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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Illusion Casting - Sensory Inducement

Antoinette’s illusions didn’t work to fool Loki and so she let them drop, saving her energy. She turned to Guin in time to see the pain leave her face. It seemed the Scarlet Witch was successful in healing Guin. Antoinette smiled at Scarlet, her eyes twinkling. She remembered the fondness Antoinette had towards her in the other world, even if the Scarlet Witch’s power had put them there.
With Guin all right, flying off to attack Loki, Antoinette turned to face the villain again and gasped when she saw Klara and Runa turn on them again. They each took up a target while Loki let loose another fireball. Antoinette had been so distracted with Runa and Klara that she didn’t notice the fire ball until it had consumed her. She crumpled to the ground, screaming as her skin started to burn deeper through her body. The pain was so intense she felt an almost numbness as it consumed her but she could move still.
Antoinette struggled to get to her feet as her hands were burning and any weight on her hands caused a pain. Not to mention the several other areas on her body that had been burned through her suit. She had her mind still and Antoinette would be able to fight through the pain. Perhaps she would join Iris for some of that meditation to better prepare her mind for scenarios such as these. Antoinette took a moment to survey the battlegrounds. Klara was fighting Thor, although she could hear the crashing waves beating against the shore and the shaking ground underfoot. Runa was locked in battle with the Scarlet Witch and Bethany, while members of the X-Men were concentrating on Loki. She heard Neil screaming in Loki’s ear and tried to use that to her advantage by conjuring an illusion that would mess with Loki’s senses and seem like the screaming in his ear was Mirembe level screaming, which could potentially cause hearing loss, bleeding or even paralysis. Antoinette’s intention was to disorient Loki enough that Neil could take care of him or Thor could intervene and deal with his brother.
From what Antoinette could tell as she cast her illusion, was it working but as to the efficiency, she couldn't be sure. Antoniette fought through tears of pain as she tried to get through to Loki. If that didn’t work, she could give him the illusion of her pain. She would believe in it enough after all to cause a rather convincing illusion.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Iris Rivers

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Aikido (HR: Aikido, Tai Chi, Pyrokinesis, Meditation)

"I have as much self-respect as I deserve...so not much," Iris joked, or, at least, her tone seemed to suggest it was a joke. Quicksilver's misguided rage towards her went completely unnoticed as her keen eyes stared at Loki, awaiting any attack she might be able to misdirect. Unfortunately, what she got was not something she could redirect: a massive fireball shooting straight at them. She managed to stumble out of the way with only light burns, which she did her best to shrug off. She whirled her head back around as she heard Annie's screams of agony, seeing the girl smoldering and burning under the heat of the recent flames. Her heart sunk as the smell of burning flesh hit her nostrils. Part of her wanted to rush to her friend's side, but her feet wouldn't budge. Images of her sisters surrounded by blue flames flashed across her mind, causing her to quickly divert her eyes from Annie, knowing that if she looked much longer, the memories would only get stronger until she'd eventually lose control of her emotions. So she turned her gaze ahead of her, to the now dark-eyed Klara.

Given that the goth and the witch were both handling the goth witch, and Neil was seemingly succeeding in hugging the god of mischief into submission, she figured she'd try to take on Klara. It was unfortunate, given that she'd come to like the girl a bit. But before Iris would be able to stand a chance, she had to get the girl's attention. To do so, she ran at the girl, reaching her hand out to grab her in what she hoped would be a surprise attack, only for Klara to turn the tables and flip her onto her back. Iris let out a grunt as her back hit the dirt, before quickly scrambling back up to her feet. She reached out again, but Klara deftly dodged just in the nick of time. Finally, Iris reached out and grabbed hold of the girl, managing to grab her arm, using it to throw the girl to the ground. Iris backed up, watching Klara get back to her feet. She knew the attack wouldn't keep her down, but it certainly would get her attention.

"Cover me, Upsilon," she quietly mumbled as Klara got back up, before she began to speak loudly at the girl. "C'mon you watery bitch. Think your woman enough to take me? Let's find out," Iris taunted, a wicked grin spread across her face as she bent her knees. She felt kind of bad for the name-calling, but she had to provoke the girl if she wanted it to be a fair fight.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ed Penior

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Sympathetic: Healing; Thamaturgy: Shield

There was no letting down in this fight. The people who were supposed to be getting people to safety had dropped that for fighting instead. He sighed and flinched as fire engulfed him. He couldn't get a shield up in time. It hurt. But he could hear the water, and knew that Klara had gone back to Loki's side. His gut had been right. He hadn't trusted that he had pulled them completely from Loki's control.

His eyes darted around the island, seeing a group of civilians that were still there. He didn't know how big Klara's wave would be, but he would not risk their lives. His hand touched the shield in his pocket and around the people a shield appeared. He would have preferred covering the whole island, but he didn't have the strength for that, especially since he needed to heal himself.

