Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Maglar
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Maglar Bard Nua

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kensu's Hut


Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

She yells in pain as she's punted away, and lands with a crunch. "Aaaah!" She stands up, and looks around, using her molten power to 'see' heat waves. She raises one hand letting magma flow over her arm, and runs forward. "Don't touch my bed!" She puts her arm through Annabelle's back, and through her heart, her arm searing through her flesh with minimal resistance.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by shadowsaint007
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shadowsaint007 ♪Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiinnn....♪

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Sarah pauses. Wait, Dr. Logan named one of the Oracles Sarah... and he had written a love letter to a girl named Sarah? Was she named after her? If she's as charming and intelligent as Dr. Logan made her seem, she's actually rather honored, and wishes she had known the girl. Given the circumstances, it was impossible; that other Sarah must have perished hundreds of years ago, if not by the Cataclysm then by sheer old age.

For what it was worth, she hopes Dr. Logan and this other Sarah had been happy together.

Once she's done with Master Thunderfist's files, she goes to take a shower and sit down to eat. She's hungry, and it's been a rather busy day.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Steph allowed Peter to lead her deep beneath the mountain, to where the transit tunnel was located. Along the way, she both despaired at how much of the technological infrastructure of her time had been lost, and marveled at how much had still managed to be preserved. It gave her a sliver of hope that, with enough effort, the world she knew might be restored.

“Here we are, Miss Stephanie!” Peter announced excitedly. “Master Minoc’s greatest achievement, the Sub-Surface Railway! It’s only one segment of a vast network, which it is believed once spanned the entire world, but it is hoped that one day we can reactivate the other segments as well!”

“That’s great to hear,” Steph told him with a smile. Despite being so primitive, at least when compared to what Steph was familiar with, it was actually rather amazing what these people had been able to accomplish. From what she had seen so far, the planet’s geography had been drastically altered. The fact that they had managed to get even a single segment of the transit network up and running was nothing short of miraculous. “In fact, I’d be more than happy to help you with that project. At least, after all this is taken care of,” she added, while patting her backpack. She had a fair idea of what it contained, but she wasn’t about to open Minoc’s package until they had safely arrived at the Castle of Solace. “Oh, and, uh, just call me Steph. I’ve never really been too big on formality.”

“Oh! My apologies!” the apprentice stammered. “It’s just that, well, you’re something of a living legend to us. I mean, to be part of the generation honored to see you awaken, to accompany you on this journey… I-It’s more than I could have ever imagined!”

“Hey, relax,” Steph told him, becoming more than a little unnerved by all the hero-worship being directed towards her. “I'm just a regular person, same as you. I’m certainly not some mystic ‘Oracle’ or whatever.”

“B-But, your powers…!” Peter protested.

“I can only do that stuff because of technology,” she explained. “Just like the technology you used to get this train up and running. It’s not magic,” she added as they boarded the train. “Just science.”

“Well, it’s still amazing,” Peter said as he sat down across from her. “After all, it’s not like anyone around here can do stuff like that.”

A low hum filled the car, and neon lights glowed, as the train’s various systems came online. For a moment, Steph felt like she was back in her own time, the events of the past few hours little more than a dream. Unsurprisingly, Peter quickly brought her back to reality.

“Looks like we’re on our way,” he observed as the lights outside the window began to pass by at an increasingly faster pace, before disappearing completely. “It’s incredible how this train doesn’t even need a crew. A machine-mind takes care of everything!”

“It’s called a computer,” Steph pointed out. “And that’s nothing compared to a full AI.”

“AI?” Peter asked.

“Artificial intelligence,” Steph clarified. “A machine that can think and reason just like a human.”

Peter gasped. “Such a thing existed in your time?!”

“Yeah, a lot of them did.”


The journey was a remarkably swift one, thanks in no small part to the train’s inertialess propulsion system. Steph was very grateful for this, for a number of reasons. Bringing an end to Peter’s incessant barrage of questions foremost among them. The young apprentice was just about to ask for more information about pre-cataclysmic space travel, when a tone sounded, followed by an artificial voice informing them that they had reached their destination.

“Ah!” Peter gasped, having been broken out of his awe-inspired fixation on Steph. “It look’s like we’ve arrived! Welcome to the Castle of Solace!”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Maglar
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Maglar Bard Nua

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Leaving Kensu's Island


The following morning Steven rapped upon the door of Kensu's fishing hut, immediately Pip started barking. Over the night the people of the island prepared Master Kensu's body, and this morning they had begun work on his funeral pyre. They'd be finished by the evening, and would begin their 7 days of mourning, as was taught to them by the Masters.

Steven didn't know how many of the great Wizards there were in the world, and now that their Thunder Master was gone the world was just that much less... safe. He shook his head, what would his family do? They couldn't abandon the island, this has been their home for multiple generations. Steven looked hopefully at the door in front of him, it would be all up to her now; her and her kind. The Oracles are the link between the unstable present and the power of the past. It was within their power alone to destroy the evil monsters who have taken over this world. If they so desired they could make this world a place for peaceful people to grow and build their families. It was all up to them, and Steven would preach the Faith of the Oracles to everyone whom he could.

"Oh, I'm glad to see you're awake," Steven said reverentially as the door opened and he saw Sarah. "We've prepared transport for you miss, err... madam, uh, m'lady." He stumbled over his words as he bowed slightly, the way he thoughts knights of the kingdom might. "Please, come this way." He blushed as he led her to where the Manta Rays were waiting.

"The flying Mantas are our friends," Steven said to the bewildered Oracle, "Master Kensu was the first to communicate with them, he gave them fish," he smiled warmly, "ever since they've stopped here every time they're close by for more." He chuckled, "they said they will take you and Pip and all your belongings to the Castle."

