To say that the wolves were absolutely shredded through would be an understatement to say the least, the walls and floor painted crimson with wolven blood as the escaped prisoners defended themselves from the ravenous pack. Jukati did a good job of grabbing the attention of one pack, letting Azrael take care of the group with his quintessence as they were distracted by the massive oni absolutely pummeling them. Willowa used her potion as a poison, ending the dogs with immense pain as they warped and deformed into misshapen monstrosities, while Noire took care of the third patrol with brutal efficiency. The fourth patrol was busy focusing their attentions on the ogre, but they would likely be dismantled quickly as the entire group turned their attentions on the remaining four. Well, remaining three, as the last leader whimpered away with tail in between legs. Someone was gonna have to report this to the boss, they were gonna need a lot more men if they wanted to get these prisoners back in their cells, better equipment too.
It was almost laughable how easily the wolves were destroyed, only by a fraction of the gathered group too. It brought to question how any of the hounds expected to re-imprison the inmates but perhaps eons of playing house with the humans and being good dogs had softened them up. Without a backbone provided by human hands, they were easily discouraged. The last leader continued his path away from the bloodbath, casting a single glance back with pity at how his pack was handled. Oh well. There were more of them to go around and several hundred of miles and more between the Abyss' prisons and the surface. It was this impartial moment that caused a shadow to flicker in the corner of his vision. Instinct told him to follow it and sure enough, a few bounds and leaps later had one of the prisoners in sight. It was a girl by the looks of it, and one that reeked of blood.
The wolf instantly went back into some primal state, the long accursed history between vampire and lupin kind going far into his blood and genes. Without warning or restraint, he raced fully towards Raula with intent to drag her back down by force and of a well-placed bite to the back of her throat. No such action occurred when the shadows stirred once again, but not by Raula's making. The hound hesitated just an inch as something else was leaking into shape, stautly put between the vampire and the wolf, though it wouldn't have been the first strange phenomena. After all, there was still a lady in the lake.
He hunched over and growled at the unknown shape, his hackles bristling as he bared his fangs at this unknown that had entered the scene. 'Just another prisoner to take back to their cell.' He thought as he pointed his sword at the strange thing, before leaping forwards and stabbing at it with a roar of primal fury. A foolish dog, one who would bare its fangs at everything and everyone, precisely why he had been chosen as the leader of the 'pack.'
The gathering blot had grown large and well, almost to the size of a man. But the wisps of shadows that could dim the pathway was no man, and the wolf's attack passed right through. Well, not completely. At some point halfway into the midsection, the wolf's blade found itself stuck and embedded into the dark mass. Like licorice, the blade made squelching noises the more it was buried in and only when the wolf released it did the sword fall lifeless to the ground, brittle like bone; though that wasn't much hard to achieve given their poor equipment. Indeed, no man stared back at the wolf, but a
thing who resembled the shape of men. Mass gave way to rigid bone and a hollow skull with hollower eyes stared back at the dog. The rest of the great mass conformed into vague clothes, the creature's skull unblinking.
"Who taught you to swing a sword like that?" it asked. Curiosity bubbled in its nature and voice. It acted indifferently to Raula; it was doubtful it knew she was there.
The wolf yelped in confusion as his blow met naught but shadow, stumbling forwards before stopping as something grabbed his sword. He let go and backed off, the sound of shattering iron ringing through the air as his pathetic sword shattered like ice on the ground. Whatever, he didn't need that shitty old sword to take down this upstart prisoner. He would rely on his claws and fangs, just like he did to get here. "None of your damn business prisoner!" He snarled, clawing at the inmate's face to put him down. A foolish dog indeed.
Before such feral claws could reach the creature's skull, a force slammed the dog back down, hard enough to place him on his back. The culprit revealed was a wooden staff in the creature's hand, the end pummeled against the wolf's chest.
"I don't want to kill you without reason. In addition to my first question, I would like to ask where your masters are." Despite his thin shape, there was an undeniable strength in the creature's grip and arm. His words conveyed a hollow, almost objective tone that was nearly as barren as his visage. However, it was only not that he noticed there was someone else in close proximity. Straightening up, he caught Raula in the corner of his vision and slowly turned to her.
"What do you think? Does he look like someone who carries around important information? Or was his rank just by happenstance?" "Go to hell skullface!" The wolf snarled, grabbing at the stick and doing his damndest to try and wrench it off his chest, or maybe break it, something! God damn this guy was strong, what the hell was under that suit? He looked over to Raula, snarling and baring his fangs to try and scare the vampire off, he'd be damned before he would let a god damn bloodsucker get to him!