Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 13 days ago


Another Victim

The rain was particular heavy tonight on the streets of the Shibuya ward in Tokyo, The entire metropolis was having a particularly nasty case of missing person incidents, coupled with an increased number of people suffering violent moodswings or bouts of amnesia, This had led to many rumours to begin to plague the streets of Tokyo as to the cause of this...

Either way, business had to continue right? as such a businessman of average build with a drunken expression after a night drinking with their boss, They had forgotten their umbrella but their sorrows at the world meant they did not care such for the rain beating down upon them. They just wanted to get home soon.

The Businessman perhap drunk, Perhaps just too lost on his own feet decided to go off the main side-street and into an alleyway perhaps to save time or to make use of an overhang to avoid the rain. As he moved through the alleyway he could of sworn that his vision was getting cloudy, it was getting harder to see past a certain point the further he moved in.

The clacking of shoes on paved ground of modern day would soon be replaced by the muffled steps of shoes on grass. The Businessman had to blink for a moment.. Where were they that they were walking on dry grass. Had they passed out? The thought barely crossed their mind before they would notice a figure though they could barely make out the shape. They didn't really have a chance as with a swift motion. The businessman would fall under another missing persons statistic...

The Premise

One day, out of the blue, and seemingly at random, you awake with three command seals upon your body. A person or entity asking if you are their master. These beings known as servants are usually summoned during events known as Holy Grail Wars as part of a ritual to reach the ultimate goal of a magus family. The Root. But this time they seemed to have been summoned seemingly without reason and not adhering to the limitations of a standard grail war either. Their classes vary from the standard and some even overlap in having the same class. What does seem to maintain however is that servants summoned are all compatible to their master in some way (as per how summoning normally works without a catalyst)

The magus association did not find this to have gone unnoticed however and quickly contacted the church for an emergency representative as per standard Grail war condition though this would be anything but a standard war for the holy grail. This was a battle for something greater against something that threatened to escape out into the wider world...

OOC explanation

If it wasn't obvious enough from the title, This is a Fate RP, though inspired with things from other media in order to provide a unique take on Fate RPs in general. This is intended as more of a 'PvE' scenario then PvP, As the RP is about these Masters (and servants alike) unravelling the nature of a threat that threatens the foundation of human order.

You do this through tackling "Domains" which take the form of reality marbles populated by a servant or shadow servant. These domains vary based on the servant they are built around and can be as simple as an open field or as complex as the Labyrinth of the Minotaur, Or with a atmosphere that poisons the lungs that breath it in. These are places not to enter without caution. For you won't know what's inside until you enter.

Everything else about the roleplay adheres to standard fate mechanics, Mages exist and can be app'd, As can non-mages. As both work as potential masters. There is not a set limit on what servants can be app'd just exercise some reasonability. Custom servants are also fine (within reason of course).

Masters and servants will also get periods of which they can spend bonding and interacting with eachother to grow closer as a pair, or to hang out with other masters/servants in order to further work on figuring out the mystery at hand. Perhaps during a period where there is no Domain to tackle you might spend it going fishing with your servant or instead sneaking into the police station to look at records. How you spend your time and the consequences of that is up to you.

Of course in the event servant injuries are sustained through this and you are ill equipped to heal them, there is a designated location in Shinjuku, as the church's designated individual is more of a ear low to the ground sort of person then one that likes to stay cooped up in cathedrals where one can receive medical attention.

1: Play nice, Try not to argue with other players. Do not try to actively hunt down another player from the start. However if a Player does perform an action that could be regarded as something reasonable worth attacking them for and your character is aware of it (e.g Murder without cause) then conflict is inevitable and will be handled as such (it is fine in that instance)
2: When it comes to pairing master to servant you can either pair yourself to your own servant or your master can pair with another players servant, or vice versa with your servant to another players master, Pairing with other players is preferred as it fosters interaction.
3: If you have any questions on if or not something is ok don't hesitate to ask!
4: This Roleplay only restricts one servant from being applicable and that servant is of course Gilgamesh this is due to Ea being able to completely negate a crucial part of the rp by itself. Other servants that affect reality marbles to similar extent are also potentially not ok! so make sure to ask first
5: GM's word is the final say on any matter.


Interest check! as such no character sheets at this time
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Tomotaxi
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Tomotaxi Cultist

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interested. Probably more as a master than as a servant though, and if anybody else wanted to be a servant to pair with that'd be be chill. Always down for some Fate RP.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 13 days ago

Some initial interest. This is good, Remember if either of you have questions don't hesitate to ask.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

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I am very interested.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Tomotaxi
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Tomotaxi Cultist

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Hmm, maybe a few actually. What sort of universe/timeline does this take place in, and year? Would it be more of the Apocrypha or Stay Night universe, or something original? Would the canon cast exist, and if not, could someone make an OC Emiya, Tohsaka, Kotomine, etc. due to them (potentially) not existing?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 13 days ago


Hmm, maybe a few actually. What sort of universe/timeline does this take place in, and year? Would it be more of the Apocrypha or Stay Night universe, or something original? Would the canon cast exist, and if not, could someone make an OC Emiya, Tohsaka, Kotomine, etc. due to them (potentially) not existing?

The Timeline it exists is independent of the other timelines, The year while not entirely focused I definitely envisioned it to be around the 2010's in period, Finally the canon cast does exist, but due to the fact we are in Tokyo, there is no real reason for any of them to appear.

As such the only canons that would exist are on the servant side rather then on the master side of things.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 13 days ago

Thank you all for showing interest.

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