Featuring: Leo Brooks @Melissa, Soleil Jamson @Rosalia and Samuel Costigan @HaleyTheRandom
Special guest appearance: Billie Jean Grey
Location: Leo’s Dorm RoomIf you had made the decision to walk into Leo Brooks’ dorm around the time of the assembly, you would have been quite confused. For starters, there were three students
clearly not in attendance of the mandatory meeting, as they were all present in the room. Second, there were random articles of clothing strewn across an otherwise spotless floor- a few shirts and a pair of pants had been tossed aside carelessly. And third, the discarded shirts and pants didn’t all belong to Leo.
Sol, Leo, and Sam sat in the center of the floor, a deck of cards having been dealt between them and a lighthearted game of Texas hold'em underway. However, as evidenced by their various stages of undress, this was a round of
strip poker. Leo sat with his bare back up against his wooden dresser, chiseled abs on full display as he peeked at his two cards that were pressed against the carpet. He had won the previous round, but had lost the one before that, resulting in his lack of shirt. With a chuckle, he turned to his friends.
“So what do you think those losers are talking about right now at the assembly?”Propped up against the bed, Sam currently was looking at the cards he held in his hands, and comparing them to the three currently making up what people would call the flop. He had a decent chance of winning this round if he got the right cards, but his luck was a little off tonight. He was already missing his jeans, as well as his right sock. With a sigh, he grabbed his bottle of water and took a sip, laying his cards face down.
”No idea. Probably something boring like grades, or a dance or something,” he said, somewhat dismissively. In the split second it took him to realize what he had said, his face lit up in a disgusted sense of shock.
”You don’t think they’d make us have a freaking dance, do you?”“I wouldn’t be mad if they do…” Sol quietly admitted, her sharp eyes shifting between Leo and Sam for any tell-tale signs that they might be jeopardizing her chances to win. She had already been stripped of the rights to wear her oversized black T-shirt: as evidenced by her bare midriff and black sports bra. The last thing she wanted was to lose the privilege of wearing her dark red gym shorts as well. She needed to
“You can have a fucking blast at school dances.”Leo scoffed,
“Yeah, that’s cause you and a certain someone would be getting cozy in the corner.” As the dealer, the dark haired boy looked to his friends to see their reactions as he flipped the fourth card over to join the flop as the turn. Since this was strip poker, there wasn’t so much betting as there was just flat out losing, so he skipped the pleasantries and went right for the cards. Leo hadn’t let Sol forget about this morning’s interesting breakfast discussion, especially her mindless remarks that painted a revolting picture of her skinny dipping with Theo.
“Forget about a stupid dance, all anyone cares about is the after party... but what about an all school dodgeball competition! I don’t know about you guys, but I’d certainly enjoy pelting foam balls at certain people for fun.”“Those aren’t the only balls you like to toss around so happily…” came the girl’s quick reply, accompanied by the slyest of smiles. Ever since she let the skinny dipping story slip at breakfast, Leo hadn’t stopped giving her hell about it. And of course, Sol being Sol, she was giving him hell right back. After all the times she’d had to put up with his explicit, cringey stories about that pharmacy blonde she couldn’t stand, it brought her a sense of satisfaction to know that she had her own weapon to repulse him with now.
Sam shrugged his shoulders, putting the cap back on his water.
”I dunno, Sol. Something about being made to dance around with a shit ton of other awkward people doesn't sit right with me. If someone spiked the punch, then I’d go.” As Leo laid down the fourth card, Sam double checked his two, doing his best not to let the enthusiasm show on his face. Did he have a chance at winning this round?
”Dodgeball sounds alright. I always loved making the other team beg for mercy.” “Now that’s my kind of party.” Leo smirked while Sol rolled her eyes, slipping his hand into the pocket of his jeans and pulling out a toothpick to stick in between his gritted teeth.
“You and I will have to organize a game, Sam. Show people on campus what’s up.” Without another word, he flipped the last card over, the river.
“Fuck.” He murmured as his eyes hit the ace of spades, the card staring evilly back at him.
“Alright, what’s everyone got.” Leo looked around, waiting to see everyone’s cards.
Sam was the first to lay down his cards, showing that he had a three of a kind in jacks.
”I refuse to take off my other sock,” he said triumphantly.
”Er… unless one of you guys have a better hand, of course.” Finally, it was time for Soleil’s blank face to be transformed by an ear to ear grin.
“Read it and weep, boys!” she announced, gleefully throwing her cards in front of her to show off the three aces and the two kings that had previously been on her hand.
“Your pants come off, your sock comes off and my panties get to stay a mystery.” “You fucking bitch.” Leo grimaced as his best friend winked mischievously at him, throwing down the two cards he was holding. He had a measly two pair consisting of eights and fours and couldn’t surpass her full house, but he already knew this round was going down the drain when Sam laid down his cards. With an exasperated sigh, Leo pressed his palms into the floor in order to stand up, proceeding to take off his belt and unbutton his blue jeans. He let them fall and bunch around his ankles, revealing crisp white boxer briefs underneath.
Although she tried her hardest, there was no stopping Sol’s eyes from carefully running down Leo’s newly exposed clothing garment.
“Hmmmm… I never would have pegged you for a plain white boxer guy, dude. But now I can kinda see why there’s a line of girls trying to get in here,” she joked, before looking back at his face with another mischievous grin.
