Our story begins with the popular VRMMORPG, Oubliette Online, released in 21XX. The game was a tremendous success, being one of the most immerssive and advanced games of its time, earning it critical acclaim and a massive player-base. Expanding and growing, the successful game saw an impressive lifespawn of just over 14 years, before the decline in players eventually prompted the once-reigning-star of online games to prepare to shut down.
In those last minutes of the VRRMMO's time still online, a single player decided that just sitting around, waiting for the end to come, was a huge waste of time. They wanted to go out with a bang, not a whimper. As such, gathering all the possessions they had managed to acrue over their career in the game world, they set out on one fianl self-imposed quest: To challenge the greatest World Boss that Oubliette Online had to offer! To challenge the beast to a one-on-one battle, that - once the server shut down - would lock their avatar and the great monster in an eternal, glorious battle forever!
Or... At least that was the plan...
As the timer for the server shutdown reached 0, the World Boss unleashed its most powerful attack, and our brazen player took said blow face-first, just as the world of Obuliette Online came to an end. TBut strangely, the combination of staying online until the very end, being hit by a powerful virtual attack that could wipe out an entire party of players and some form of Deus-Ex Machina magic, our player was torn from both their physical body in the real world, and the world of the VRMMO... Launched through time, space and the very dimensional rift between realities, arriving in a new, unfamiliar world, stuck in the body of their Oubliette Online avatar.
However, it wasn't just like they suddenly opened their eyes and 'poof!', they were in an unfamiliar place, no, the arrival to the new world was a bit more... Dramatic... And more importantly, very much observable and noticed by the inhabitants and natives of this new, strange place. Tearing through the night sky, like a falling star or plume of light, the dimension-torn player fell from the heavens and crashed into what was know commonly known as the Frogotten Ruins. Some took the bright, falling light as a sign of divine providence, while others thought it a sign of the world's end. Others still believed it may be the arrival of a mystic and legendary creature, while some considered it a gift from the heavens.
Regardless of who thought what and whetever anyone actually guess right, one single conclusive thing united them all - the curiousity and desire to investigate whatever the cause may have been.
And so, dear brave soul, this is where you come into the story. As a native of these lands, you too have been drawn to the falling light. Be it as an adventurer, a mercenary, a lone traveller, a greedy merchant or just a curious commoner out picking mushrooms, you - for whatever reason is your own - have gone to find the source of what the Forgotten Ruins now hide... And once you find it, your life will change forever...
~ Welcome to Oubliette Online ~
Hello and greetings, welcome to this roleplay. This is a story based on the typical and - as of late - very popular "isekai"-trope common to manga and anime. The setting is a rather typical fantasy world, which has a surprising amount of similarities to a certain MMORPG called Oubliette Online. In this story, you'll be playing the roles of natives to this fantasy world, who come into contact with a person who - for whatever mysterious reason - tore through the fabric of reality and ended up stuck in their game avatar's body and ended up in your world. Our tale will begin shortly, but before we move on to anything else, please take some time to read the information provided below, as it may prove useful to you.
~ World, Races and Lore ~
The world in which our tale takes place is called Oublioth, a world that has strangely game-mechanicky powers, creatures and people. The world is vast and varied, and you are free to add and implement places, nations, cultures and customs into the world. Just keep in mind the following when you make your own additions.
The technology of the world is on par with medieval Europe. Things like running water, proper sewers and conbveniences like electricity and refrigeration do not exist. Some high-magic societies or nations may have access to some of these things, but for the most part, there are no flushing toilets, no radiators to keep you warm in winter, no cars, no convenience stores to buy cup noodles or soda.
Humans, as is often the case, are the most wide-spread and common race. Many nations and kingdoms of humans are however feudal and have castes. Slavery is not at all uncommon and prejudice and superstition is common. Things like equal rights, freedom of speech, religious freedom, democratic votes and so on are foreign, alien concepts to almost all nations. There may be exceptions, of course, but it is more the very rarity rather than the norm.
The typical races of fantasy-fair live in Oublioth, such as dwarves, elves, halflings, gnomes, kobolds, orcs, dragons, giants, lizardmen, undead and so on and so forth. While humans may be the most common or wide-spread race, they are certainly not the abundantly dominating species with everyone else being rare. Humans are just more common than others overall.
There are several established major religions and cults in the world. However, listing them all and their beliefs and practices would be a nightmare. Thus, if you want information on them, you may send the GM a PM and inquire about such matters.
The currency of Oublioth are silver and gold coins, called simply silver or gold coins. Each nation has their own minted currency of course, but overall, you can trade any nation's coinage for wares and services in other countries at a (roughly) fair ratio. Of course, there are countries that consider their money superior and have an atrocious exchange-rate...
Most large cities have a population of around 50,000 ~ 200,000 citizens. Bigger cities do exist, but these are more uncommon and can usually be found in the most long-lived of empires or kingdoms with extremely long history.
Despite the low technology level of the world, many things that are common in our modern society still exist. Such as sugar, silk, cotton, coffee, cocoa, various types of gambling, etc, etc
A Heaven and Hell-like plane of existences exist coincidentally with the world of Oublioth. Demons are widely recognized and agreed to be evil and malevolent, while the beings of the Heavenly plane are more subject to varied opinions. Some consider 'angels' to be messengers of the gods and beings of good, while others see them the same as demons and devils, outsiders who bring harm to the world. With the use of magic, it is possible to reach these neighbouring realms, though only with very powerful spells or rituals or devices.
Reading and writing is not commonplace. Only people with money and/or social status are litterate. Most commoners cannot read or write, regardless of where they're from.
There are multiple different alphabets in the world. Humanns have a universal, common alphabet, whereas other races have their own, and sometimes regional alphabets. Luckily, most all alphabets are a 1-to-1 exchange, meaning the symbols are mostly interchangeable, making languages a lot easier to learn in thee world of Oublioth than on Earth.
As mentioned in the list above, there are many native fantasy races in the world of Oublioth. You are free to pick and choose almost anything for your character to be, with a few exceptions.
You may not play as dimensional outsiders, such as Angels, Devils, Demons, Elementals or Shadow Creatures.
You may not play as powerful monster-type races, such as Dragons, Giants, Arachnee or similar things.
You may not play as any creatures that do not possess their own sentience of self-awareness, such as most undead creations, slimes, hive-minded creatures or outright animals/beasts.
You may not play as extremely powerful beings such as Liches, Half-Dragons, Demi-Gods or other creatures that would be considered to be have incredible innate power no matter their experience and age.
You may not play ethereal or incorporeal creatures like spirits, souls, ghosts, phantoms and the like.
Other than this, there are no real restrictions. You can play as any kind of elf, be it wood, high or dark. Any kind of dwarf, gnome, halfling, human sub-species or even lizardmen or heck, why not be a goblin or kobold or maybe even a beastman? The choice is yours.
The magic of the world functions like a mix between both an Action RPG and the magic of D&D. Spells are divided into tiers, depending on their strength and potency, and require Mana or "MP" to be cast. This is true for all types of magic, be it the type cast by Wizards and Sorcerers, or the kind cast by Bards, Clerics, Priests and Paladins. This also applies to certain specific abilities of non-casters as well, though in their case there are no tiers, but rather just an MP cost. In total, there are 12 Tiers of Magic, and you reach a new tier every 10 levels. If you need examples of what kind of spells are available - or suitable - for any given tier, please have a look at spells from D&D as a guideline. This goes for for non-spells like combat arts or special moves or anyhting of the same general type. Be reasonable and fair so I won't have to police your abilities.
