Magic: The Swordmaster, Shifting Sword Style
Location: The Phoenix Wing Guildhall
Thoughts: ‘ Wait, Damian can sing rock music? Oh wow...’
Interacting: Karn/Edarn @Silver Fox, D’angelo @samreaper, Trinity @CitrusArms, Mandi @Dezuel, Penny, etc. @MarshiestMallow, Damian @Zarkun, Nolan @hatakekuro, Ethel, etc @Lunarlord34, and Ariel @twave.
Tearsy’s voice pierced the veil of reality to speak directly to Mandi. Mostly because of Mandi’s thoughts directed towards her. It hoped that Brianna wouldn’t figure out it’s doing it again, but she had a feeling. ” Tch, I don’t believe that you are saying you aren’t interesting. In terms, it could be rude, I suppose, but hard not to read others’ thoughts when I’m supposed to protect Brianna. Even though I do get quite bored from time to time when I am not being used for my other purpose.” A young woman’s voice telepathically spoke to Mandi, with a slight laugh in her voice. The aura pluses between dimmer and lighter bluish silver tones.
When Mandi spoke to her, Brianna had a happy smile on her face. She listened to Mandi speak throughout what they were talking about a specific thing. It came up that Tearsy was naughty blade again, by saying to another person without including her. In terms, her facial features made her look like she was pouting. Brianna’s eyes looked at Tearsy for a few seconds, and they slowly went back to staring directly at Mandi. Her face had a sad look on it, even though it went back to smiling a bit later.
” Thank you, Mandi, for being pleased to meet me. I’m sorry for what Tearsy had said to you. She’s a bit overprotective of me for specific reasons, and I’m twenty years old. I don’t need a nanny. As well, I wouldn’t want you to go anywhere, Mandi!” Brianna exclaimed towards Mandi. She was disappointed in what Tearsy had done by going behind her back again. It’s a bit much for her to deal with, but thankfully, Tearsy wasn’t teasing her. Bit of a golden lining, you could say.
Tearsy’s voice pierced the veil of reality to speak with Brianna and Mandi. She sighed slightly at the adorable nature of Brianna. ” I do suppose I should say sorry to you, Mandi. Being a sentient sword is hard work.” Tearsy’s voice telepathically spoke to both of them. However, it did hear the thoughts of Mandi since it’s always focusing on misbegotten thoughts. ” Methinks, this is going to be very interesting, Mandi. I am as sharp as ever. Brianna can’t use the Shifting Sword Style without me. I’m Brianna’s Birthright, after all.” Tearsy’s voice telepathically spoke to Mandi.
Brianna had a beautiful looking smile on her face, but her eyes looked at Nolan. She only did so because of what he had said towards her. ” Aww, why not Mr. Waltzie? It isn’t like nicknames are bad or anything. It’s a little bit of fun.” Brianna said cutely towards him. However, Brianna was stunned by the cutest little girl ever, named Faith, Sasha’s daughter. She had her eyes glow in how cute she and how Penny was holding her. ” Awwh, so cute!” Brianna exclaimed cutely. Faith is such an adorable kid. Karnie speaking to the little girl was so cute. ” I thought it was a secret, Mr. Waltzie!” Brianna said with an attractive smile. This guild is active by much more than it was initially active when she joined a while ago.
It was a bit of a hard thing for Tearsy to deal with, but it couldn’t help but laugh at D’Angelo’s super excitable positive energy. All of what he did in a short second was overwhelming to the point of insanity. ” I must say, you are positivity incarnate. As such, my Telepathy Magic is different from the norm. A Two-Way Telepathy Magic type of deal, since I am a Sword instead of a person. In terms, yes, I can read every single thought you are thinking or about to think about.” Tearsy’s voice telepathically spoke to D’Angelo and Brianna. She couldn’t help but sigh at the entirety of what he’s saying in his head much later. It was a bit obvious that she was implying everything, including pictures in her voice.
