Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

WhiteStar's Wonderful World of Characters!

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dean Mitchell

”Everything can be fixed with a punch or a soft word. If Stealth fails.”

Dean is rather tall which makes stealth a bit of a chore. He is six feet 2 inches tall and muscled from years of hard work and having to fight for his supper. He always keeps his hair short. He seems to be almost militant about keeping himself fit and trim. He wears tight fitting shirts and haggard looking clothing that seem very important to him. His face looks like it has been hit a few times and his body is covered in old scars. The largest one is on his right bicep and appears to have been done with a knife of some kind.


Agency Codename:


Bisexual and has no preference
June, 28
Blood Type
Where You Are From:
Las Vegas, Nevada
Position In the Agency:
Weapon of Choice:

Eric Cole

Vehicle of Choice
Position In the Field:
Dean seems to have two different personalities depending on what the situation is. His "main" personality is a very fun engaging type of person. He seems to like wine, women or men, and song in any combination. He smiles and laughs about anything and seems to like to mess around. However when the mission calls for it, he can be much more focused on the mission and his teammates. His mood also shifts if he is required to fight for any reason. He becomes much more cold and calculating. This would be his second personality.

Dean can get angry and violent if he is threatened or someone he cares about is. He will attack anyone even if it means he could get hurt himself. However he is not afraid of anything. Even if it is something he has never done, Dean will still do it. Dean also never backs down from a challenge would could be considered a major flaw. He thinks it is a good thing but others might think otherwise.

Dean Mitchell was born on the streets of Las Vegas. He never knew his mother since his father told him she had died soon after Dean was born. Dean never really asked or cared about her since his father had made sure that Dean did not ask to many questions. When he was about 6 years, his father started to teach Dean how to fight. It started with being taught how to box and then it went onto different types of fighting.

Dean enjoyed it but he never really was raised normally. He was home schooled and it clearly shows even now that he is not classically intelligent. When he was 16 he started to get into underground fights for as much money as he could bring in since his father had gotten sick. Dean usually won more of the fights than he lost and was rather good at it. He eventually caught the eye of a local mobster and was hired to fight for him even if Dean did not want to.

He began to try and get into a local college so he could get out of this life. The last thing he remembers is heading towards his father's gym and a bright light. Then he woke up.

Character Relations
Will Come Later

He likes almost anyone that he meets and can be quite charming when he wants to be.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 20 days ago

Ravi King

”In order to gain an advantage, your going to have to take risks, the question is, are you willing to take them?”

Ravi is defiantly not muscular, nor is he scrawny. Playing video games and reading books never did much for his physique. Ravi is lean and tall, standing at a whooping 6'2" and weighing about 189 pounds. His has short, dirty blonde hair, that he rarely combs or brushes for reasons even unknown to him. He wears straight fit jeans, avoiding skinny jeans, and t-shirts are his trade mark, everything is topped off by Converses or some sort if Jordans.

Agency Codename:




June 24th, 1996

Blood Type:

Where You Are From:

Position In the Agency:

Weapon of Choice:

Rylee Blacks

Vehicle of Choice
2015 Honda Accord Sport

Position In the Field:
On the surface, Ravi comes off as a rather silly and lighthearted person, frequently engaging in comical behavior and retaining his oft-present grin even while making threats. He displays a childlike amusement for new situations whether or not they prove adverse or even potentially fatal, he has a penchant for wandering off his own only to get lost and end up in a bad situation. Even with all these idiosyncrasies, he is extremely personable and has a particularly complimentary nature that easily gains him the friendship and trust of those surrounding him.

Of course, these aspects only hide the complex and determined young man underneath. On the reverse side of his frivolous nature is his considerable shrewdness, which makes him quite capable of reading people and situations. He is particularly observant, taking into consideration even the smallest details of his surroundings in order to better understand and deal with challenges and is not above using cheap tricks or questionable tactics to ensure his own survival and that of his allies. Being singularly ambitious, he has a remarkably tenacious will that allows him to overcome virtually insurmountable obstacles and accept inhuman burdens for the sake of his own ultimate goal. He has a considerable pride that will not stand for having his intelligence insulted or condemned by his enemies, but is also capable of shelving his pride if it becomes something that will stand in the way of his objective.

He is very protective of his family and comrades, refuseing to allow any harm to come to them and often deeming their safety more important than his own in spite of his own personal ambitions and goals. He has to be reminded several times that his own safety is something upon which many people depend on and uses his loved ones as his primary motivation when all hope seems lost.