"Physician heal thyself." He joked. His mind splitting between keeping the shield up and taking care of his own wounds. The burns started to recede. A blessed relief.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Liberty Island

"Agh, get off of me, brat! I am a god, your piss stained fingers are not worthy to touch my person!" Loki snapped at Neil, before he used his knives to slash away at Neil, who would get a few cuts on his arms and be thrown off of Loki. Using his magic though began something even worse then just a normal fireball, it seemed to almost be raining fire as it went straight down on everyone beneath it. Pietro managed to move quickly enough to get himself, Guin and Annie out of the way of the fire so that Annie didn't get hurt anymore mainly (and him just being overprotective of Guin in general). Everyone else though was fully underneath the fire's attack.

Luckily a few people seemed to be fairly unscathed, once again Wanda rather easily created a shield to protect herself from the fire, and the rest of the Avengers seemed to have no problem with the fire itself. Wanda's shield however didn't just cover her, as she had enough time to protect Bethany (and coincidentally Runa) who was nearby too from the flames. Everyone else in the group? Yeah no, they ended up getting the full extent of the attack itself. Just about the entire rest of the group got hit by the flames, but they weren't terrible burns. They were painful for sure, but they definitely lucked out a bit with how bad that could be. Hey though, no one has had their hair set on fire right?

"You aren't even worth the time, just so small, why would I fight you?" Klara responded to Iris with a bit of an annoyed look. The girl was nothing more then a worm to her, or at least it seemed that way at the moment, and with the waves crashing, it was obvious that if they weren't careful, Klara might sink the entire island. "Besides, I know more about fighting then you do, this is something that I've been doing since before you were even born." With those words, a huge wave of water came up from the ocean and seemed to swirl around Klara at a rapid pace, her hair blowing in the wind that it kicked up, before it slammed straight into Iris without missing a beat. The water would slam into her with full force, slamming Iris to the ground, but that wasn't seemingly the worse part about it. The water started enveloping her entirely, before Iris would find herself trapped (and floating off the ground) in a huge bubble, except this bubble was completely full of water and there wasn't any air in it. They had to deal with fire before, now Iris had to deal with drowning on land.

"Wonder how big of a lung capacity you have," she mused, before a large wave came up from the ocean once more, this time the giant wave coming straight towards everyone, though it might take another moment to reach the area inland that they were on the island. It was getting rather close though.

Things definitely were not good, not good at all, given their current situation. With there now being three Asgardians against them as opposed to just the one, this was getting to be difficult. Her eyes shifting back to their normal green color as Mary was trying to focus on what was going on around her. The adrenaline from the initial attack was gone, and now she was very unsteady on her feet and her skin was deathly pale at this point. Not to mention the fact that there was a lot of blood on her clothes from her injury. However she wasn't going to let that stop her from trying to do something to deal with Loki, or maybe one of the Asgardians? If Loki was still throwing fire she wasn't entirely sure if she wanted to deal with that. Glancing around, her mind was racing as Neil was within inches of Loki and probably could easily get stabbed by him again, Bethany and Wanda were dealing with Runa, which left Klara who was attempting to drown Iris.

Things were insanely hectic and her mind was trying to find something to focus on, and she wasn't seemingly really able to. "What to do..." she muttered as her vision blurred. Going out on a whim, she sent vines straight at Klara, but they weren't really traveling very quickly as Klara rather effortlessly called her sword back to her and without blinking an eye chopped them to bits. Her second attempt at an attack was more successful, even causing the bubble that Iris was in to waver slightly as Klara was knocked to the ground, but she got right back up on her feet again keeping focused still. This really wasn't working, and she felt her legs wobble as they were about to give out from underneath her.

Lance was seeing things being somewhat difficult for everyone involved, and Lance was still fighting back against a transformation, since he figured right now was not the time for it. Especially since his aunt sort of had that department handled, and if they needed him to he would, but not right now. He could do quite a bit without his Hulk form, since he had powers another way, and that was his control over light. Runa seemed dealt with, and he was seeing there still being problems with Klara as he figured that others would target Loki. One thing he noticed most about Klara was that she seemed a lot like Thor with her fighting style, meaning getting right up next to her might end poorly. She had a few ranged attacks, once again like Thor, where she throws her sword or shoots water at people. However she preferred to get up next to people. Like when she had attacked Loki before he more or less snapped his fingers to put her under his spell again, she had been right next to him.

"Alright, ranged attacks it is, let's see how this goes," he said, before (similar to what Bethany did) he created a spear of light and threw it directly at Klara. Unfortunately his aim was off and it ended up going right through the bubble of water that Iris was currently in, just barely missing her but not being useful enough to punch a hole in it to free her. "...I really need to work better on my aim," he muttered before getting closer and blasting her with light, but it didn't seem to do anything as he missed her again. He was really hoping at this point that Iris would be able to light a fire or something and get herself free or whatever. Another thought crossed his mind as he yelled out to Wanda and Bethany, "Remember don't contradict her!" he called and hoped that they knew better then to do it.

