Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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@The Irish Tree

Light followed Rodius out to the foyer of the Chateu, a bit confused as to what was going on. She was even more confused when Rodius showed what he wanted to do with Light, a stack of various games. "So this is your idea of a date boss? And here I was expecting something a bit more... romantic~" Light said, looking over the stack of games Rodius had pulled out for the two of them to play with. While not unpleasant, she was expecting something a bit different. "Like I dunno, dinner, a movie... I guess we are at your house though..." She said, giggling a bit to herself at her own joke.

"But if this is your idea of a date... I dunno... surprise me!" Light said with a smile. Here she thought she'd be dueling with Rodius, not playing board games with him. Time would slip by pretty fast though, if Light didn't get bored. Although, she was fairly touchy touchy in close quarters like a boardgame.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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“Well then. That was highly alarming.“ Kaldora said to herself after Chuunitrixx decided to leave their conversation. She stood there for a few more moments with a hand on her temple before taking a deep breath, steadying her emotions and set off for the Beast Pens at a brisk walking pace.

“Ever so sorry about the delay my Darlings” Kaldora apologized to Zouyu and her vampiric kin once she arrived. “I was having a conversation with Chuunitrixx and, well, I’m sorry to say that things look like the times will getting a tad more interesting than they already are”

Kaldora then proceeded to quickly describe the conversation she had had, where the Mimic had attempted to convince her to secretly form a police force consisting of Sun200’s vampires and her own mimics that would keep the peace. Kaldora aired this without opinion and without the attached insult that they would be paid for this labor in human-esque blood and was glad to see that her own rejection of such a plan was mirrored by her kin. Most of the conversation that went on was about the lack of time and resources or a general disdain for the very concept of a police force but it was Arthanar who hit the nail on the head.

“Ah knew this would happen” he insisted. A few disbelieving objections made him rectify his statement to “Ah knew something like this was gonna happen. Someone was bound to get too big for their boots or want to be in charge instead of the halfblood and cause a big mess.”

Kaldora nodded “That was my analysis as well. Even without us involved such an endeavor is bound to cause upheaval and raise potentially violent objections.”

“Definitely don't want no coppers sneaking around. Especially mimics. Bloody things could be anywhere spying on us. Decent folk shoulnt have to stand for their business been looked into!” Arthanar declared, receiving a chorus of ayes from the assembled hunters before the hunt’s master asked “yeh did not agree to this, did you?”

“Of course not” The Vamipresse, who spent her days clad in a pirate captain's uniform, replied. “In fact when she attempted to bribe us with the blood of her human impersonators I’ll admit I got rather heated with her.” Kaldora continued. Her mention of Chuunitrixx’s suggestion that they be compensated with the blood of the survivors of the apocalypse rousing a bout of jeering and indignation at the very thought of such a thing from the beast blood drinking vampires.

“Precisely.” Kalodra said once the outburst had burned itself out and it would no longer be dismissive to keep talking “Now. Some ignorance of our way can be expected and excused,” she glanced towards Zouyu, ”But it was a reflection of her complete disinterest in our own circumstances when forming this plan that would involve us. All in all she came across, and you will have to forgive my language here, as an arrogant child. Simultaneously clueless and yet cock sure she knew what was best for everyone.”

“Then we don't need to worry so much about this brat then. Bet she’ll piss everyone else she tries to talk into this”

“If we are lucky she’ll self sabotage and make many enemies. But her talents are both uniquely suited both to subtifuge, as Arthanar already pointed out, and acquiring power via military expansion. As I learned in the meeting she already has a number of external settlements. She’s growing while we are barely staying afloat”

Arthanar grimace before asking the question on all their lips “So... what’r we gonna to do about this?”

“Uh, can we even afford to do anything about this” Agathina, the armored vampire woman who had overseen Rodias’s training exercise asked. “Because like you said, our food situation is still far from adequately resolved. You remember the calculations I did right? We’re far from sustainable.”

“Indeed. The health of the beast pens come first.” which brought relief to the faces of the assembled beast tamers, but concern to others, mostly hunters. “But, we cannot sit idle on this either. So for one thing, Zouyu”

She turned briefly to the only living person in the room “I’d be delighted to train with you once we return. In fact I have some ideas that we might allow us to synergize rather nicely.”