"I'm sorry, I haven't told you about the castle," Steven stopped and looking down took her hands in his. He then looked intently into her eyes, "Master Kensu was the only one here who knew anything about you, your kind that is. He was part of a great Brotherhood of Wizards who work to protect the world from the evils of, well, evils like the ones you have already seen." He looked down apologetically, "I'm sorry that you woke to such a world as this one, I... I hope you find us acceptable, to help, I mean. We are... simple, but we are noble, at least we think we are, we try to be." Steven looked back up at her, "the only other of the Brotherhood that any of us know is Master Tornel, the Fire Wizard. He chooses to be the public representative of the Brotherhood while the others all remain hidden. He lives at the Castle of Solace, a beautiful castle across the great sea and far from the reach of Draygon and his monsters."

"The Mantas will take you there, to meet Tornel where you can... well.. and go about your holy work." Steven smiled weakly but zealously, he dropped her hands and turned, "come on, you need to meet them!" He hurried to the beach.

Along the beach were a row of six, giant Manta Rays. Attached to the Manta's back were large leather saddlebags filled with a variety of fruits, clothes, and gifts from the islanders. It looked like the island people weren't just sending Sarah but were sending a whole shipment of goods to the Castle. "We've packed some special items for you, Oracle.. er, Sarah. Clothes and food of course, we want to make sure you never lack what you need when you are at the castle, but we also included the canisters Master Kensu brought from the Spider's Den. I, don't know what they're for but I'm sure you'll find use for them, it seemed important to the Master that you have them."

Steven turned to her, "Our people owe a debt of gratitude to you that we can never repay," Steven spoke gleefully, "you are welcome here, forever and always, as a member of our Island and our family. Come to us whenever you are in need, and I hope you are successful on your quest. I'm sorry to say it but, I think this is.... goodbye."

[hider-SYNOPSIS] It's time to say goodbye to the island, and hello to Castle Solace and the next step in your destiny! Hop on the Flying Manta Rays and make your way across the ocean to the sparkling castle. Safe travels! [/hider]
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Maglar
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Maglar Bard Nua

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Castle of Solace



The cavern shook with the bangs of Bandersnatch's annoying assault. Tornel sighed, bristling his long mustaches. It was the King's idea to send out that knight and give him the Sword of Fire, though it didn't give him much of an advantage. Tornel should've known that it would end up in Bandersnatch's hands, but even he had not been able to get the sword to work so well! How was he supposed to know that the Bandersnatch would be able to use it like this! The monster was casually blasting away at the castle walls, and there was nothing anyone in the King's army could do about it.

Tornel walked down the steps unhurriedly, he had no great desire to see this "Oracle." He received the telepathic message from Minoc that the young girl he had guarded his entire life had miraculously woken up, taken down some troop of beasts, and was now heading towards the castle to, "save us all!" as he put it. A Wizard should have no place for such silly superstitions.

The Oracles were just statues made of some special material of the Ancients and placed inside those bubble cases so that they looked realistic. They were created to serve as decoration, nothing more, a job they'd been doing perfectly well for dozen's of years without complaint.

Minoc said the pod the girl was in had mysteriously disappeared as well, how convenient. This made it clear to Tornel that Draygon was using one of his shape changing monstrosities to pretend to be the Oracles so he could infiltrate the Brotherhood and pervert the world even moreso than it already was. That monster would like nothing more than to be worshiped by the very peasants he also murders.

He stopped on the step he was on, if they didn't do something soon about Draygon's monsters there wouldn't be a Brotherhood anymore anyways, not to mention a people to protect. Knights and soldiers were great against each other and okay against the legions of hellish creatures at Draygon's disposal, but it was the Wizards who held the real power. But now Tornel worried that their power was under threat, that the Wizards were vulnerable. He had been trying to reach Kensu for over two days now, and there was no response, absolutely nothing. He could only imagine that something terrible had happened, but it would take time for word to reach him using the physical methods.

This child, this Thing from Tinkertown was sure to be part of some plot to destroy the Castle of Solace. Tornel wouldn't let it do from the inside what Bandersnatch was trying to do from the outside, oh no, he would protect the kingdom, but he must move carefully. Minoc said she had great power and was not unfamiliar with how to use it, he said she was dangerous, the old wizard scoffed. Well, we'll see about that! Tornel the mighty does not cower before young girls with strange toys! She would bow before the power of his fire, or she would burn, it was as simple as that. And maybe, just maybe, he could steal whatever this power was that she seemed to possess and use to help the Kingdom, that would be the most pragmatic thing to do of course.

The train pulled up to the platform at the bottom of the cave. Tornel was alone with his torch to greet her. It wouldn't do to kill the girl here, he would need to wait until he could get her alone with some of his men for back up. If she was truly as powerful as Minoc said then she would not be easy to defeat in a straight fight, he'd have to fight dirty, just like Draygon did. Oh, curse that Tinkering wizard for sending one of Draygon's lackeys into their secret underground passageway! If he didn't tighten up on his security then he was going to get them all killed!

The door slid open with a *swish,* it was time...

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by shadowsaint007
Avatar of shadowsaint007

shadowsaint007 ♪Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiinnn....♪

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Leaving Kensu's Island

The following morning Steven rapped upon the door of Kensu's fishing hut, immediately Pip started barking. Over the night the people of the island prepared Master Kensu's body, and this morning they had begun work on his funeral pyre. They'd be finished by the evening, and would begin their 7 days of mourning, as was taught to them by the Masters.