The Avengers were seemingly focusing more of their attacks on Loki. Aside from Wanda, who looked towards Bethany, "Thank you," she said simply to her. They were even at this point in her mind, Bethany had come to her aid when Runa had attacked her, and she had protected her from the fire. Her hands were still glowing red as she looked at Runa, and luckily for her, Lance had yelled loud enough for her to hear and quickly enough, so she fell silent, just glaring at Runa. The rest of the Avengers threw more then a few things at Loki, Tony was shooting off his lasers and weapons at him, while Thor sent a bolt of lightning his way, before zipping forward and knocking him backwards. Right into the She-Hulk, who apparently decided to take a page out of her cousin's book as she grabbed him by the leg and started flinging him around, before throwing him onto the ground, but he was back up on his feet again.

Mira had been relatively quiet this entire time, she still had a very slight ringing in her ears from the explosion earlier, but other then that she was just waiting for a moment to attack. Unfortunately, her powers at this close of range to just about anyone would probably deafen them (just ask Neil that one), but when Loki was starting to get knocked further and further back, she managed to find an open and let out a rather loud sonic screech. Everyone in the area would start to hear some ringing in their ears, but their hearing for the most part seemed intact. Her screech was powerful enough though to knock back both Loki and Klara. However somehow Klara was still maintaining focus on the bubble around Iris, but it rippled quite a bit from the sudden sound, but sadly Iris was still stuck in the bubble.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Neil Spellman

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Telekinetic Combat, Minor Molecular Combustion
Runa smiled slightly sadistically, beyond amused with the threats from the puny mortal girl. The weapon pressed up against her neck was made of shadows and shadows fell into Runa's domain. Lies lived in the dark and her father was the god of light. She didn't even blink, staring Bethany down as the spear began to shrink and shrink, until it measured only twelve inches in length. "What a lovely toothpick you have," Runa said dryly. "Do be careful - you might scratch me with that if you aren't careful."

"Now watch closely, as I demonstrate proper technique," Runa said. She created a gigantic sword out of darkness - a claymore, in fact, and she rushed at Bethany, impaling her on the sword. She drove it through her as far as it could go, critically wounding the X-Man. Bethany's blood was everywhere. She was dying.

Meanwhile, Neil was reeling. His idea of breaking Loki's concentration hadn't really worked at all - they were still in a horrible position. His arms were bleeding - not an entirely new sensation, he'd cut his arms in rituals before with his family when blood from a non-magic user was required. And just as he had realized how stupid his plan had been in practice, Loki made it rain fire. The burns hurt way more than the stings from the cuts. They were incredibly painful, even as Neil knew deep down that they weren't that bad, that things could have been a lot worse.

So, he decided it was time to go to the good old standby. It was cruel and violent, but that tended to be how Neil had the most success with these things. He had destroyed Klara's eye. When Mesmero controlled him, he had tried to rip out Mira's vocal cords. He just needed to lean into his strengths, so he yanked as hard as he could on Loki's tongue, but it wouldn't sever. Neil gritted his teeth and tried again and this time, the tongue came out. It flew into his hand and Neil stared at it, a little bit in shock. He tried to make Loki's teeth explode next, but he only managed to get one - but even then, it had certainly been violent enough, hopefully enough to help stop Loki for good.

Guin Stark

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Telepathy
Everything was on fire and nothing at all was fine - so it was more or less a standard day for the X-Men. Guin used to panic in battles like this, but now she was largely calm as long as no one she loved was seriously injured. Annie looked like she was in pretty bad shape, yet nothing that suggested to Guin that Annie was about to die or anything. The rest of the fights were too sprawled out and all over the place for Guin to really judge as to how they were doing, so she blasted off into the air and started firing down shot after shot at Loki. Her first volley didn't connect, but her second did, blasting Loki to the ground.

Huh, he isn't monologuing - weird, Guin commented, as she closed the gap between her and Loki. She grabbed him by the neck and used her suit's strength to bash his head repeatedly against the ground, over and over and over again as she tried to knock him out. He was incredibly stubborn though, refusing to lose consciousness, even as he was bleeding heavily from his wounds. Why can't this stupid god just go to sleep already!!!

Cause he's stubborn?

Can you come knock him out? I'm clearly not really good at this and I don't want to kill him by accident.

No offense but seriously doubt he's easy to kill.

If I kill him by accident doing this, I'm going to remind you we had this conversation then babe.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: N/A

Carolina started to wince in pain as she felt the fire rain it really hurt like hell but it didnt seem to seriously injure her as she watched Neil attacking Loki along with the others. Iris was being attacked by Klara encasing her in a bubble of water of sorts which reminded her of Avatar the Last Airbender. Iris was going to end up drowning, she looked at Neil for a moment deciding to try and do the same thing he had done to Loki.

Carolina ran as fast as she could towards Klara, as she could feel her ears ringing from Mira's screech hearing it loud and clear as well she ended up running into Klara and instead of taking her to the ground Carolina was hugging Klara. Carolina then decided to headbutt her as her next idea and hit her as hard as she could. Wincing slightly it didnt do anything at all, Carolina then went in and did it again, hearing something snap and noticed that she had broken Klara's nose.

Bethany Bell

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Shadow Manipulation, Darkness Solidification, Shadow Travel

Bethany turned to look at Wanda and nodded towards her, just as Loki started to rain fire down on all of them, luckily blocking them from it by Wanda's magic. She heard Neil yelling Bethany remembered their fight earlier with Runa and knew not to actually contradict her Bethany could feel her shadowy spear getting smaller and smaller. When she looked at it ended up being the size of a ruler, and Runa getting back up to her feet. Seeing the Asgardian making a rather large sword of sorts from shadows like she had just done, the next thing Beth could feel was the searing pain of the sword going through her stomach.

