Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Trinidad Academy - One Week before the Start of Semester

The center of Trinidad Academy was occupied by a garden, a garden where native flowers and trees circled a large pedestal on which stood a dark blue slab of polished stone; there, the names of Trinidad Academy's founders and its prominent alumni were set. This was the 'Founders' Monument', a symbol of the sense of optimism that had driven the establishment of the school before the realities of the Cold War and the War on Terror put paid to such dreams. Pablo Legazpi hoped that what he would do was the first step to said dreams' restoration.

"Place the hilt of your Noble Arm on the slab; I can rely on you not to damage it," said the person behind him.

The boy nodded, and summoned his blade, before pressing the pommel gently onto the monument. Then, he willed its power to life, the light blue glow revealing his own truths to him once more.

I had nothing to fear from my parents; I was still their son, no matter who I was attracted to. I were merely seeking excuses to whine, to publicly angst, to call for attention. I have a thirst for being the center of things, which is why I am allowing him to use my power for his own selfish ends.

Pablo breathed the truths of his life, not running away from his self-deceptions, his hypocrisy, and the moral weakness of his actions.

But I know this, that there is actual good that can be done! I know this, that if good is the promotion of peace, happiness, and the prevention of pain, then it's within my reach! That is a true enough reason to join that man's cause!

And with that, the truths of the Academy, the truth about the person just behind him, and the knowledge needed to pursue the good he believed in came to him. But so too did this truth: That his victory was not guaranteed, that goodness existed but can be defeated. Even with what he now knew, he might still lose.

But it was a cause worth fighting for - He at least knew that!

As the light of truth faded, Pablo respectfully turned to the person who had given him access to the monument, and gave a respectful bow.

"Director Bathala," he said in a firm voice, "What do you want to know?"

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Trinidad Academy - One Week after the Start of Semester

As part of the Director’s new rules, Students were ordered to get up at Five AM, where they were to eat breakfast (assuming they lived in the Dorms), pray (if they were religious), exercise (albeit however they wanted), read in the school library, and at the end of the hour, sing the Philippine National Anthem if they were of Filipino Citizenship. Nevertheless, depending on how fast they ate breakfast and prayed, it was clear that the students had at least thirty minutes of free time, free time which can be used for other things, things such as discussing how exactly the semester would start...

Jeim Izgawi

For in the first ten minutes of this ‘unofficial free hour’, one JeimSeu Igawzi would receive a whisper carried to his ears alone by the wind.

“Jeim, Jeim… The Hammer have a mission for you. Two Senators from this nation’s Congress will come to inspect the Director’s changes to the Academy - Several of the more indolent students here will seek to ally with you and a few other people they believe are part of the Hammer. Their goal is to discredit the Director by allowing you and your folk to kill the Senators, then betray you and hand you over to the police. So pretend to go along with them, then ensure that they are the ones who discredit themselves.”

A pause, as the whisper continued blowing into his ears, “We will have bigger fish to fry in the future...”



Nuru appeared like a poor person, despite his sister’s connections getting him into the Academy. Thus, for the first week of his class, he’d be targeted by bullies, among them a gang led by one Virgil Vazquez, son of a Mestizo (Part-Native, Part-Spanish) family with a large amount of influence in the school. Virgil was one of those fair-skinned, brown-haired people who looked down on those with darker coloration, and despite Nuru being a better combatant than him in every way, the rich kid and his gang of fellow rich and influential Arms Masters would try and harass him every way that they could… Which was why the fact that they were missing was a cause for concern.

Then a flash of lightning which was clearly not his could be seen from a nearby window in the direction of the courtyard - His current location was in a lobby.


Cynthia, Pablo, and Vane

Cynthia directed a bolt of fire-transmuted-into-lightning at the Mestizo creep who had tried to make a pass at her with her Noble Arm, only to find it deflected by a round shield of steel like those used by Spanish Conquistadors.

“Hah!” the guy in question (Virgil, right?) said in triumph as his gang of thugs, each carrying their own ‘beautiful’ and ‘elegant’ Noble Arms, closed in on her in a circle, ”You’re going to regret refusing to go out with me, you rotten b***h! My shield is immune to physical force!”

A voice interrupted, “Technically true, your shield is immune to physical force. But not the area around, over, and under it, you spoiled brat.”

The voice was from another student who was walking towards them, a brown-skinned, golden-eyed young man of sixteen years of age. This student continued, turning to Virgil’s second-in-command, a tall and heavily-built young man with large fists, “Arturo, your Noble Arm isn’t much better - Your brass knuckles look good, but their real power is to prevent the steroids you take from killing you.”

He then looked around at the others and said, “I know what each Noble Arm of yours’ can do, and normally, I should just threaten to reveal that information to the other students… Along with your other secrets. But right now, I’m pissed.”

A thin smile, “Which is why I’m going to the Director with this.”

Virgil scrunched up his face in anger, shouting, “Not if we beat you up first - Lucrezia, get him!”