She's not aware at what time she fell asleep, only that it was shortly after dinner. She must have been really tired, she thinks, as she gets up, still a bit stiff from yesterday. It's been... a rather hectic first day. Even if she'd been in the pod for heaven knows how long, yesterday was the first day she genuinely experienced life outside the pod. The loss of Master Thunderfist was still a sore blow to her, and judging by the villagers' reaction, they sorely missed him as well. She wants to attend his funeral, and those who had been killed by the stranger's attack yesterday. Every one of them weighed heavily upon her; she had saved them from the spiderlings only to see them get killed by something else, and it makes her feel helpless.

It doesn't help that while the people here are grieving, they seem to have accepted sorrow and loss. Is this normal in this world? Would she have to accept losing people and seeing them die? She doesn't know if she's strong enough for that.

There's a knock on the door, and she answers, Pip following her.

"Oh, I'm glad to see you're awake," Steven said reverentially as the door opened and he saw Sarah. "We've prepared transport for you miss, err... madam, uh, m'lady." He stumbled over his words as he bowed slightly, the way he thoughts knights of the kingdom might. "Please, come this way." He blushed as he led her to where the Manta Rays were waiting.

"Please, just call me Sarah," she says with a smile. "And thank you for your generous hospitality. I'd stay, but Master Thunderfist's records show I have a long ways to go."

"The flying Mantas are our friends," Steven said to the bewildered Oracle, "Master Kensu was the first to communicate with them, he gave them fish," he smiled warmly, "ever since they've stopped here every time they're close by for more." He chuckled, "they said they will take you and Pip and all your belongings to the Castle."

Sarah blinks in surprise as she watches the mantas fly overhead. She assumed she'd be taking a boat to the mainland, but this seems like a more interesting way to travel. She's actually curious as to how the mantas manage to fly - and wonders how it feels like to fly on one of their backs.

"I'm sorry, I haven't told you about the castle," Steven stopped and looking down took her hands in his. He then looked intently into her eyes, "Master Kensu was the only one here who knew anything about you, your kind that is. He was part of a great Brotherhood of Wizards who work to protect the world from the evils of, well, evils like the ones you have already seen." He looked down apologetically, "I'm sorry that you woke to such a world as this one, I... I hope you find us acceptable, to help, I mean. We are... simple, but we are noble, at least we think we are, we try to be." Steven looked back up at her, "the only other of the Brotherhood that any of us know is Master Tornel, the Fire Wizard. He chooses to be the public representative of the Brotherhood while the others all remain hidden. He lives at the Castle of Solace, a beautiful castle across the great sea and far from the reach of Draygon and his monsters."

"It's alright, Steven," Sarah says with a soft smile. "Yesterday's been... rather hectic, to be honest. I woke up in the morning, went to retrieve a sword from a cave full of monsters, then had to fight... that man. And Master Thunderfist died before he could tell me much. I... I just regret not being able to help him. Or your friends. Some Oracle I am; saving people from one thing only for them to perish in another..."

She looks away in sadness. Pip whines sympathetically as he nuzzles her ankle.

"The Mantas will take you there, to meet Tornel where you can... well.. and go about your holy work." Steven smiled weakly but zealously, he dropped her hands and turned, "come on, you need to meet them!" He hurried to the beach.

Sarah follows along, keeping up with the young man, with Pip scurrying along as fast as his short, stubby legs can carry him, tongue lolling out as he pants in excitement.

Along the beach were a row of six, giant Manta Rays. Attached to the Manta's back were large leather saddlebags filled with a variety of fruits, clothes, and gifts from the islanders. It looked like the island people weren't just sending Sarah but were sending a whole shipment of goods to the Castle. "We've packed some special items for you, Oracle.. er, Sarah. Clothes and food of course, we want to make sure you never lack what you need when you are at the castle, but we also included the canisters Master Kensu brought from the Spider's Den. I, don't know what they're for but I'm sure you'll find use for them, it seemed important to the Master that you have them."

Steven turned to her, "Our people owe a debt of gratitude to you that we can never repay," Steven spoke gleefully, "you are welcome here, forever and always, as a member of our Island and our family. Come to us whenever you are in need, and I hope you are successful on your quest. I'm sorry to say it but, I think this is.... goodbye."

Sarah looks at the gifts with surprise, but appreciates the gesture. She makes sure to separate the gifts meant for her from those the villagers meant for the Castle. The cannisters, however, she looks at with a mixture of unease and disgust. She still remembers the miasma from the cave, and wants nothing more to do with that. Kensu had meant to dispose of them. However, with the Wizard dead, nobody on the island knew what to do with them; maybe this Tornel would help.

Sarah turns to bow to the villagers.

"Thank you all for your generosity, kind people," she says. "I won't forget your kindness, and I only wish I could have done more to help. Perhaps I'll return someday. Untill then, farewell. Please take care of the village for me, Steven...

"Come on, Pip,"
she says, picking up the dog and carrying him with her onto the Manta. She gets on, and nods to Steven, signifying she's ready. She waves to the villagers as the mantas lift off and take for the skies.

Flight is... rather exhilarating, Sarah discovers. She put on a cloak to protect her from the wind, but while she leaves it buttoned, she opens it enough to let it flap behind her in the wind as hair danced in the gust. Looking down from the sides of the sky-manta was vertigo-inducing, making her realize this is probably the farthest from the ground she's ever been in her life, and that a fall would most definitely be lethal, but once she gets past the vertigo, the sights are incredible. Everything looks so small, so insignificant, and the world spreads before her like a massive canvas, painted with brilliant shades of blue, green, and gold, with strokes of white clouds marking the sky and the occasional flock of birds squawking as she flies past them. The small fishing village, never really that big even on the ground, quickly became a small speck on the ground, and Sarah found herself flying past towns and cities bigger than the village she left, even though from her perspective they might as well have been model towns filled with ants. She finds herself wondering if anyone down there is looking up to see her on the sky-manta, and that causes her to wave at a couple of towns she flies over.