~ Rules & Templates ~
Below you will find a blank Character Sheet which you'll need to fill out in case you want to make a character and join this RP. But before you do so, please read some of the tips and guidelines before you start, as it may contain important tidbits of information that you might otherwise miss or be ignorant of.
When making your character, you will need to assign them stats. There are no stat-points or limits, and if you want to make a character with max-stats in everything, you can. However, I ask that you try and be fair and reasonable with your stats, and allocate them in a way that makes sense and fits with your character. For example, if you're a lowborn commoner from a farmstead who had to work the fields his entire life, maybe you shouldn't have max-ranked Intellect when there werne't any time for studies and reading. Or, if you're playing as a dainty, whimsical bard, maybe you shouldn't have maxed out Vitality, when you rely more on your fleet feet and winning smile.
This applies to things like immunities, resistances and weaknesses as well. Don't just throw things into the lists to try and balance or gain unnecessary advantages. Look at your character, their race, their training, their equipment, and then decide what actually makes sense to be immune, resistant or weak to. If you're unsure about what to pick, or if to pick anything at all, please feel free to ask me, I'll be happy to discuss it.
On the same subject, equipment. You're all playing as Level 1-20 adventurers. A standard, goodness-to-average human commoner, with no formal military or martial training, nor any propeer education, is between level 1-3, and has a Stat-rank if 'F' in all stats. Do not be decieved by these low values though, for they represent the average human being. Ergo, having higher stats and levels means you're getting further away from the mediocre and everyday. Also, important to note, that even if two people have the same stats in a parameter, such as STR, if there is a level-difference, the one with a higher level is technically stronger.
On the topic of stats, don't feel any need to try and arbitrarily spread them our or balance them. If you want to focus on being a heavy-hitting berserker type, pump up your STR, or if you wantt to be a sagacious monk, raise your WIS. As before, just make sure your stats are reasonable and make sense for your chaaracter and their history/equipment.
Further concerning stats, despite them being a letter-style system, we are not using the same parameter system as the Fate-series. This means there are no +/- parameters, like (A+) or (C-), stats are either F, E, D, C, B, A or S, and that's it. No modifiers, no boosts or penalties. Just flat, simple and straightforward letter-grades.
When it coems to Skills & Spells, please don't feel like you have to list every ability or power your character has, unless you want to. The point of that section of the CS is to let us see what your character can do, and how they primarily operate and function in a combat or otherwise intense situation. If you're a defense-minded tank, show us this by listing some defense or protection-oriented skills. Or if you're a pyromancer, list some fire-based spells that you can fling at opponents. Remember, just because a skill isn't on your list, doesn't mean you can't use it. I'm not going to force you to write up every skill or spell you have, because by the end of the RP; you'll all likely have more than a couple dozen of them...
Also, please remember that if you're ever unsure or uncertain about how to fill something out, or have questions regarding the world or mechanics, please feel free to just ask me. I'll be happy to amswer amy qiestopns amd wprk with you so that you can make a functioning character for the story.
[b]Name:[/b] Your character's name [b]Age:[/b] How old your character is [b]Gender:[/b] What sex your character is [b]Race:[/b] What species your character is
[b]Appearance:[/b] Text description and/or image [i]Height:[/i] How tall your character is [i]Eye Color:[/i] Your character's eye color [i]Hair Color:[/i] Your character's hair color [i](Remove this in your finished sheet: Why do you need to list these things? Because I'm colorblind and would appreciate it.)[/i]
[b]Personality.[/b] Your character's behavior, thoughts, ideals, morals and attitude. What do they value, what do the despise? Do they have hobbies? Are they kind, cold, apathetic or a mix? Do they believe in laws and order, or taking matters into their own hands? Are they snooty or humble? Write a little something about them and how they act and think.
[b]History:[/b] Your character's background. Where they from, what their childhood was like, what they did growing up and how they ended up where they are now. Write a little something to let us know these things. ----- [b]Level:[/b] Your Oubliette Online level (Initial Max: 20) [b]Class:[/b] What your character's class/job is, i.e. Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, etc. [b]Profession:[/b] Any sub-vocation you may have, such as Herbalist, Alchemist, Chef, Leatherworker, etc.
[b]Stats:[/b] [i]Stats are rated by a letter-system, with worst to best being as follows; F, E, D, C, B, A, S. An 'average' adult human, with no martial training and no proper education has rank F in generally all their stats)[/i] [i]Strength (STR):[/i] How strong you are, how hard you hit, how heavy things you can lift. Important for melee-combatants. [i]Vitality (VIT):[/i] How tough you are, how big your HP pool is, how much stamina you have, how well you can resist poisons and diseases. or take damage Important for tanky and athletic people. [i]Dexterity (DEX):[/i] How nimble and agile you are, how good your motor-skills are, how much finesse you have and hand-to-eye coordnation. Important for ranged fighters or people relying on speed and the like. [i]Intellect (iNT):[/i] How easy you learn, how large your MP pool is, how powerful your magic spells can be. Important for mages or people who focus on research, science and/or knowledge in general. [i]Wisdom (WIS):[/i] How much common sense you have, how easily you can solve puzzles, how good you can defend against/resist magic or spell-like effects. Important for scholars, monks or those who make use of other types of magic. [i]Charisma (CHA):[/i] How articulate you are, how good you are at convincing, bluffing, diplomacy, lying, threatening or leading. Important for smooth talkers, traders, bards or others who rely on words and wit.
[b]List of immunities:[/b] If you have any immunities, list them here.
[b]Resistances:[/b] If you have any particular resistances, list them here.
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] If you have any particular weaknesses, list them here. [i](Remove this: These immunities, resistances and weaknesses refer to things like Fire, Wind, Acid and so on. Mostly elemental or damage-type specific things.)[/i]
[b]Equipment:[/b] List any notable or worthwhile gear your character is currently carrying on their person in this section. Note that the GM may deem overly or unreasonably powerful gear unacceptable, and may require you to edit or remove it altogether. Please try to be fair and keep in line with your character's level and experience.
[b]Skills & Spells:[/b] Please list any noteworthy skills or spells here. You do not need to list every single ability you know and have access to, but a few so as to give us an idea of what your character's main focus is. In case your skills are of a more passive nature, like Diplomacy, Bluffing, Intimidation or just increased attack % against a certain species, please make sure to denote it as a (Passive).
[i]Custom Class Overview:[/i] If you've made up a custom class that isn't prevalent in games such as D&D, Action RPGs or general MMOs, please list the details regarding this job here. Explain what they are, what they do, how they do it and what their overall role is. If not, remove this section from your finished CS.
Now that you're well on your way to creating your very own character, please take a moment to read through the rules of this roleplay. They shouldn't be too restrictive or stifling, but we still need to make some things clear, just to avoid unfortunate muck-ups.
0. As the GM, I reserve the right and authority to edit, change, remove or add rules as needed or as I see fit.
1. No Meta-Gaming; If you have knowledge as the Player, that doesn't mean your character necessarily knows the same thing. Conversations in another room/area, what others are thinking internally, being able to tell whenever someone is lying or having access to information you reasonably shouldn't have, is all considered meta-gaming.
