Henrietta Cole was born November 20th, 1995 to Marianna and Gregory Cole. She is the youngest and only girl of The Cole children. Her father always jokes that he should have realized that she was gonna be a handful, When she was born a month and half earlier than her predetermined due date. Her brothers would tease her saying she just was impatient to see the world, So instead of being born in New York like her siblings. She was born in Los Angeles, California, earlier than estimated due date while her parents were on a business trip to evaluate their hotels and spa. While it had put through her parents off course from their trip and worried them that she was born earlier, They were excited to have their daughter.
While growing up, she spent a lot of time chasing after her three brothers trying to be included in their activities even if it annoyed them. While her mother tried to have her participate in more feminine activities, She was a complete and utter tomboy. She preferred baseball and boxing over the dancing and etiquette lessons her mother would sign her up for. Her family never curbed her interest when she wanted to learn new thing and encouraged her to think for herself.
They were even really happy when she started making friends her own age instead of chasing after her brothers and their friends.
During the last year of high school, She watch as her oldest brother
Nicholas start to learn the family business after graduating early from college, her second oldest brother
Christopher starting at the police academy, and her favorite older brother who is only one year older than her
Adrian starting college and his rowdy ways get rowdier. And finally, She was dealing with college opportunities. And trying to figure out what to do since her arm was in a cast due to getting injured during the summer, She couldn't participate in any boxing tournaments or baseball games. It felt like she had lost a part of herself, Seeing her gloomy expression whenever Henri showed up to watch one of the boxing matches or baseball games. She was approached by one of her coaches pulled her aside and introduced her to the school media club, She would participate in recording matches and games. Soon after awhile she started doing the game announcements and giving play by plays, She was having so much fun with the media club she continued to participate even though her arm was healed up.
As soon as she graduated, she took the opportunity to fly straight to Los Angeles. To attend school at the University of California.
There she focused her education on classes based on broadcasting media, She still continued boxing as a hobby. But her new passion was media arts, She interned at radio stations learning everything she could about live broadcasting.
For two years, She worked hard going to public events taking photos for articles. Doing short interviews with guests at conventions or events. Writing up cues for the vlogging crew at Dynamo Media Corp.
She finally got some notice when she did a Vlog for E3, Her bosses decided to give her a chance hosting one of the podcast channels. It became a big success, become one of the most listened podcast of 2015. Soon they were having her covering more media outlets, She steadily rose to be one of their top emcees in the last five years.
Even though her family is proud that she got to where she is in life without having to pull strings using any family connections, Her parents just don't quite understand why she doesn't want it to be know that she one of those Coles. The ones who own the most popular hotels and spas around the world, for her brother Christopher it's understandable he is cop. Of course he wouldn't want to advertise that, but for Henri she could have made her breakthrough into entertainment a lot earlier and have it more easy. They generally keep quiet about their thoughts of what they for Henri to have in her life, But unfortunately for her it's seems her parents have decided to focus their efforts in getting her to date.
Especially now that Nicolas's youngest son just started Elementary and Christopher's son starting to talk. They are ecstatic that Adrian finally settled down, with him and his fiancé finally setting a date for a wedding her parents are expecting that they will be getting another grandchild within the next year or two. Leaving her to be the only one single, Her parents decide its best to take things into their own hands and sign her up for United at Hearts matchmaking cruise. They are hoping that Henri will hopefully meet someone and bring that person as her New Year's Eve date to a charity event that The Coles are hosting.
When her parents give her the tickets and itinerary for the cruise as her birthday present, To be honest she did sit their dumbly while her brothers' snickered and teased her about her predicament.
After thinking it over for a bit, Henri decided to make it a work opportunity for herself. It would make a good exposé, and if she did end up dating someone out of it. It would be a win win situation.