One of two female students in Virgil’s gang swung her Noble Arm - A whip - At Pablo, only for Cynthia to swat it aside with her spear, then send a spray of water Arturo’s way, knocking the other student back. Then she took advantage of everyone else’s surprise to grab Pablo’s wrist and begin running towards the school building -

Only to crash into yet another Student, a tall, black-haired young man who had ended up in their way. This young man? It was Vane Wilson himself, and he can see Virgil and his gang - Four rich kids who ran behind their leader, racing towards Cynthia and Pablo!

@Not Fungus
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Part Two of Intro

Oli Cinter and Johnny

Director Bathala would call the two to a meeting in his office in the early hours of the morning, and after exchanging brief pleasantries, sigh and say to the two, “You know of Pablo Legazpi, right? The student whose Noble Arm has the ‘Light of Truth’? Well, I want him watched.”

Turning to Johnny, the Director said, “Even though his powers are proof against all illusions, you are much smarter than him, with a strategic and cunning mind that is beyond his’.” Then to Oli, “And you, on the other hand, are an honest man who does not delude himself and are thus resistant to his powers of revelation.”

A pause, “Although he and I are allies for the same cause, I don’t want him getting arrogant, overconfident, and getting his fellow students killed. Or get himself killed trying to convert Hammerites or Disablers to his point of view. I have plans for him if his youth and inexperience does not lead to him making dangerous mistakes.”

Then he pulled out a dossier from his desk before saying, “Now, onto other matters. Two Philippine Senators, Bam Aquino and Samira Gutoc, are coming over to our Academy later today - We need to keep them safe. Find the three Students on the dossier - Oscar Helgrem, Henry Durand, and Jordan Quinn and assign them to guard our guests once they visit. If you cannot find Jordan Quinn anywhere, call Cynthia Weissberg.”

@BigPapaBelial@The Jest

Oscar Helgrem

Oscar Helgrem would find himself in the library, where there were many audiobooks in English and Filipino, although he’d have to pay for their use. There was also a copy of the School Paper in English and Filipino/Tagalog which spoke of the coming visit by the two members of the Philippine Senate, Bam Aquino/Benigno Aquino the IVth and Samira Gutoc, and speculation as to the security arrangements for said visit - It appears that a number of students would be chosen by the Director himself from a list of candidates in order to deter any sudden betrayals…


Henry Durand

If he went around the Academy premises, Henry Durand would find that most of Trinidad Academy’s ‘top-notch’ facilities, especially the gym, had been reserved by one Virgil Vazquez for himself and his group of rich kids, thus stonewalling other students’ plans for training unless they went out of their way to ‘serve’ that guy as his personal servants. However, there have been rumors of them admitting a bunch of other students into the arenas, swimming pools, and virtual reality simulations without the aforementioned requirements. Could they be acknowledging other students as equals now? Or was this part of another power play?


Jordan Quinn

The shooting ranges were also reserved for Virgil Vazquez, even though the latter didn’t even have a ranged Noble Arm. It was quite clear that the rich kid was trying to wall off those with more talent and more powerful Noble Arms from ever training their abilities without his say-so. What a blight to Trinidad Academy, one who has already received a censure from the Director but was still flaunting how his parents had donated so much to the Academy that no one would be able to expel him.

Nevertheless, it was clear that without faculty intervention, he won’t be able to train his Noble Arm unless he resorted to looking for empty spaces and shooting at coca-cola bottles...

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago


His daily run had been pleasant and it wasn’t until he stopped in the spotless lobby that the oddness of it struck him. A thought that led to a discovery; Nuru could admit he didn’t get too many of those. So he paused, sweat crawling down his skin.

His newly bought sports gear (techfit to be precise) was evidence of what was missing. He had bought it after being bullied, picked on really by the more affluent of the Academy. Normally, they would be making his jog rather annoying with there nitpicks and ignorance.“A lucky break… I guess,” he told himself between heavy breaths.

Then lightning struck out near the courtyard, a ruthless, uneven slash through reality, he would had missed it if not for his curiosity. His wandering eyes. A hand wrapped in the towel around his neck wiped most of the sweat away. “That’s so far from normal.”

My sister told me to investigate the unusual, to be at the middle of any potential upset. Nuru nodded to himself, determination solidifying deep in his chest. Even as students had begun to gather, to spread about and talk. I'll do what's necessary, no matter what anyone else thinks. But why did he think that all of a sudden. A mantra perhaps, something that made sense of his recklessness.

Obviously, he thought. Then made for the courtyard at an effortless jog.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Oliver Cinter

Oli had been up early anyway, having gone to bed very early actually so he could be up super early to finish his lesson plans for the week. Phys-Ed and Math weren't subjects you could just fly by the seat of your pants. One is a phyically and mentally draining subject that left people in tears and crying for mercy, and the other one was gym time. He'd been writing and checking his source materials when his cell phone had beeped. The grey haired brit looks at the screen seeing a message from the director. Reading the summons he'd grabbed his long coat slipped on his gloves and jumped into his boots. He'd raced through the halls, don't want to keep the director waiting.

