He stands at 5ft 9 ¼ inches tall and weighs 73 kilograms.
Name: Nikolay Andreevich Ivushkin
Age: 18
Nationality: Russian
Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Imperial Fists - A pair of floating hands made of stark white stone. They glow a ghostly green whenever they are in use.
Noble Arm Rank: B
Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Ranged/Retaliation/Close to Long Range
Noble Arm Abilities: Consecration: Nikolay is able to command the Fists to his whim. Thus, he can use them for manipulating/holding objects and directly attacking assailants.
Retribution: The Fists are capable of absorbing and emitting energy from attacks directed against their wielder. They have an upper limit of absorption of up to the power of a single lightning bolt, though this is not known at this time. The Fists emit the energy that they receive in the following ways:
- Kinetic: Concussive Blasts/Increased Punching Force
- Fire: Fireballs/Firestreams
- Magic: Energy beams
- Radiation: Focused rays
- Electricity: Tesla bolts
Retribution is not without its faults. The Fists are tied directly to the user's state of mind; as such, losing focus or even just mere hesitation can cause them to stop whatever they are doing. They will also crack if they take in too much power, forcing them to return to the pocket dimension to regenerate.
Fortification: The Fists project an energy field in a radius of up to 20 meters for defense. This, however, drains energy the longer it is used, and is thus impractical for continual usage.
Misc Abilities: Pretenseful Voice: He is able to switch accents at will, allowing him to present himself as an American, Englishman, or a Scotsman.
High Level Intelligence: He excels in most subjects, though he detests mathematics.
Personality: Nikolay Andreevich is a rather literal minded boy, as he often fails to comprehend idioms and metaphorical remarks. He usually takes words at face value, and as a result, is often the last person to understand a joke.
Despite this, however, he is quite intelligent and persevering, spending more time on books and writing than anything else. When out in the world, he is rather socially awkward and often speaks in sentence fragments. However, when in private with his close circle of friends, he can be seen as boisterous, insane even. He is quite affectionate towards his friends, and there has never been a time when he forgot anyone's birthday. Nikolay also does NOT like going solo, and prefers to do things together.
*Likes: Cats, Pizzas, the French, and hugs (and kisses).
*Dislikes: Communism, broccoli, mayonnaise, and most politicians.
Fears: Being abandoned.
Bio: Nikolay Andreevich Ivushkin was born in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, the provincial capital of the Sakhalin Oblast in the Russian Far East north of Japan. He was the elder of two siblings, as he was older than his sister by three years. One look at his family immediately betrays the terrible kind of early life that he had in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk; his father, Pavel, was a massive alcoholic, a prime specimen of a casualty of Russia's crippling problem of alcoholism that has afflicted the nation ever since the Soviet Union fell. There were times when his father didn't return for days, and when he did, all he would do was sleep, and then demand more money from Nikolay's mother to satiate his addiction to vodka. While all of this was going on, Nikolay found refuge and companionship in the Internet, where it seemed that strangers from across the planet had far more compassion and understanding than his own alcohol addled father. In his spare time in between school and home, he would go out to the fields of Sakhalin, immersing himself in the tranquility of the wilds beyond civilization.
This continued until Nikolay was 16, when his mother, Katya, had enough, and moved along with her son and daughter to her parents in Vladivostok, leaving Pavel in Sakhalin to waste away. However, upon arrival in Vladivostok, they were robbed almost immediately as a thief snatched Katya's purse. It was at this time that Nikolay finally managed his Noble Arm as two hands of pure white rushed out of a portal and dragged the thief back towards them.
Word quickly got out, and his mother was elated to see that her son was indeed one of the gifted. Russia's own Noble Arm Universities called, but Trinidad University was closer to Vladivostok and thus was the first to send an invite. Nikolay looked upon a mother brimming with pride and a sister that will miss him very much, and swore to do his best as a student in Trinidad...
*Current Goal: Attain the best version of himself.
Student Rank: 47