Ravi lived in Brooklyn, the fourth most populous city in the U.S. His father worked for Bank of America and his mother was a Head Chef in one of the many prestigious restaurants in the city. Ravi never really excelled in school, it could be said he was a "mediocre student", or a "C Student". Despite his parents constant reminder to try harder, Ravi never really improved. Throughout his grade school life, he never got the covenanted Straight A Award, nor the AB Award. No, the only awards he managed to get were the Citizenship and Attendance Awards.

Despite his questionable grades, Ravi managed to get into Princeton with a 3.0 GPA and pretty high standardized test scores, to his families surprise. Ravi started his first year off fairly well, his grades never dropped bellow a C, and most of his teachers and friends enjoyed his humor. His life was on track, he was studying Nuclear Engineering, it seemed that he had a relationship developing with the girl of his dreams. Unfortunately, everything was cut short when he did not wake up in his own bed.

Character Relations

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Michelle Smith

”It could have been worse... right?”

Michelle is an average height standing at 170cm (about 5'6") with little muscle. She is lean and not very muscular, she is speedy but has terrible stamina, which is why she is content on never being a runner. Her long, slightly wavy, chocolate brown hair reaches just below her elbows and is often pulled back into a tight high ponytail. She has almond shaped eyes which are a pale hazel in colour. She has a small scar at the bottom of her chin from when she got scratched by a random patient on a trip to the hospital when she was a young child. Her two front teeth are crooked but despite that all her teeth are white.


Agency Codename:




April 29th

Blood Type

Where You Are From:
Adelaide, Australia/Bristol, Connecticut
Position In the Agency:

Weapon of Choice:


Vehicle of Choice

Position In the Field:
She is generally kind and soft-spoken but if you annoy her or treat her unkindly she will conjure up a temper. She does, however, like her views to be noticed and will speak up if she sees it fit. She's one of those 'shuts her mouth and keeps it locked until it counts' sort of people. She is intelligent. She is not a leader and would have no idea what to do if she was one, she prefers to be behind the scenes. Taking this into account, however, she hates to be told how to do things she knows well by those who are less experienced.

Michelle doesn't enjoy talking about herself and puts others needs ahead of hers. She is quite a brave person though was never one to get in trouble. She likes to have fun only occasionally but can quickly snap into 'serious mode'. When she's upset she likes to sit by herself where no-one can see she is sad. She is always open to listen to others troubles but never wants to mention her own. She is socially awkward and due to her only occasionally letting loose she doesn't make friends easily. She is loyal but she's not one to trust quickly but once you prove your worth she can be incredibly trusting to naivety.

Michelle was born to two doctors as parents though her mother give up her job to care for her and her younger brother, Johnathon (now 16), shortly after Johnathon's birth. Her father tried his best to be around for events but sometimes his job wouldn't allow it despite this they had a close relationship and he often took her to the hospital with him to meet some of his patients and to show her how some things in the hospital worked. Throughout her childhood she had one close friend whose parents were chemists and the two of them often competed for the top spot in the grade for intelligence, bypassing their peers by far.

In June after her 12th birthday, her last year of primary school, by the Australian system, her father got a job at the local hospital in Bristol which ultimately paid better and held a better contract so on August 3rd of the same year the family of 4 arrived to their new home in Bristol. Michelle hated it there. She missed her old school where the students had at least a grudging respect for her and her friend whilst she was an outcast through the first year of middle school. She missed actually having competition in getting the top mark in her grade.

By high school she had a couple of friends and held at least a grudging respect for Bristol. Her father still took her for tours around the hospital from time to time and at 15 she did a first aid course. At 18 she graduated high school with honours and was currently studying at Bristol university for her bachelor in doctoring. The last thing she remembers is studying in her room before she woke up in the agency

Character Relations
Will Come Later
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by WanderBug
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Jae (Rooke) Kim

”My favorite part about startups is that no one gives a damn whether I come into work wearing PJs or an animal suit. My least favorite part about startups is the glorification of ownership. I don't believe in that shit.”

Rooke is tall and lithe, standing at 6’ 1’’, and doesn’t have a whole lot of mass to him. He likes to wear his hair up in a bun when he’s working. He often wears stylish and minimalistic clothing, influenced by his attempted (failed) stint as a model, and is unblemished except for a birthmark between the dimples of his lower back.


Agency Codename:



Pansexual, but prefers dudes.

December 24

Blood Type:

Where You Are From:
San Francisco, California

Position In the Agency:

Weapon of Choice:


Vehicle of Choice
Electric Car

Position In the Field:

He’s intelligent, fiery, and passionate about whatever moves him. His particular interests lie in programming/hacking, getting into debates with others, and meeting other people (despite considering himself an introvert). Other hobbies include voracious reading, rock climbing, and Netflix. He enjoys the occasional party, but is relatively austere and against consumerism. Living for many years in San Francisco and rebounding from his restricted facade of a self in Korea, he’s become openly liberal, anarchistic, increasingly passionate about social justice and inequality.