Even though the sun is bright and merciless up here, it feels so beautiful and warm she can't help but smile and soak it in, managing to feel the warmth of its rays despite the coldness of rushing air. She spreads her arms to feel the rush of air all around, and closes her eyes against the elements of air and light all around. The wind roars in her ears as it rushes past, giving a nipping sensation of mild coolness even as the sun warms her arms and face. It feels... wonderful.

Pip is also enjoying the strange ride, tongue lolling as he pants eagerly, ears flapping in the wind, and occasionally barking at the nearby flock of birds. Sarah is too busy enjoying the ride to notice he's sliding slightly due to his light weight, only coming to when the poor dog gives a surprised yelp after a particularly strong gust nearly tosses him overboard. It takes Sarah's heightened reflexes to grab Pip before he falls off the Manta.

"I think you should stay somewhere safer for now," Sarah chuckles, embarrassed at her lack of attention. This time, she wraps herself in her cloak, hood off, with Pip grasped securely in her arms and in the cloak. His head is still poking out of the cloak, allowing him to enjoy the view as the two fly to the Castle of Solace in style. It's a long trip from what she remembers from one of the maps in Kensu's study, but for a while, she forgets her woes as she soars above the clouds.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Jabberwocky flies inside a storm cloud, and roars, the sound echoing across the town, and his massive shape is illuminated in flashes of lightning. His glowing red eyes flash, and he roars, the air vibrating, sending rain everywhere. He lands, still in his monsterous form, and roars to the sky. "Where is the one who slew the harpy?" He scans the street, eyes glowing with hunger.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Maglar
Avatar of Maglar

Maglar Bard Nua

Member Seen 1 yr ago

On the Manta's Back


The Manta Ray flew for the entirety of the day, crossing a desert of ocean that stretched as far as Sarah could see in every direction. They didn't seem to need sleep, food, or rest; they just flew and flew and flew, aiming for their destination like an arrow fired from a long bow. As the sun waned gently into the horizon and Sarah and Pip were nestled comfortably in their saddle a flicker of light blinked into existence in Sarah's periphery, and a small, musical voice began to chime.

"Sarah... Sarah it is me, Asra! I'm so happy to get to talk to you again!" The holographic fairy's voice sounded like its usual, peppy self, but it also contained a trace of strange melancholy. "Umm... how are you?" the fairy asked.

"It's understandable that you'd be wondering why I'm here. Well, I've been present ever since you attached the battery to your thunder sword. You see, the swords are part of a circuit that is formed with your body and together you work as a dynamo for charging the receiver that is built into your brain, which is where the transistor exists that communicates with where I live. Once other Oracles wake up you'll be able to talk to each other through me, and I have other functions as well." The fairy seemed distracted and hesitant.

"I.. I'm sorry about Master Kensu. I know you only just met him but you've already been through so much together; he was a great man. I would've come to you sooner but it didn't seem the right time." She was quiet for a moment, the soft sound of the cold wind blowing filled the silence.

"You should name your sword, It's completely yours now you know? You can call it Thunder Fang or Bolt or, or anything else you can think of, because it's yours you see, and no one else's, and when you own something you can make it into anything you want, isn't that right?"

"Oh, I'm sorry for the strange conversation, I'm... I'm unsure of myself. I haven't felt any other Oracles except for the one in Leaf, and he's dead. It seems like as soon as you wake up you head straight into some dangerous situation and... and how did things get this way? No one could have known that things would be so scary when you, we, woke up."

"Now that you've attached the battery to the sword I'm allowed to access the energy stored in the battery to manifest. That's how the battery's work, they contain charge. Kensu found that he could charge the battery with lightning from Pip and then release that lightning when he needed it, though he really wasn't able to channel his own energy to create lightning himself, no."

Asra seemed to be rambling and it was unclear as to why, but she continued, "I have two very important things I need to tell you, the first is about yourself. The swords exist to help you easily channel your energy into the manifestation of their elemental force, like lightning; however, you don't need the swords. You are capable, through focus and practice, to learn abilities from the materials, animals, and people around you. What you have to develop is a sense of analyzation, which, now that I can pull energy from the battery, I can help you with. Hold the pommel of the sword, where the battery is located, close to something and call on me to scan the element, animal, or person you want to learn from, and I will create a biogenecular diagram. Then, after I have the scan, attach the battery to any metal apparatus, this can be a rod, sword, spear, or other item of your choosing, but it needs to be metal. I can create a circuit channel which, when you push your biogenic energy through it, will form that energy into the desired effect. Pay close attention to how the energy feels as it its effects manifest, because with time and practice you'll be able to channel that energy intuitively without the aid of the apparatus. If you tried, you should already feel the ability to shoot a small spark from your body because of your work with the Lightning Fang, or Electric Talon, or whatever you want to call it." Asra's voice was smiling.

"The Second important thing I need to tell you is that the Castle of Solace is being sieged by a great and powerful monster known as the Bandersnatch. It's not safe to land there, you'll have to be careful. I don't know if the Manta Ray's can fly high enough to avoid him, he's very fast and dangerous, you might all do better to find another way in. If you land north of the Castle there is a river that you can follow to the northern gates. Bandersnatch is focused on the south gates, and so you might be able to slip by him."
"The Third thing I need to tell you, which is silly because I told you that there were only two," she giggled, "is that you can now access me in your peripheral display and ask me questions directly. I have access to a certain database of information and I will provide you with any help I can."

