talent to fuel one's experiemnts. Willowa has both in spades and profitted greatly from her efforts, even within the depths of the Abyss.
Sadistic Impulse: The suffering of others is but bread and water to a proper Drow, but Willowa is blessed with inspiration and fervor the more pronounced a pain she can revel in from another soul. Her mind is awash with insights, her hands burn to let loose her foulest concoctions, and she moves with an alacrity not seen any other time. The more suffering she can reap, regardless of who caused it, the greater she performs.
• Inventory:
A merchant's inventory of wares, from home brewed potions, freshly harvested ingrediants, to armor, weapons, and baubels claimed from those too weak to survive the Abyss and heroes too foolish to stay away. It changes frequently as her goddess' messangers drag back new items of value and she passes off the old.
• Background:
If ever there was a creature who deserved to be imprisoned in the Abyss, Willowa Turnas would be such a monster. Feeding on suffering while selling the means to inflict it upon others, a lord of war who could have so very easily turned her talents to good, but delighted in the opposite. Why cure the plague ravaging the land when she make a more vicious strain for the challenge of it?
Yet no hero cast her into the Abyss. She went down of her own volition, fully cognizant of what awaited her below. The very worst, with the power to overturn nations and the will to use it should they be freed. The very sorts who would require a merchant of her disposition, one who had allies beyond the confines of the Abyss to keep her wares from running dry. Unconcerned with affiliation or creed, she trades her treasures for the trophies of others and offers great boons in exchange for taking on twisted tasks that would turn the stomaches of those above.
Of course, she's always eager to hear tale of how her works turned out in the depths of the Abyss. A healing potion in exchange for word of a how poison necrotized the flesh of a minotaur and turned solid muscle to pure fat? A worthy trade, in her eye.
As rumbles emerge of an effort more conserted then most to break the confines of the Abyss and rally together under the banner of greater evil, she is drawn like a spider upon the web to the beating of a captured fly, eager for the feast to come.
Yet no hero cast her into the Abyss. She went down of her own volition, fully cognizant of what awaited her below. The very worst, with the power to overturn nations and the will to use it should they be freed. The very sorts who would require a merchant of her disposition, one who had allies beyond the confines of the Abyss to keep her wares from running dry. Unconcerned with affiliation or creed, she trades her treasures for the trophies of others and offers great boons in exchange for taking on twisted tasks that would turn the stomaches of those above.
Of course, she's always eager to hear tale of how her works turned out in the depths of the Abyss. A healing potion in exchange for word of a how poison necrotized the flesh of a minotaur and turned solid muscle to pure fat? A worthy trade, in her eye.
As rumbles emerge of an effort more conserted then most to break the confines of the Abyss and rally together under the banner of greater evil, she is drawn like a spider upon the web to the beating of a captured fly, eager for the feast to come.