“Teddy’s is bigger, though-- no offense. I’m just glad it’s something nobody else knows,” the young woman added, unable to stop herself from taking another shot at her best friend.
Wrinkling his nose in disgust, Sam looked from one friend to the other.
"You guys are gross," he said, removing his shirt. Sam was a man of his word, and he wasn't taking off his other sock.
"What if our boy Leo is more of a grower?"Soleil snickered and shrugged.
"Then I guess you'll have to check it out and tell me later, 'cause there is no way I'm volunteering for that kind of research with him."Sam scrunched up his face in a goofy manner, looking Sol up and down.
”Giirrrllll… you nasty.” The girl winked at him and chuckled.
Leo clenched his jaw and could feel the muscles in his back tense up. He
hated being compared to Theo. Sure, Sol was just joking around, but something about being put in the same sentence as the guy just made his blood boil. He could care less about the literal comparison- what was frustrating was the metaphorical juxtaposition of one being “better” than the other. Leo was better than Theo, he
knew that he was better, and didn’t need anyone telling him that he wasn’t. Especially Sol. He rolled his eyes, slipping his ankles and feets out of his jeans and throwing them at her.
“You’re right, there is a line of girls waiting to get in here-” Almost as if on cue, his phone buzzed from his nightstand.
“In fact, that must be one of them right now.” Leo smirked devilishly and reached to grab it, his expression not faltering when he saw who it was.
“Well would you look at that. It is.”hey dipshit. didn't see you at the assembly. we got assigned bullshit teams, and i might need you to come visit me in prison when I kill erica.
Leo’s brow furrowed as he scanned the list that Billie sent him. A scavenger hunt? Not exactly what he had pictured the all school event to be, but not terrible. He was a competitive guy and always down to win something, so this was alright by him.
“We have our answer- school wide scavenger hunt on Wednesday. Billie texted me the teams, it’s groups of three.” He tossed his phone to Sam so he could take a look as well.
”Scavenger hunt? Are they gonna make us hunt for school supplies or something?” A confused Sam caught Leo’s phone, scrolling down to see who he was paired with.
”I got Zakya and Hana.” Sam didn’t know too much about the former, but the later had the tendency to make him want to scream.
"Hopefully Hana can make some decisions and not be so shy about shit and we might have a chance at winning whatever this is.” He passed the phone to Sol before taking another drink of his water.
As soon as she had the phone in her possession and read the names accompanying her own, Sol impulsively tossed the device back to its owner. If it had been her own, chances are it wouldn't have survived her furious toss against the floor.
"This is fucking bullshit…" she growled, once again feeling that familiar anger of earlier bubbling its way back to the surface.
"Nick is fine, but Quinn?! It's like they want me to lose my shit. Who the fuck came up with these bullshit groups, anyway?"Leo shrugged, catching his phone and tossing back in the air just for fun.
“Guess I’m the only one here who’s happy with my team? I mean, I don’t really know Dwayne, but I’m with Frankie so who cares.” He smirked, thinking about the blonde who he knew
very well- almost too well. As a team they’d probably kick ass, and Leo hoped Dwayne could get on the same page as them. Fit in or fuck off, right? The dark haired boy let his phone fall back into his hands and replied to Billie.
thanks b- don’t worry i’ll post bail if necessary. I got caught up in a game of poker and ended up in my boxers… you should stop by ;)
He threw his phone back on the nightstand and looked back at his friends.
“Hopefully this won’t be stupid or a waste of my time- at least classes are cancelled because of it.”Soleil scoffed and rolled her eyes.
"This is a complete waste of time."Sam shrugged his shoulders.
”I’m with Sol on this one, man. I mean… what kind of crap could this even be? I’ve heard of camps doing scavenger hunts and shit, but… a school?”Shaking his head, Leo sighed.
“Who knows- all I do know is that we still have a few more rounds to play before I’ll be out of clothes to take off.” He wiggled his toes which were still donning white calf socks.
“Hopefully I’ll be naked by the time Billie gets here...”The young woman immediately wrinkled her nose in disgust.
"You're fucking disgusting-" she told her friend, grabbing his shirt from the pile nearby and tossing it in his direction before grabbing her own and pulling it back on.
"Now put your shirt back on before everyone comes back to the dorm and start asking stupid questions about why our clothes are missing. The last thing I want is for anyone to think I'm one of your whores."If you wanted to be friends with Sol, you had to put up with her moods from time to time. Right now was one of those times. Retrieving his jeans first, Sam stood up as he put them back on.
”Yes. Heaven forbid anyone think we’re having a threesome.” Buttoning and zipping them back up, he smirked as another thought ran through his head.
”Who do you think would be the dom in the situation?”"Oh, definitely me. If anyone asks, I took turns pegging the both of you…" Shady replied, smirking at both Leo and Sam as she stood up.
Leo refused and tossed his shirt to the side- it was his room after all and he could do what he wanted! He sat on his bed as the other two slipped back on their missing clothes.
“You guys are crazy.” He remarked, running a hand through his hair to make sure it was still intact.
“Now get the fuck out of my room before anyone even entertains that rumor.”"Whatever you say boss!" the dark-haired girl teased before she gave her best friend an impish grin.
"See ya," she called out to the boys before walking out the door and disappearing from sight.
Sam shrugged his shoulders and laughed.
”I dunno man. Sounds like an okay time to me.” Pulling his shirt back on over his head, the young man exited Leo’s room as he walked towards his own.
“Later guys!”