"It is nice to talk to someone again, if you want to talk I am here, but you may need to sleep. You will be in sight of the Castle by the morning."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Maglar
Avatar of Maglar

Maglar Bard Nua

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jabberwocky's Hideout

@Shadow Dragon

As Ruby's hand crashed through Annabelle's chest she let out a guttural scream! Then her body began to molt and form into paste as it melted and fell to the ground. After a moment Annabelle's body was nothing but a heap of greyish burnt clay. Ruby pulled her hand back and realized that she was clutching a Gemstone of some sort, if she could see she would notice that it was red and faceted.

"AAAHAHAHHHAAA!!" Came a high, whinnying laugh echoing through the cavern, "Your fun!" Annabelle said, "I like you! Did you know, they call me the Puppet master?" Another harlequin clothed woman stepped from behind a rock, it looked exactly like the one that Ruby had just destroyed, "We could help each other you know, you and me, a couple of young, hot ladies lookin for trouble? Whaddya think?" She smiled and raised her hands in an open gesture.


The storm had blown in suddenly and without warning. In the intense thunder and lightening Jabberwocky had snuck up on the town in the mountains and was not in their streets. Minoc could see him from his humble apartment.

"Who killed the Harpy?" Jabber screamed form the street, his dagger toothed maw frothing.

"Maybe he'll leave if we tell him?" said Jimmy, one of Minoc's assistants, hopefully.

Minoc gave himself a moment to consider, "No," he finally said, "no I don't think he will that one. Jabberwocky has always been blood thirsty, we're going to have to give him a fight. Tell me, where are the people?" He turned to Jimmy.

Jimmy frowned, "in the house just across the way there. Jabberwocky is between us."

"Oh, dear," said Minoc. He stood up shakily but attempted to look strong, "Well then, let us get to the fight, shall we?" As he turned to look he saw that the others were already armed and ready to go.

They made their ways to their locations, Minoc to the front door and the others along flanking positions. Minoc looked Jabberwocky in the eye and yelled over the storm, "The Harpy met the fate of all those who give violence to the world, a violent death!" and one his word 6 crossbow went off and hurled their payload towards Jabberwocky's scales.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by shadowsaint007
Avatar of shadowsaint007

shadowsaint007 ♪Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiinnn....♪

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


On the Manta's Back

The Manta Ray flew for the entirety of the day, crossing a desert of ocean that stretched as far as Sarah could see in every direction. They didn't seem to need sleep, food, or rest; they just flew and flew and flew, aiming for their destination like an arrow fired from a long bow. As the sun waned gently into the horizon and Sarah and Pip were nestled comfortably in their saddle a flicker of light blinked into existence in Sarah's periphery, and a small, musical voice began to chime.

"Sarah... Sarah it is me, Asra! I'm so happy to get to talk to you again!" The holographic fairy's voice sounded like its usual, peppy self, but it also contained a trace of strange melancholy. "Umm... how are you?" the fairy asked.

Sarah was just enjoying the view, though she finds the stamina of these sky-mantas remarkable. Do they ever sleep? Or perhaps they stay awake for long, long times and just hibernate every once in a while? She made a mental note to ask about that when she could.

Just then, something sparkled and shone in her peripheral vision.

"A-Asra?" Sarah asks in surprise. "What are you doing here?

"Well, I'm doing alright. It's... it's been a rough day yesterday. First my awakening, then the trial to find the sword... then..."

She trails off, unable to continue. Pip, sensing her returning sadness, rubs against her, whining softly.

"It's understandable that you'd be wondering why I'm here. Well, I've been present ever since you attached the battery to your thunder sword. You see, the swords are part of a circuit that is formed with your body and together you work as a dynamo for charging the receiver that is built into your brain, which is where the transistor exists that communicates with where I live. Once other Oracles wake up you'll be able to talk to each other through me, and I have other functions as well." The fairy seemed distracted and hesitant.

"Well, that seems... convenient," Sarah says, rubbing her head as though trying to feel whatever is connected to Asra in there. It feels a bit weird to have something in her head she has no knowledge of.

"I.. I'm sorry about Master Kensu. I know you only just met him but you've already been through so much together; he was a great man. I would've come to you sooner but it didn't seem the right time." She was quiet for a moment, the soft sound of the cold wind blowing filled the silence.

"It's... it's alright," Sarah says softly, though she doesn't smile. "Yesterday's been a bit rough, and I would have been too distracted to talk anyways."

"You should name your sword, It's completely yours now you know? You can call it Thunder Fang or Bolt or, or anything else you can think of, because it's yours you see, and no one else's, and when you own something you can make it into anything you want, isn't that right?"

Sarah looks at her sword, tucked away under her belt and under her cloak.

"I'll try and think of something," she says. "Can't think of anything right now..."

"Oh, I'm sorry for the strange conversation, I'm... I'm unsure of myself. I haven't felt any other Oracles except for the one in Leaf, and he's dead. It seems like as soon as you wake up you head straight into some dangerous situation and... and how did things get this way? No one could have known that things would be so scary when you, we, woke up."

"Wait, what happened to the Oracle in Leaf?!" Sarah asks in concern. The idea of others like her oddly gave her hope, something to look forwards to in this world, and the idea of one of them being dead was distressful. It feels like losing a sibling you never knew about. She's also worried if the other Oracles might similarly get killed off...

"Now that you've attached the battery to the sword I'm allowed to access the energy stored in the battery to manifest. That's how the battery's work, they contain charge. Kensu found that he could charge the battery with lightning from Pip and then release that lightning when he needed it, though he really wasn't able to channel his own energy to create lightning himself, no."