He’s sarcastic and doesn’t take himself too seriously, but if you press too hard against his beliefs, he’ll press back with scathing defensiveness. The first impressions of him are that he is intelligent, cool, and slightly intimidating with regard to his straightforwardness. He’s not so great at dealing with emotions, and tends to get snappy/evasive when he’s angry or sad or confused. Once you get to know him, you also see the more arrogant, quick to judge side of him that is confident in his work and smarts. Due to the way he’s grown up, he has never had any best friends in Korea, but has been making progress with his emotional intelligence/relationships after arriving to the US.

Rooke was born the only child to a upper class family in Seoul, Korea, where, from day one, his parents pushed him to extremes in order for him to attain the best grades, manners, and behavior—to be the perfect son. It was a stifling childhood that consisted of hours of study and discipline. Needing to escape, he convinced them to let him study in the U.S, and he was sent to a private high school. He took his first computer programming class as a freshman and was hooked; he taught himself various languages in his free time, which he had plenty of, as the curriculum in the U.S seemed much more relaxed than what he was used to.

Rooke dropped out of before his second year at Stanford as a computer science major to move to San Francisco and pursue entrepreneurship with a couple of his cofounders. They had been accepted into the Thiel Fellowship, and with the provided grant, him and his friends were no longer dependent on their families. They worked diligently on a food sharing platform for a few years, with him as the lead programmer, living in a community house with other young hackers and innovators. He learned a lot about taking risks, compromise, and himself during this time of self actualization. When their company was bought out, he and his cofounders went their separate ways, and he turned towards small scale investment with a new partner.

His current investments are at a standstill, due to his unfocused business acumen in choosing and supporting startups. Despite his previous successes, he feels lost and ulitmately purposeless and blames this on the way his parents raised him—to judge success by what others expect and to rely on external validation.

Character Relations

Fun fact, he tried to make an occupation out of being an ulzzang (it means best face or good-looking. This is a real thing.) by self marketing while he lived in Korea, but that never really got anywhere. He’s also an eloquent potty mouth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Crazy Doctor

Crazy Doctor The Konami Kid

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Stanley Nikolai Kingsley

"Progredi Quam Ultimo"

Stanley is around 5’8” and is quite skinny and wiry, weighing in at around 60Kg, he might not have a lot of muscle mass but is still quite strong. He uses his smaller stature to his advantage using his speed and stamina to outlast others in fights. He has some jagged scars on his back and cigarette burns on his upper arms and back. There is also a long jagged and knotted scar on his right thigh from where he broke his leg and a bite mark around that area as well. Due to these marks and his history, he always wears long shirts, tie and trousers, looking quite formal all the time.


Agency Codename: Phantom

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unsure

Birthday: January 1st

Blood Type: O

Where You Are From: London, England/Texas, USA


Position In the Agency: Recruit

Weapon of Choice: Unknown

Handler/Instructor: To be decided

Vehicle of Choice: Unknown

Position In the Field: Runner


Personality: Stanley is always reserved and quiet, he prefers to observe people first before talking to them. He is always well dressed in a shirt, tie and trousers due to being raised in a military household. He hides his emotions well and does not trust people easily. He doesn’t care about other peoples judgment of him but makes an effort to look like he is in charge following a saying from his father “To them we are gods, and we must act and look like it. To us they are sheep, and we don’t care about their opinion.” He never really believed in this but tried to not displease his father.

Due to not wanting to go back to his uncle’s farm Stanley would spend a lot of time at the school library where he would read a lot of advanced books (of any kind), and therefore has a higher than average intelligence. He is good at coming up with plans and ideas but never reveals everything all at once.

His fighting style is to not fight at all, and run away if he must, or if he must fight end the fight as quick as possible.

History: Stanley’s mother died during childbirth and his father had never forgiven him for that. His father was a General in the British Military and never spent much time with Stanley. Due to this, Stanley started becoming a kleptomaniac, going into places and stealing anything to try to get his fathers attention. He became quite good and stealing things until eventually he was caught and brought in front of his father. His father then sent Stanley to his uncle’s farm in Texas at the age of 13, to live with his aunt and uncle.

In Texas, his uncle who was an alcoholic would beat him and burn him with cigarettes, but always in places that was hidden by Stanley's clothing. He was sent to a school in the town nearby. It was a simple public school where he was bullied a lot, mostly because of his accent and because he was the smallest in the class. Being bigger than him, the jocks would force him to fight them. Here was how Stanley learnt how to fight, protecting himself from the jocks and his uncle.