2. No Power-Gaming; Being unhittable, never taking damage, shrugging off being impaled as if it were a splinter, always landing your attacks or spells and generally being in God_Mode is considered Power-Gaming.
3. No Controlling Others; Don't assume people will act, react or behave the way you want them. Never decied on your own to have someone else's character reply, respond or take an action that you decided. Everyone wants to respond in the way they feel suits them, and unless you're writing a collab or have explicit permission from the other party, this is not allowed.
4. No Flood-Posting; If you're having fun and want to interact with another person, but nobody else is posting, don't just go ahead and post short, quick posts in the IC. Write a collab post with the person you're engaging in conversation or whatever.
5. No Flame Wars; People are people, and people will disagree and have different ideas and thoughts. It's perfectly reasonable to discuss, debate or even construcitvely criticize people. However, toxic, outright hostile or overly destructive criticism isn't necessary, from anyone. Don't go starting fights in the OOC, try and resolve things through civil means - and if you can't? I'll resolve it for you.
6. Write understandable posts; I'm not a grammer-nazi, nor am I perfect at grammar or speling, however, I can make myself understood in what I write. I expect the same of anyone participating. You don't need to be writing flawless english, but you need to be able to make yourself clear and understood, and be able to explain properly just what's going on in your posts.
7. Be fair; Sometimes things go south, and nobody likes when bad shit happens to them or their characters, but sadly that's just how it is sometimes. Don't throw a hissy-fit when something happens that you don't want or dislike, don't splurge on powers and skills or spells, don't be the plot-armored second-protagonist who just can't die. Be reasonable and fair when you play.
8. Have fun; The point of a roleplay is always to have fun. If you're not having fun, something's wrong. If you find yourself not enjoying the story, please let me know, and I'll work with you to see if we can solve the issue.
9. Give advanced notice; If you're suffering from Writer's Block, going away for some time, heading on vaction or just need a hiatus, all that's perfectly fine - as long as you inform us about this in advance. I won't kick people out who've told me that RL is currently taking priority, but I will kick out those who don't.
9. Post once a week; I put out a mandatory post every Sunday at 10PM CET/GMT+1. You have, from the moment that post goes up, until next Sunday's mandatory post, to write something for the IC. You thus have 7 full days to write something up. If you can't keep that pace, this might not be the RP for you.
@Xaltwind Thank you for your answers! May i ask another, if that is ok? :D
Could a child be born from two mixed bloodlines? Or in other words, this idea kinda:
"Say her great-great grandfather on her father's side was a half-demon. Then her great-great grandmother on her mother's side was half-angel due to some divine boon to ancient ancestors. The bloodlines were notably watered down, until her respective sets of grandparents jumped ship from their families and hid their true bloodlines from their own children due to issues, old family extremism, or others reason that they wanted to leave and hide away for.
Eventually the child's parents meet, and not knowing their ancestry marry and have a child. This child would be the OC.
The opposing ancestry inherited from her parents causes those genes/latent traits to awaken each other, and her mother's pregnancy is filled with illness, weakness, suffering, and eventually barely surviving giving birth to the OC herself.
The OC, on the other hand, always cries as a child due to her body trying to adapt and survive with these greatly awakening magical aspects in her blood. Even once she becomes adjusted in regards to her body, she suffers a constant pain all the time due to her genetics. In return, however, she get a rather high magical potential and perhaps a rare or unique magical class to fit her natural abilities.
Of course this child is not trained, but will be more sober for her age despite possessing some naturally childlike traits.
Her parents were then eventually killed in a plague, leaving her to survive and wander the streets as a sort-of urchin. Her passive abilities, though untrained and whatever they are, allowed her to 'hear' the voices of her respective demonic and angelic ancestors...guiding her, giving her info, teaching her to survive and such.
Then when the Isekai Guy appears, they guide her to 'seek the man from another world', and though she knows not why she leaves (even after becoming a famous and respected local 'street oracle' or something back home in the following years after her parents' deaths. Though she is just a kid, not a super trained mage...but with actual training she'd definitely maximize her potential."
Asking about this, to help cement for sure if I'm joining or not. Cause i would need a compatible idea, tbh, haha! (TwT)
@Crusader Lord Glad to see you stopped by again. I'll answer your question(s) as best I can.
The term for a child born from an angel and a demon/devil's union is called a 'Nephilim'. At least if the parents are of those races. In your case however, the original progenitors were both halfsies, meaning their offsprings would be quarter-nephilim. Subsequent generations would become more watered down.
Now, to answer the major quesation. In my personal preference, I have never liked the idea that half-breeds gain benefits from both parents and, usually, none of the drawbacks. I also am not particularly fond of the "the blood lay dormant for X time until SUDDENLY awakening!"-trope, especially when said 'suddenly awoken' powers present themselves in a fantastic or incredibly impressive way.
To put it simply; I'm fine with whatever age you want your character to be, and if you want to make them a 1/32nd-part Nephilim, that's totally fine. But don't expect to be given special powers or abilities, because the more watered down the lineage is, the less remarkable and less power it holds in comparison to the original. You'll be able to have traits of both angels and devils/demons, for sure, but compared to something like an Aasimar (celestial-blooded human) or Tiefling (fiend-blooded human), or even a 1/4 or 1/8th Nephilim, your character's "racial bonuses" would be fairly minor, in all fairness.
Additionally, I'm sorry to say, but I will not be making the Main Protagonist in such a way as to facilitate or make another character 'work'. This is due in part to the fact that I already have a set idea and concept for them, and due in part to if I do it for one person, I should do it for everyone - and that could get real messy, reeeaaaal fast. o_O;
Eh, I suppose the idea was making a child who is mature and not mature for their age, and has a unique sort of nature or class/ability from that. Like an accursed bloodline of some sort, though their bloodline just being cursed in general could maybe facilitate that perhaps, that gives them boons with a lot of downsides but also at least 'some' unique talent or another. The unique boons come with distinct banes, in other words. Not that i perhaps worded it so well above. Apologies for that and other, ah, toe stepping on i might have done there. ^^;
Of course not making them reliant on the isekai'd guy is fine, i was just thinking of a way to spice up getting them to meet the person in the first place. So no worries there, my friend! XD
And as ever, thank you for answering my questions! These have been very helpful indeed! :)
I'm reviewing the information here for a second time, just to make sure I understand everything fully before I submit my character officially. However, I did have a question on injuries:
How are we handling damage in this roleplay? Like, in an MMO you swing, you hit, you deal damage. Damage is an abstraction, though. Are we talking about damage = physical injuries? Or does damage = fatigue sometimes, or someone's defenses being worn down? Does taking damage always = blood? Etc.
@Crusader Lord Making a child who is mature for their age is fine, everyone matures at different rates after all. Just look at me, I'm the most childish person I know, and I'm supposedly old.
If you want a cursed bloodline with special bonuses but also particular drawbacks, that's fine. Just make sure that the bonuses and demerits are balanced and fair. Like say, having resistance to all major elements, poison and disease resistances AND being able to hold your breath for 10 minutes under water is not fairly balanced against weaknesses like 'having nightmares when sleeping' or 'is socially awkward' or 'suffers from panic anxiety or internal pangs of random pain'. Basically, your weaknesses has to be something that isn't too obscure, or something you yourself don't have 100% control over. Otherwise, go right ahead.