After abit he'd entered, just a few moments behind Johnny it seems. He'd clapped on the shoulder as he slipped by him giving him a big grin, "John! Hey there." He stopped in place then bowed to Director Bathala, "Sir! Good..." He looked at his phone quickly, "Morning. Got your message." After the whole greeting thing he'd sat down in one of the arm chairs. The grey haired Brit pursed his lips, "Mr. Legazpi? Yes I know of him." He listened on then quirked an eyebrow, "It's been awhile since someone called me honest of all things Boss." He chuckles, "I was a punk and a bully, a little bit of a liar and a cheat as well. Sure I'm more temperate now, but honest is a new one on me." He laughs, then nods, "I'll keep an eye on him when I can."

He leans forward to look at the contents of the dossier, "Mister's Quinn, Helgrem and Durand? Okay. I'll see if I can track down Durand and Helgrem. If you're up to tracking down Mr. Quinn? how's that sound John?" He smiles and gets up bowing again to the Director and slapping Johnny on the shoulder again, "By your leave Director I'll go get started."

Jordan Quinn

Jordan stood at the door to the shooting range. The schedule had his name on it, but it's clear that Vazquez had just countermanded it all and booked the place over him, almost all day. He booted the door leaving a boot print on the paint, "You've got to be kidding me!?" He sighed and started to pace just outside the range, "What do I gotta do...well hell..." He looked around, the windows were too high to climb too, and most of them were barred over. He couldn't jimmy the lock on the door either or he'd get in deep crap from one of the proctors.

The long haired Canadian paced awhile more then hummed, "Okay fine...if I gotta do this like we would do on the Rez then so be it." He made sure no one is watching him then darted for the nearest recycle bin, gathering as many bottles as he can, sticking them in every pocket he can manage, carrying a bundle of them under his left arm, and more in his right. Taking some thirty or so with him, "Suck it Virg. I'm not going to let you spoil my training time. I have a free half hour to do with as I please! And I'm going to shoot! Shoot shoot shoot! And even if you booked the range you can't stop me from honing my aim!"

Looking a little goofy trying to sneak into the back reaches of the Academy grounds with thirty bottles in his arms and pockets but soon he's in a disused sports court in the back of the grounds. He'd have to set this up to make it worth the training, all kinds of angles and distances. He got to setting those bottles up. He only had so much time and he'd do his best to make use of it.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 12 days ago


Oscar decided today might be a good day to double up on his exercises and language learning, so he took a quick stroll down to the library to see how much audio books would cost. He saw that everything, not just the audio books, seemed to require you to rent the facilities. Thankfully the money he saved and given would clear him for quite a bit of time as the exchange rates were in his favor. Oh, thank you capitalism! You saved me this day! Was all that ran through his head as he had a big grin, not for the fact he was thinking something perverted. He has this smile when he is saving money, being highly efficient, or he is just in a good mood. Yet it seems to have given him a bad rep with people as they think he is thinking of perverted thoughts as he is just doing normal tasks.

As he began looking through the library he asked some librarians where the English and Filipino audio books were and was directed quickly. As he was walking he was looking up which ones are the best, so he can try and learn the language as fast as he could. Oscar was excited to learn another language, after all to learn a new language means he would be able to understand the stories and culture better here. With that it would be a whole new level of mythology he would start to get to understand. Oh the excitement is just hard to contain, I wonder how long it would take me to learn the language? Hopefully not too long.

While Oscar was walking, he noticed the School Paper near by and knew it had an English and Filipino/Tagalog, so he decided to read it and learn as he caught up on the news and walked towards the audio books. It seemed to speak of the coming visit by the two members of the Philippine Senate, Bam Aquino/Benigno Aquino the IVth and Samira Gutoc. "Hmm, this doesn't seem too fun. We'll probably have to sit through some speech and then some poor saps will have to accompany them", but Oscar shrugs as he then says, "Eh, not my problem I suppose". As he sets down the paper and began to continue towards the audio books in hopes of finding a good one before they are all gone.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by dragonpiece
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Member Seen 23 hrs ago


Henry usually focused on his running when he was exercising but today was a different. He had 2 thoughts that kept running through his mind. Swimming and learning Filipino. His run would randomly stop as he would just end up looking towards the pool thinking that would be such nice exercise. Mix that with his halfhearted attempt at practicing greetings led to a bit of an awkward spectacle.

Eventually, Henry finished his run and took seat under a tree to rest a bit and try to clear his thought. I guess I'll try to take care of the things I can. Henry hops up onto his feet then leaps to a sturdy tree branch and begins to do one armed pull ups, switching off every 20. Okay, so Virgil Vazquez is the one renting the pool right now. I could just go ahead and ask him if i could use the pool. I even heard he has been letting normal people in! Wait wait, What if it's a trap to get more cronies? Do I mind being one of his goons. Henry switches from pull ups to upside down crunches. I mean if he is a upstanding guy I don't think it would be that bad. He hops off when he is done and decides to go and talk to him. the best way to figure things out is to be direct. The problem is he has no idea where Virgil is. Henry just decides to jog around until he finds him.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Not Fungus
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Not Fungus

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


It was an early morning. A schedule that Vane still hasn't adjusted to even after a week has passed in the first semester. He just finished up the required daily rituals and was lazily taking a walk. A yawn slipped out of his mouth. He made no moves to cover it up.

