Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 4 days ago


The Justice League had seen better days. After Coast City had been infected with a techno virus by Brainiac, the United States had no other option than to blow it off the map to keep the virus from spreading like wildfire. With most of his family now gone, Green Lantern decided that Earth had enough heroes and cut ties to better protect the rest of sector 2814. Superman was now a father and spending less time with the League as well and Batman was only ever a part-time member at best. Wonder Woman and the Flash kept the dream alive and saw over the expansion of the team, now called the Justice League Unlimited. Several heroes young and old were accepted into their ranks to better protect the planet. Their mettle would be tested however, when the crashed spaceship of Union would also come with a warning: White Martians are planning to invade Earth. And there is already at least one traitor among the new League.


1.) No back-to-back posting. Posting will be restricted to 3-4 posts per player per Chapter. Larger storylines will have higher post caps as well as Character-centric Chapters. Collaborate!

2.) PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND SET-UPS!! Somebody is a traitor and clues will pop up from time to time. Characters will need to report anything they might witness to WW and Flash before and after new chapters begin.

3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.

4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! Namely me or the Co-GM controlling the badguys...

5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me or the Co-GM through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC. And I don't particularly like it when some random argument costs the game players and story potential. So don't be dicks to each other, just send your concerns to us.

6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.

7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not how this game is played.

8.) There is no rule #8.

9.) My word is law.

10.) Obey the law.

11.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the Co-GM [None ATM] will take control and HIS/HER word will then be law.


Washington DC
Justice League Unlimited HQ

The headquarters was large and looked as if it was just another national monument with its rounded ceiling and star-adorned entrance wall. Almost like a superhero base from a 1970’s era cartoon. When entering the lobby, large statues of the founding seven members decorated the high ceiling area. It gave inspiration to some. For others they noted the irony of the large shadows they stood in. Regardless, today was a day unlike any other. Wonder Woman and the Flash were discussing the traitor among the new recruits, and one hero’s suspicion that it could be the white haired hero claiming to be from another universe. The two founders stood in the monitor room where the shadow wielding Obsidian was pulling monitor duty.

“I’m just saying its convenient he has gaps in his memory. For all we know he could just be a sleeper agent…” Obsidian said looking up from his chair at the dozen or so monitors viewing potential natural disasters, super-criminals on news reports, and other things including Riverdale on the CW network.

“You tried using your lasso on him, Wonder Woman?” the Flash asked.

“He couldn’t lie even if he wanted to, but if he believes he’s telling the truth… I’m not one hundred percent certain. Union being from another universe could also somehow effect how the lasso works on him.” Wonder Woman responded.

“The Unlimited Initiative brought almost two dozen heroes to our doorstep. Nearly half stay in the HQ. If there IS a traitor, I’d bet my Speed Force it’s one of THEM.” The Flash continued.

“I still say we should install cameras in the personal quarters…” Obsidian went on.

“Everyone has their right to privacy…” Wonder Woman began to say before the Flash interrupted.

“Obie just wants to watch Booster sing in a towel after taking a shower.” The Flash joked.

“THAT’S… actually not a bad guess.” Obsidian said with a laugh.

On the other side of the HQ Union sat on his bed with his head in his hands. Visions of the Martians shapeshifting and messing with his mind haunted the man and he was sweating like an addict.


Somewhere under the streets of Washington DC lurked the large zombie-ish Solomon Grundy in the sewers…

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by WXer
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WXer オラ・オラ・オラ!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

International Waters
Atlantic Ocean

"400 meters and counting. Increasing quantum barrier levels; maintaining steady descent."

No one can hear you scream under the deepest depths of the ocean. The crushing pressure would instantly cause the average man to implode for simply existing here, compressing everything between their innards to the epidermis to a single mini-meatball. Luckily for one of our newest Leaguers, Captain Atom, he's no longer made of flesh and bone but of space-faring alloy and classified quantum energy. Though, this underwater adventure wasn't exactly a walk in the park either.

"Captain, maintain position. Any deeper and we will lose communication and geo-positioning signals." chimed the all too familiar voice of Doctor Heinreich Megala through Captain Atom's built-in communicator. Solemnly, the steelborn superhero simply stopped and soundly stood still, steadfast and silent. His wasn't the only silence that surrounded him though. If there was life and light in this part of the waters, it surely avoided the Captain.

"Y'know doc, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I told the League I needed shore leave." quipped the Captain to the man on the other end of the communication line.

