Location: Adventures in the Vent again! -> Some weird room
Skills: Stamina
Zari was more then a little bit annoyed with the fact that Vinnie, the most talkative person in the universe it seemed like, had decided to follow along after her. "If you are so afraid of drowning then get lost, and keep quiet, since who knows if there is anyone else around, so just shut up and either leave or keep quiet and keep up. I do not need a babysitter, and despite popular belief I am an adult just like the rest of you, so stop treating me like I can't do a damn thing, oh, and my name is Zari, not Greenie, get it straight," she said, though her voice was a little bit shaky as the cold was starting to get to her as she managed to make it up to the catwalk area and she glanced around. She didn't care what the hell happened towards Vinnie, since Zari knew perfectly well going into this situation that something bad could be waiting for her on the other end of that pipe. The thing was she didn't really care, considering how everything seemed to be going for everyone else, it started feeling like she might actually be the most capable person in the group. No one else seemed to be quite as resilient to the cold as she had been (though now, after spending a lot of time in the cold, her fingers were starting to go a little numb) and she had been the only one instantly willing to go into the vent to try to find out what was going on when no one else wanted to.
So why did they all seem to treat her like she was a little kid?
Once on the catwalk, she wandered a little ways along the path, seeing that she could potentially go off to the left or keep going straight. There was something else she noticed, and that was a water shut off switch of sorts, and before she took the path to the left, she switched the water to the river completely off as she then continued onwards down her chosen path. She froze when she heard what sounded like a door opening and shutting, before the lights overhead seemingly turned on. Flipping off the switch to her flashlight, she edged along, trying to see if she could get a decent view of who was making all of the noise. Zari saw someone who looked to be human, but seemed to be taller then most, and was holding some sort of strange device in their hands as they started up some stairs to the catwalk, straight towards where she was if she had to guess. She ducked down the best that she could, but hiding on a catwalk was not exactly easy, since there weren't too many places to hide.
"Shit shit shit," she muttered under her breath, and was really hoping that Vinnie would take the hint of the whole lights turning on along with the sound of a door and go back down the pipe as opposed to climbing out of it, since that would probably cause problems for the both of them.