“Shut up.” Setsuna had no real choice in the matter of being dragged along by the other greenette. She tried to, of course, digging her heels into the ground, but for the sake of not cutting the ship in half from the opposite pull of motions, she allowed the bird to bring her closer to Utena’s bed.
“Oh great, she’s one of the flirty types, with or without water,” was Setsuna’s initial growl as Yeshua and Utena seemed more than happy to talk with each other. Again, since it seemed, no, was outright confirmed they had some point of contact beforehand.
“What the hell is that outfit?” The appearance of Haruka didn’t help matters with Setsuna’s mood, especially when she looked like a cosplaying nurse of all things.
“Fitting of a role, huh. That’s not too far from your usual job,” she commented from the other GMG’s looks.
“Besides, having a side name is kind of lame. Unless you want to magically come up with ones for me and bird brain here? Then by all means.” Setsuna crossed her arms but jabbed a thumb in Yeshua’s direction. All the same, it didn’t seem like either of the GMGs were entirely hostile towards Utena, and so far, no HART staff had swooped in dragging her out of bed.
Maybe that was because the majority of HART were focused on Akane instead. Naturally with all the commotion going about and the panic of the injured, the fox’s presence had gone unnoticed. That is, until Haruka personally informed Tomoko of their stowaway; even now she was speaking to the foxy GMG.
“She’s definitely not like us,” Setsuna mused, regarding the fox as if she was thinking about her now. It was true enough, in more ways than one, but sadly couldn’t be elaborated on when something harsh and blaring filled the medical ward.
“Do you people just have that playing 24/7?” Setsuna grumbled, already covering her ears at the loud and shrill wailing.
“Only for rampant GMG attacks,” came her answer. Tomoko entered the medical ward with none other than the foxlike Akane in her arms. She cradled the fox in her arms like any carried pet, and if she was bothered by the loud sounds of alarms, she didn’t show it. That was because her features expressed serious concern in looking over the girls.
“Sorry to interrupt the pow wow, but we have an emergency on our hands. Ex-MFF, right? Your name and rank no longer matter around here, but I think you’ll have a chance to redeem yourself very soon,” Tomoko said right to Utena before looking straight into Haruka now.
“It’s your sister. She’s made her move.”