@Reia Damage works as damage does. If you get cut with a knife, you start bleeding. If you get punched in the gut, you get abruise. The strength of the attacker versus your defenses dictates how severe the injury is. Naturally, unless you have Vitality of 'F'-rank, you'll be able to survive and endure far more injuries and pain than an average human being.
Consider damage in terms of stages, going from soemthing like:
No Damage = Uninjured Cuts, scrapes, bruises = Barely Injured Gash, deep cut, puncturing = Injured Damaged internal organs, broken bone, bloodloss = Badly Injured Lost limbs, impaled/run through, severed major arteries, severe bloodless = Almost Dead
Now, thankfully, we have these handy things called potions, scrolls and spells, so taking damage isn't half as lethal as it would be in the real world. Still, you guys don't have HP bars, so don't go getting yourself mauled by a bear just to try and test how much pain you can take before dropping. Resurrection spells are expensive...
Lastly, is WIS comparable to Vitality but for spells? WIS, as I understand, is your magical defense. Does that mean a character with 'F' Wisdom is particularly vulnerable to being smacked around with magic?
(I'm playing a character whose WIS is 'F', so this is definitely something I'd like to know for RPing what sort of injuries she takes from spells.)
WIS doesn't protect you against offensive magic, it protects you against spells like Charm, Dominate Person, Fear, Despair or other spells or abilities that mess with your head and your will/resolve.
Unless you have a particular weakness to a certain element or type of magic, nobody is more or less susceptible to being blasted by it. A person with 'F' WIS will take as much damage from a fireball to the face as someone with 'A'-rank WIS, provided neither have weaknesses or resistances to Fire.
Hey! I've decided that I'm okay with my character being susceptible to dominate, charm, and all of that. I was originally going to change her INT to be lower and her WIS to be higher, but... Viva la Vida! YOLO! Let the dice fall as they may!
Though on a totally unrelated note, I hope stat-boosting items are a thing in this roleplay. Or mind-protecting items. >.>
I think her stats and abilities all make sense given her race, background, and temperament. I'm 100% okay with her being mostly illiterate despite her knight training and C-rank INT, though. She did, after all, start off as a simple cobbler's daughter. Perhaps she knows her letters, but doesn't know how to write most words? Probably functioning at something like a 2nd or 3rd grade reading level IRL.
(I'd like to imagine she's good at math, however. Probably had to be taught it both for business' sake as her father's apprentice and as part of a knight's education. Math is important for planning!)
Finally, would you rather I just change the race to halfling or gnome? I went with "Littleling" To be more generic and less D&D-specific, and also because I wanted the character to stand closer to 4 feet tall than to 2 feet tall.
Also, one last question:
4. No Flood-Posting; If you're having fun and want to interact with another person, but nobody else is posting, don't just go ahead and post short, quick posts in the IC. Write a collab post with the person you're engaging in conversation or whatever.
Are you setting up a Discord by chance? I figure a Discord would help speed up collaborative efforts immensely!
Also, so far as the dynamic entry of the main character (your PC) goes... Do you want our characters' reasons for investigating the "shooting star" included at the end of our history?
Anyway, here's the sheet! I think it fits the parameters above. It's slightly shuffled from the template, but has all the points the template does. I wasn't sure if it should be posted here or sent via PM (the first OOC doesn't SEEM to say which).
Littlelings (sometimes called "littles") are a gentle species with chubby builds and pointed ears that look remarkably like short humans. They tend to stand between 3'6" and 4'0" in height. They are known for being surprisingly agile and are stereotyped as lazy, laidback farmers and shepherds. They tend to be found wherever humans live, but they also are known to have small, secluded villages in the foothills of mountains where tall people won't bother them. They have inherently low strength, high dexterity, and above average charisma.
Born a littleling, Branwen has always been on the smaller, chubbier side, as all littlelings are. She has her people's signature ears and eyes, and she is more athletic than most of her kin. Nobody would call her imposing, however. Her neighbors and friends always used to think of her as rather cute.
Unfortunately, Branwen doesn't get to look like a Littleling anymore. She only gets to turn into one when struck with silver or belladonna. Constant exposure to those substances will eventually kill her.
Branwen's form is that of a hybrid between a littleling and a mouse. It's not an intimidating sight at all. Her fur is the same color as her auburn hair but with specks of white, and her eyes are as green as her normal eyes.
Ever since turning into a weremouse, Branwen hasn't been able to find a good pair of shoes. Pants also don't tend to be tailored with mice in mind, so she wears small skirts instead.
In spite of everything she's been through, Branwen remains upbeat and optimistic. Indeed, she's so confidently optimistic that it can be threatening! She looks at her size as an advantage, and her curse as a challenge to be overcome. Branwen isn't the sort of girl that backs down from a challenge!
Brave and reckless are also words used to describe Branwen. She is truthfully quite a fearful person, but she overcomes her fears and faces their source. She leaps boldly into the fray when her allies are in danger, or when anyone is in danger. As she likes to say, "The smallest stand the tallest!" It's not a statement with basis in literal truth, of course.
The would-be knight is quick with a smile and loves to joke around. Branwen can be serious when needed, of course, but she prefers to lighten the mood as best she can. The littleling is a sucker for meeting new people and loves to show them around. Branwen has multiple catchphrases and loves witty banter.
Cheese is Branwen's not-so-secret weakness ever since she was turned into a weremouse. It's a guilty pleasure of hers, and she gets mad at herself for enjoying it so much. Peanut butter is a guiltless close second. Peanut butter cookies are the ultimate bribe for the poor girl.
Branwen was born a cobbler's daughter in the human kingdom of Brelania. A small, mountainous but wealthy realm with steep cliffs, Brelania was surrounded by larger powers that nevertheless were wary of picking a fight with the realm because of its brave, well trained knights might not be enough to win a war, but it would be enough to make invading the realm a costly gambit.
It was on those green cliffs that young Branwen learned to get her nose into trouble. She didn't care much for her father's work, and certainly didn't want to be his apprentice. She would venture out into the cliffs and the hills, tripping over rocks, scraping her knees, and otherwise hurting herself. And whenever her mother would take her into the city to go shopping, little Branwen always found a way into mischief. Petty theft and small pranks were her pastimes, and she usually got away. Usually.
After getting caught by a young noble while trying to snatch his purse, the noble's bodyguards took it upon themselves to beat the thirteen year old senseless. A knight, however, took pity on the littleling girl and intervened, stopping the noble and his bodyguards. Inspired, the young littleling decided from that day forward she wanted to be a knight as well. She vowed to become a knight no matter what it took!
But there has never been a littleling knight. Knights are mighty, questing warriors clad in the heaviest of armors, paragons of chivalric honor. Littlelings are inherently too weak to bear such burdens, and the knights Branwen asked to serve either laughed at her or politely declined. Nevertheless, young Branwen persisted, and she was able to find a tutor in the noble Sir Veren. He admired the would-be hero's tenacity and accepted her as his squire.
Unfortunately, tragedy struck when Veren and Branwen were questing together in an abandoned keep near Brelania. Attacked by a witch and her minions, it was a struggle for survival, and Veren was defeated by the witch's terrible magics. The witch mocked young Branwen, for the girl had become overcome by her fear and had been unable to help her master at a crucial moment. Instead of killing her, the witch wove a terrible curse onto her. Dark magics transformed Branwen into a weremouse, the form the witch felt most befitting of Branwen's display during the battle. The painful transformation was enough to knock the girl unconscious. When she awoke, Sir Veren and the witch were gone.