Stanley tried to run away from the farm once, but his uncle set a dog after him and caught up with Stanley around 3km from the farm. To punish him he broke Stanley’s leg where the dog had bitten him causing the scars on his thigh.

A year and a half after the incident Stanley went to school like normal but heard a P.A. announcement telling him to report to the principal’s office. He remembers opening the door then nothing else.

Character Relations: Unknown

Other: Not now
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sofija Winters

”Driving is an art, But driving with passion, Now that is high art”

Sofija has long wavy Black hair with a hint of blue highlights, It falls to shoulder length just draping over her shoulders, She prefers to wear it freely but may at times tie it up. Sofija stands roughly at 5''10 with a figure of 34-24-34, She has small cheeks, a medium size nose, hands, and ears with delicate average size lips with blue eyes and a Olive skin complexion. Typically Sofija likes to wear black high heel or standard combat boots, Black or blue Jeans with similar colour short sleeve blouse and crop tops with a black leather or denim jacket, among other clothing she loves. Sofija has a colourful dragon tattoo which starts on top of her shoulder covering the shoulder blade covering down the right side of her back to the base of her spine. She likes to keep herself in good condition but Sofija is by no means under or overweight, She is a attractive individual depending on ones personal taste but has a good feminine figure, She’s toned to the point of lightly muscled yet there’s no mistaking she’s a female with some curves in the right places.


Agency Codename:




May 26th

Blood Type

Where You Are From:
Riga, Latvia/New Orleans, Louisiana
Position In the Agency:

Weapon of Choice:


Vehicle of Choice
Dodge charger, Porsche Panamera

Position In the Field:
Personality Sofija is a pretty confident individual, She is a very outgoing person who can be a little careless at times, This can sometimes get her into troublesome scenarios, She sometimes likes to use a 'tough-girl' persona as a defensive tool to keep strangers she is weary of at a distance but is a pretty fearless individual to. Sofija does not see herself as the leading type even if others do, and when dealing with strangers she only speaks when she wants to, otherwise she rarely has much to say by way of small talk unless engaged directly, Underneath all she can be quite friendly once you get to know her.

Surprisingly though however, Sofija is actually an approachable person considering herself to be open and honest to those that earn it and wont hesitate to speak her mind or let her feelings on subjects be known but depending on the sensitivity of it, She's very patient and generally forthcoming, though she seems to know more than she lets on. Sofija can be friendly and Sympathetic to others and is one to give second chances. She comes across as confident and social, she places her trust in others who earn it but she is not completely naive, Sofija is the type that is completely loyal to those who do right by her, and she can become highly protective over those she deems closest to her.

History Sofija was originally born in Europe and was the youngest of three siblings with her being the only girl, Although her mother was European, Her father was Latin American. At the age of four the family decided to move over to America and settled in New Orleans, Louisiana. She grew up under the watchful eyes of her brothers where she took a 'tough girl' persona as a defensive tool to keep strangers she was weary of and bullies at a safe distance. Life was pretty normal for the most part although one of her brothers was getting in trouble causing arguments within the house which was compounded by the fact the father was hardly home because of his work, Sofija was enrolled into the girl scouts. In her teenage years shortly after she was hit by a traumatic experience when their mother died from cancer.

From this moment on the rest of Sofija's childhood was plagued with troubles, Although one of the brothers got his life on track, The other was always getting into trouble and been arrested several times, He is still serving time for murder while her father buried himself further into his work leaving Sofija feeling more and more disconnected when she needed family most, Her other brother didn't get into trouble and kept his nose clean, He made something of his life and became a professional mixed arts fighter, It was him that kept her safe, tried to channel her new found aggression and doing what he could to help Sofija including teaching boxing and kick boxing and his passion for cars. By the time Sofija was old enough, Her brother married and moved away but left her with money to help Sofija stay on her feet, He was always a phone call or drive away when she needed him but it still tore her up inside.

When eighteen Sofija had a big scare when she was almost diagnosed with diabetes from the doctors, Fortunately she was one of the lucky few and it was fortunately only a scare but it was certainly enough for her to change, Sofija became more aware of her eating habits and started eating healthier, She was keeping a more active lifestyle also which allowed her to stay quite healthy. Soon after getting her life back on track, Sofija decided she wanted answers from her father, She is a lot more stronger and independent woman now even at a young age but she was on a mission, She had a fury about her every time she thought of him and his failure towards the family, It was the last thing she remembers doing before waking up at the agency.

Character Relations
Will Come Later

This is Sofija's tattoo as described in her Appearance.