He was slightly annoyed that he couldn't use the training facilities due to a certain Virgil; however, it wasn't all that bad. He can just train his body with push-ups, squats, and daily jogs. "Might as well go inside the building."

The sound of a fight made him curiously turn his head towards that direction. He was greeted by the impact of two people running into him. The surprise of it almost knocked him down, but he balanced himself to view the conflict.

"A two-on-five?" It seemed like a nice potential fight for him to get involved in. If he were to go all in on it, the best option would be to turn all of them on him. He thought for just a split second before acting like a busybody. He got in the way of those students running towards the other two that crashed into him.

"Come on now. You guys don't need to fight this early in the morning, right? You can just save it for sparring." He cheerfully smiled at everyone even though his heart wasn't in it this early in the day. His tired eyes were clearly visible to those who were even mildly perceptive.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by WindsOfFate

WindsOfFate Divine Diva of Fabulousness

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeimseu the Silent Assassin

Jeim, if anything, was punctual. He stood in front of a training dummy shirtless. He was always the first one awake. He would go to bed around 8 or 9 pm and would be up and functioning by 5 am. Today he would forgo breakfast and prayer and would focus on training his body as he often did. He focused his breathing, remembering what the older man would tell him.

“Who are you?” he would ask Jeim.

“I am the bringer of silence.” Jeim would respond.

“What is your purpose?”

“To silence opposition.”

“How will you do this?”

“By any means necessary.”

Jeim had struck the wooden dummy so hard it had caused splinters to break off. His muscles rippled with every punch that collided. His mind went back to his past. Training day in and out, his father not caring where he was or who he was with. The man was the epitome of a worthless father. Had it not been for his mother, Jeim would have run away long ago. Being at Trinidad Academy was his way of getting away from his no good father. The only downside is that he didn’t get to see his mother as much as he’d like, and he missed HIM. The very man who was like an older brother to him, showing him and guiding him. If it had not been for that man he wouldn’t know what this strange gift was. Jeim flipped away from the wooden dummy after landing a well placed kick. His noble arms appeared, falling into his open hand with a soft thud. Jeim lifted the blade and smirked. With one swing, sound burst forth in an arc, visible only to the trained eye. It struck the wooden dummy and dispersed. Jeim stood up slowly from his crouched position and watched as the dummy slowly fell to the ground in two pieces. His noble arm vanished from his hand as he heard footsteps coming.

“Strange, I am normally the only one here,” he said softly as he moved to grab his shirt. That was when he heard the voice. It was calm and informative. Jeim listened with his eyes closed, an odd smile on his face. Whoever planned to betray him would suffer, just as the others suffered. He grabbed his shirt and moved towards the showers. There wasn’t enough time in a day for all of this, but Jeim always made sure to get as much training as he possibly could. Training developed one’s abilities and as such allowed one to grow stronger.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Oli Cinter

Oli had gone jogging down the halls intending to track down the three, and deliver the news to them in person. He had gone down a whole flight of stairs when he summoned one half of The Great Ali and face palmed. The almighty smack of the Arm against his face echoed shortly down the halls and the stair well. The leather cestus gauntlets left a wide red mark on his face after he pulled it away and then dissipated into the air. The grey haired man sighed, "I am an idiot. May her majesty forgive my stupidity." He about faced and headed for the teachers collective offices, these being apart from his own personal offices down in the gym area. These are usually used when a teacher has need to get access quickly. Their own little cubicle to do quick work and store information. Oli burst through the door just short of the Kool-Aid man. He stood in the doorway briefly looking around to see if any other staff were in the room. Then with a grin made for his cubicle, sliding into it and booting his personal computer up.

After a short but he's logged in, and into the email system. He hums softly.

To: OHelgrem, HDurand, JQuinn
From: OCinter
Topic: Special School assignment
Gentlemen, Good morning,
I know I don't usually do this, but the school has need of your attention and services. For an extremely important event coming up. If you're interested, and I really hope you are gentlemen, please report to the Gym Office as soon as you can please. I'll join you there shortly.
Oli Cinter

Oli made sure everything is there then nods, "Alright, and off you get!" And soon,an email is sent to the three young men he's trying to track down.

Logging out of his computer and turning the screen off he gets back to his feet and with a quick hop he's out the door, waving to the few other staff members in the room before making his way down to the gym and his office down there. Wondering if he'll get there first, or he'll walk into to see the three of them there waiting.

Jordan Quinn

Jordan had just lined up another shot, he'd hit eleven of the bottles so far, with a total of fourteen shots. Which isn't bad if you think about it. This next shot should be twelve. He bites his lower lip softly, ignoring the soft jingle in his pants pocket of a message received. Ca-snap! La Longue Carabine fires, a blue bolt of solid energy lashing out...

