Aaron jumped at the sound of a voice behind him, bumping one of the crystal glasses he was arranging and narrowly avoiding knocking over the others. Sun and stars, he was more tense than he thought. And to think the evening had started out so smoothly!
He turned around to the source of the voice, finding to his surprise that it was Lilie, empty glass in hand, and having somehow gotten all the way to the sink without him noticing. Right, he was so busy having a meltdown in the kitchen he forgot to check on the mages in the living room; just the extra blemish on his performance he needed tonight. He cleared his throat, standing a little straighter in an effort to look a bit more together than he was. “Oh, sorry about that, I suppose I was a little wrapped up in what I was doing,” he offered lamely, mostly ignoring her question. “Can I get you another drink?”
Lilie frowned at him, a little concerned. He really was tense! She figured he needed just a little comforting, gently touching his arm. “No, you’ve done enough,” She assured him. “But...I’m worried about you. Is everything okay? You’re not usually so jumpy.”
Aaron glanced away, letting out a sigh. He was jumpy, wasn’t he? Stressed or not, that was no way to act around guests. If he was tense, he’d make them uncomfortable - case in point, Lilie was apparently worried enough to seek him out in the kitchen - and if Varis saw him behaving noticeably stiff there’d be hell to pay.
“That’s sweet, thank you,” he replied, closer to his usual voice than he had been all night. He’d give her that much, at least; more coverups would probably worry her more than the truth anyway, and, well… he had to admit, it felt nice to have someone concerned about him. He patted her hand on his arm, offering a small smile. “I’m fine, really. Tonight is just a big deal for me, that’s all. Gotta make sure everything is perfect.”
Giving him what she hoped was a comforting smile, Lilie nodded, reluctantly pulling her hand back. It was good to hear him be a little normal again, so maybe she had been worried for nothing. Still, there had to be something more she could do, right? Not that she could think of anything. As she watched him carefully she realized that this was the first time they were alone all night. The thought was enough to make her feel more conscious than usual, her heart beating a little faster than before.
Feeling a little more confident, she cleared her throat. "You always make things perfect," She told him. "I mean, you're always working so hard! And if people can't see that effort, then honestly they aren't worth it."
Did that sound lame? It kinda did. What could she say to salvage this? Maybe compliment him? "You're honestly amazing. I mean it," She added.
Aaron was a little sad to see Lilie pull her hand away, though in the long moment that followed, his disappointment fell to the wayside. He hadn’t realized it at first, but this was the first time tonight he’d really had the chance to look at her; he noticed her dress when she arrived, sure, but there’d been no time to notice just how delicately the beads on her dress trailed her shoulders, the gentle shimmer on her cheekbones, how the colour of the chiffon made her eyes shine. She was as elegant as any mage he’d ever seen at any royal gathering, like a flower in full bloom. Suddenly, he felt foolish that he didn’t make time to notice.
Her words brought him back to the present, and despite the fact that Aaron was sure she was exaggerating - that he always made things perfect was far-fetched to say the least - for a moment, he believed them. For the first time that evening, he relaxed, the ache in his shoulders testament to how tense he’d really been. After nights and nights running around at Varis’ behest, suffocating under the pressure of this party, that little tiny bit of gratification Lilie offered was like a long-awaited breath of fresh air.
“You’re amazing too,” he finally managed to croak out, a little quieter as he tried to swallow the sudden lump in his throat. He reached toward her, trailing his fingers down her arm to retrieve her hand. Before his courage could leave him, he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it, though he bashfully dropped his gaze to the floor the moment he was done. “Thank you, Lilie. I… really needed to hear that tonight.”
"Ah…" the sound escaped her, caught between a word and...actually Lilie had no idea what she was trying to say. The feeling of her hand in his was a little too nice, her heart fully racing in her chest as he held it. The thought of interlacing their fingers came to mind, but Aaron decided to surprise her by raising her hand to his lips. She honestly could have passed out--how she remained standing was a mystery--but her eyes were wide, watching him. He wasn’t looking at her, his expression painfully shy, but she had to admit she really liked it. He was never like this around anyone, making her feel like he trusted her.
Of course, between mind and what she did was a little disconnected, frozen in place as she blushed like crazy--she was pretty sure her face was red. Should she say something? But what could possibly beat what he said?! Should she tell him how much she appreciated him? Was this the right time to confess? Was it?! Lilie couldn't help but panic a little, especially as she felt Aaron’s hand starting to let go. Without thinking, she held on tighter, trying to make sure he stayed. Stayed for what, though?!
"Aaron, I…" Lilie felt her words die in her throat, looking away from the blond. As much as she wanted to say what she really wanted, however, she couldn’t bring herself to say it. "...I'll always be here for you." She quietly said.
Aaron finally looked back up at Lilie when he felt her squeeze his hand tighter, immensely relieved that his little risk hadn’t blown up in his face. Her cheeks were red, which was heart-melting in its own right, and he couldn’t blame her; he could feel his ears getting hot as well, and this time didn’t have the luxury of his hair to hide both of them. Strangely, though, he wasn’t concerned. Lilie made it clear that all this propriety meant nothing to her, so if he could ease down his attendant persona for even just a moment for her, he was happy to do it.
What she said next, though, was what really grabbed his attention. She sounded like she wanted to say something, but hesitated. Aaron’s stomach fluttered as he waited; he had an idea of what she was trying to say, and he wanted to hear it too. That moment of hesitation stretched for what felt like an age, something strong and longing pulling at Aaron’s chest as he waited with bated breath, until finally, she… came to her senses.
He was quiet for a moment, processing Lilie’s words. No, of course, he was silly to get his hopes up like that. Who admits their feelings in the kitchen, hiding from a party? To him of all people? He was probably reading too far into things. Lilie was sweet, and wonderful, and perfect, and so, so kind, but she wasn’t an idiot. If he was mistaking kindness for something more, that was on him, not her.
The quiet, optimistic part of him wondered if maybe she was just as shy as he was, but he pushed it away. Even on the off chance that was the case, it wouldn’t do to let false hope distract him from doing his job.
Returning her squeeze with his own, Aaron nodded. “I will too, don’t worry,” he promised her, patting her hand. He held her hand a moment longer, but too soon that quiet moment was over, and he had to untangle her hand from his.
“I have to go back out there soon,” he reasoned gently, fetching a new glass and a pitcher of water as he spoke. “Here,” he poured the glass and handed it to Lilie, offering a smile. It was clear his serving persona was closing back over him, reinvigorated from their talk despite that one speedbump of disappointment. “I’ll be back out in a few minutes, okay?”
Lilie tried hard not to look too disappointed, mentally berating herself. Why was she such a coward? No, this probably wasn't the time or place anyway. If she was going to confess, she would rather have something more romantic and memorable...even if her hair was perfect right now and her makeup was perfect. Ugh, why did she have to get in her own way? Still, it wasn’t good to linger, even if she would rather stay with Aaron. But soon enough he was back to his "butler" self, and she had to admit it was the perfect excuse to go sulk in the seating room.
"Yeah, sure," Lilie nodded, gratefully taking the water. "I'll see you, then." She gave him another smile before walking back to the sitting room, wallowing.
Collab with @Hero