This is a pendant on a necklace that Sofija likes to normally wear, She was wearing it when the agency picked her up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Laura Paul

”Get the hell out of there! You're getting flanked up the arse!”

Laura stands at around 5'6" and has stocky build that makes her look heavier than she really is. In truth she keeps herself very fit with a PureGym membership and daily runs around Glasgow Green, as well as the occasional getaway. She very often wears the bare minimum when it comes to makeup, and very rarely does anything with her hair, because if there's wind or rain, what's the point? She's most comfortable in a skirt, leggings, and a black t-shirt under a denim jacket. If it's baltic outside she'll wear a yellow scarf.


Agency Codename:




May 2nd

Blood Type;

Where You Are From:
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Position In the Agency:

Weapon of Choice:


Vehicle of Choice
White Van

Position In the Field:
Laura is loud, friendly and always up for a laugh if she's with friends, but when she's on a job she becomes deadly serious and will only talk if she has to. Facing an enemy, she becomes a prickly, relentless foe. Even if a close friend does wrong by her, she will not let them get away with it lightly.

Laura is honest to a fault and has a cruel sense of humor, so don't expect a whole lot of civility, though she has enough tact to know when to keep her mouth shut, most of the time. Still, if you're the type of person who takes pity on a guy if their toupee blows off in he wind, Laura may get on your nerves, as her reaction to that scenario would be to point and laugh very loudly, maybe even throwing in a few barbs and insults to the mix.

Laura was a high school dropout, who lived in the East End of Glasgow. Her downward spiral started easily enough; Keeping a lookout when some of her seventeen year old mates tried to sneak into nightclubs via the toilet window. It escalated from their. She kept a lookout while they broke into shops and warehouses. She kept lookout while they collected money from debtors. She kept lookout one night when they robbed a corner store, and that was the time she was arrested. Rather than run, she went out of her way to raise the alarm to her partners in crime, allowing them to escape. She was put on six months community service, but even when that was over, she couldn't get a job due to her criminal record.

She fell back into her old ways very fast. it wasn't very long before she was working for people who knocked on doors in Easterhouse holding meat cleavers, or was asked to tail gangsters even worse than the people she worked for. Her name got passed around a lot as "The lass you want keeping an eye on you." She garnered a lot of respect and fondness from the people she worked with, and she had a similar fondness for them.

It was on her 21st birthday 'party' that the police kicked down the door of their den and busted the whole lot of them. The last memory Laura has is getting out the police van and starting to walk to the station.

Character Relations

She is a large fan of Grime music, but will settle for Hip-Hop.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Georgia Jensen

”What's the point of life without living and taking every chance?”

Georgia has long light brown hair with natural brownish-ginger highlights. Her small eyes are a rich deep brown. She is of an average height, at 178cm (about 5"8) and is of an average weight with light skin. She is lean yet quite muscular for a girl. Her clothing is quite minimalistic and she has a small tattoo of a blue rose on the inside of her left wrist


Agency Codename:
Agent Rose




December 9th

Blood Type

Where You Are From:
Manhattan, New York
Position In the Agency:

Weapon of Choice:


Vehicle of Choice
BMW R1100RS sport-touring motorcycle

Position In the Field:
Georgia is very opinionated and loud. She is cunning sassy and fun-loving. A real party girl. She loves letting loose and cracking a joke, cheering others up in the saddest moments. In her most serious moments or around those she knows well or those who intimidate her she is much more serious. She is actually quite intelligent but doesn't often exercise her right to use her intelligence. She shows a softspoken, kinder attitude to those much younger then her

Georgia had been through some sad times leading her to being quite sneaky. She often gets what others are going through in tough times and truly does care. She has trouble forgiving people and once you lost her trust it's rare for you to get it back, though it does happen occasionally.

Georgia was left with just her dad after her mother disappeared when she was 4. She has a couple of memories in which she cherishes but these are limited. Her father, a well respected author of various textbooks and of the like, was always to busy working to pay attention to his daughter and when he did they were awkward 2 minute conversation before he'd go back to work. In a desperate act of attempts to get attention she turned to a life of thievery.

It was when she stole a motorcycle she was placed in Juvenile detention for a year. At the time she was 15 and the authorities were getting sick of her useless stunts. It got her father's attention alright. He decided she was a handful and sent her to live with her aunt on ther side of Manhattan. Georgia had to repeat a grade therefore she is in grade 12. The last thing she remembered she was in her room eating lunch

Character Relations
Will Come Later

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aro

Aro Just some guy.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sopmarsop


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

among my favorite tattoos, tattoostypes.com/cardinal-tattoo-card…
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