"Fear is the preferred method of control among the Traditionalist sect of vampire nobility. They believe that crushing any semblance of hope and keeping mages beneath them is how society will continue to put us and our kin above all," Ben explained. "What they don't understand, however, is that this is the coward's way out. They're all too eager to crush and break those that would dare stand in their way without considering that doing the opposite would eliminate nearly all resistance; both vampire and human have thrown mages in the middle instead of properly utilizing them."
In every one of his social circles, his way of thinking would be considered to fall too much in line with Modernist values. However, he knew he wanted to strike a balance between the two factions; as much as he hated to admit it, some of the Traditionlist's worries were valid. Walking the line had become an art at this point but Ben was determined to walk it until he got the power he needed.
"Loyalty binds people to you fiercer than fear can. Loyalty breeds genuine intentions and brings out the fullest in anyone who has worked to earn it. If you cannot earn loyalty and resort to fear, you'll only find yourself drowning in your own fear that you will be betrayed and left alone." Ben said.
His statement happened to end at the same time that his vision returned, with the vampire facing the statue. As he basked in the glory that was King Geoffrey Noila he noticed the empty hand close. How could I have possibly forgotten the enemy...? He thought in disappointment. "Oops." Came Ben's only hint at their mistake, watching the king crumble before them. Hopefully this would not be seen as a bungled attempt at regicide. There was little time to linger too long on the thought as a new figure rose from the ashes of His Majesty: Sybil Sinnenodel in her youth. She was a stark contrast to the image of age she took these days but just as merciless, crushing the staff without so much as a second thought. His fealty to the crown was insulted by the sight and moreso by her words as he narrowed his eyes at the statue. What a bold statement for someone who had to create a viper's nest just to protect herself from her own actions.
The sight of all life dying around them was quite startling but it summed up exactly what would happen should one attempt to challenge the devil herself. It was a humbling thought first and foremost, however it did not matter—they had failed the challenge. Aside from the lost grade the challenge educating them on the long lived head of the Sinnenodel House was eye-opening in more ways than one. Time consuming all that felt, what could that possibly mean? A mind beyond the grasp of time?
With his vision lost again, Ben decided to put all this out of his mind for the moment. "It would seem we are running out of time. We can take the risk and try one more challenge and hopefully get a ninety-five percent completion, or we take our losses and exit the forest now." He offered his arm to Lilie. "I will leave the decision to you."