“I think we all might be in need of brushing up on our combat capabilities, particularly in conjunction with the beast we have access to.” she then told the others “Just in case.”

After receiving agreement to this plan and a few minor suggestions regarding it from the crowd she finally added “Also, Agathina, i think we should bring forward your idea to enquirer with the other departments as to what aid they can give to our current supply problem. It would be good to check that they aren't also about to cause trouble and politely enquirer about Chuunitrixx while you are at it.” the armored Vampire nodded in response and had to be politely stopped from going on at length about her ideas as to who could help and how.

After a touch more discussion during which everyone was allowed time to digest what had been discussed Kaldora brought things to a close “Well I believe that's all that is all we can do on the matter for the moment. For now, we have work to do,” she said before approaching her dark unicorn mount and hoisting herself into the saddle.

“So let’s go hunting.”

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Flan had decided she needed a little me time, away from the kitchens, away from service, just some alone time to recharge. So what exactly was the best way to spend that alone time? Why, with a bath of course! While a slime's entire body was essentially a digestive organ and needed to filter, having a relaxing bath and letting the water travel through all her cells was quite exhilarating and felt rather cleansing. Finding a time was rather hard to do considering all the mouths to feed but the skeleton butlers could at least chop up vegetables and whatnot for easy cooking later, so she could afford a small break.

The Chateau’s main baths were in a traditional roman style, so open air with what looked like granite, marble, and of course columns giving the area a bit of a fancy feel. Aside from the aesthetic, the other draws of the baths were they were large enough to accommodate larger species and multiple members of the Chateau at a time, also that the bath water could be modified with a special filter to give the water scents and various effects. Like eating the right meal before a battle, the baths when prepared correctly could be used to temporarily boost stats and wash away enemy debuffs. The baths had their uses aside from just being pretty.

Flan slid into the bath’s outer edge and looked into the waters; it appeared she would not be alone. Taking up most of the side of a bath was violet in all her baby-faced, giantess glory. Violet’s armor and other equipment was stacked in the corner, taking up a good bit of space, while Violet lounged in the water, her elbows on the side of the bath with a look of contentment on her face. Since her ring was off Violet was at her full stature, while she was petite for a giant she was still a giant and so even her meager assets were quite large in comparison to most everyone else. Violet was bathing in a pink tankini and cute pink bathing bottoms, the tankini just barely reached her bellybutton so depending on her position, it would either be hidden or showing. If Violet wasn’t so large, she would certainly be seen as a petite and cute young girl.

“Good day to you Violet Florence.” Flan curtsied in her maid uniform before heading to one of the bath’s stone benches. Flan heard a ‘kyaa!’ and a sudden splashing as Violet floundered about, slipping down into the bath upon hearing the greeting. Flan raised a non-existent eyebrow at Violet’s rather, violent reaction.

“O-oh Flan, Onee-chan, I wasn’t expecting to see anybody else today.” Violet’s cheeks were flushed emerged from the bath after slipping in from a brief panic attack. She quickly gave herself a quick one-over to make sure nothing had slipped out of place. Only a minor adjustment was needed.

“Forgive my interruption, but as I am sure you are aware it can be difficult for me to find time for such luxuries. I hope you don’t mind me joining you.”

“N-not at all Onee-chan, I was just startled is all, don’t worry about me.” Violet was glad it was someone non-humanoid who had popped into the bath while she was there. Revealing her large, clumsy body to others outside of combat was not something she particularly enjoyed. Everyone else was so small and cute compared to her, but at least Flan was not a humanoid like her so it didn’t feel quite as awkward to be seen bathing by her. Still, Flan certainly knew how to make herself look like a curvaceous beauty which made Violet feel a little self-conscious about her own body.

Flan nodded and started to take off her uniform. Off came the uniform and Violet couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed at seeing Flan strip down to her black under ware which looked quite nice with her purple complexion. What came next though sent Violet into a frenzy was Flan started to strip out of even her undergarments. Violet’s face was dyed crimson and she quickly covered her face with her hands.

“W-W-What are you doing Onee-chan?” Violet’s frazzled voice caused Flan to pause for a moment.