And tips the bottle he was aiming at! So close! Jordan lowers the musket-like weapon, and goes about reloading for the next shot, when his phone jingles again to let him know of the message. With a sigh he pulls it out, tapping out his access code then looking at the email, "Special School assignment...Oscar and Henry are in on this too?" He knows of them, not exactly friends, not that he didn't want to be, but despite anything Jordan can be shy sometimes. He nods, "Well whatever this is..." He looks around at the bottles, "Better clean up first..." He looks around at the empty court, "I don't think anyone will mind..." He starts taking bottles and tucking them away where they won't be in the way, so he can come back some other times set some up and shoot, if Vazquez is going to be a dick more then well he wanted to make sure.

Takes the long haired Canadian abit, but soon he's starting to make his way towards the athletics section of the school, and Coach Cinter's office there.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by dragonpiece
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Member Seen 23 hrs ago


Along Henry's jog he decided to postpone his look for Virgil, searching for water. Henry found a fountain and began to gulp water down until his stomach was near full. "I should really buy a water jug to take with me" Henry proclaimed as he took a seat waiting for his body to settle.

Henry began to switch from sitting on the grass to laying down, laying his arms behind his head and crossing his left leg over his right. The warming sun made Henry's muscles loosened up. It was peaceful enough for him to fall asleep. He began to imagine his favorite spot back in Worm where he would rest post workout.

Just as he was truly relaxing, he was brought back to reality by a notification on his phone. That is enough of a break. Henry sat up and looked at his phone. He was expecting a message from maybe his mother, she has always been a worrywart. Much to his surprise it's a group email. Henry read it somewhat quickly. He got what he needed to know. Honestly he was excited, if he does a good enough job of whatever this is then it will help him move up the ranks. Having felt the need to start by making a good impression he jogged to the gym to save time. The entire time he had a noticeable smile. As he got to gym office no one was there. He just stood there anticipating what this might be.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 12 days ago


As Oscar was searching through the wide selections of audio books, he finally found the one he was searching for. "Yes! Perfect!", came spilling from Oscar's mouth as he snatches it and begins heading over to the librarians desk so he can rent it out. When he reached the desk he felt his phone vibrate, so he quickly paid for the audio book before he walked away and checked his phone. He saw he got a group email from Mr. Cinter, as he began reading it he was confused. He didn't have anything special about him in all things considered other than his good physical skills. "So maybe it would be of my wrestling skills, maybe?"

As he headed off towards the athletics department, something hit him like a girlfriend after missing her mother's birthday. "Fuck", was all Oscar could come up with as he realized why they were being called for their 'services'. These three people must each be from a different nationality, people who wouldn't kill the senators, as they have nowhere else to go. That is the thought that ran through his head as he realizes that why they would be gathered for an event. 'Great, I guess this is my job for the day', but Oscar let out a deep sigh as he changes his attitude towards this "Hey, at least I can make sure people don't get hurt". Thinking positive is always the best option in Oscar's mind, after all, if people always think negatively all the time then it is always harder finding things to be happy about. Sometimes it's just slightly annoying to have things sprung on him, after all, surprises can make anyone irritated if it is not wanted or they had other plans. Yet, Oscar will still take this in stride.

Oscar finally made his way to the Gym Office as he found a large man, Oscar racked his brain to remember his name, "Oh hey Henry!" As Oscar ran over he then started of with a, "Hey do you have any idea of why we are here?" Using this as a conversation starter rather than to collect information. Oscar doesn't really know Henry as a person to be a social butterfly so it only makes sense to try and make some form of conversation that can lead into other things.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Pablo, Cynthia, Nuru and Vane

Virgil looked at Vane, then at Cynthia and Pablo, before turning up his nose and saying, “Don’t get in my way, Wilson - Not if you want access to the arena and other high-level facilities. You don’t want your training to be inconvenienced by suboptimal conditions, after all.”

A glare at Cynthia, “As for you, you’re an upstart. Not only do you refuse a date with someone like me, but you strut around so dedicated as though you’re better than others!”

Pablo interrupted, “You’re projecting, Virgil. Just go away before it turns into a fight.” He looked behind him and noticed Nuru racing for them, before smirking in triumph, “And look at that, the Academy’s own Nuru is coming! Do you really think you can take us all on, Mr. Vazquez?”

Virgil’s glare turned towards Pablo, as he shouted, “This isn’t over, wise guys! I’ll have my revenge on you all!”

Then he and his gang ran off, even as Pablo said to the people around him, “Sorry for the inconvenience - Virgil there and his cronies were trying to harass this girl here -”

“Cynthia, Cynthia Weissberg,” the young lady interrupted. “And yes, this guy here did rescue me, although I could have handled myself quite fine...”

Pablo then continued, “And thank you all for rescuing her and me from the wrath of those rich kids, although now they’re going to make sure all of you are blocked from using the Arms Master facilities unless a miracle happens.” He sighed, “People like him are the reason why Trinidad hasn’t risen up the ranks yet - Even though it has talented people such as you guys in it.”

Then a pause, “By the way, where were my manners? My name is Pablo Legazpi, pleased to meet you all.”

A glance at Nuru if he hadn’t left by now, and a temptation to find out exactly what was up with the other student using his Noble Arm’s power of Truth. But Pablo decided not to do it, because then he’d be confronted by his own truth - That he was being a callous invader of other people’s privacy and that was a violation of his own morality and that he’d be causing needless pain.

