"I knew it was going to end like that some day. It may be a sad story, but I don't think it was a waste."
Class: Saber
True Name: Olivier de Vienne「Knight of the Olive Branch」
Alignment: Lawful Good
Bio: Saber is one of the Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne, a group of heroes often compared to the Knights of the Round Table in both fame and feats.
In life, she was said to be Roland's foil: equal in every aspect but having an opposite personality. While Roland sailed in the winds of passion like a ship with no rudder, Olivier was firm and shone like a lighthouse of reason, always guiding others back to safety.
In other words, she is a dependable "big sister type" who was the only sane person in the Holy Emperor's loony court.
Nevertheless, she had many exasperating adventures both beside Roland and the other Paladins, as well as on her own. Between facilitating the reform of the giant warrior Fierabras, helping Roland recover his lost sanity, all the way up to their last battle in Roncevaux, it's safe to say that Olivier never had a dull day during the time she spent in Charlemagne's court.
Strength: B+
Endurance: A
Agility: B
Mana: B
Luck: C
Noble Phantasm: B+
Class Skills:
Magic Resistance B: Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for them to be affected.
Riding B: Most vehicles and animals can be handled with above average skill, even vehicles that did not exist in the time period one was alive in, for they are no exception. However, cannot ride the likes of Phantasmal Species such as Monstrous Beasts.
Personal Skills:
Battle Continuation B: Olivier has an iron determination, never giving up no matter what. Furthermore, even after being stabbed in the back with a spear, she was able to deliver a fatal blow to her killer before breathing her last.
Calm and Collected B: Provides a bonus to mental resistance, especially against confusion and impatience. Even if she takes on hundreds or thousands of enemy soldiers, Saber will never be bewildered. Additionally, this skill also qualifies Saber to be a superb maid.
"Dealing with Roland's temper and being the only person in Charlie's court who thought things through before acting was hard."
Knight of the Olive Branch A: The olive tree is associated with wisdom ever since Antiquity. In addition, its branches are a traditional symbol of peace, traditionally offered to the other side to signify a truce request.
In practice, this skill works like the Proof of Friendship skill, but since Olivier can actually gift others with olive branches, it's effect is such that she can get even the most maddened Berserker, and even those who have the Mental Pollution skill, to sit down and talk at least for a moment.
Noble Phantasm:
Name: Hauteclaire「Brilliant Blade of the the Fragrant Olive Tree」
Rank: B+
Type: Anti Army
Appearance: A beautiful golden sword.
Effects: Olivier's sword which holds the power of sacred olive tree, venerated as a gift from the gods to mankind ever since Ancient Greece.
It can absorbs sunlight and magical energy to grow in power much like a tree being nourished by the bountiful Earth Mother and the Sun's gifts. The stored power can be released in many ways such as: a beam, cause olive trees to burst from the ground, potentially restraining others with their branches and roots, providing cover, etc.
Extra: Born as Aude, Roland's betrothed who got forgotten in favor of the bewitching Angelica.
After hearing about Bradamante's adventures in search of her (constantly kidnapped) beloved Ruggiero and becoming infatuated with the gallantry of the other girl's actions, she begged her uncle to allow her to join the Holy Emperor's court. He accepted her request under the condition that would have to prove her worth by defeating Charlemagne's chosen champion in a duel.
After renaming herself Olivier, she claimed the mantle of Knight of the Olive Branch, fought Roland to a standstill and, eventually got everything she could ever wish for. Pursuing the love of a dense man was hard, but Olivier never regretted doing it. Even though Roland never seemed to notice her efforts, her days were plentiful just by being beside him and the others.
"It certainly vexed me. How could anyone be so dense? Perhaps, was it because he was so oblivious that I couldn't help but want to be by his side? Or maybe, was it I who was too coward to say what I really felt like?"