“Getting ready to slip into the bath?” Flan responded as off came the bra and the panties were soon to follow. Flan tilted her head in a quizzical fashion as she watched Violet practically melt behind her hands. At least point, Flan was completely naked of course, her slimly, purple body reflecting whatever light hit it, especially where she still had her feminine curves.

“You bathe completely naked!?”

“Of course I have no need for bathing garments after all; I prefer to feel every pore of my body to have full access to the water.” While Flan was completely naked, she didn’t bother to show any feminine ‘details’ so it was more like looking at a smooth jello sculpture of a woman than anything else. Flan started her descent into the warm waters below, her body gurgled with pleasure as she started to automatically strain the bathwater through her gelatinous form. Violet kept her rosy cheeks hidden was she watched Flan descend into the depths of the bath.

Flan had to be a little careful to keep at least some semblance of shape as her body naturally wanted to just relax and dissolve into the water, while her nucleus would be fine, it would still be a pain to put herself back together if she let herself go too much. Soon, the slime was neck deep into the bath, her cheeks darkened in comfort as she allowed the rest of her body to virtually turn into mush. Flan was transformed into a very happy, slime blob.

Once Flan was almost fully submerged, Violet could see he body had returned to a more formless shape, a slime’s nakedness was truly quite different from other species nakedness. Violet took some breaths to calm herself as she tried to wipe the thought of sharing the bath with a naked Chateau member.

“Well, enjoy yourself, Onee-chan...” Violet mumbled as she tried to return to her state of mind before Flan had come, but to no avail. “Uhhh…well, I’ll be heading out first Onee-chan!” Not able to handle it any longer, Violet got out of the bath and quickly started to dry herself off with a very large towel.

“There’s really no need, I’m sure you were looking forward to this as much as me.”

“Oh no no no, Bath’s are made to be enjoyed in peace and quiet, I’m sure with my splashing it would be hard for you to fully relax. I-I’ll see you later!” In about two minutes flat, Violet had rubbed her body dry and quickly got into her armor and put on her ring, reducing her to the dwarfish size of 4 feet, decked out as the cutest tank one could imagine. With a quickly bow, Violet rushed out of the bathing area, leaving Flan to ponder Violet’s actions.

“Guess she just doesn’t like bathing with other people, well I’ll be sure to enjoy every second of my time here.” Flan started to bubble happily in the bath while she enjoyed the feeling of the water, flushing her completely clean.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by BurningDaisies
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"Such flattery. You spoil me, Flan." The furry nightmare yawned and blinked slowly, appreciatively. "A saucer of warm cream and live mouse would be excellent, just like C.L. used to make." A soft purr rumbled through the counter top.

"Please prepare some meals for my servants as well. Countess Ilavendra and her spawn are more insatiable than I am, if you believe. They bled dry twelve stags in two days. I'll need more human sacrifices, if I'm going to keep the peace. You're perhaps one of the few people who understands how ravenous the Dreamlanders really are." He let out a heavy sigh as his gaze listlessly wandered across the kitchen until rested on a tall, spice rack. It was every so slightly crooked and smudges of dried slime tarnished the surface, but each ingredient had been arranged with care and precision.

"Tell me, Flan. How well stocked is your pantry? Are we missing anything? I could collect a few more ingredients during my travels."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

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Light was astonished that she actually managed to win one of these games of luck. She knew her luck was horrible, but apparently boss man's luck was way worse! "Wow! I didn't think anyone could be unluckier than me! My lack of luck is why I'm not too into these games even though they all look super fun. Rolling mostly 2s and 1s all the time really sucks the fun out of everything, ya know?" Light said, astonished that she not only beat Rodius, but handily. Rodisu then went on saying that he wasn't any good at these games, which confused Light since most of them were games of chance. It didn't matter how well you knew the game, if you couldn't ever roll high.