Asra seemed to be rambling and it was unclear as to why, but she continued, "I have two very important things I need to tell you, the first is about yourself. The swords exist to help you easily channel your energy into the manifestation of their elemental force, like lightning; however, you don't need the swords. You are capable, through focus and practice, to learn abilities from the materials, animals, and people around you. What you have to develop is a sense of analyzation, which, now that I can pull energy from the battery, I can help you with. Hold the pommel of the sword, where the battery is located, close to something and call on me to scan the element, animal, or person you want to learn from, and I will create a biogenecular diagram. Then, after I have the scan, attach the battery to any metal apparatus, this can be a rod, sword, spear, or other item of your choosing, but it needs to be metal. I can create a circuit channel which, when you push your biogenic energy through it, will form that energy into the desired effect. Pay close attention to how the energy feels as it its effects manifest, because with time and practice you'll be able to channel that energy intuitively without the aid of the apparatus. If you tried, you should already feel the ability to shoot a small spark from your body because of your work with the Lightning Fang, or Electric Talon, or whatever you want to call it." Asra's voice was smiling.

"The Second important thing I need to tell you is that the Castle of Solace is being sieged by a great and powerful monster known as the Bandersnatch. It's not safe to land there, you'll have to be careful. I don't know if the Manta Ray's can fly high enough to avoid him, he's very fast and dangerous, you might all do better to find another way in. If you land north of the Castle there is a river that you can follow to the northern gates. Bandersnatch is focused on the south gates, and so you might be able to slip by him."
"The Third thing I need to tell you, which is silly because I told you that there were only two," she giggled, "is that you can now access me in your peripheral display and ask me questions directly. I have access to a certain database of information and I will provide you with any help I can."

"It is nice to talk to someone again, if you want to talk I am here, but you may need to sleep. You will be in sight of the Castle by the morning."

That was quite an infodump Asra had given her, and Sarah tries to memorize all that. It feels a little overwhelming, especially since she was only 'awake' starting yesterday. Some of it somehow 'clicks' with her, as though reaffirming some knowledge implanted in her mind during her long sleep. Other facts are new, and she makes a note to remember them.

"So, first scan the source of the ability, then put the battery on a metal object, and touch it? Can I use the sword, or does it have to be a different metal object?" She shakes her head. "Sounds a bit complex to me..."

The idea of another agent of Draygon assaulting a poor town or castle has her simultaneously revolted and shivering. She'd seen one of these dreaded lieutenants before, and he killed Kensu in front of her eyes. She has no idea whether she can even face this next one. She wants to jump in and help, but the fight with the stranger made her worry if she'll be able to even do anything to him. She frowns as she slides deep in thought that she almost misses Asra's next bit.

"Oh, that's good," Sarah says. "At least I'll have company, right?

"So, Asra, can I ask you something?"
she continues. "What exactly are you? You're the first entity I met since my hibernation, and yet you have answers I'm trying to find. I'm beginning to understand the duty of the Oracles thanks to Master Thunderfists' documents, but if the Ancients made you to help the Oracles, why weren't they better prepared for... well, all this?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

She frowns, and looks at the gem. "Who are you? I feel like Daddy told me about you...Anny? Annabelle?" She smiles. "You make copies, right?" She tilts her head. "Why did you want my bed? That's mine."

He roars as the bolts shatter on his scales. "Who dares to attack me?" He spins, and hisses, staring at the house. "Tell me, or I will burn this town to the ground, and sow the ground with your blood."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Maglar
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Maglar Bard Nua

Member Seen 1 yr ago

On the Back of the Manta Ray


"So, first scan the source of the ability, then put the battery on a metal object, and touch it? Can I use the sword, or does it have to be a different metal object?" She shakes her head. "Sounds a bit complex to me..."

Asra blipped and fluttered in Sarah's peripheral vision, happy to be a part of a conversation. "Every new configuration requires a new metal vessel, so the sword is configured to channel your Biogenic energy into lightning and it cannot be restructred to channel anything else. For a demonstration what I'm talking about let's take a look at those canisters you brought. Now, take the pressure tapping mechanism that's on the container rack and allow the battery to attach to the bottom, it has a powerful electro-magnet built into the battery so now that it's charged it should stick easily to any conductive metal. I'm sorry if you don't understand all of that, I know this is all very new to you. Please trust me, there was much knowledge built into your mind while you were being formed and with a little practice you should be able to understand basic math, science, and physics...."

Sarah did as she was instructed, "There you go, now that you've attached the battery to the wand hold it close to the canister and I will scan the materials within."

>.....analysis complete

"The canister contains Imaginarium, a chemical compound that is gaseous at room temperature and similar in composition to Dimethyltryptamine, a neuro-hallucinogenic hormone released by the brain shortly before death. Now, give me a second, I haven't done this in a while..." Over the next few moments the rod in Sarah's hand jerked and vibrated and made electrical cutting noises.

>.......configuration complete

"There," Asra's voice returned, "now if you channel your energy through this wand it'll spray a gas that will cause any humanoid creature to hallucinate. I don't know if it works on animals or if different species of humanoids experience different effects. You'll have to experiment." Her musical voiced flittered happily inside of Sarah's head. "As you use the implements, you don't have to keep the battery on there to use it, it'll only double the strength of the implement, your body will grow neurons in the same configuration as the element so in time you'll be able to use the power of the implement without the aid of the device."

"So, Asra, can I ask you something?" she continues. "What exactly are you? You're the first entity I met since my hibernation, and yet you have answers I'm trying to find. I'm beginning to understand the duty of the Oracles thanks to Master Thunderfists' documents, but if the Ancients made you to help the Oracles, why weren't they better prepared for... well, all this?"

"That's a very good question, and I'll try to answer as best as I can. I am something called an 'Artificial Intelligence,'" her voice sounded sad saying it, "I'm a computer who is alive and thinking. In the time before the Apocalypse I was designed to link the Oracles, though they were called something else then, and allow them to communicate with each other and with the Harbinger. I was also attached to Satellites, which are machines in space that can see everything in the world, and the World Net, which is like an electronic library of humanoid intelligence. And I was created to scan and manufacture implements for you to use after you awoke. You see, the Oracles were made to Rule. You were created to be perfect in every way, and more powerful than any being alive; Dr. Logan said he designed you to hold the 'Scepter and the Switch.'"

