WhiteStar's Wonderful World of Characters!
Nicole “Nikki” Bardeck

”I really hope I can drive this thing…”
Nikki is short for her age, about 5’ 4”, but she is mighty. She is lean, not super skinny, but she still has muscle on her. She has a scar on her upper arm from where she broke her arm when she was younger during the hurricanes. She mainly wears leather jackets and jeans with boots. She looks slightly like a biker girl. She tends to always have her hair like how her hair is in the picture, but she sometimes pulls it back into a ponytail. She hates it when it gets in her face sometimes. She has larger thighs and round hips, but she has a slim midsection and a small chest area. She has small shoulders. She has a strong, confident walk, and she has perfect teeth.
Agency Codename:
Bisexual, but prefers guys.
May 17th
Blood Type
Where You Are From:
New Orleans, Louisiana/ New York City, New York
Position In the Agency:
Weapon of Choice:
Rylee Blacks
Vehicle of Choice
Position In the Field:
Nikki is a very outgoing, fun person. She is very focused on her studies as well as all the clubs that she is in. She is smart. She is a natural born leader and likes to be in charge. She tends to take charge in desperate situations, which makes her perfect for the Runner position. She tends to be loyal to those who are loyal to her and she makes friends very easily. She is a very happy person and tends to not be angry most of the time. In serious times, she always will try to lighten the mood, though she can be serious whenever she needs to be.
When she is angry, though, she is dead silent and she does not talk whatsoever. Whenever she is sad, she likes to be alone. She sometimes cannot handle problems and runs away from them, going to a hidden place where only she knows. She is a careful person and she is a caring person. She tends to care more for those who are younger than she is and treat them like they are her own children, though she has none herself. She sometimes has a hard time connecting with people on an emotional level because she prefers to make them life in horrid situations than try and talk through what is making them hurt.
Nikki was born and raised in the city of New Orleans. Her parents and her lived in an apartment in the French Quarter. She went to a school on the outside of the city, nearer to the suburbs than to her actual home. She went to a private school, one where she was treated special because she was smarter than most of the other children of her age. She was at the top of her class all through elementary school. And then the hurricanes hit.
Nikki was nine when both Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita hit New Orleans. Her family was affected with the rest of the families, but unlike the rest of the families, they had the resources to start a new life somewhere else. That somewhere else happened to be New York City. Her parents moved there after both hurricanes hit. Both of her parents immediately got jobs as lawyers, working for the state, and she was sent off to another private school.
Her parents were never around much as Nikki went through her middle school and high school years. She was still top of her class in both, but she never had anyone to share her achievements with. In fact, when she graduated, her parents missed half of the graduation service because of work. Nikki was not surprised though. She had been on her own for the past eight years that she no longer cared if they were there or not. She began to learn to live without her parents, which created a strained tension between the pair and their daughter.
Nikki decided to go to MIT for her college years, getting a Bachelor’s in Science for Mechanical Engineering. Her last memory before waking up in the room was her walking back to her apartment when a sudden bright light hit her eyes. And that’s how she got here.
Character Relations
Will Come Later

”You don’t need to know unless I say so.”
That’s classified.
Agency Codename:
The Commander
Blood Type
Where You Are From:
Position In the Agency:
Weapon of Choice:
Vehicle of Choice
Position In the Field:
Not needed
As far as most people know, he is completely serious. He doesn’t seem to have a sense of humor. He is mostly just a voice on the radio.
That’s classified.
Character Relations
He is only know as the Commander and is a voice on the radio. No one can really relate with him.
Rylee Blacks

”Listen to me and you won’t die.”
Rylee is very tall for a woman. She is about 6’ 0” and is all muscle. She is a lean muscular, and a noticeable speed machine than a strong. She tends to have her hair pulled back into a braid. She has a scar under her left eye in the shape of an X and a bullet wound scar on her upper right shoulder from the wound that pushed her into requirement. Her nails are always long and sharp because she always tells everyone that anything can be a weapon. She has slightly crooked lower teeth and there’s a chip on her upper incisor. She has blade scars up and down her arms that are slightly faded.
Agency Codename:
December 19th
Blood Type
Where You Are From:
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Position In the Agency:
Weapon of Choice:
AMT Automag III (She’s old fashioned)
Nikki Bardeck
Ravi King
Vehicle of Choice
2014 Dodge Charger
Position In the Field:
Rylee’s personality is exactly like her codename. She is cold as ice. She is not sympathetic toward anyone. She is completely driven in her work and she pushes everyone to their limits because she knows the limits of humanity and she can tell when people are at their limits. She is a natural born leader, and she is easily angered. She is also easily annoyed. She is the strong silent type, but in the girl version. She does have a softer side underneath her icy exterior, but she does not show it often. She is most definitely not very girly. She is a tom boy in her own right.
Rylee was one of the best field agents that they ever had, but she told them she was retired. They managed to coax her out of retirement to train new recruits for the U.M.F., which is how she landed this job. Normally, she hates teenagers, because she thinks they’re dumb and don’t know the world as well as they think. But over the years, she has been able to tolerate them more than she had been able to before. She cares for them like they are her own children. She can be a bitch at times, but she can also be a mother to those who need it.
Rylee grew up mostly in Canada. Her father was an American businessman and her mother was a Canadian teacher. They met one night when he was in Canada for business. It was a meaningless one night stand, but she was created out of it. Her mother was never able to get in touch with Rylee’s father ever again to tell him that he had a daughter. Rylee grew up without a father because her mother never got over her father. She never dated again, and Rylee was worried as she grew up. She made it her lifelong goal to find her father and force him to see her mother again.
She was a straight A student through all of her schools and applied for a college Visa to go to Stanford. She began going to college there and the night she was inducted into the U. M. F. was a blur to her. She just remembered waking up in a dark room with four other students her age, none of them which she knew. They all woke up and looked to a window and saw people watching them. They began their training immediately, none of them saying no to a new start. Rylee knew that she could use the U. M. F. resources to find her father, but she didn’t need to look very far.
Rylee found her father within the U. M. F. itself. He was her handler, but he didn’t know who she was and she didn’t tell him for the longest time. In fact, she didn’t tell him until she was close to death on her fifth mission out of recruitment. That is actually what saved her because he went on a rampage to try and protect her. After the mission, Rylee took her father to meet her mother and they were married within the year. Rylee thought the night was meaningless to him, but he was really in love with her after that.
Rylee continued with her U.M.F. career, retiring at age twenty six because of a bullet through the shoulder. She rested for a year before she was managed to get dragged back into the U. M. F. to be a handler. She has gone through three recruitments so far, and has done an amazing job, as the U. M. F. says.
Character Relations
Eric Cole- They were on the same field team when they were back in training. They were both Runners. Now they work together as instructors and handlers for those coming into the U.M.F.
Flynn James