With the games done, Rodius took Light outside to the beast pens arena, a dual area of the Chateau that made fighting a lot safer. Even so, Light was a bit confused as to exactly how Rodius wanted her to fight. She was fine with Rodius going full force, Light's powerset made her incredibly durable for something like that especially in a 1v1 fight, but she wasn't sure how she should handle him. "So uh boss man, how do you want me to fight you? Like outside or inside the vault area?" Light said. She wasn't one for fighting seriously unless she absolutely needed to, as often one stab from razor sharp claws into a vital was enough to kill someone which ended a fight super quickly and making the fight not fun at all.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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(Collab: @The Irish Tree)

@BurningDaisies,@Rockin Strings
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Infiltrating the mansion was easy enough even for Mamoru, who barely needed to do anything but act as she normally did. She could tell that the humans here had a certain disdain for actual dragonoids like her, or “Dragon Scarred” as she had picked up on. She has no idea what that means, but as long as Mamoru continued to play the role of a simple maid, she was certain she would learn in due time. Eventually she was greeted by a cantankerous old man who brusquely asked what she wanted. Mamoru curtsies and spoke the lines she rehearsed.

“Greetings honorable sire, I am Uskbemin Darakitisu, or simply Uske. I am from the Black Thorn tribe, to the north. I have served Lord Therod for five years before he passed, and he recommended that I continue to serve here, where I can be of most use.” Mamoru produced a sign letter of recommendation which, naturally, was just a forgery she had commissioned. One of her clones learned of the dying old lord and managed to take a real letter of recommendation and simply had the names changed for Mamoru’s current false identity. “Along with house keeping, cooking, and tapestry, I am educated in two different languages and knowledgeable of precious metals and stones. Lastly if need be, I have been taught some medicine and I have defended my master from danger before, and I am willing to do so again without hesitation.” All true, yet at the same time lies. Mamoru is indeed capable of all of these things she says, but she wouldn’t deign to admit actually caring for these people, more so since she totally intends to have the Chateau take over. But of course, she will serve her role as intended.

Butterfly continued his duties around the Chateau, which mostly invoked labor work or cleaning. Mamoru, or rather her copy, was delegating tasks to the Bone Butlers and Butterfly served dutifully. With the excess hares sent away and no real disturbances at the ritual site, things were calm. Naturally, that would stop happening soon. Butterfly received a warning from one of the skeletal sentries. A fast moving creature heading in the direction of the Chateau. Butterfly didn’t immediately feel concern because he was aware that there were many operatives of the Chateau moving in and out of the HQ at high speeds, which one of the sentries may have simply picked up and failed to identify. If it were just one Butterfly wound simply leave the issue alone.

However multiple creatures moving at high speeds via air and ground were quickly en route towards the chateau. Something was wrong, and Butterfly was aware of it. Additional sentries posted within the Chateau was able to identify the ones in the air as the ESPer automatons lead by Isolde. But the one moving through the forest was more difficult to identify. None of the skeletal sentries has perceptive abilities powerful enough to pick up anything beyond “fast moving creature”. Even Butterfly was only able to discern that the creature moves towards the Chateau due to the various sentries who were able to respond.

“I should greet the guest.” Butterfly said simply. He had no idea if this creature was friend or foe, or perhaps simply one of their allies who had some reason to move at such breakneck speeds through the forest. But on the possibility that it was a foe, Butterfly made sure to telepathically call for the Bone Martyrs to join him. They were nothing more than regular skeletal butlers with a very special gimmick to give them the most bang for their bucks. He communicated this message to all of the skeletal butlers of a potential new arrival, which would eventually be received by Mamoru herself, or at least the clone in the Chateau.

Butterfly and ten of the Bone Martyrs would leave through the front gate of the Chateau, having arranged a small table with refreshments and snacks, while the bone martyrs also hide themselves within the snow awaiting further orders. The blizzard of the mountain would bury their remains quickly enough as Butterfly patiently awaited to have eyes on this fast moving creature. He just hoped they were polite enough to parley, or otherwise Butterfly would have to clean up the mess right on the Chateaus doorstep.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by BurningDaisies
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BurningDaisies The Hardcore Flower

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Geralt ran through the woods. Wind beat against his dark cowl and buffeted his clothes. Beads of sweat ran down his neck. "Gods preserve us, what was that thing? How did it do that to Broen?" He grimaced as the vivid imagery replay in his head. Beetles, flies, and maggots wriggled beneath his comrades skin, crawling out his mouth and eyes. The bone-chilling screams echoed in his ears even still. "I have to warn the others-"

In one moment, Geralt was running to safety. In the next, the world flew out from under him. He felt a sharp pain in his leg as he landed with a hard thud. His senses screamed in alarm, urging him to his feet. He pushed himself up, and immediately fell again. He stared at his legs, and noticed one of them had been wrenched around backward and broken. His eyes bulged as the pain suddenly caught up with him. An agonized growl erupted from his chest.