She could feel her own blood starting to come through her clothes, she started to instantly feel dizzy, and fell to the ground. She quickly started to use her power to try and solidify the shadows around her wound to try and slow the bleeding as best as she could. Her attention turned towards Runa again using her other hand to try and shadow travel Runa away from her, her vision started to get blurry as she did her best to try and concentrate.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Pyrokinetics - Fireworks bitch!

The battle accelerated around them all with Klara and Runa were becoming increasingly violent like Loki. She was quickly moved though, avoiding any raining fire damage. She looked at Pietro gratefully and thanked him before Guin took off again and Antoinette focused on the battle.
Loki was being gained up on again, including losing his tongue, suffering from a tooth explosion and then being blasted by Guin and head smashing. She then decided she should focus her efforts on Runa or Klara. Klara seemed like someone Antoinette would have a better time with and so Antoinette focused her energies on the love goddess with water manipulation.
The water approached the group slowly and momentarily Antoinette thought how nice that would feel on her burns. But perhaps not since that was salt water. Antoinette shook her head from his distraction and focused on Klara’s movements. Her eyes sparkled and Antoinette let out a breath before fireworks shot from her hands towards Klara. The Asgardian’s attention wavered more, causing the bubble to continuing rippling but still, Klara managed to hold onto her concentration.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ed Penior

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Sympathetic: Healing; Thamaturgy: Shield

Concentrate! Ed held the shield protecting the civilians as fire rained down on him. Ideas popped into his head, all of them he quickly tossed aside. He would not use his magic to kill. The summoned things that Loki had sent after them had been one thing, he could rationalize that they weren't real. But Klara and Runa were. They were people as was Loki so he wasn't about to summon a shield inside them and blow them up. That was a path he was not willing to take.

He couldn't keep up with the wounds everyone was taking. He'd have to triage them, healing only the worst wounds and hoping it was healed enough they wouldn't die anyway. He knew that could happen, the outside would look healed but inside the damage wouldn't have repaired. He had seen that happen with a cousin of his.

It looked like Bethany was in most need of his aid. Runa had skewered her, there was enough blood around he didn't need to gather any. He definitely was going to have to ask the group for a lock of their hair after this. He could heal better and faster that way. Also if any of them went missing he could use the hair to find them. He watched as her body knitted itself back together. She'd feel a whole hell of a lot better now. He was getting better.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Iris Rivers

Location: Liberty Island

"Oh my gods, you're such a fucking pussy," Iris began when Klara waved her arms about, causing water to float up from the ocean and over the land. "You talk all this big talk, but you're not even woman enough to go mano el mano with little ol'-" the girl's words were cut off by the harsh blow of a water blast throwing her to the ground, causing her to let out a grunt. The water then began to envelope her legs, then up her stomach, until it eventually surrounded her entire body. It hoisted her up into the air, forming a perfectly round bubble of sorts, holding itself together despite the attempts of her teammates.

Iris could feel her breath escaping her. She'd grabbed a lungful of air before the water reached her mouth, but it only lasted her a few seconds. It didn't take long for her to instinctively open her mouth, the water pouring into her instead of the oxygen her body required. Her vision was getting spotty, and she could feel her consciousness fading in and out. Luckily, in her half-conscious state of panic, her body took control, breaking through the mental wall that so often kept her from her full potential. Her skin was set ablaze, burning with enough power to make steam start rolling off the ball of water. Within the seconds to come, the ball dwindled, becoming smaller and smaller as the steam rose up into the sky, until eventually, the water could no longer hold Iris. She dropped to the ground, coughing up the water which had turned into a gas in her lungs, seeping out of her mouth as steam. She gasped for breath, the thin layer of water that still soaked her clothes and skin rising off as steam as well.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Liberty Island

"Wow someone found out how to shut him up," Tony couldn't help but comment with a laugh.

Loki was clearly beyond pissed off at Neil ripping his tongue out, and proceeded to use his daggers to slash at Neil after throwing Guin off of him. The daggers sliced through Neil rather easily, causing him to fall to the ground. Right before he was about to go for a killing blow, he was blasted backwards by Tony sending off several blasts of his own, throwing Loki back down to the ground. Things were getting interesting now, and there was a chance that Loki was going to get knocked out soon, hopefully anyway.

Back over with Klara and that group, she rolled her eyes, and was clearly annoyed with Carolina, before she grabbed her and threw her rather hard to the ground. "You are all pathetic," she commented, before she held her hands out, and was directing them right at Iris. "Did you know that most living beings have quite a bit of water within their bodies?" Iris would find her body starting to twist, and it hurt a lot when it happened, but her she wasn't able to control the movements of her body as they eerily started moving around entirely on their own. To anyone whose every seen Avatar the Last Airbender it would be very clear what exactly she was doing. She was blood bending.

