Good day to you all!
I’d like to first off give a special shout out to @Lord Wraith and @Hedgehawk who were chosen as the new Site Mods for the Guild! I’m sure that you’ll both be fantastic in your roles, and we thank you so much for stepping up for this community!
As well as taking on two new Site Mods, @Calle is now a new Contest Mod! I for one am super excited for what is to come! Maybe I’ll enter some contests myself… If only I could find the time between all my Guild sleuthing…

On that note, I’d also like to extend a word to those who applied for the role. Well done to you too. Thank you for also stepping up, raising your hand, and volunteering. It takes a lot to shine a spotlight on yourself, and I’m sure that each and every one of you have so much to offer the Guild too. Please continue to shine your light in all that you do. Whether you’re GMing a game, chatting and encouraging discussion across the forum, or just a quiet member who wanted to lend a hand.
Thank you so much.

First on the agenda for our Roleplay Spotlight this month, is Recollections! This roleplay follows a bunch of wannabe witches as they go out causing trouble. @Ghost Note is the GM for this, and as far as can be seen, the Roleplay is still accepting characters - so if magic and hijinks are your thing, then this is the roleplay for you!.

Welcome to Recollections: The Coven, another RP set in the supernatural horror/urban fantasy universe known as the Recollections universe. Set after Vivid Recollections where the world eating eldritch abomination known as the Glutton was defeated and a new timeline was created free of its influence - with the side effect of magic returning. This creates a wide range of different ramifications as new beings and problems turn the system upside down.
And one of those problems is the Coven. They started out as an idea over the internet; a group of people who got together to talk about magic and their abilities - with problems that come from them. However, they eventually started getting ideas and formed their own group of wannabe witches. Their reasons for joining, and well working with, the Coven vary as they each have their own problem. However, the main thing that keeps them from being a threat is their sheer incompetence, backstabbing, and disorganized leadership. Everyone wants to steer the Coven in their own direction and it doesn't work the way they want. However, they eventually run afoul of one of the universe's actual threats and awaken a bigger threat. They'll have to come together to stop the bigger problem because hey, they live here too!
This story will be an urban-fantasy story that will cast a certain light on "magic" while leaving it ambiguous whether or not it's truly magic or not. The storyline will have elements of superpowers, urban fantasy, horror, and more. The RP will be character-driven and heavily guided by the cast; how the Coven turns out should be a natural progression of events rather than it being forced. Like other recollection RPs it'll have it's own pretentious thematic and in this case, it'll be Reaching out. In the case of the cast should have a problem that drives them to join the Coven and tolerate their bullshit in attempts to get what they want. Whether or not they get what they want is up to them. Like Vivid Recollections, it's secondary themes will be Memory and Emotion.
I understand that Witches and Covens are not quite everyone’s style… Perhaps you’re more into Space Wizards -- err, I mean, Jedi... If that is the case, then look no further than at Legacies! What a great time for it to arrive - especially since the Persistent World closed its doors. If you’re looking for that space kick - look no further!

Our very own nitemare shape is running this one, and it already has a stellar cast! This GM is also widely known for running the insanely successful Create-a-Hero! So you just know this Star Wars epic is going to be just as amazing! Best of luck with it, you Nerf Herders!
Five years have passed since the defeat of the Empire at the Battle of Endor, and with the Emperor dead, it has become leaderless and divided.; a scattered Remnant of its former glory. As the Imperials quarrel amongst themselves while carving out their own territories among the stars, the fledgling New Republic continues to grow as it attempts to bring the galaxy together in a peaceful, democratic New Order.
However, that is easier said than done.
Many planets and entire systems, weary after years of suffering years of oppression under the Emperor's iron fist, are hesitant to join the New Republic. Leia Organa, the acting Minister of State is tasked with convincing these worlds to not only join the New Republic, but to be at the forefront of ushering in a new era of freedom and peace in the galaxy.
Meanwhile, with the blessings of the New Republic Head of State, Mon Mothma, Luke Skywalker has taken the first steps in preparations to train a new generation of Jedi Knights in the way of the Force. To meet this end, Master Skywalker has begun to transform the ancient Massassi Temple on Yavin IV into the first Jedi Praxeum that the galaxy has seen in decades.
However, under the veil of hope, lies hidden dangers.
The Imperial Remnant, though scattered, is still a threat to the fragile New Republic, as well as the very idea of freedom in the galaxy.
The Sith, though seemingly defeated with the death of the Emperor and the redemption of his enforcer, Darth Vader, still loom like a dark cloud over the New Jedi Order as they attempt to restore their name throughout the entire galaxy.
With the Empire fractured, the Hutts among other crime syndicates have begun to make their presence known on many new worlds, spreading their influence and growing in power, creating yet another new threat for the New Republic.
Can the New Republic survive the hurdles and dangers it will surely face? Or will it collapse into ruin?
Only time will tell…

Zena Vale and Vorn Tiger Squad were found sparring aboard the making hangar of the Relentless Endeavour recently. It seems like more puns and burns were shot than any actual real punches. Sergeant Eensil Teeg in particular was a tease with his pithy comments.
@Heat - Star Wars - Legacies
Theo and Shiloh were found having an amusing chat over at the campus coffeehouse and popular hangout, The Bean. What started as a light roasting from Shiloh, wound up being an inspiring attempt at helping her friend to win over the girl. Good luck to you Theo!
@metanoia @ghostmami - Meadow University

Congratulations to @Zeroth and co, for making it to 1500 IC posts in your roleplay, The Demon King! That’s not an easy feat to accomplish by any means, so a massive, massive well done! We wish you many more posts to come!
@Guy0fV4lor nominated you for this one, and had some especially kind words to share about you!
The man puts an untold amount of work into making the world, and its mechanics something that the rest of us (his players) can enjoy, and nothing would make me happier than Z getting the recognition he definitely deserves.
It’s a sentiment I can get behind! Our GMs put so much blood, sweat, and tears into roleplays - planning, listening, writing, and keeping everyone motivated. You are killing it Zeroth!

Want some sick art for your latest roleplay? Want to really be the envy of your friends? Just can’t find a good enough picture on Pinterest for your original character? How about supporting a fantastic member of the Guild for some beautiful art? Would you be swayed more if I told you they were dirt cheap? I have it on good authority that not only is @Shiva an amazing artist, but she’s also a beautiful person too! Hit her up with your requests!

Thanks again for checking in on the Guild News! We've had a short, but cheerful edition and I hope you've enjoyed it! I know we’re all sick and tired of being stuck in during quarantine, and I know I’ve been feeling isolated. At times like this, I love to lean on my Guild Family! So I’d like to raise a question to you all…
What have you been keeping busy with during the pandemic? Have you been learning a new skill? Watching a great new tv series? I want to hear what you’ve been doing!
Remember friends, to try to stay positive - reach out to your friends and check in on them when you can. We can all use a little extra love now. As things start to slowly open back up, and normality trickles in again - please remember to be careful, to pace yourself, to follow the health guidelines set out by just whoever is in charge of your area. Be sensible, and look out for yourself and your loved ones!