Brianna had an odd look on her face, with what Tearsy said to the new arrival, in terms of the overly happy person. She couldn’t help but be filled with wholesome thoughts and uber positivity of what D’Angelo was saying. Brianna’s smile was genuinely wide because of what the boy said about her name. ” Yes, my name is Brianna. And thank you.” Brianna said happily. It was when he finally gave him his name she giggled happily. ” It is alright, D’Angelo. Everyone forgets something sometimes.” Brianna said.
Brianna couldn’t help but notice another pair of people come in, which was announced by Karnie. She waved towards them too. ” Aww, Hi, how are you two doing?” Brianna said towards Trinny and NiNi. She didn’t get much besides Trinny introducing Neil to everyone else. However, then the announcement happened, which hurts her ears slightly by making her hold them. It was a bit loud, and it’s has been a while since she had been in a room with a loud microphone.
Tearsy couldn’t help but sigh deeply to herself afterward. She knows that Brianna is growing up but always wanted her to stay as sweet as she is. ’ Ugh, Brianna is growing up so fast. She’s so cute and adorable though, can’t wait until she experiences something else.’ Tearsy thought to herself. It is why the sword glowed much dimmer than brighter and blatantly ignoring all the new minds it could talk to right now. However, Tearsy did take note of Trinity, Neil, and everyone else in the Guildhall within her telepathic radius. Even more, people entered the guildhall, which was interesting, and took note of their names. However, it completely ignored one mind’s name, and that was the annoying Exceed of Jasmine. ’ That Exceed is a shit head… a massive one. But Jasmine is so adorable. I do wonder what...’ Tearsy thought to herself again.
Brianna waved to all the new people who entered the Guildhall, Cody, Jasmine, and Rajah. Ethel was already in the guildhall eating pastries, which looked really good to eat. ” Aww, another Exceed kitty, so cute. Why is she so cruel to Jasmine? Jasmine is Jasmine.” Brianna said cutely toward Rajah. It was something she was all about since she loves kitties. It’s the first time that Brianna has met Rajah like ever. However, the most shocking thing was what happened near the Microphone. She quickly gets distracted because what happened was no other than Damian showing off that he started a band. It shocked her completely, and how does the strongest have time to create a band. This entire thing was shocking but welcomed to listen to since she does have some musical tastes. She was cheering the band on since it was great music, rockish music, she thought.
Afterward, after Damian’s band was done with the song, Brianna was so excited. She heard Damian told everyone that this band would be apart of the Festival. ” Oh my god, that was so wonderful! Damian, that was a pleasant surprise!” Brianna said happily. Jasmine’s Exceed Rajah went towards the front to steal the mic and was punted by Damian. It made her think that the kitty was a bit excitable and didn’t quite understand what was going on.
Thankfully, Trinny caught Rajah and gave the exceed back to Jasmine. ” You jumped so high, Trinny!” Brianna exclaimed happily. She had a confused look on her face because she hadn’t understood why Rajah is such a shithead. ” Uhh, Trinny and Jazy, Rajah is so cute, why does she act like that? Aren’t kitties suppose to act cute and adorable?” Brianna questioned, still with her confused look on her face.
Tearsy couldn’t help but sigh at Brianna’s question because it’s evident that Rajah’s personality isn’t that great. If she had ahead, she would shake it in disappointment at Brianna’s naivety. ” Hmm, Brianna, it’s because Rajah thinks she’s so self-important that everyone is beneath her. Is that right? Trinity. Also, I am the sword on Brianna’s waist, if you are wondering. As well, Jasmine, you are quite cute, great to meet your acquaintance.” Tearsy’s voice telepathically spoke in Trinity, Jasmine, and Brianna’s head. It was just thought projection her usual speaking method to others, but she did sense some resistance from one of them, Trinity primarily. Tearsy glowed brighter on Brianna's waist, within its sheath.