A rustle in the bushes caught his attention. His head snapped around for a look, but there was nothing. His eyes scanned the treeline as he itched at his hands. His skin tingled uncomfortably, a strange prickling sensation which spread rapidly. A breath caught in his throat and coughed. Something clung to his mouth. He spit and wretched, as a mucus-covered centipede undulated its way across the ground. Panic gripped him, heart hammering against his ribs. "No." A painful itch in his ear was accompanied by a strange noise, like a thousand tiny bubbles popping. He cried out as blood ran down from his ears. One after another black flies crawled out and tried to dry their wings.

He growled in pain. Thin worms instead of tears wriggled out of his eyes.

His vision grew dark as a small antlered creature stared at him with three bright green eyes; it's lithe body sheathed in short, blood-flecked coat of white and brown. An oily ichor bubbled up from the ground around it, steaming and hissing at it blackened the earth. Writhing tendrils wrenched themselves from the roiling pool and slowly slithered toward Geralt.

"Monster! My master will mount your head on the wall." The man chuckled grimly as he reached for the knife at his belt.

The creature spoke in chorus, its voices pounding the air.
"Your master will know a thousand subtle shades of pain.."
It took a slow, deliberate step forward.
"A hundred ways to die..."
Another step.
"Until I lay his worthless body upon my table..."
Another step.
"Sleep, little morsel. For the feast has just begun~"

The Tyrant of Nightmares lived up to his name. He licked is lips with satisfaction as yet another headless corpse settled into his magic gullet. He peered deeper into the brush and watched as spells fizzled and backfired; flesh shriveled to nothing or boiled away. A divine infestation wracked the bodies of the stubborn few who struggled to escape. Insects clawed and bit their way out of each one, erupting into black clouds of pestilence.

He had just clawed out the tongue of his most recent plaything, when Ashara arrived. Frantic and disheveled, she smelled of fear.

"Lord Chompy, Sir Gromgard... Something-" She began, but unsure of how to word it."-something is not right. The deeper we go in this forest, the more I sense something... A presence." She placed a hand on her chin, thinking of how to describe it. "It feels like... An aura of incredible malice, pure, simple and unadulterated evil. Like a fog or miasma of choking gas... It lies at the heart of this forest, and it seems to be just as powerful as any of us." Ashara said, thoughtfully and concerned. Her many tails were moving in a disorderly fashion.

Although he was immune to fear himself, anything powerful enough to shake Ashara's confidence was a legitimate threat indeed.

"Oh dear~" His voice held a note of concern. "Our foes have such good taste. Its a pity we're obliged to slaughter them wholesale. They would have made an excellent addition to the Dreamlands." He sauntered past Ashara, confidently holding his tail high. His burning green eyes stared into the dark of the forest.

"I'm sure the General will agree that we have the advantage here. My curses are slowly spreading through their ranks, a plague upon them. If they believe their magic sanctum will protect them, they are gravely mistaken." His eyes narrowed to slits.

"But the lady believes them to be a threat, no? Let's just reap them now and be done with it." He met the listless gaze of his most recent victim. His torso was twisted unnaturally, but he still lived. "It would truly be a mercy."

Several layers of arcane glyphs encircled the feline, casting electric blue shadows upon the trees. A pale ethereal spire lanced through the the man's chest and blasted the skin from his body as he rose into the air. His charred bones turned to ash before they hit the ground. Spectral fire ignited and wreathed Ashara, Gromgard, and all of his nearby goblins in a veil of harmless blue-white flames. The ghostfire dissipated quickly, but left a faint silvery glow behind. Though few chose the ability, High Warlocks had the option to empower spells using willing or helpless sacrifices, but it always made the spell【 Evil 】.

The gloominess of the atmosphere around the small cat changed rapidly, as a foul wind kicked blood and dust into the air, instilling in all allies nearby a lust for violence.