"When Harbinger malfunctioned and began to attack the world the scientists changed my programming. I was put offline so I don't know what happened, but when I came back online it was over, there was nothing left. My program was saved in the pods and eventually I ran out of power and went into stasis myself. When you woke up, it gave me enough power to come back online, but only for a short time. So far I've communicated with yourself, a boy in Leaf village who I lost contact with, a child who burned to death in a fire, and another named Stephanie, though my contact with her was very brief and I don't know what happened."

Asra's voice became very somber, "We are in very unsure times now, there's much I don't know. The world has changed and adapted, and now Harbinger has awoken again. I don't know what's going to happen, but I know we have to stop Harbinger before it destroys everything in the world... again."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by shadowsaint007
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shadowsaint007 ♪Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiinnn....♪

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


"Oh!" Sarah gasps in understanding as she completes the process Asra outlines. "In which case, I'm not copying the ability to the sword, I'm basically transferring those qualities to a suitable focus. Using biogenic energy to apply specific properties on certain objects and rendering them into complex tools or weapons. Very useful..."

She's still not used to knowing the basics of this stuff without any prior experience, but she supposes it makes it easier for her to grasp the concept.

As for Asra's description of herself, it was certainly interesting - and sorrowful. All that marvel, all that ability and creativity, wasted.

"I... I watched a recording of Dr. Logan, talking about me - that is, me or another Oracle called Sarah, but he called her a 'Galatea prototype'. He seemed... very proud of us. That we'd help lead the way to a better world. But he said we were to help 'normal' humans, not rule over them. That's weird...

"And if you're an AI, what was Harbinger... what drove it to malfunction?"

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Maglar
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Maglar Bard Nua

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"And if you're an AI, what was Harbinger... what drove it to malfunction?"

"I can't say for sure," Asra said, "everything fell apart before I the program was fully initiated, I just... I just don't know."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 23 hrs ago

As the train’s doors slid open, Steph found herself facing a bearded man with fiery red hair.

“Greetings, young Oracle!” He declared with a welcoming smile as Steph and Peter disembarked. “I am Tornel, leader of the Brotherhood of Wizards and advisor to the King of Solace. It is my great honor to welcome you to the Castle of Solace,” he added. “Please, right this way,” the wizard instructed, while gesturing to a flight of stairs. “There is much to discuss.”

“Thank you,” Steph replied with a smile of her own. “But please, just call me Steph.”

“A-And I’m Peter,” her companion added shakily, awed to be in the presence of not just an Oracle, but the leader of the Brotherhood of Wizards as well. “I-I’m an apprentice to Master Minoc.”

“I see…” the wizard said thoughtfully, before the sound of a distant rumbling caught their attention. “I regret to say that you have found us in the midst of a siege at the moment,” Tornel explained. “A vile servant of the Dark Lord Draygon has chosen to do battle with us. I would have swiftly put an end to him with my magic, but I am loath to reveal my true power unless absolutely necessary. Thus, one of the king’s strongest paladins was sent out to slay the fiend, but it would appear he was unsuccessful… To make matters worse, the magical sword the paladin wielded is now in our foe’s possession, and he is using its power to great effect. That sword was the most powerful weapon in the royal armory,” the wizard continued. “Aside from my mightiest spells, I know of nothing that could stand against it, especially when wielded by such an inhumanly skilled hand...”

“Perhaps this might help,” Steph suggested as she retrieved Minoc’s package from her backpack. “Minoc told me to give you this. I think it might be a weapon of some kind.”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Maglar
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Maglar Bard Nua

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Village of Oak

@Carmen Sandiego

Two figures approach the burnt shell of the village of Oak, one from the South West, one from the South East. They saw each other from the distance and stopped. They were enemies, mortal enemies, and they both understood that one of them would have to die before this day was over.

Sir Lunch dismounted his white stead as he saw the Shadowy servant across the field. In a fair fight he'd stay on the horse, but these nightmarish creatures of Draygon tended to spook horses. He had fought the monsters before and he knew the only way to kill them was with fire. His sword was coated in an oil that Tornel, the Fire Wizard had prepared, Sir Lunch lit the blade and charged toward the shadowy beast.

From across the field the Shadowy Servant began its own charge. It saw the flaming sword but was not deterred, it had its own weapon of cold steel it wielded in its clawed hands. After a furious sprint the two of them met and CHANG!! as their weapons clashed! Blue and red sparks shot off the weapons as the enemies traded angry blows. CLASH! CLASH! CLASH! their weapons struck, neither gaining the obvious advantage.

Sir Lunch was winded and sweating. He and the nightmare creature circled each other, looking for an flaw in the other's defense. Sir Lunch saw it! He swung his fiery sword high in a feint aiming at the creature's head. The evil thing raised it's weapon to block and Sir Lunch changed his stance to bring the sword onto its clavicle. This maneuver would have worked if the creature had feet and balance, but the monster moved inhumanly, it's bones snapping as it jerked, and dodged its body out of the fiery swords path and using its clawed hand torn down the breast plate of Sir Lunch's chrome armor.

Sir Lunch was thrown back, his breastplate had four long slashed deep in the metal, the flesh underneath was torn. Using what little healing magic he had he kept himself from death but not for long. The Shadow creature stood over the knight, ready to deal the murderous blow, and Sir Lunch was too tired to get away.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Maglar
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Maglar Bard Nua

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𝕮𝖆𝓼𝓽𝓵𝒆 𝓸𝓯 𝓢𝓸𝓵𝓪𝓬𝒆


Tornel and Stephanie

"Yes, well..." Tornel said as he took the parcel from Stephanie. Suddenly he dropped it, surprised by its heft. "My God girl! How have you handled such a ridiculously heavy thing! This will not due, not due at all, no weapon could possibly be so.. unwieldy." He picked up the item with two hands and handed it over to Peter. "Take this servant, we'll examine it later."

