Alright, and there's our climax.
I was hoping to complete the entire thing in one big post, but looking over our IC so far, I see we still need to have Alpha team beam the pirates on board the shuttle. So, once a post is up about the hostages being rescued, I can finish the adventure.
(Plus, I wouldn't want to rob anyone in Beta from having a chance to write about actually fighting the pirates. So, now's the chance for that

After this, there will be a small break before the next adventure. That way, we can have some time to make more relaxed posts about life on the Prize, talking to other characters, forming romances, killing redshirts for sport, or whatever. Free time, basically.
Tortoise said they wanted to wrap this adventure up this weekend so I did my part. :P
Yeah, I had wanted that, but work grabbed a hold of me yesterday when I hadn't been expecting it. Adult life has more grabby tentacles than Du-Vos

I'd like to keep rolling out new red shirts unless that gets too annoying
Not at all! If you go on with it for a few adventures, I'm thinking of making it one of the official rules. Like
Rule 4: Zanavy characters can never survive a full story.