That, and he had to focus on redeeming - Or ‘redeeming’ - JeimSeu, whom he should be looking for right now, preferably before the latter put his shirt back on, although it might be too late for that already. But would even the Light of Truth be enough to turn him to his side, especially if it revealed to Pablo his own selfish desires?

@Renny, @Not Fungus


The shower rooms were empty except for one other Arms Master, Glory Malenkov, a Russian student who regarded himself as the leader of the ‘Hammer Aspirants’ in Trinidad Academy.

With a characteristic smug expression, Malenkov approached the Korean-Filipino before saying, “Virgil and I made sure the showers were empty so that we can all have a chance to talk. But it seems they’re arriving late - Filipino Time is such an advantage, we can have some a few minutes to ourselves.”

As the eighteen-year old threw his jacket and other pieces of attire into a nearby basket, waiting for Jeim to do the same, he said, “You got the message, right? From the Handler? We’re to cooperate with Virgil to kill two of this country’s Senators coming here later.”

He then turned on the shower, letting the sound of the falling water obscure his voice. “Their part in it is to give us the information on who exactly will be guarding the VIPs, as well as what routes they will take. Once they get to the Founders’ Monument, we’re to snipe them with a long-range attack and kill them instantly - It must be clear that it’s a Noble Arm which did the killing, yet at the same time, it must not be obvious who did it for the first few minutes. Then we flee and join up with the Main forces of the Hammer in Mindanao, where we just killed some Islamic Insurgents and took their bases and stuff.”

Malenkov’s words as he showered both confirmed and contradicted the whispers of the voice. But a memory would intrude into Jeim’s mind, of someone saying:

The whisper takes precedence. Malenkov is a pawn.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Not Fungus
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Not Fungus

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Vane's response to Virgil's disappointing attitude was a small sigh. Only after feeling the urge to speak up to him, the man and his friends already left the area. He then turned towards the two who initially ran into him, the blonde girl's hair gaining his attention. There was also a very toned boy coming towards them as well. His identity was clearly obvious.

The shade of the now named girl's hair, Cynthia, reminded him of his friend. With that thought putting a smile on his face that washed away even the tiredness he felt in the morning, he spoke up with some cheer in his tone.

"Virgil ain't that bad. I'm sure he's got some good qualities in him." And he truly believed that. Vane can smell some insecurity from him, so he would prefer if he had a nice heart-to-heart chat with him to see what's really up with the boy.

"Ah, my name is Vane Wilson by the way. Don't call me talented though. You'll make me get carried away just a bit." A laugh was what he ended it with to let everyone know not to take him all that seriously.

"Well, if that's all, I'll be heading off now. If there's anything you need me for then..." He paused himself for a bit and then placed his hand on his chin in thought. He then snapped his fingers, concluding his momentary thoughts. "...Spar with me. That's the only way I'll do any favors for you guys. See ya."

Since some time has passed, he decided to head to class early.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Oli Cinter and Jordan Quinn

Jordan came thumping into the gym, and up to the office spotting Oscar and Henry. He slows abit then resumes his jog, waving to them as he comes closer. He puffs and comes to a stop beside the other two, "Oscar Helgrem and Henry Durand right? I'm Jordan Quinn, any idea what is going on? It's kinda strange." Jordan knows of the other two, he's seen them at a distance, and kind of knows what their Noble Arms can do. He looks between them then scratches his head, "What the hell is this all about exactly? Why would the three of us be called here?"

Another of the doors opens as he's finishing the last few words of his last bit of speaking, Oli strides in, "How about I answer that folks." He grins brightly, smoothing a hand through his grey beard. He smiles, "Thank you all for coming. I'm quite happy you all showed up." He walks up to them and smiles, one hand in the pocket of his coat, "Our Director is making waves across the nation, both good and bad. Things like this are good for the school and for the people in general, it shows we're taking steps to expand and to promote new ideas. As you may surmise this has gotten the attention of governments and other notables, not just organizations but people too. And we have two of those people coming in later today." He looks the three over, "Oscar Hegrem, Noble Arm, The Sword of Truth, silvered, gilded with gold, can only hit the target you want to hit, and will not harm the person who you're not attacking, about right?" He chuckles, "I'm a gym and math teacher..." He laughs softly at himself, "Ahem anyway, Henry Durand, Noble Arm Jahreszeiten Wechseln, a fellow fist weapon user." Oli holds up his own fist respectively, "Always nice to see others." Finally he turns to Jordan, "And Jordan Quinn, Noble Arm La Longue Carabine, a musket type long rifle, long range energy attacks." The teacher nods slowly, "You three represent a very interesting team. And the Director put your names forward for this."