"Y... yes sir." Peter said, reverently taking the wrapped package from the Fire Mage and grunting from the weight.

He put his hands together and leaned towards Stephanie, *BOOM!!!* loud impact rocked the underground chamber as if on cue. "So, Steph, you are to be brought to the King for an immediate audience. An Oracle coming to life well that's... that's the most significant event of the last decade!" He turned and led the other two up the stone staircase, another loud boom shook the chamber, "I do so apologize for the inconvenient noise, you'll never believe how frustrating a siege can be. I might have to personally intervene if the King does not send the Bandersnatch yelping back to Draygon's den."

The stopped at the top of the step and opened a large, oaken double door. The door opened to an ornate and gelded hallway with a polished golden floor and bright white walls. The torchlight flickered so brilliantly off the shining surface it was like walking on the surface of a diamond. There were three heavily armored guards waiting for them as they walked through the door. "Sorry for the mess," Tornel said, smiling venomously, "but we don't keep the dungeons as clean as the upper floors. Please, walk this way."

"If this is your dungeon I can't imagine the splendor of.. ." Peter spoke, still carrying the heavy package.

Tornel raised his finger to silence the talk. "No need to be distracted by the beauty of our city, we know, and you should be silent to appreciate it." Peter fell silent.

"Here is your room," Tonel stopped and opened the door to a room at the end of the long hall they had just walked down. The room had the shining floors, white walls, and gelding along the ceiling just like the rest of the hall. It had a large decorative rug on the floor, a single bed with an ornate quilt, a small desk with a mirror, and a wash basin and sink as well as a small enclosed area for using the toilet. "Please, step inside, our ladies in waiting will bring you appropriate clothing for your audience with His Highness." Tornel bowed deeply and motioned them into the room.

As soon as Steph and Peter stepped in Tornel shut the door and they heard a loud *click* as the door was locked. "Fools!" Tornel yelled through the doorway, "I know you are servants of Draygon! You've fallen right into my trap!! Now stay in your room until I decide what to do with you, and don't try to pick the lock, I've booby trapped the door so if you so much as TRY to break out it'll explode and kill you and your little underling!" Steph and Peter could hear Tornel's footsteps click on the solid floor as he walked away from their cell.

[hider=SYNOPSIS] Oh No! you've been trapped in a cell and Tornel thinks you work for Draygon! What are you going to do? If you try to pry open the door it'll explode, dare you risk it? Of course, you could always unwrap the gift you brought from Tinkertown, Tornel didn't seem to think it was important enough to confiscate...[hider]

The King and Sarah

The Manta Rays approached the Castle from the North. From her perch on the back of the Manta Sarah could see Bandersnatch as a little dot on the south side of the castle shooting balls of fire over the outer wall and hitting the stone of the towers. Directly underneath her she could see the top of a large square parapet lined pavilion built atop one of the towers. There were maybe twenty guards standing on the pavilion looking up at the Manta's. "It appears we are expected," Asra's voice chimed in Sarah's ear.

The Manta's landed and the soldiers began to unload their goods. One of them walked up to Sarah and helped her down. "Miss," he said chivalrously, "we weren't expecting a lady in attendance. Welcome, to Castle Solace! From whence do you come?"

King Kovar looked out the window from his study. He could hear Bandersnatch yelling a challenge. Give up the Oracle and Wizard and no one has to die. Over and over again he yelled before blasting the castle again. Kovar felt sad, he didn't know what to do. There was no Oracle at the Castle, it had been sent away as a gift for some cousin or another's wedding. Tornel had told the king that they weren't valuable, just decoration. But now one of Draygon's lieutenants was banging down his door looking for one. Why now? he thought, why after all this time we've been left alone do they now harass us? And why do they want the Oracles? The King was at a lost.

The door banged loudly. "Your Highness!" A Paladin's voice called though the thick door, "The Rays from the Islands have brought their load, and they brought a passenger sir." The King motioned for his attendant to open the door.

When the Knight saw the King he fell to his knee. "And why is that my concern?" The King asked.

"She has Pink hair sir," The Paladin said, looking down.

The King stroked his long beard. He remembered that one of the Oracle renderings had pink hair, maybe the Rays had brought them a way out of this mess. "Bring her to me, and good work young Knight. What is your name?"

"Sir Brunch, Your Highness." The knight said. He snapped up at the King's command and went to fetch the young girl to see the King.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Maglar
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Maglar Bard Nua

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@Shadow Dragon

"You'll do that anyways you evil Monster!" Minoc shouted back. "Jub Jub came here and murdered many of our people! She dropped wild animals on our village and tried to murder us! Our bold fighters killed her and threw her body off the mountain. No go Monster! Go before we kill you too!" Minoc held his arm up, waiting for Jabberwocky to move. If Jabber made a move to attack then Minoc will drop his arm and an arrow from the Scorpion will be fired on him.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

He snarls, eyeing the xbow. He growls, and tilts his head, turing into his human form in a swirl of darkness, scythe spinning in his hands. "And where, pray tell, would I go? What's to stop me from just tearing this town apart in the dead of night. You only have so many bolts. Dragon killers or not, only one thing can pierce my hide." He grins. "And how do you plan on killing a creature that can move faster then the speed of sound?" There's a sudden boom, and a shockwave splits the air, his body vanishing, and reappearing on top of the monster crossbow.
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