It has been two years since that fateful day, and Branwen has sworn revenge on the witch. She quests now for three purposes: to find and rescue Sir Veren, to earn her knighthood, and to undo her curse. And this time, this time Branwen won't run away. When she finds the witch, she will face her in honorable combat... and win!
Captain || Lv. 15 || Cobbling
STR: F VIT: C DEX: A INT: C WIS: F CHA: B (primary)
Captain Overview A Captain is a skilled warrior, but also a commander and a tactician. They are often the first into battle, leading their allies by example. They are charismatic leaders akin to bards, but they trade magical ability for martial prowess. Some Captains tend favor heavy weapons, and others favor weapons that require more finesse.
Captains have three kinds of abilities: Shouts, Commands, and Techniques. Shouts affect all of the Captain's allies around her, though some are aggressive shouts that impact her enemies. Commands are orders to a specific ally that provide bonuses if obeyed (such as bonus damage, regeneration, or extra effects on an attack). Commands can never be used on the Captain herself. Techniques are martial abilities such as special attacks or defensive stances.
Captains are competent fighters and skilled leaders. They are proficient with most weapons, though not particularly unusual or exotic ones, and can use shields, light armor, and medium armor.
Disease - Weremice are inherently immune to disease.
Poison - Poison attacks and magic are less effective against weremice. (Belladonna overcomes this resistance.)
Fear - Branwen is a courageous littleling. Yes, she is afraid of battle; yes, she fears whatever grisly fate awaits her. But she swallows that fear and turns it into valor, facing her challenges with incredible resolve!
Earth Magic - Littlelings are associated with the Earth element, and thus take reduced damage from Earth-based abilities such as stone and acid.
Silver - Silvery weapons do incredible harm to the little knight - twice as much as attacks from a normal weapon! It also turns her into a regular littleling for a time, reducing her Dexterity to a 'B' rating. Likewise, magic circles that use silver as a component can keep her at bay as if she were a demon or evil spirit. She can neither cross nor break such circles! Constant exposure to silver will eventually kill Branwen.
Belladonna - Also known as deadly nightshade, this poisonous herb will not only turn Branwen back into a littleling (which reduces her Dexterity to a 'B' rating), but will also severely sicken her. Ingesting it or being stabbed by a weapon coated with it is deadly for any therianthrope. Constant exposure to belladonna will eventually kill Branwen.
Full Moon - While normally Branwen is in control of her mind, she loses control of herself entirely on the night of a full moon. She takes precautions to keep herself from hurting anyone.
Air Magic - Littlelings are associated with the Earth element, and thus take increased damage from Air-based abilities such as wind and lightning.
Cheese - The mere smell of good cheese is enough to distract Branwen from her mission, such as it does all weremice. Peanut butter has similar (but more muted) effects.
Hope's Edge - A blessed short sword that deals extra damage to unholy creatures such as the undead. A gift from her mentor, Sir Veren, this blade is Branwen's most prized possession. Gambeson - A lightweight armor made of padded cloth. Simple, mundane, but effective! Allows the wearer to take full advantage of their dexterity. This gambeson is dark green in color. Traveling Gear - All the basic necessities for travel! Includes a lantern, rope, waterskin, trail rations, bedroll, and all that other good stuff. Dagger (x2) - A serviceable backup weapon. Far from mighty, but it never hurts to have a spare! Can be thrown if necessary. Cobbler's Kit - A shoemaker's tools! Too bad Branwen can't really wear shoes anymore. But she can make them! Belt of Leaping - A magical, studded red belt that enhances its wearer's ability to jump. A useful tool! Peasant's Garb - A simple set of peasant's clothes with a skirt. It's patchwork and worn, but it's serviceable!
Skills & Spells
Mouse Form (Racial, Active) - As a weremouse, Branwen can turn into a regular, mundane mouse, which is a very sneaky form. However, doing so takes quite a bit of energy and leaves her equipment behind. Actually, it leaves her everything behind. Yes, everything!
Gnaw (Racial, Active) - Very few things can keep a weremouse trapped! Branwen can chew her way out of most physical forms of entanglement (such as ropes, nets, and vines).
Keen Senses (Racial, Passive) - Branwen's sense of smell and hearing are massively augmented by being a weremouse, far beyond those of normal folk. This is (usually) a good thing!
Inspire Courage (Shout, Active) - Branwen lets out an encouraging shout, giving her allies a boost to their attack and giving them resistance to fear effects!
Rallying Command (Command, Active) - Branwen commands an ally to attack an enemy. If they do so and succeed, they regain some hit points!
Parry and Riposte (Technique, Passive) - Branwen has a chance to parry melee attacks. If she succeeds, she may attempt a counterattack!
Low Blow (Technique, Active) - A rude attack that takes advantage of Branwen's reduced height. She aims for the groin, stunning an enemy briefly and reducing their combat statistics for a time!
Personality. She is warm and carefree despite the nature of her job. Whether her allure is a guise to lure a bounty close or a genuine expression of care, only she knows. She is an optimist who believes in actualizing the best outcome by whatever means necessary, not because she always thinks one’s circumstances will work in their favor in the end.
She invites all manner of people to her and is (mostly) not discriminate of racial or geographical differences--because if you pay her enough, she will cross all those chasms to fulfill her duty. She doesn’t like goblins or were-anything much, though. There is some contempt for nobility in her make, she believes them all out of touch and despises the subconscious haught that comes with their socialization as inherently better than those who do not have the same upbringing.
History: In the East, among old groves and under winding trees who’ve nestled generations, there exists a civilization in the bosom of the evergreen. From birth they learn to hunt: animals, people, monsters. They do it all in the name of Imare, their Goddess of Creation, who, in their legends and written tales, sought to capture Mr. Death but was tricked by an old woman who hid Death in her infinite locs. Effaced and laughed at by the other gods, Imare sits and for many years reads from the Imigitabo, the Blessed Book, which observes all the creatures in the land: their debts and deeds, sacrifices and defeats, and numbers them all.
And in the age of industrialization, where people become oligarchs and nature is supplanted by commodification,and beast people wield blades forged of dark magic, she finds her champions. Imare turns to the forests and anoints many green-dwellers with her primordial blessings--if she cannot capture Death, she will chase it away forever.
And it is from one of many of these forest folk, these named the I’wali, that a group of prominent hunters arise. Born and raised in the midst of the I’wali stalkers, Atua lives most of her young life high in treetops. She forages, learns to cook, and begins learning how to carve and reinforce wood no sooner than she can walk on her own.
The concept of ‘parents’ and the nuclear familial unit is moot among the I’wali, and their villages--interconnected via vines which extend above and below the entire skyline of the forest they inhabit, which they named Ama--are not divided by class or race. Instead, all young I’wali are paired with an older hunter from another section of Ama to begin their ingratiation as a hunter no later than the age of 6. It is during this time that Atua is taken under the wing of a village elder and she spends the rest of her formative years developing natural survival skills.
At 13, she undergoes the Trial of the Blessed, a rite of passage all I’wali undergo in which they pledge themselves to Imare and--should they pass--are bestowed her power. The conditions of each pact is different for each I’wali and is often discovered over the course of one’s life. It is, loosely put, their fate. Atua sets out from her village at 18 to discover what her Blessed path is.
