Name: Cleo D'Nile.
Aliases: Cliona, Cleobel, Cleopha.
X-Men Code Name: Veracruz
Age: 18
Birthday: June-14th.
Gender: Female.
Powers: Invisibility: Cleo has the ability to render herself unseen by the naked eye and become invisible in the visible spectrum, She is able to turn her whole body invisible as well as other objects and is able to move about the environment unseen by others and act without being observed. It is unclear how Cleo does this though it is believed to be rearrangment of one's Molecules. But for Cleo, Her invisibility is a passive one which she can choose to use constantly without to much effort or concentration, Although she can 'turn it off' at will. This ability does not hide sound however and so people could hear her if she is making noise and a hit from a taser will make Cleo become visible again.
Cleo has demonstrated the ability to make ojbects that she picks up or carries invisible by making physical contact with them, Her clothes for example, Turn invisible with her. and although it may appear that some objects may be turned invisible, that is not the case, Cleo is able to choose which are turned invisible and which are not, for example she could make an object she is holding invisible, But not an item that is thrown at her, which she would catch while invisible. Cleo also can choose to let certain people see her, While staying invisible to others. She also has the ability to turn at least one other person invisible in addition to herself wile making physical contact, it is not clear how many more she could do this to but it will become more taxing.
Electromagnetism: Cleo can create and use magnetic fields to manipulate electrical currents, allowing her some control over electrical appliances. She has used this ability to cause lights to turn on/off or even blow out, shut down vehicles using an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and reverse the electrical current of a Taser to the individual who was holding it.
Electromagnetic Sense: Cleo can feel surrounding electrical currents. She can also sometimes vaguely sense when people or animals are in the same general area, due to sensing the trace metal content in their bones and electromagnetic pulses in their nervous systems.
Radio Frequency Distortion: Cleo could block cell and walkie-talkie frequencies using her abilities.
Telekinises: Cleo has shown some form of telekinesis. Her telekinetic abilities are based off the magnetic fields that she can manipulate. She has shown that she is able to control/move humans an objects that have metal surrounding them. She is shown to use this ability when she throws away people that hold guns or other metallic objects. This power is limited due to the fact that Cleo has not mastered her powers. The base of this power is formed from her electromagnetic/magnetic fields.
Height: 5"4.
Weight: 126lbs.
Build: Slim with some slight curves.
Eyes: Faint green-grey.
Hair: Dyed Blonde w/Pink highlights.
Skin Tone: Tanned Complexion.
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:Cleo currently does not have any known Tattoos, piercings or scars.
Personal Style: Cleo has dyed long dark blonde hair with pink highlights, It falls to shoulder length draping over her shoulders and a little down her back, She always prefers to wear her hair freely down but may tie it up at times. Cleo stands roughly at 5 feet 4 inches with a figure of 32-23-33 and weighting 126 pounds. She has small cheeks, a medium size nose, small hands with delicate average size lips.
Cleo has easy to get lost into eye, they're a faint green-grey color that seem to speak without words. While they can glimmer with kindness, they say eyes are the windows to your soul, and they only reflect such. Her everyday appearance with clothing is could be classed predominantly neutral or matching colours with a dash of playful femininity. Cleo loves arm sleeves, Often liking the variety. Despite her habits of eating anything she fancies and with a love for alcahol, Cleo does have a slim feminine build due to her being quite active.
Spirited * Little Careless * Resourceful * Rash * Outgoing * Strong Independance
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Relationship Status: Single.
Personality: Despite Cleo being reluctant to trust new people she has just met, often being shy and initially reserved, she is a very outgoing person who can be a little careless which can get her into or causing trouble, although never intentionally. Cleo is extremely Spirited, Quick-witted and playfully sarcastic. Despite not looking like it half the time, Cleo can be an intelligent and mature young woman but seems to still holds onto an unquenchable thirst for fun; Cleo has shown a lot of courage and is always ready to help her friends, quite the vicious little thing whenever she is pushed far enough, which can probably be seen as cute by some, Cleo is widely known for being random and quite tough.