Iris would find her body moving along and suddenly she was kicking Carolina rather hard in the rips, which would result in Carolina hearing something cracking as she did so, before she'd find herself over by Annie and punching her squarely in the face, hard enough to cause her nose to start bleeding rather heavily. No matter what Iris did, she wouldn't really be in any control of her own body and it was fairly painful for her body to be moved in the way that it was.

Mary wasn't too sure what to do at this point, but something was very clear, her injury was a lot worse then it had first appeared to be from a distance, and with all of the injuries she had sustained, she looked like beyond hell. The ground began to rumble as vines instantly shot out, not going after anyone in particular, but this time, they seemed to go straight for Runa. They started wrapping around her rather tightly, and not letting go despite Mary losing the rest of the strength that she had had and collapsing to the ground unconscious. Even though she was no longer conscious, the vines seemed to not be letting go of Runa at all.

Uh, Guina? I think Mary just collapsed... Pietro said mentally, before he charged and went straight to be by his sister and slammed his fist into Runa's head rather hard with a loud crack, hitting her with enough force to break her nose thoroughly and causing it to bleed excessively. "How about you stop it already, and also stay the hell away from my sister."

Wanda laughed slightly seeing Pietro instantly rush over to her, "I am still fairly capable of things Pietro," she commented, before she sent a blast of red energy at Runa, slamming it into her, but because of the vines she was still unable to move, but she would definitely be hurting from the attacks.

Lance was just seeing the chaos, and was a bit unsure of who exactly to attack at this point, but once again, Klara seemed to be causing the most problems as Iris seemed to be unable to control her body at all, and that was not a good thing. His hands began to glow before he sent a pillar of light slamming into Klara. It was powerful enough to cause several burns to appear on her body, even with her armor, and blood was coming from her side. Yet somehow she still managed to keep her concentration up with her control of Iris. "...Okay this is getting a little ridiculous..." he muttered under his breath.

Loki was still conscious and clearly wanted to just flat out kill Neil, but he still had to deal with everyone in the area who still would attack him as he got up off of the ground. Unable to speak or taunt or anything since Neil had ripped his tongue out, he settled with throwing one of his daggers directly at Neil, causing it to slam into his stomach and staying there. It was a fairly bad injury, and if that dagger got removed there was a chance that he might bleed out fairly quickly from it. He was about to throw his other dagger when he got zapped backwards by lightning that Thor had thrown at it, as well as being blasted backwards by Iron Man's attacks too. This fight was going to be over soon it seemed like (hopefully anyway).
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: N/A

Carolina yelped as she was grabbed and thrown off by Klara hitting the ground rather hard as well feeling the wind getting knocked out of her and slightly dazed as well. She wasnt really paying attention at the moment as she watched Neil attacking Loki and Loki managing to hurt Neil. She was about to get back up onto her feet, when she let out a loud groan in pain as she was kicked in her side by Iris hearing and feeling something breaking. Her breathing started to become a lot harder and it hurt even just taking a little breath, knowing that one of her ribs had been broken.

Then Iris ending up punching her best friend Annie rather hard seeing her friend's nose starting to bleed, she slowly started to stumble back up to her feet. She looked over towards Neil again her eyes going wide as she watched Loki throwing a knife at Neil, seeing the knife embedding itself inside Neil she quickly ran over towards him as best as she could. Her sides started to feel like they were burning rather badly now as she got to him. "Neil, are you okay?" She asked looking at him worried, she looked at he knife she knew that pulling it out was most likely a really bad idea.

Bethany Bell

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Shadow Manipulation, Darkness Solidification, Shadow Travel

Bethany was trying her best to stay awake while using her power to try and keep herself from bleeding out thanks to Runa stabbing her, every part of her body was aching now as she laid in a small pool of her own blood. When all of the pain suddenly left and she turned to look at Ed as he started to heal her, feeling the wound stitching itself back up. Once the healing was done, she lifted her power off of the wound seeing that it had healed up.

"Thank you, i'll buy you a beer or something once this whole thing is over." Bethany said as she slowly stumbled back up to her feet feeling a bit light headed she watched as Mary suddenly collapsed to the ground. "You should go and get Mary patched up like right now." Beth said, seeing that Runa was occupied now her attention turned towards Loki and quickly used her power to shadow travel herself right behind Loki. Bethany used her power as a shadowy tendril came up into her hand and turned it into a sword of sorts, and thrusted the sword forward, cutting into Loki's arm she tried to stab him in the gut again but missed rather horribly.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Guin Stark

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Telepathy
"Fuck!" Guin cursed, as Loki threw her off of him. She activated her suit's thrusters at the right moment to stabilize her and keep her from crashing down to the ground, allowing her to hover in air as she tried to think of what to do next. Loki went to try to kill Neil, only for her father to stop him. Wait, what do you mean Mary collapsed? Guin asked frantically. She had been so focused on Loki, she hadn't noticed how Mary had been doing with whoever she had gone to fight.

She's kind of pale and on the ground. Like a lot of blood, when did she get stabbed or whatever?