Stats: Strength (STR): E Vitality (VIT): D Dexterity (DEX): B (primary) Intellect (iNT): C Wisdom (WIS): C (secondary) Charisma (CHA): F
List of immunities: None
Resistances: High resistance to poison. Mild resistance to scrying.
Weaknesses: Particularly vulnerable in close quarters melee combat. Vulnerable to fire (especially enchanted fire).
Equipment: W’Amaraso: A recurve bow hand crafted by Atua herself. It is carved from cheche wood, otherwise known as White Thorn wood, found in the far west side of I’wali territory. It is a 54’’ bow with a draw weight of around 45 pounds.
Umugote & Umurabyo: These are twin daggers which rest on her hip. Etched on the flats of both blades are vines that homage Ama and remind her of home.
Utukara: A quiver with 30 recurve hunting arrows with replaceable heads. The body of each arrow is painted white and each tip painted black. Atua prefers using broadhead arrows but she keeps other tips in pouches on her thigh.
Skills & Spells:
Imare’s Hand: Empowering two arrows in the quiver until both are used in combat, these arrows can break through thick stone and wood cover. Additional damage is dealt to plate and chain armor. It does not ignore full cover.
Nature’s Call (passive): Years of training her senses to their peak--alongside Imare’s boon--has heightened her ability to smell and hear with greater intensity than the average human. She can hear pitches low as 15 hertz and sounds high as 25,000 hertz. Her sense of smell is heightened so much that she can parse a singular and very faint scent in a room of 20 people. As an elf, her natural eyesight is superior to the average human’s, allowing her to see up to a distance of two and a half miles.
While certainly a boost, Atua cannot stand extremely loud places for long and thus she avoids things like city centers and major compact urban areas as much as possible. If she must go, she finds the quietest place she can to conduct her business. And though her vision is superior, she cannot see through magical darkness.
Luck of the Bow-Dancer: Honing her focus to a pinpoint, she can extend the maximum range of her next three shots an additional one hundred feet while halving penalty to accuracy or damage. She can do this twice a day and then she must rest for at least four hours before she can do it again.
Elaith’s Sight (passive): She can see in total darkness as though it was dim light and in dim light as though it were fully lit. She cannot pierce magical darkness of any kind with this ability.
Name: Cecilia Tonitrus Age: 18 Gender: Female Race: Human
Appearance: Slender with an ample bosom, Cecilia stands proudly at 5’10, her very countenance exuding the sense of someone who’s accustomed to being noticed. Her pearly complexion and vibrant amber eyes can frame her appearance as either cute or mature depending on her expression, and her hair, a pale lilac that turns silver in the right lighting, is left long enough to trail down to her waist.
Height: 5'10 Eye Color: Amber Hair Color: Lilac
Personality: In a word, Cecilia is forceful. Though technically a runaway now, she still has the presence of a daughter of nobility, overbearing and accustomed to getting what she wants. Her emotions show freely on her face, because she fears nothing at all (except for the eventuality of being caught by her parents' knights and being dragged back home). Bright ideas come to mind easily, and her personality is such that she works to get everyone else on board with her when she's gotten interested in something. The more the merrier, and Cecilia doesn't particularly mind who's on board, so long as many are on board. A natural socialite, it seems odd at first that she would have escaped the ballrooms and opera houses of the aristocratic elite to muck it out in the mud as a solo adventurer/fashion designer, but there is a thread there still.
There is nothing natural about being a socialite in high society; Cecilia has only felt free and unemcumbered when chasing her dual dreams of wearing fancy dresses and slaying evil monsters. If she can accomplish the former with her own efforts, there isn't exactly much reason for her to stay around the mansion, no? She does miss her friends though, even if they were probably only pretending to be friends in order to curry favour with the Tonitrus family. Ah well, life's a journey, and a solo one at that.
History The Oligarchy of Illiserev stands at the center of the world, not because of any divine ordnance or kingly command, but because they were the ones who drew the best maps, the ones who established the most illustrious Cartographer’s Guild on the continent. Adventurers know Illiserev as the Forge of Explorers. Merchants know Illiserev as the End of All Paths. The grand Cephora Mountain Range upon which Illiserev’s capital city is built at the base of feeds a network of rivers that stretch out towards the rest of the continent, and this forms the backbone of Illiserev’s trade. With well-paved roads leading towards the kingdom and fast-flowing rivers leading out from the kingdom, the merchant-aristocrats of Illiserev boast wealth that would make the nobility of other nations green with envy, and the dozens of trade agreements Illiserev has between various kingdoms and principalities has shielded it from military conflict. Though various religious or knightly orders may be displeased with the cutthroat machinations of the wealthy merchant-aristocrats, no one has yet to truly act upon their displeasure: some small evils can easily be overlooked in favor of the pleasures and novelties brought forth in the wagons of Illiserev’s wagons.
Cecilia Tonitrus, thirdborn daughter of the illustrious Duke Sarkuz Tonitrus, was never all that interested in the schemes and politics of her peers, however. Charming and generous, with a penchant for reading heroic tales, the young lady was pampered by her servants and guards growing up, taken on excursions throughout the nation. Her father didn’t particularly care; he focused his attention on his heirs, Cecilia’s older siblings, leaving her to do as she wished. So long as she didn’t bring shame upon her family, the thirdborn was allowed to indulge in whatever her spoiled self desired. She threw grand tea parties, learned arts both martial and arcane, decked herself in beautiful dresses she’d discard the day after, ran amok through the estate grounds, and was generally the weirdest mixture of a dainty lady with fine taste in clothing and a rambunctious tomboy who thought herself as invincible.
That changed, though, when the Tonitrus heirs were slain, assassinated. The culprit committed suicide rather than risk capture, and suddenly, Sarkuz decided that he could not be so lax with his children. Before the grieving period had even passed, the amount of guards that oversaw the protection of his children practically tripled, and suddenly, they weren’t able to go anywhere beyond the walls of the main estate. Cecilia hated that. She hated it even more that the whole business of the assassination was swept under the rug by her father, who still valued public opinion enough that he chose to keep quiet, rather than appear as an incompetent protector to his peers in asking for their aid. As those emotional wounds became scabs, scars, Cecilia’s sense of suffocation grew and grew. The freedom in her childhood was no more, even though she should be more free as an adolescent, and she yearned for it enough that she wanted to scream.
Instead, she waited, watched, memorized, reconsidered, and pulled everything together. Her freedom was selfish and inconsiderate, an act that would only cause her father's hair to whiten further, but she would pursue it anyways.
One night, she slipped away from her estate and ran as far as she could.
She never stopped.
Level: 20 Class: Spellblade Profession:
Seamstress [Novice] Performer [Journeyman]
Stats: Strength (STR): C Vitality (VIT): D Dexterity (DEX): B Intellect (iNT): B Wisdom (WIS): D Charisma (CHA): C
List of immunities: N/A
Resistances: Lightning
Weaknesses: N/A
Equipment: Ensorcelled Spear - A winged spear, 2.5 meters in length. Well-made and finely balanced, with arcane conduits inscribed upon the haft to let it function as a spellcasting focus.
Blasted Wand - A wand made from the branch of a lightning-struck tree, or so the maker of it claims. Relatively cheap, but serves its purpose as a back up.