Oli comes right out with it, "We have two members of the Filipino Senate coming in later today. Paolo Benigno Aguirre Aquino IV better known as Bam Aquino, and the other Samira Ali Gutoc-Tomawis. Important members of the government and community. And during their visit we'd like to keep them as safe as possible. So the director put forth that you three be their bodyguards while they are on their visit." Oli looks the three over, "As much as I'd like to say you have the time to think this over, this event is going to happen today no matter what, and we need your answer post haste. So, I can go back to the director, directly and tell him whether or not you all agreed. So, what do you say? Will you take this oppurtunity up and watch over the two senators when they arrive later today?"

It's quite a serious thing to ask of them. Jordan taking a moment after all that, looking at Coach Cinter, and then at Henry and Oscar, trying and likely failing to read what they might think. Jordan nods, "Okay, that's alot of responsibility. Protecting visitors, but then this is kinda like what we are training for right? As daunting as this feels, and as scary as having the lives of two people set on my shoulders, I'm willing to take that chance." Jordan nods, "I'll take up this chance. I and La Longue Carabine will happily help to defend these two senators." Jordan nods confidently in that moment, "I'll do it."

Oli smiles. Thinking to himself, That's one, can we go for all three?

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Nuru slowed as he approached the group. The situation was odd enough by the gathering and of course all too familiar. Virgil, he groaned inwardly, his gait finally coming to a stop. He should at least present himself as the heroic-type. Which he aimed for in all honesty. The girl Cynthia and the boy Pablo were two students he had never met. Total strangers, possibly incompetent but probably not. They certainly looked capable enough.

Nuru looked between them, a confident smile on his face ”I’m glad you’re all okay. What was that bolt of lightning I saw earlier?” Then as an afterthought. ”Oh and I’m Nuru, it’s nice to meet you all.”

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by dragonpiece
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Member Seen 23 hrs ago


Henry just stood there in silence, waiting for hopefully one of the other people in the email or the teacher. Henry got nervous suddenly when he realized he doesn't know the other two people that would be coming. Oh God, what if they know me? There is so many people here I haven't learned that many peoples name. Mostly people around my own rank to start. Please don't know me. Almost as soon a these thoughts had left, leaving behind a slight uneasiness, The silence broke.
"Oh hey Henry! Hey do you have any idea of why we are here?"

Henry Turned to see who it was that called out to him, Hopeful that it was one of the few people that he has registered into his memory. Fuck Henry thought as he stared at the guy. I'll play it off cool and just answer the question I'll probably find out from the teacher. I hope, "Sorry, I really don't know what we are here for either. It's nice to know I was not the only one to show up though."

Just as Henry got done with answering the other guy a new voice entered the room.
"Oscar Helgrem and Henry Durand right? I'm Jordan Quinn, any idea what is going on? It's kinda strange. What the hell is this all about exactly? Why would the three of us be called here?"

I recognize him! Henry was relieved only for a moment until Mr. Cinter had broken into the Gym. After some introductions Henry now knows that The guys name is Oscar. Sword of Truth sounds cool. Well I knew I was was going to accept this from the start but hey now I really want to join this. I waited for Jordan to finish what he was saying. "I will be joining. Jahreszeiten Wechseln and I will protect the two senators." Henry's job was serious so he will treat it as such.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 12 days ago


When Oscar began to come over fully, he noticed that Henry seemed off put or even concerned, maybe he doesn't know him. After all, it has been a week since they came here. Knowing the names of all first years is hard, Oscar just knows quite a few people from their prominence or their note worthy looks.

However, Henry seemed to have answered quickly with, "Sorry, I really don't know what we are here for either. It's nice to know I was not the only one to show up though." Oscar knew that would be the response, yet it does at least lead into a more sociable topic. Yet, as he was about to speak up and try to strike conversation, someone new came in and started talking, "Oscar Helgrem and Henry Durand right? I'm Jordan Quinn, any idea what is going on? It's kinda strange."

Oscar was happy to actually see everyone here, as he would not like to be here and try to protect the senators with them, and hey they could make this as a good experience to maybe make some new friends. He has seen Jordan and he seems like a nice guy, just maybe quiet. They both seem nice, probably very similar, as they act nearly the same. One is just a foot taller than the other. As Oscar was about to speak up again he was interrupted one more time. Oscar does not despise getting cut off he is just getting annoyed now as it happened within literal seconds of each other. Great, I can't say god damn thing. Everyone's timing is so god damn great at interrupting me from trying to speak!

As Oscar turned his attention towards the now incoming teacher, as he takes notice of Mr. Cinter. As he realizes that Henry and Mr. Cinter are giants, they could probably take a bullet and just laugh at the bullet. As Mr. Oli began to speak, Oscar began to listen to what he had to say.

"Our Director is making waves across the nation, both good and bad. Things like this are good for the school and for the people in general, it shows we're taking steps to expand and to promote new ideas. As you may surmise this has gotten the attention of governments and other notables, not just organizations but people too. And we have two of those people coming in later today."

Alrighty, that was my general idea, good to know that the paper knows more than I do at times. I should read it more, obviously it spreads news like wild fire and anyone can get it. As Oscar thinks through this, Mr. Cinter continues on to explain each of their weapons and Oscar's was first.