"Enjoy my blessings while they last." He said dryly.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Mamoru’s letter seemed to work very well to convince the old man to allow her to work here. Something about his expression told Mamoru that he was more annoyed at hearing the name of Therod, and she made a mental note to contact the clone to obtained this letter and learn more information about Lord Therod and what exactly his reputation was. As far as Mamoru knew he was simply a lord of his people and died of reasons related to his old age, but these were base assumptions. Regardless Mamoru was in, and she was escorted to the boarding house. She took note the amount of human servants and the lack of dragonoids like herself. In hindsight perhaps she should’ve stayed in her human form, but she was her strongest in this one. Besides, even if she did wish to remain beneath notice, she’d still be looked at with suspicion for simply being a new maid. ”Stick to the plan Mamoru. You are a simple brute dragonoids maid, who surely doesn’t know the full nuances of civilized society.”

Additionally the other maid, Celia, asked Mamoru why she choose to work here of all places. An innocent enough question, but Mamoru was privy to the lifestyle of a maid and knew that they were the information network within a lords home. If Mamoru wasn’t careful with her words even common humans could see through her deception. “It was the will of my master. He told me that I could most use here, and I trust his word. Thus I am here.” Mamoru intentionally enunciated her words with deliberate practice, to give the implication that she isn’t familiar with the common tongue. She did the same before as well, speaking with perfect yet obviously reversed cadence.

It was not long before Butterfly was confronted by the mysterious entity. Looking at her he knew: she was not someone from the Chateau. Even with all of the secrets within Butterfly has never seen someone like her before, that she was a stranger to this place. But he couldn’t underestimate her either; her speed was equal to that of the flying ESPer’s and she traveled across the land, through the forest and over the mountains. She was barely detected by Butterfly’s Skeletal sentries, who’s sole purpose and abilities were to detect and identify. Butterfly was initially dismissive of this world and its potential after seeing that crude ritual circle, but this was a reminder that this world and its possibilities were still unknown to him.

Still, no sense in being rude. Butterfly bowed his head towards the guest and spoke politely as he should. “Welcome, mistress. Yes, we have been expecting you. I have prepared these refreshments in advance of your arrival.” Right now Butterfly also received word that the Chateau was to be on high alert. Normally Butterfly would gladly take this opportunity to sic the Bone Martyrs on this intruder or even form Gashadokuro, however upon hearing her comment about the vast amount of skeletons she could sense, Butterfly knew he lost the element of surprise. At best, he may be able to swarm her with Bone Martyrs before she could slay him and send a desperate distress signal to the butlers to form Gashadokuro, but that all gambled on the woman’s inability to kill Butterfly before he could send the mental signal. Something he isn’t certain about due to a lack of information about her abilities.

For now, Butterfly must stall, and entertain. He knew that among the inhabitants of the Chateau, Bone Daddy was ill-suited for direct combat. His duties were to supply the Chateau with laborers and serve them loyally. But he can do more. He always wants to do more for his masters. “For drinks, we have Matcha green tea, freshly brewed to assist in warding off the mountains cold winds. If there is something sweeter you desire we also have vanilla cola, courtesy of our Chateau’s finest chef.” Butterfly poured out a small sample of both for the stranger. The tea was hot, but at the perfect temperature for sipping, not too strong but had enough bitterness to compliment the sweets spread out on the table. The cola had the traditional dark caramel coloration to it with white foam as it was poured into the cup, a bit of a visual trick to invoke the taste and color of vanilla. As the cola was already chilled, there was no ice which could water down the flavor.

“As for snacks, we have prepared a trifecta of sweet, savory, and spicy.” First from the sweet plate Butterfly has the typical arrangement of cookies and candies, such as macarons, madeleines with a raspberry spread, and chocolates of the dark, white, nuts, and dipped fruit variety. “These confections were made by our master chef herself, though I have had the pleasure of personally selecting the fruits which grow in our gardens that prove worthy of her craftsmanship.”