Combat Dress - Customized for greater aesthetic flair by Cecilia. Though it looks much more visually pleasing, it has the functionality of well-made leather armor.
Travelling Boots - Sturdy boots that increases the movement speed of the wearer. An adventurer's staple.
Skills & Spells: Storm's Boon - Empower one's weapon with lightning, increasing damage and adding a paralytic effect that increases with each consecutive hit. When thrown, the weapon explodes in a burst of lightning on impact, before flying back into the wielder's hands.
Zephyrus Aria - Surround one's self with a flowing armor of wind, redirecting physical blows and ranged attacks. When released, generates a burst of wind outwards, blowing everyone around one's self away. Does not protect against energy-based magical attacks.
Lightning Bolt - Unleash a bolt of lightning from one's hand or spellcasting focus, capable of sundering all that lay in its path with thunderous force. A powerful spell with a steep cost, but most definitely Cecilia's trump card in terms of destructive power.
Accelerate - Enhances speed and perception, making one faster and more precise. Don't leave home without this.
Double Jump - Jump in the air twice. Useful when platforming.
I will get to reading through each sheet shortly. Having a bit of lunch and trying to recover from crappy night's sleep. In the meanwhile, why don't I answer some more questions?
@Reia If you're going for mostly iliterate but can still do maths, I'd suggest something like E or D ranks in INT. C is pretty high in terms of education. Remember, F is "no real education", so it stands to reaeson with E-rank INT, you'd be able to read and write, though not very good, as well as do simple maths.
Don't worry, there are tons of magical MMO and CRPG-esque items out there, just waiting for you guys to loot and grab. Myriads of enchantments and fun curses await your patronage.
Being a Litteling is fine. As I said before, if you want to make up your own species, that's totally okay, as long as they're not horrifically overpowered or just, plain stoopids.
I don't have a discord and I personally won't set one up. This again has to do with bad eyesight, meaning I acn't actually make use of the program. That doesn't stop you guys from setting one up for yourselves though. But, if you want to do collabs with me specifically, I'm afraid PM convos are your only option.
Blurp, missed some things.
If you want to include why your character was drawn to the falling star/light in your history, rather than in your initial post, that's entirely up to you.
You should always post your unaccepted CS in the OOC before you post in the Character Tab. Only approved and accepted characters go in the chara tab section. @Reia Branwen Burrows is mostly fine. The only thing I'd like you to do is remove the bit about acid in her Earth-element resistance. Acid and Earth are, in this setting at least, considered seperate elements - otherwise, you could kill Trolls with rocks... Once you've done that though, she's perfectly accepted and you can go ahead and post her sheet in the Charavter Tab. Welcome. :)
@Afro Samurai Atua looks fine. I just wanted to ask two things: 1. There is no mention of her receivin g formal education while in the I'wali territory, aside from hunting, woodcarving and such. Yet her INT is rather high - so, do the I'wali teach their young to read and write in their native language/alphabet? Is it a boon from Imare? Or is it just that you wanted a bigger mana-pool? 2. Her twin daggers, as far as I can tel are unenchanted and have no particular powers or effects other than being decorated?
Other than this, I'm not sure about the whole "industrialization" bit. Remember that the technology-level of Oublioth is on par with medeival europe, so line-production and such large-scale manufacturing does not exist. I'm also amused that the I'wali know how to make carbon-aluminium... XD But regardless, she looks fine and you're welcome to post her in the Character Tab-part of the topic. Welcome to you as well. :)
@ERode Cecilia Tonitrus looks lovely just as before. My only issue is with 'Storm's Boon' - I'd rather you keep one of its effects, either the numbing paralyzing effect for melee strikes, OR the thrown explosion and returning to wielder. Having both in a single skill is a bit much, unless said explosion radius is very small... In which case, it's fine. Other than that, she's obviously accepted. You're most welcome to post her in the Character Tab, my friend. :)
Height: 7'4 Eye Color: Gray Hair Color: Black Horns
Personality. Kaze is a very practical being in full control of his emotions...for the most part. A lot of people see him as a cold and emotionless being due to his reptilian nature. But that's what he lets the public see. When he's not in large crowds he's far more open, laughing, teasing, messing with others. He was probably just shy since so many eyes tended to be drawn to him, either his size, his coloration, his build, the big honking sword on his back.
Unfortunately every light makes a shadow. He's a willful headstrong warrior with some...anger issues. He's used to getting his way due to his experience in the harsh swamps, he doesn't take no very well, and if his fuse is lit its best to stay out of his furious way.
History: Kaze was hatched and raised in the southern swamp-lands. The humid water-table had numerous names but the one that stuck to it most Dark Wetlands, mostly because the trees and the moss that hung from their branches blocked out so much light. It was almost always twilight in that muck filled area. Here he grew up, in the darker areas with little to no dry ground.
Living in such a harsh environment, poisonous plants and animals, vicious boars, and who knew what else, made for a hard people. Food was plentiful if you knew what you were looking for, or built your resistances to poisons. Kaze, already a pretty big lizardman, thrived in the environment. He seemed to have started earlier than others, already resistant to poisons and diseases. The elders assumed it was because of his white color, so unnatural among the greens and browns of his brethren.
During some scouting in the swamp Kaze stumbled across some decomposing corpses of a creature he had never seen before. Bipedal, clothed, strong armor, better weaponry. He had found human corpses, rifling through their stuff, all too small for his people except for children, he found a strange parchment. It had a huge picture on it. It was a map, his own people had made a crude one to show the territories of the other tribes. But this one showed so much more, a massive landmass with his homeland in a small corner of it.
Kaze of course brought everything but the bodies back and showed it to the elders. Everything would find a use except the books really, none of them spoke the human tongue let alone read it. Kaze kept the map though, looking it over whenever he had a minute to himself. He huge being was getting a sense to explore, was it youth? Curiosity? Maybe a sense to expand and conquer? Only he really knew, and so he told the elders of his tribe his plans.
To explore, learn, and bring back knowledge to better the tribe. Already the newest clutch of younglings have emerged from their eggs, ready to be raised and bolster the tribe. So with that they let him go, on the condition he'd come back every year to help the tribe in the wars with other lizardmen. It established hierarchy among them so it wasn't an all out slaughter-fest.
With their blessing he left, off to explore the world! That was several years ago. His gained knowledge has strengthened his people, he basically became their champion. His gear and technique helping make him the strongest lizardman in the Dark Wetlands. But still he explored outside of his homeland, he wanted to see the world and he had plenty of time to see it!
----- Level: 20 Class: Barbarian Monk Profession: Metal Worker: Able to do basic repairs and upkeep on low tier metallic equipment. Materials like copper, bronze, iron, and steel.
Stats: Strength (STR): S Vitality (VIT): B Dexterity (DEX): C Intellect (iNT): D Wisdom (WIS): C Charisma (CHA): E
List of immunities:
Poison: Immune to poisons of all sorts
Disease: Swamps are full of nastiness, he's been sick more than his fair share which has built up his system so it's harder for him to catch anything.
Fire: He's a reptile, he likes a good bit of warmth! So fire damage is lessened on him since his body naturally absorbs some of the heat.
Physical Damage: He has taken a lot of damage over the years, so his body has toughened up so some physical damage is mitigated.
Cold: Being of a reptilian nature he has a big weakness to the cold. Going into hibernation, and eventually dying from prolonged exposure.