Brianna couldn’t help but try to ignore what Tearsy said about Rajah being so self-important, and cats aren’t self-important as she sees them. She heard the guildhall doors open up again and decide to turn around and notice two people. It must mean Ariel has returned, but she brought someone else with many tails. ” Aww, Ari-Ari has returned! Who did you bring with you?” Brianna questioned, pointing to the girl with many foxtails. She has never heard seen a sight like that, whoever it is cute as can be. However, what happened next made her blush heavily, and she tried to look away from Nolan being kissed by his girlfriend. It was heavily embarrassing, and Brianna gets embarrassed easily with all the stuff over the years. ” U-Uhh, Mr. Waltzie got kissed!” Brianna exclaimed nervously and embarrassed like a tomato.

Magic: Derio Veri Magic (Soulerian Magic)
Location: Dragon Fang Guildhall 1st Floor
Thoughts: ‘ Hehe, Keiko is so cute asking questions to everyone in the guild.’
Interacting: Keiko @BlackMaiden, Prince @Silver Fox, Michael @MarshiestMallow, Enma @hatakekuro, and Silver Wolf @Raijinslayer
Cailyn stayed close to Keiko as such since she was acting as a motherly figure to her. She did notice what Prince was doing with Michael, and he won’t change. All she could do is slightly giggle at what Keiko said towards both of them. Specifically, Keiko is trying not to be shy, and it’s a bit cute. She was always grateful for people who have questions, and Keiko had many of them. In terms, she listened to the conversation between Prince and Keiko since Prince answered her question. However, the voice of Michael spoke up towards her.
” In of itself, that is good news he’s returning, Michael. Always the pessimist, aren’t you? He’ll tell you about his journey when he gets here.” Cailyn spoke towards Michael. It felt like the right thing for her to say since it was essential to say the right something even though her accent is pretty thick. She looked towards Keiko since she had a feeling Keiko was looking at her again. It was correct to think that.
” Hehe, it’s a pretty well known saying. Oh my, eight years old, that’s a bit shocking. No, memories that seem a bit depressing.” Cailyn noted with a bit of shock on her face. It’s a bit of one of those times to be young again when you want to do your own thing. She turned her head since she felt someone walk into the room. It was Silver Wolf, who was training again, somewhere far away. She did similarly as Prince and waved to him.
” Greetings back to you, Silver Wolf. How was your training? Just helping out this little sweetie.” Obvious as day, she talked about the little girl standing next to her. However, the next question was a bit harder for her to remember. ” I don’t think I have either, as Prince said. Been chatting with everyone.” Her ears twitched slightly, trying to hear things around her. Her hearing listened to the Oni, Enma come in, and what he said was a bit funny, with Prince's response.
” You don’t change, do you? Always a giant funny Oni, aren’t you.” Cailyn said in response to Enma. It’s better to say it that way than any other way, in all honesty, since Emna is friendly Oni. As well, it’s a joy to be in a guild this active. She did notice how much he decided to look at Keiko and smiled happily. Prince took her words out of her words right out of her mouth, always like Prince. Better to be a step ahead of the other cat in the building, some would say.
” Yes, what Prince said. I love being a pleasant host to a cute little girl like Keiko.” Cailyn added to what Prince said. It was cute when Keiko started to ask questions towards Enma, as well. That’s when Ash came in and involved herself in the conversation. She giggled at Ash, being late to the party, and what she said made her slightly roll her eyes. It’s because she wanted to say it, but Ash beat her to the punch. ” Ah, hi, Ash, how has it been? I will introduce her, and she’s Keiko, she’s only 15 years old. And a recruit to our guild.” Cailyn spoke to Ash with her usual friendly demeanor but a bit annoyed. It didn’t help that Ash was a bit of a hothead and continuously wanted to fight with everyone in the guild. She smiled kindly towards Ash, and it’s always nice to have people be introduced.