Next was the savory or basically, meat. And what a better way to arrange the meat than with a Charcuterie board. Butterfly would reveal a large platter with various smoked and cured meats on one side, an arrangement of cheese on the other, divided down the center with crackers and biscuits which to stack the meat and cheese combination on. Butterfly also opened three spreads that looked to be either fruit jam or paste. “I have the honor of preparing this dish. The cheese you see here is an aged Gouda, a hard yet sweet cheese that pairs finely with a spread. There is also a Brie cheese courtesy of our fine chef, soft, creamy, yet with a proud flavor with cracked black pepper. Finally we have the blue cheese, a Gorgonzola with a crumbly texture and more of a salty rather than sweet taste, but these qualities make it a fine choice to combine with the arrangement of meats.” Unlike the cheese, there was a vast variety of meat to choose from, neatly arranged so they could be picked up without needlessly shuffling or scooping.

“The meats, of which I had the pleasure of preparing and making myself. I have prepared salami, which includes the classic pepperoni and a more traditional Genoa salami, which is a soft fermented pork based compared to the pepperoni Smokey beef. Alongside the salami we have Prosciutto, pancetta, pork pate, and rillettes. Additionally we have corned beef slices and pastrami. Each of these creatures had been raised, slaughtered, and butchered by our own staff for our finest quality.” Lastly, there was the spicy snacks, which seemed so spicy they were steaming underneath their lids. As Butterfly opened them up there was a small cloud of steam that rose into the air.

“For the spicy snacks we have replicated recipes from the strange land of giants known as America and perfected them here.” One of the first dishes that Butterfly presents appears to be red hot chicken tenders that glistened a violent red. “Boneless Buffalo Wings, fried and dipped in the Chateaus own signature spicy sauce. A treat that will surely clear your sinuses.” Next was a rather ornate looking dish consisting of a crispy fried onion with a red-white sauce neatly sitting at the center. “A blooming onion coated in a beer batter before being fried in in lard based oil, with a coating of Cajun spices to give it extra flavor and bite. Served with a ketchup, mustard, and mayo sauce blend.” The next dish that was still hit and crispy appeared to be yet another fried dish, a reoccurring theme with the spicy foods. “These are jalapeño poppers, carefully cultivated in the Chateau’s green house gardens, these particular snacks are our ‘Atomic Ass Bomb’ variants due to the variety of spices, breading, and oil to ensure physical harm through fire damage upon consumption. A snack fit for only our mightiest warriors.” Finally, the last spicy dish consisted of what appeared to be just a bowl of twisted, curly potato fries with a healthy coating of salt, peppers, and chili flakes. “These are curly fries.” Butterfly said simply. “I have no idea who made these.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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As per the usual, Talim was spying through his telescope from the roof of the Chateau. Talim certainly enjoyed a rather interesting position within the Chateau's ranks, as his quarters were positioned above everyone else. Of course the position of his room didn't actually mean anything but it was still kind of fun to be 'above' even the supreme beings. He hadn't seen much action as of yet, mostly because of his ability to spot things before most of the Chateau, so he had mostly been stuck on watch tower duty with a few local visits to locations here and there.

Talim had been the first to spot the defeated ESPER, but considering its speed, there had been no point in warning the Chateau before hand as it would be quicker for it to give its message in person, if it had one. Of course this turn of events was of great interest to the incubus as while the antics of the Chateau's staff was always amusing to spy on, considering most of the interesting bits happened indoors it made it somewhat hard to keep up on everything, especially when he was up on the roof.

"Time for a peek!" Talim quickly started to scan the ground in front of the Chateau as the alarm was raised about the incoming guest. It did not take too long to find Butterfly confronting the powerful being with Bone Daddy close by. Using his telescope, Talim was very quickly able to analysis the intruder, but the information he could glean was, minimal at best. It was easy enough to identify the creature as a Gorgon, no more likely a top class Medusa due to the coloring and form. Whatever it was, the Medusa was very high level which meant any real information gathering could not be accomplished at such a long range unfortunately. On the plus size, as long as Talim was far away and only observing the creature through the spyglass, there was virtually no way he could be affected by its eye skills.

"Oh what to do, what to do?" Talim pretended to complain even though nobody could hear him. Despite the obvious danger of the situation, Talim could feel his body tingle in anticipation, it wasn't quite as satisfying as spying on an enemy from inside their lines but it was enough to give him a little thrill. Now technically with the alarm raised Talim was supposed to go to the Climax Hour with everyone, but that really didn't seem like a good idea, better for Talim to stay on the roof for now to continue to observe the situation, plus as one of the better flyers in the Chateau, it was better for him to be on the outside anyway.