”You’ll figure out why they call me Ghost later. Trust me, you’ll know when you see it.”
Flynn is very fit. He has a bit of scruff on his face. He has a tattoo on his left (dominant) arm. He is muscular. He has dark brown hair and bright green eyes. He also speaks with an accent because he’s from Australia. He has multiple scars all over his body, mainly on his stomach. He was a Runner back when he was on a team. So he would scrape up his stomach a lot. He is a lot more muscular than most guys, but he is a lean muscular. He has an earring in his left ear, but hardly every wears one in there. Whenever he does, though, it is a single diamond. He had an X scar on each of his palms. He is about 6’3”.
Agency Codename:
September 23rd
Blood Type
Where You Are From:
Sydney, Australia
Position In the Agency:
Handler/ Instructor
Weapon of Choice:
Dual Katanas
Instructs the Entire Second Group
Vehicle of Choice
Dark Gold Motorcycle he got from his parents when he was eighteen.
Position In the Field:
All of them
Ghost, as he mostly goes by, has a very serious personality. He is very intimidating, but he isn’t as cold as Agent Ice. In fact, he is actually nicer than both of them because he has had the most recent training, so it is fresher in his mind than the other two. He is a caring person and treats his students like they’re his own children, though he has none of his own. He is not easily taken advantage of. He was one of the best students in his team, which means that he is actually very smart and very tactical when it comes to the field, a perfect instructor for new Recruits.
He is an alcoholic and when he isn’t sober he is actually a very angry person. He can be spiteful and vicious. He is a person that you don’t want to be around when he is drunk. He is very honest when he is drunk, but he is a brutal, dark honest. He has no boundaries when he is drunk. He drinks a lot while he’s teaching, which is a paradox to his normal behavior, which many people find very strange. All in all, avoid him if you see a bottle in his hand.
Flynn was born to a middle class family down in Australia. He knew he was always different ever since he was six. He ran faster than all of the kids in his class. He was stronger, smarter, and just better in every sense. He was bullied for it, though many of the kids stopped after middle school, moving on to puberty and going after girls they couldn’t reach. Flynn then became quieter as he went throughout school, getting up to high school. He was a straight A student, and a hot one at that. He was chased by many of the girls.
Only one caught his attention when he got into high school. He was a sophomore in high school when a foreign exchange student came to his school. The girl was gorgeous. She had dark brunette hair that fell to her shoulders and bright blue eyes. It was love at first sight, at least for him. He spent most of the next year that she was there chasing after her. He eventually got the girl, but it was only two months before she had to leave to go back to the U.S. They were going to try a long distance relationship, but suddenly Flynn woke up in a strange room. That’s when he was inducted into the U.M.F.
It goes against the rules to have contact with an outside person, someone from your previous life, but Flynn could not let this girl go. They kept talking, but after the first year of his training, on the anniversary of their first meeting, she didn’t respond to him. He began to worry after a week of her not texting and calling him, and so he began to do research. He found out that she was dead. Killed in a car accident to which the other driver was not killed, but she was. It was shown that the other driver was high.
Flynn went on a rampage and he had to be put in observation for almost three months, making sure he wouldn’t do anything suicidal. But after three months, he was put back on the force, but only for four months before he missed a jump and he broke his kneecap, screwing up his leg to where he could no longer run fast or keep up with his partner Runner. That finally broke him to the point of no repair. He began drowning his sorrows in bottles, but he was put to being an instructor anyways, on a promise that he would sober up, but he has yet to. He was only eighteen at the time when he became an instructor.
Character Relations
Rylee Blacks- Rylee actually helped train him and his group, though she was still active duty. She is also like a big sister to him, so she helps him with his drinking problem most of the time.
He tends to always have a bottle in his hand at some point. His drinking habits are getting a lot worse.