And there we go, next plot-progressive post is up. :)
I've left things open for team Rag-tag to do a bit as they please. Character-interactions and what have you. There's no rush in moving forward, since you're all kind banged up, except Artemisia that coward... so feel free to have a little bit of a pow-wow between characters and resolve this whole, unwanted talker-busiess. ^^
As for Team Church...
Meet Maxwell, a level 35 Cleric. He's very evil. And has very much lost his marbles.
Also meet his three animated undead, of the Zombie-variety. They're all level 18. Funny thing about zombies in Oublioth:
They can only be killed by either smashing their heads, or burning them. Nothing else can kill or stop them. Chopping off their limbs? Won't stop them. Cutting off their heads? Won't stop them. Shooting lightning bolts at them? Won't stop them. They're a very slow, very simple but very annoying enemy to fight because of this. They make excellent meat-shields though!
Also, Atua, as you may have noticed, has had a "Dominate: PErson" spell cast on her. She will continue to serve Maxwell until he, or you boys, bite the dust. :3
Well, obviously things like Turn Undead or Holy-element damage can alzo hurt zombies, but that's a generic weakness of all undead.