As Oli immediately gets his Noble Arm wrong, Sword of...truth? I...just won't humor it. Might have been a reading error, who knows? Oscar just chuckles slightly as Mr. Cinter continues as Oscar listens with intent to try and figure out what he is teamed up with. A fist type and a long rifle? Hmm, all we can really say is that we have no worries about close or long range, we just have no defensive Noble Arms, so we will have to hope we thwart all attacks before they start.

As now, Mr. Cinter asks them the question they were all waiting for, "...Will you take this opportunity up and watch over the two senators when they arrive later today?" Oscar already knew his answer around 5 minutes ago, yet now with everything set in front of him, he knew he had no true choice, as his own morals wouldn't let him. To leave two people unprotected, was already a no brainer, yet when it could help with the school and the Arms masters in-training here it became something he had to do.

As Oscar realizes that he is the last to respond to Mr. Cinter, he gives out a slight chuckle andrubs the back of his head, "Well I guess I would look lame if I didn't take up the mantle. I'll help protect the senators." Oscar had a small smile as he said this. Not realizing he had it, yet knew well enough this is a step towards his goals and dream. Just taking his first steps forward.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Oli Cinter and Jordan Quinn

Jordan grinned broadly and pumped his fist. Not because this situation is amazing, no, more that he gets to use his Noble Arm in a situation that he can actually test what he's been learning here in the Academy. Shooting at targets and bottles is one thing, but this time he'll be able to see how his Arm works when it's actually in a situation where it counts. Targets and bottles don't move very much after all. He takes a deep breath, "Alright...so...what now?" He looks at the two other students, no his teammates, then back at Coach Cinter.

Oli for his part is nodding slowly and it looks like a weight has been taken off his shoulders. He relaxes a little, "For now you three, go about your days as usual." Internally Oli is spinning in circles and yelling victoriously I got all three! Aw yeah I rock!, is the thought in his head at that moment, but he keeps a straight face, "I need to alert the Director about your agreement to the assignment. When the times comes to stand too, I or another, more like myself, will email you with an alert to get into position when the time comes. For now, you three, maybe stick around get to know each other." He grins, "And thank you, sincerely and deeply, for taking on this mission gentlemen. We can consider this a huge step in the right direction for yourselves, the school and for Noble Arms everywhere. I'll leave you be and go and alert the Director." He winks at the three turns on his heel and tromps off.

Jordan blinks, "Well, umm I'll be honest, I've only ever seen the two of you at a distance. So uh, "I'm Jordan Quinn, from Alberta Canada, it's great to meet you." He hums then takes a deep breath and holds out his hand, that walnut finish, silver and platinum musket appearing in his outstretched hand, "And this, is La Longue Carabine, named after a great Mohawk scout way back during colonization. So I guess I'm our long range option in all this." He smiles, "So, yeah pleased to meet you both." He spun his Noble Arm up onto his shoulder, resting it over his right shoulder almost casually.


Oli jogged down the halls carefully, weaving through early bird students heading to class early or too other venues as the time for class draws nearer. Up he goes, towards the Director's office. Checking the time, his first class isn't for awhile yet, so he has time. Taking the stairs three at a time until with a hop, and a little skip step he stops at the Directors door. Straightening his coat and the shirt under it he reaches up and raps on the door, calling through it, "Director? It's me Oliver Cinter, I have an update for you."

@Letter Bee
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by WindsOfFate

WindsOfFate Divine Diva of Fabulousness

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeimseu the Bringer of Silence

Jeim had made it into the shower room when he felt the presence of another. This wasn’t the normal routine he was used to, but it wouldn’t stop him from showering and getting ready for the rest of his day. Jeimseu had no intention of talking to the guy who had strolled casually into his space, but when he mentioned someone named Virgil, his ears opened to the possibility of this older guy having information he may find useful. Jeim turned to look at Malenkov. He watched him remove articles of clothing and toss them into a basket. He seemed to be waiting on Jeim to do the same. Smirking, he continued to listen to him while slowly removing piece by piece of his attire, folding it neatly before stepping underneath the showerhead. Jeim’s body was toned from all the training he did over the years. He wasn’t a stick figure, and he felt good about his appearance. He didn’t let others bring down his mood with their opinions of him or his appearance.

As he listened to Malenkov, he raised an eyebrow. So this was the help he was supposed to have when the time came to kill their target? He was talkative, Jeim would give him that much, but if the voice he’d heard was right, then this boy and his helper would try to betray him. A long-ranged snipe. A killing blow. As he listened, he mentally took notes. This was his mission, and he didn’t like sharing, but the voice played over in his head as he turned to look at Malenkov. The male’s body was nice under the showerhead. The water cascaded down his nude form and hit the wet floor. Jeim’s eyes slowly moved from the male’s head down to his feet and he quickly looked away to make sure he wasn’t noticed. Those kinds of thoughts were forbidden. He had a job to do, and he had things to learn. There was no time for relationships or any of that. If you keep people away from your heart they can’t break it later.

Finally, after Malenkov finished speaking, Jeim gave a half-smile.

“So you and this Virgil guy are supposed to help? You haven’t even shown me what you can do so how can I rely on you to do what needs to be done when the time comes?”
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