Name: "Jill Henderson"

Species: Human! Normal human! (She is a lich)
Age: About 1000
Occupation: Formerly self-employed necromancer, currently job seeking
Special abilities: Various arcane powers, though anything outside the school of necromancy is a little rusty. Can create and command undead, inflict magical curses and wounds. She can perform smaller spells at will, but greater spells will require additional components. Has no need for living requirements like air and food. Impervious to disease and non-magical weapons. If her corporeal form dies due to magical injuries (including some high tech), her essence will be preserved in and potentially re-released from a phylactery, which is at an undisclosed location.
Personality: Jill's core evil trait is vanity. She is very concerned with appearing impressive - whether that means intelligence, magical prowess, physical appearance, wealth, or whatever other measure of success she deems important. She doesn't take losing or failure well. She is driven and independent, and if she comes across an obstacle, she is determined to overcome it through wit and hard work... and maybe some subtle cheating. Jill
has been changing and growing during her brief time in this era, and she has become able to accept advice from others... sort of. She is outgoing and does desperately want connection with other people, but she's more concerned with impressing and lording over people than being genuine friends. This often drives her potential "friends" away (along with, y'know, the fact that she's a glowing skeleton). "Jill" takes pride in her (not very good) human disguise and has the delusion that it's very good. If you want to avoid her wrath, you'd better play along.
History: Though Jill wouldn't admit it publicly, she was once a medieval witch/necromancer who sought eternal life. After many decades of study and hard work, she discovered and completed the terrible ritual to achieve lichdom! She got to enjoy her reign of terror for about 100 years. Then, a group of meddling adventurers found a way to magically seal her. She remained in a half-conscious state of limbo until the 21st century, when a fracking project unwittingly released her bonds.
Jill was shocked by how much the world had changed over the centuries. It seemed the ways to achieve and maintain power had become quite different. She was also shocked by how much
she changed... without regular blood rituals, her mostly-human-looking form had decayed into nothing but a skeleton. To return to her former glory, Jill would need lots of blood and large gemstones. Blood was easy to come by, but the gemstones... that was going to be tougher in the modern world.
Two years' worth of adventures and misadventures has somehow led Jill to a cheap apartment shared with like-minded ev- ...
ambitious people. There, she balances her desires to be amazingly powerful with her desires to act like a "normal human" in her continual quest for gemstones.
Additional info: Jill has a servant named "Mike." Mike may groan or drool or shuffle about, but that's because of a congenital condition. Don't stare at Mike, it's rude.