Shit, shit, shit, shit! She looked around the battle field quickly, before taking off as fast as she could and flying over to Edus. She grabbed him, lifting him by his armpits and flew him on over to Mary as fast as she could, setting him down. "Heal her!" she said, although it sounded more like an order than a request. Her best friend was bleeding out and he was the only person who could stop it. She wasn't going to let Mary die. No way in hell. She could be nice and use please and thank you after Mary's life wasn't in jeopardy.

That's really really bad.

Everyone needs to start wearing fucking armor!

Neil Spellman

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Necromancy
Neil inhaled sharply, feeling the sting from all of the wounds Loki had given him. He still had the god's tongue in his hand, it felt like he was holding a gigantic, fat worm. He understood why Loki was lashing out at him, he wasn't really that powerful without his ability to use his words to manipulate people and make them feel small. He staggered backwards as Loki threw a dagger at him, the dagger using his body as a sheath as Neil fell to the ground. He was bleeding so much his white-blonde hair was stained red in parts. His clothes were ruined, looking like he had been mauled by a bear.

He hit the ground, the world spinning as he struggled to focus on something. He could hear Carolina, but her voice was distant, as if she were very far away. Even her features were blurring, not really that clear or distinct. There was a hulking figure looming over Carolina's shoulder and instinctually, Neil knew that his time was up. With his last bit of strength, he pulled the dagger out of his body, dropping it with shaking hands limply. "It's not.... your fault..." he whispered to Carolina, hoping that once he was dead, she would move on - that she wouldn't try to avenge him.

Neil bled out. He died.

Runa was restrained by vines and in immense pain. In some respects, it was ironic - she had been raised in a place surrounded by flowers. Having plant life be used against her seemed almost unfair, as if the plants should know that her mother was essentially an unofficial flower goddess. The speedster and the witch had wounded her greatly and each breath hurt. She couldn't move, but she didn't need to move to hurt them. She took in a deep breath and let out a scream, darkness shooting out from her mouth and crashing into the speedster as he moved to protect his sister. Quicksilver crashed into the ground, hard, and Runa took another breath, letting out another darkness scream. The witch blocked easily. That only made Runa angrier, as she screamed again, only for another block.

Meanwhile, Neil opened up his eyes and sat up, breathing easily. His wounds were healed, all closed up. He felt incredibly dizzy as he grabbed the dagger Loki had used on him and held it in one hand, holding Loki's tongue in his other. "... Carolina... What just happened?" he murmured.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Pyrokinetics - Fireworks bitch!

Eventually the sphere of water dissipated and from the looks of it, Iris had been the one to rescue herself. Antoinette smiled at the courage and strength of her friend before returning her attention to Klara to attack her again. Before she could though, Klara taunted Iris and Antoinette watched Iris walk over to Carolina and started kicking her. Antoinette’s eyes widened in fear but she knew that Iris was being controlled. Soon, Iris was stalking Antoinette and before she could defend herself, Iris punched Antoinette. Blood started to pour from her nose and she grabbed it, whimpering. Noses were broken far too often, Antoinette thought. She dropped her hands, looking at Iris then at Klara. If she hurt Iris it would get them nowhere, she had to take out the source.
Ignoring Iris, Antoinette took a step back and aimed her hands at Klara, summoning her strength to throw fireworks at Klara in hopes to burn her and release her control over Iris. Antoinette managed to hit Klara this time with her fireworks, burning her a bit but it didn’t distract her from the control she had over Iris. Antoinette was persistent though and tried again. Shock crossed Antoinette’s face as she knocked Klara to the side from the force of the blast and Iris was now free. Antoinette prepared herself for the next attack.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Iris Rivers

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Pyrokinesis

The only noise that came from Iris was her frantic gasping for breath as she sat there on the ground, knees shoved into the grassy ground of Liberty Island. She was slouched over, her blonde hair cascading down over her face to hide any expression she might have, though smoked trickled from between the strands. When Klara eventually made her move, extending her arms with the fluid motion one might expect from a conductor.

Iris' body arose from the dirt not unlike a marionette pulled up by its strings, unnatural and inhuman. Her head still hung even as her body disobeyed her will, gracelessly flopping over to first Carolina, then Annie, lashing out with clumsy strikes that likely hit more from surprise than any sort of skill or precision. But as a bright light flew from Annie's fingertips, Iris, semi-lucid, found her limbs back in her control. She slumped back into a more normal stance, finally peering up through the messy curtain made by her hair. Her usual whimsy and humor that could be found in her eyes was gone, replaced only by intent to kill. This wasn't Iris. It lacked her normal restraint and aversion to distruction. No, it wasn't her at all. It was her instinct to survive. It was Upsilon.

She raised her arm, pointing it at Klara, her smoke rising from inbetween her fingers. After a few seconds of silence, a stream of bright blue fire shot out, blasting the goddess, covering her neck and chin in bright red burns, with the skin peeling from the heat.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ed Penior

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Sympathetic: Healing; Thamaturgy: Shield

Things were looking bad. More than one person dropped and Ed wanted to heal both of them. He didn't think he could and maintain his concentration on the shield. But the choice was made for him when Gwen unceremoniously picked him up and dropped him by Mary. Neil was standing up?...what?