Shocking Big Sword: A rather large well crafted sword that can be used two handed or one hand thanks to his impressive strength. He has had it imbued with some shocking element
Open Armor: A set of armor that's very open in the torso while protecting the limbs with thick plating. Offers good defense without sacrificing too much mobility.
Half Necklace: a strange necklace that wraps around the back of his neck with two glowing gems at his throat. Each gem is imbued, one increases his Strength, the other gem increases his Dexterity.
Skills & Spells:
Smash: Channeling energy into a strike he makes it his nearly three times harder, whether it's a weapon or his body.
Combo Blows: He assaults a single opponent relentlessly, combing multiple strikes to deal more damage.
Frenzy: When he gets royally pissed off he flies into a murderous frenzy, boosting his Strength and Vitality, but making him reckless and sometimes friendly fire happens.
Defensive Stance: He covers his vitals more, making damage on him lessened and also making his own attacks weaker.
Critical Eye: A 'passive' ability that improves his chance to get a critical hit by a little bit.
Dark Vision: He can see in low light as if it were day. In complete darkness he can see as if it were low light.
So the idea I was working with pertaining to her INT was: yes, the I'wali teach their young how to read and write in their native language (a mix of Kinyarwandan and Elvish) at a young age but also that the I'wali are a people and land more analogous to southern Africa during this time period--where people were reading and writing at high levels in comparison to medieval Europe. Imare's magic was an all encompassing blessing which makes the I'wali forests awash in her myst and makes the I'wali preternaturally adept with using her magic (i.e. temporarily blessing objects, and at higher levels of aptitude: rune-writing and infusing, enhancing one's body, etc.) but they aren't expert spellcasters (she won't be slinging Relentless Hex or Agnonizing Blasts everywhere djsdksjdskdjs) or extremely knowledgeable about other kinds of magic. They're learned, its just highly specialized and culturally specific.
On the industrialization thing: I was using it kind of broadly, in retrospect. That far as the I'wali are concerned, the advancements of major cities are extreme and frightening and are coming at a pace more rapid than they've seen. But you're right, there's a better term for what I'm trying to conceive, I just couldn't think of it at the time.
The daggers were just one of those things where I was thinking 'yeah she'll be using them often might as well list them'.
EDIT: yeah let me gone head and take out the carbon aluminum arrows dhdhdhd iono shit bout archery im baby
Heyo! I went ahead and dropped her INT to E and raised her WIS to D. Otherwise, posted her - and I'm going to edit in a reason for her to be after the falling star now!
Mae stands at 5ft and 6 inches; which she insists is true even though she is only a few centimeters above 5'5". She has a faint curve to her figure, formed from a life of martial arts training; strong legs often left uncovered to reduce the restriction of movement.
Mae has light brown eyes with flecks of bright emerald green. Her hair is obviously well taken care of, naturally straight dark auburn silk.
Mae does her best to give herself an air of maturity and wisdom. Though in truth she is still a kid at heart. She will lose her mind at the sight of small creatures of any kind and gets distracted by shiny objects. When in public she does decently at hiding those reflexes; though if anyone is paying attention they can tell she is internally breaking down.
Beyond her secret shame Mae is a very kind, and nurturing person. She is very empathetic, able to naturally pick up on peoples emotions. She isn't a lie detector, just simple can tell when someone is happy or sad behind whatever mask (metaphorically) someone is wearing. This often leads her to taking on tasks that have nothing to do with her, simply because she can't handle someone in need and not offering help.
Just a touch over twenty-one years ago in a small village in a far off land a basic ass baby was born. There was nothing special or miraculous about Mae's birth. She was just a normal girl in a normal town. She was the daughter of a martial artist father and a medicinal botanist mother.
When she was basically old enough to walk she immediately took to her father profession. She begged him to teach her and he eagerly accepted; happy to have his only child follow in his footsteps. Over the years Mae's love for martial arts only increased. Each new technique she learned only drove her to eager practice the next.
While most of her youth was spent with her father, as she got into her early teens she realized she needed to create a stronger bond with her mother; not that they weren't close, but it wasn't nearly as close as it was with her father. So she started to break away from her dad and martial arts to learn more about herbs and medicine. While she enjoyed the zen nature of picking and milling herbs it didn't nearly have the pull on her interests as Martial arts had.
Shortly after her eighteenth birthday the General, appointed by the Emperor of their country, took control of overseeing hers and a few other small villages in their region. Shortly after his appointment he began to increase taxes to an unlivable degree; anyone not to pay in full was ripped from their homes and forced into servitude to pay of their debt. Though ultimately never be able to because they would not be able to make enough during their time to pay the next months tax.
It was two years before she resolved herself to the task of overthrowing the dictatorship that destroyed her village. But she couldn't do it herself with the few left. So she set off on a quest to travel to a far off land in search for aid.
Lo and behold, it was not as simple as she had originally thought. Apparently not many people want to join a quest that has little reward for themselves.
Martial Artist || Lv. 18 || Alchemy/Botany
STR: B (Secondary) VIT: C DEX: A (Primary) INT: E WIS: C CHA: D
Botanical toxins.
Physical Pain - A lifetime of training has given her the ability to ignore most physical pain.
Arcane - She hasn't experience most mystical energies in her life and thus hasn't built any resistance to it. Cold - Magical Cold especially strong against.
Alchemical potions - healing and restorative potions. General travelers equipment - Rations, flint and tinder, rope, knife, etc. Small coin purse - (We'll figure out how much) Attire - She is most often seen in clothes. Though a lucky few may have seen her in MORE clothes.
CQC - She has lived a life dedicated to physical combat.
Free-running/Acrobatics - Tandem with her combat training required her to also increase her flexibility and free flowing movement. With it she learned how to maneuver around dense forests and urban environments.
Wilderness Survival - While having a basic training before starting her adventure she has definitely learned a great deal more in her time of travels.
Alchemy - She has spent several years with her mother learning about herbs and alchemy.
Weapon Proficiency - While her strength is definitely in hand to hand combat, in her training she became competent with most forms of exotic weapons. While for the most part she would avoid weapons, as she finds it a hindrance, if she is put in a situation where using a weapon is necessary she is capable.
Zen State - Mae opens up her Chi channels to flow more freely through her entirety. This gives her superior focus and able to fully ignore damage to her body. In this state Mae's reaction time is improved as well as her accuracy. Her power and speed are also improved to a small degree.
NOTE: This doesn't reduce the damage she takes, she simply doesn't acknowledge it. If she's damaged too extensively her body will shut down and she will collapse into an unconscious heap. This state is very taxing on her and can only be maintained for a short time.
Chi Strike - Focusing her chi into either her feet or hands before a strike. Once she makes contact with the strike she releases a powerful burst of energy, empowering the strike.
Pressure Point Strike - Being in-tuned with the working of the Chi Channels of the body so intimately Mae is able to strike them with pointed index and ring finger. Rule of thumb: Where struck and below become hindered. Shoulders effect arm, hips effect leg, abdomen causes full body strain to a less degree.
NOTE: The more muscular the target, the lower the effect. Muscles block the Chi Channel lines and make it harder to disrupt.
Onslaught - Only usable in Zen State. Focusing her Chi to both fists and legs, to a smaller degree than Chi Strike, she will quickly attack with a vicious flurry of acrobatic blows.