Cleo, above all else is a survivor. Resilient, resourceful, and smart, she proves herself time and time again to be not only beautiful, but also have a strong fiery spirit, unbridled will-power and passionate independent streak helping the young woman to rarely ever hesitate whenever it comes to standing up against someone or something she believes in, her courage and wits make her an asset to anyone that befriends her. Cleo always manages to find something in which to occupy her time, she is extremely outgoing and enjoys heading out with friends or listening to music, to relaxing by herself for some ‘me’ time or hiding of to go for a sneaky drink. Cleo is Extremely relaxed and seemingly bursting with life, she is just fun to generally have around and does all that she can to live her life to the fullest and to the best of her ability despite her occasional loneliness. Cleo has become a little more reserved after the nightclub incident.
Hobbies: Cleo does not really have a massive set of hobbies, the one of two main hobbies she does have is Poi dancing which helps that she is ambidextrous, it is something she has done for quite a while now and does it whenever she can or is in the mood for it, and the other is collecting candles, especially scented ones both of which help keep her mind of things and even relax.
Generally, she likes to listen to music and disappearing off where she can happily get lost for hours or find a spot to relax and have alone time. She has a knack for going of hiding, for her it is a good escape or to simply enjoy some me time or pretty much get some drink, not that she doesn't enjoy spending time with her friends, just not best to do that in front of the younger students.
Likes:- Candles.
- Parkour.
- Cool/colder weather.
- Poi dancing.
- Enjoys drinking.
- Loves coffee.
Dislikes:- Burdening others.
- Selfishness.
- Extremely Hot weather.
- Snakes.
- Being confined/restricted.
- Having nothing to do.

Cleo was born into a middle class family with a loving mother and father, unknown to her Cleo would be the second child of the family as she was there new bundle of joy. However, at a young age Cleo for some reason or another was taken away to live with some other family relatives when strange occurrences happened in the house which for one reason or another had her ending being taken away.
At a young age, Cleo unintentionally was getting into trouble at schools, she didn't mean to but it was enough at the age of seven to be sent to into foster care by in an attempt to curb her behaviour, but her family knew Cleo was different to everyone else. It was not like she was getting trouble on purpose, but her playful, random and careless behaviour made it easier for other kids to blame the girl for things weather she did them or not, Cleo just had this unquenchable thirst for fun, and her powers did not help.
Over the years Cleo had been in and out of multiple foster homes, often because she was too much of a pain to handle, something was so different they didn’t want anything to do with her or she ran away, which more often than not is what she did, often getting caught for drinking. Until she came across one family that took her in and worked with her problems, accepted her for what she was and made her feel welcome into their family, after everything was signed for Cleo was able to have her last name changed and lived in Oregon; A nice peaceful rural city that Cleo really fell in love with fast, it didn't take long for locals to know Cleo at all.
Her random behaviour certainly kept people on their toes in and out of school, But Cleo was a rash girl and still unintentionally getting into trouble for silly little things even if she was showing signs of maturity. Her antics always got around town and eventually back to the foster family. Although concerned they were pleased that Cleo had settled in making at least a few friends, even if not many.
But as time went on, things just weren’t to be when your different, struggling to contain her powers, many in the town began talking that she was a freak and not normal, but the truth was, she wasn’t normal and never was the story of her life. It began arguments within the house over what to do with her. So one night, Cleo made that decision easy for them by packing up some essentials and money before sneaking of, running away from home in the middle of the night crying.
Upon arriving at Ashford, it did not take Cleo long to make some good friends and some enemies, her unpredictable and ditzy nature certainly put the school on their toes, especially when it was revealed she could go invisible just made it all the more fun… for her. This also meant her fights with Isaac also increased.
The incidents at Nocturne and Avalon changed Cleo a little bit, getting drunk was all fine and dandy until a monster showed up and Una got kidnapped. Una and Heidi of whom somehow got caught, she tried to clumsily rescue them before being horrified by Una as she attacked Prof Everose, Cleo was forced to attack her friend to save their teacher, Cleo has distanced herself from Una since the incident.

Character Quote: "If someone breaks your heart, Just punch them in the face... Then go get some ice cream"
Recap of your mutations awakening: In all honesty, Cleo does not remember when or how her powers had been awakened, for as long as she could remember she just always had them, or so she thinks, she was simply too young to know or even understand.
Roommate: Cleo is room mates with Daniela.