”Order, Peace and Happiness. In that order.”
Name: Melville Louis
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Sexual Orientation: Hetrosexual
Birthmark Shape: Two Sparrows in tribal style (Check images)
Location of Birthmark One on each side of his chest.
Magical Abilities: Telekinesis - The ability to move objects without using physical force.
Place of Birth: Murol, France
Currently Residing: New York, US
Personality: Melvillie can be described as an overconfident arsehole by others. Being the heir to the Louis bloodline has gone to his head somewhat and has caused his ego to inflate somewhat as a result. Always willing to take charge and lead from the front. If you can get past his ego and inflated self-importance, you can see that Melville is a caring person who only wants to help others, believing fully in everything the Guild stands for.
Behind his ego is actually a young man who seeks validation for his power. There are plenty of times where he has been compared to the heirs of the other great families such as Salem and Aloysius. The comparison has never been in his favour. Given the age difference between himself and the other heirs, this has manifested an inferiority complex where Melville tries his best to prove to others that he is just as important. Add in a dash of family pride and the inferiority complex turns into a superiority complex.
If not being eaten alive by his own insecurities, Meville can be a rather chill person to hang with. around with. He can be energetic and anddairly carefree, preferring to go with the flow than have to micromanage anything. Melville’s lack of impulse control can force him to turn towards bad habits such as excessive drinking and the occasional use of drugs if the opportunity arises.
History/Bio: It was no secret to anyone in the magi world that the Louis bloodline was starting to falter. Centuries of De Silvia and Leighton dominance in the Guild had rendered the Louis family weak, teetering closer and closer to the cliff edge of insignificance. A desperate plan was formed; Find the two strongest mages in the family line and force them to have a child. Inbreeding was still a rather unknown science in the magi world. There had been a few cases where breeding within a family line could bolster the magical power further down the line. But it really was a lottery. If you could get lucky, combine the magical power of the parents and get a daughter out of it, then you were well on the path to success.
Fast forward 9 months later and Melville was born. The plan had failed. While Mervillie had a good portion of his parents' combined power, the fact that he was a male had dampened their chances of creating a perfect weapon to lead the family to glory. Melville had now become a salvage project. The other heirs to the great families were not born yet, so maybe the Guild Leader would have a bad night and everything would balance out.
Since his parents only came together to create a child instead of loving each other there was no need for them to stay together. In fact as soon as his mother had been impregnated, his father simply went back to his normal life. His childhood was nothing special or out of the ordinary. His magical powers wouldn’t manifest until their teens, and it was then he would finally be tested.
As Melville grew older he began to notice the two small dots on his chest begin to transform. Slowly each year their shape was different and expanding. His mother had for the most part avoided explaining the situation to Melville, deciding instead to explain everything when he started displaying his powers. His powers finally manifested just before his 14th birthday when in a fit of rage at losing a game, he made it fly across the room and hit the wall. Now that his power had revealed itself it was time for Melville to go and travel to Guild HQ to receive training. Normally magi in Europe would stay in Europe, but given his status he was required to go out to New York.
His education in magic was routine, just like any other heir really. However trouble started to brew as he discovered the truth behind his creation and what happens to heirs of the families. Born as a desperate attempt to create a weapon, failing, and then being sent to New York to serve the De Silva’s at the Guild to maintain the peace between the families. His past and future had all been planned, well before he had been born. He was the failed project that the family was attempting to salvage.
Rage ensued. A rebellious streak awakened from within Melville as he began to lash out at authority. Punishment after punishment followed, The Guild leader trying to get him to see sense. Nothing seemed to work and Melville became more and more and more out of control. After turning 20 however, Melville had finally made peace with himself and his surroundings. Realising the part he had to play in the protection of the whole world. He might not bring the Louis family to the throne, but he can make sure that their name is full of renown and fame. While he might still harbour some saltiness towards his fate, he is much more composed about it.
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