"What entertainment will you provide me with today?" Talim grinned as he watched events unfold, his sleek tail with its dangerous barb twitching in anticipation.

As soon as the alarm was sounded Violet quickly rushed to the Climax Hour, her small, armored body thumped through the Chateau. An alarm meant that they needed to be prepared for battle, as one of the NPCs with the highest defensive rating in the Chateau, it would Violet's job to tank for the rest. As soon as Violet made it to the area, she skidded to a halt and started to do controlled breathes to get herself into as calm a state of mind as possible. If it came to fighting this would be her first real battle in this strange land so she needed to be the best bodyguard she could be.

"Ok Violet, you can do this. Let's make sure I have everything I need." Violet meticulously went over every piece of equipment she had to make sure she was prepared for any scenario. "Full set of Guardian Angel Armor, check. Thundernyan check. Tower Shield of Spell Reflection check. Stock of healing potions, check. Ring of Size Reduction, check...I hope I don't have to take it off but I will if it means protecting everyone!"

Violet puffed some air out of her nostrils to try and put on her tough face. It mostly just made Violet looks like she was a little kid trying too hard. Still, one could not help but notice her resolve as her armored hands gripped her Thundernyan as tight as possible. She would give her life to protect the Chateau if needed.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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As the alarm sounded, Graft snapped out of his state of concentration and jolted upright. The tool-arms of his operating table, extensions of his body thanks to the somatic link in the table's console, flailed wildly. A few trays of materials, disconnected components, and globs of flesh splattered to the ground. “An alert?” he cried, pulling his hands free from the warm clutches of the somatic link. He shook off the clear, viscous fluid and threw on his coat. “We're under attack?” he asked his attending Specialist as if the minion could offer any further insight, and who could only nod in bewilderment. Graft snatched his cane from the masked mage and sprinted from his lab across the hall into his office. He dashed behind his desk, flinging his chair aside in the process, and pressed a switch that elevated the whole desktop to a position suitable for standing. He took a deep breath, in and out, to calm himself, and then he opened a Direct Line. “TL,” he barked, “What's going on out there?”

“Unknown threat...approaching quickly. ESPers...returning,” rumbled the juggernaut assigned as captain of the Guards posted to the front entrance. Graft's technoorganic soldiers had detected the incoming entity not long after the Bone Sentries managed to, but long enough for the skeletons to get into gear first. “Butterfly...moving...to intercept.”

Graft's face was a stony mask. “Stand back then, and let him handle it. It could be that the Stalker is making its move. This is too soon, damn it. Someone must have done something to get its attention.” He moved the glyph around to his left side and swiped the air to open another, this one straight to the head honcho. “Sir, we have a potential hostile on approach. The alarm is sounded. Your orders?”

He listened intently. Rodias told him. “Emergency mode it is, then. First things first: let's make this a Collect Call.” Graft thrust both hands forward, palms out, then spread them apart. An entire array of Direct Line glyphs appeared, each linking to an important member of the Chateau. Salem, Light, Kath, Flan, Zouyu, Aurora, Kaldorna, Violet, Talim, Papillary, and Tabula all received one. Even Ashara, Gromgard, and Chompy Bits, smack dab in the middle of a grotesque confrontation received a link. Only Charme, Chuunitrixx, and Mamoru went without.

“Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the latest episode of Chateau Gothika is Under Attack. I, Vitaphagas Graft, esteemed entrepreneur, will be your host and master of communications. This is no ordinary invader; sources say that may be the mysterious individual whose power dwarfs our own. Our Sable Lord, Rodias, has commanded that we all gather in the Climax Hour while he deals with the intruder personally. If you're not at the Chateau, either return instantly or stay away. I urge you to comply. Stay safe out there, folks! ...You're less use to me dead.” He muted himself and grinned. “As for me...” A number of tentacles snaked out from beneath his overcoat and got to work. Preparations would not make themselves. “I think I'll arrange a meeting with out newest client, should initial negotiations fall through. A performance evaluation, yes...and should results fall below expectations, only termination can follow.”
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