He seems awfully ruffled all things considered, Ben thought as he watched Eris saunter ahead. He supposed that his rant was sufficient enough to be considered a victory, or at the very least he hoped so as he had stopped paying too much attention after he decided to infantilize him. How utterly comical, the idea of two grown vampires holding hands without any romance between them while being introduced. Which was funnier to him, that or the flipped narrative of Eris defending his mage? He did chuckle once he was sure he could get away with it, albeit he did notice one or two odd stares here and there. There would be those that would seek to defend the hackneyed actor—now that the thought crossed his mind, he supposed he should probably see a sample of the acting before dismissing it entirely—and Ben chose to keep quiet.
He followed Eris to the lines and broke away to one of the shorter ones; people were understandably still hesitant. He had his own reservations, but Her Highness made it clear that there was no escape. And if Varis Sinnenodel could bare with it then he would follow suit.
Ben gave the mage a smile and nod of approval. "Whenever you are ready," He said.
Initially he made the attempt to pocket the necklace given to him, but putting it in his pocket wasn't recommended. He took the mage's words to heart and slung it around his neck as the mage uttered the needed words. His vision blurred and then darkened considerably as if every single light was flickered off. I really don't like this, He confirmed his initial thought as he was lead away, uncertainty dominating his every step. The disorientation did absolutely nothing to alleviate his worries, either.
Having to rely on Lilie like this is going to age me another half-century, Ben sighed inwardly.
The mage informed him that they had arrived. Once he was released, he instantly tried to reach for something. His hand touched something soft at first, his fingers dragging slightly and feeling something sticky. What in the world had he touched? His other fingers could feel flesh, oddly enough, and it took him far longer than it should have to realize he was groping someone's face. He raised his hand upwards, soft locks meeting his touch, and he rested his head on top of a head. Or so he hoped.
"This is extremely disorienting and uncomfortable," He voiced his disproval with a hint of an apologetic tone. "What is this stickiness I feel?" He asked hesitantly.