"I don't have to be on top of her." He told Gwen. It helped but wasn't a necessary part of healing. Hell, as long as he had a piece of her he could do it from the other side of the planet. There was plenty of blood though. He had everything he needed. She was breathing, but it sounded...awful. He closed his eyes and started concentrating. A piece of his mind keeping up the shield around the civilians. If a tsunami came in they'd be safe.

Marygold would start to knit back together. Strands of orange turning into flesh. It wasn't perfect. But she wasn't going to die right there and then. His hands were shaking. Too many close calls for this group. Had he started to care for them? He had sworn off that sort of thing and here he was worried about loosing them. Neil, Bethany, and Marygold. All much too close to death.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Liberty Island

Mary's breathing started to relax, but she still didn't seem to be doing the best, but her eyes fluttered open despite all of her injuries. "Ouch that hurt... And once again, definitely saying I hate fire in any way shape or form..." she muttered as despite still clearly being in pain she sat up off of the ground. "...So what happened while I was passed out for a few minutes..." she then asked Guin and Ed, seeing that they were right by her.

So guessing Mary is alive still? Pietro said mentally to Guin, though his attention was still mainly on Runa, who was still trying to attack his sister. His injuries were starting to heal, but they weren't healing very quickly, but they were still healing.

Wanda's eyes flashed with red as she glared directly at Runa, "Don't you dare hurt my brother!" she said instantly, it was very reminiscent of what Pietro had said moments before, and the vines that were wrapped around Runa completely disappeared, as the red energy completely surrounded her and she was lifted into the air. "Stay away from him," she added, before throwing Runa down with enough force for there to be a slight explosion and a crater that formed. Runa would be hurting, but she would still be able to move around and fight.

Klara meanwhile rolled her eyes ever so slightly at Iris, "Did you really think that sort of attack would really hurt me? You truly are pathetic," she commented towards Iris as the waves from the ocean suddenly started crashing down more onto the island, to the point where objects were getting thrown around and trees were being ripped up. A huge rush of water slammed into Iris and Annie both sending them flying backwards and slamming into the ground. "Now wonder what other ways I can seriously mess up your day..." she mused out loud with a smirk.

Lance was looking around at the chaos that was still going on around him, and he sent a rather large ball of light slamming into Klara, causing some of the waves to recede when she hit the ground. "You need to stop this now," he emphasized to her, and he was more then prepared to send another blast her way if she struck out at him. He was expecting it, and was more then ready to fight her if he needed to.

Loki knew he was losing, he knew he was losing horribly and that he was going to end up in Asgardian prison probably (again) so he thought that he might as well try casting a spell to be as petty as possible. Unfortunately for him, Tony was able to catch what it was that he was doing, and instantly blasted him directly in the head, knocking him out cold. "Down for the count," he said instantly, and even with the face plate of his helmet down, it was hard to miss the sound of his voice which clearly was indicating that he was probably smirking.

The instant Loki was out, his spell seemed to break, and both Runa and Klara would be free from Loki's spell. When that happened, Klara's eyes grew wide and she instantly looked at Annie and Iris, "I am soooooooo sorry! I didn't mean to hurt anyone oh damn. I didn't think something like that could happen oh man I don't think that I was still going to end up under his control again! Are you okay???" she instantly said, rambling more then a little bit as she raced over and helped them up off of the ground.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: N/A

Carolina's eyes started to go wide as she watched Neil suddenly pulling the knife out of his stomach, she quickly started to put her hands on the wound applying as much pressure as she could. "You are going to be okay Neil.." Carolina said softly as she watched Neil taking his last breath and hearing his last words. She started to shake her head, trying to check and see if Neil had a pulse or not, Neil was someone she really cared for, and didnt want to loose him at all as tears started to go down the sides of her face.

When Neil suddenly sat back up she instantly wrapped her arms around Neil and hugged him tightly, wincing in pain from her broken ribs from the tight hug. Before letting go of him, Carolina wasnt even sure why he had suddenly came back to life. "You died Neil.." Carolina said as she looked down to the wound seeing that it was healed.

Bethany Bell

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: N/A

Bethany quickly took a step to the side just as Tony fired off a blast at Loki's head seeing him hitting the ground with a rather loud thud, he was unconscious. Bethany lightly kicked Loki's body as she looked down at him satisfied that he was knocked out Beth smiled a little bit turning to look at both Klara and Runa, Klara seemed to be back to normal now which was a good thing. She was glad that this whole thing was now finally over.

"Thank god this is all done." Bethany said as she looked at the others, everyone seemed to have been the worse for wear like she was they all had some kind of injury or nearly died like she had. Bethany then walked over towards Mary seeing that she was injured during the fighting as well and Edus managed to heal her as well. "How are you doing there Mary?" Bethany asked Mary looking at Edus and gave him a friendly smile and nodded towards him grateful that he had healed her not to long ago.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 days ago

Guin Stark

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Telepathy
"Yeah, I don't really care if you're on top of her, beneath her, dangling sideways, whatever - as long as you heal her," Guin said dismissively. She normally enjoyed quips and snarky comments, but not when her best friend's life was dangling precariously by a thread. She watched attentively, like a hawk, as Edus worked his magic and Mary's wounds begun to heal themselves. She sighed in relief, knowing that her friend wasn't going to die - not today, at least. Yeah, Edus took care of it, she replied to Pietro.

In the next few moments, so many things happened at once - Guin caught a glimpse of Wanda protecting Pietro furiously, and she felt closer to her sister-in-law than ever before. She spotted Loki go down for the count, her father proclaiming that he had delivered the final blow. The Asgardian girl, Klara, was rambling her apologies, hopefully the spell was actually broken for real this time. Speaking of which... Guin flew quickly on over to where Loki lay and she blasted him with her repulsors in the face. It would definitely bruise badly. "Just checking he's actually down, I've had enough of his stupid fucking tricks," she explained to her dad.

"Understandable, I was going to fire again if you hadn't," Tony responded.

Guin fired off another repulsor blast, hitting Loki once more. "Double checking," she told her father, biting back a smile.

"I mean in all honesty he deserves it."

"Oh, completely. Pietro almost died because of this asshole. Honestly, I wouldn't cry if the God of Losers stopped breathing," Guin admitted. It was a bit of a dark thought, but so many of the people she cared about had been put in extreme danger because of him. Loki had almost caused her father to die when she was a young girl. He had almost killed Pietro and then, his actions almost killed Mary. The world would be better off without him.

Neil Spellman

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: N/A
Neil looked at Carolina in confusion. "...Did you bring me back to life, then?" he asked her, puzzled. She had weird astral projection type of powers - maybe she had stopped his soul from leaving his body somehow using them? He didn't understand at all what had just happened. He had a massive headache, but otherwise, he felt fine. He knew that he didn't have the power to raise the dead, much less return from death himself. His entire deal was moving things with his mind and making them explode. It was all destruction. That was what he was good at.

He had returned her hug when she gave it, and when she released him, he wiped some of the tears from her face. It was a little strange to know exactly how someone would react when you died, but now he did. She was his truest friend he had had his entire life. His best friend. He didn't want to mess it up. "Or... maybe Edus did something, some spell?" he then asked. He looked around, expecting to see Edus right behind him, but he wasn't there - he was over by Mary.

At the bottom of the crater Runa had been thrown into, Runa was motionless. She was still breathing, fully aware, but she could not bring herself to pick herself up and leave. She had attacked these people twice today. She didn't trust that if she went to greet them, they would treat her as a friend - and even if they did, Loki's spell could still have some sick hold on her. She closed her eyes, wishing that the earth would swallow her whole.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ed Penior

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Sympathetic: Healing

Loki was down and Klara was talking like her normal self again. Rambling. It was nice to hear actually. Reassurance that she was okay. He had felt bad every time one of their group had hurt her or Runa knowing that underneath the spell they wouldn't have wanted to hurt the group. They had come here to defeat Loki just as much as the X-Men had.

"Klara, make sure there is no impending tsunami to worry about." Ed said and dropped his concentration on the shield spell around the civilians. He was going to need his full concentration for his next trick. He had seen his sister do it a few times when there were a lot of people hurt. He frowned at the memory.

Then made his way around the group gathering a bit of blood from each injured person and set about his task of healing all of them. He paused at Neil confused. He had been stabbed, fallen at the same time Mary had, but he couldn't get to both of them, and here Neil was standing looking healthy. "You okay?" He asked waiting for the answer and set back to his task.

A soft orange glow emanating from Ed's hands spread out and touched each person that he had collected blood from. They would feel their wounds knitting back together and when the orange glow disappeared they all felt amazing. Ed blinked. That had been easily the most powerful healing spell he had ever cast. They all looked so much better too. He smiled, trying to hide his surprise.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Iris Rivers

Location: Liberty Island

As the mass of water collided with her and Annie, Iris was flung backwards. Oddly enough, her expression didn't change from her small frown, lips just parted enough for smoke to spill out in a constant stream, even as she collided with the ground and a dull ache rippled throughout her body. She slumped forwards, her blue flames flickering along her hands, as she kneeled back up straight. Her glare turned upwards, straight at Klara, not caring for the chaos that was happening around them. She raised her flaming arm, preparing to let loose once more, though before she could, Klara's voice shifted, becoming high-pitched and worried, rather than the mocking tone she'd been using only seconds before. It was enough for Iris' conscious mind to awake once more, forcing her arm down as she attempted to restrain the flames that brewed just beneath the surface.

As the love goddess came to try and help her up, she had to hold up her hand to stop her, not wanting her to get burned. She began to take deep, relaxed breaths. After a short while, she, with the help of their resident DILF and his healing hands, managed to get herself under control, convincing her chaotic psyche that she was no longer in mortal peril and that it could drop its mindless, adrenaline-fueled rage. Once she had, the fire dancing across her limbs turned to smoke, and she gave a nod to Klara, allowing the girl to help her back to her feet atop the charred grass.

"Yeah, I'm...fine," she replied as Klara pulled her to her feet, letting out a deep huff, exhaling the last bit of self-produced smoke that remained in her lungs. "Don't worry, you weren't the only one out of control. Are you okay? Burns hurt like shit, even the little ones."
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