"Hmm, humour. Whatever makes this experiment easier. Speaking of which, our measuring devices are on standby. Initiate discharge sequence when ready." Not wanting to wait any longer, a red glow began to emanate from the heart of the quantum field. Within seconds it began to shine brighter and brighter before turning to a blinding yellow - followed by an explosion that rocketed the captain back to the surface!

Instinctively, he gasped for air but his lungs of iron needed none. Brine should have filled his mouth but its salty taste was simply null. A small victory in the losing war for his humanity, he thought. But before he could continue lamenting, his good pal Doctor Megala's ecstatic praise drowned everything out.

"Woohoo! I knew it, Cap! The booster system from Horizon is still integrated in you! Wait 'til the boys back at the Pentagon hear about this." Cheers from the other coats and suits at Megala's Continuum research facility could also be heard in the background, with a champagne cork clearly popping off. As for the Captain, he simply celebrated by turning off his communicator and continuing to float, staring at the sun that no longer burnt his eyes...

Half an hour would pass before he pulled himself from the Atlantic's waves.

"Captain Atom to monitor room, I'm coming back early." he would signal to whoever found themselves manning the lines. While he could apparently go as fast as escape velocity, Nathaniel Adam decided to simply cruise his way back alongside the flock of seagulls that surrounded him.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 1 yr ago

London, England

Frankenstein waited quietly in the shadows of the corner of the book store. He was used to remaining in shadow, as his appearance did tend to cause fear. Even though humanity couldn’t stand him, he still felt the need to protect them. To that end, he was waiting in an occult bookstore, the owner of this particular store known for having all the gossip of the supernatural in England.

“Sorry to keep you waiting Mr. Adam,” the old man entered the room, “But I’m afraid that you made this trip for nothing. As far as I know, the magic community is behaving itself. So it would seem there is no vampire to smash in its fangs, or ghost to exorcise.”

“Having nothing happen is preferable,” replied Frankenstein, “I would rather hold a good book, than hold my sword.”

“And what a pretty sword it is,” the old man looked at the blade on Frankenstein’s back, “Though I can’t place its heritage. Atlantean? Gem World?”

Frankenstein laughed, “You could keep guessing and never get it. For now it will remain a secret, just as I am a creature of secrets.”

The old man then laughed, “Very well. Perhaps I could find the answer in my books, as I have far too many books.”

The man then turned toward the many bookshelves packed with arcane tomes. Frankenstein took this as his cue to leave. He headed to the back of the store, where an ancient stone door stood. It was a portal door, an artifact that can connect to any other portal door around the world. Frankenstein put his hand on the door knob, focusing his thoughts on where he wanted to go.

Frankenstein opened the door, revealing a bright light. Stepping into the light, Frankenstein left England and entered America, specifically Washington D.C. Frankenstein found himself in a dimly lit room, with a poker table in the middle. Around the table sat various kinds of Fae, such as Pixies, Elves, and Gnomes. Initially gasping at the abrupt entrance of the giant man, the Fae calmed down when they recognized him as Frankenstein the monster hunter.

Frankenstein just nodded at them as he made his way up the stairs and out of the gambling den. Exiting into an alleyway, Frankenstein saw that he was only a few blocks away from the Justice League Unlimited HQ. While he was a member of the team, Frankenstein had not been publicly unveiled. So, to prevent cries of a monster going after the Justice League, Frankenstein decided to keep to the shadowed alleyways to get to the HQ, planning to use the secret back entrance.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 3 days ago

Washington, D.C. | Justice League Unlimited HQ | The Question's Room |

"Hrm. No... That's not right," the Question mumbled to himself before reaching up to the cork board and tearing off the strings and photos he had just pinned up. That didn't make sense, after all it was well known that the music industry was too focused on controlling the population with prepackaged corporate pop and lab made pop stars to care about helping to fund Autism Speaks and its pursuits to eliminate the autistic, who were in turn not at all affiliated with the White Martians and their looming invasion.

Q scattered the photos, newspaper clippings, thumbtacks and strings across his desk. He rolled up his mask and took a drink from his energy drink (homemade to avoid the mind numbing nanites found in normal energy drinks) and lit up a cigarette, plucking it between his lips. Back to square one.

"The White Martians must have some connection to the nefarious workings already on Earth... I just have to find it." Now let's see. Crop circles were commonly misinterpreted as messages from an alien people, but in reality they were manufactured by the Girl Scouts of America in order to make people want cookies filled with capitalist nanites; note that some crop circles bare a striking resemblance to popular Girl Scout cookies such as Do-si-dos and Lemonades. But who's to say that the Girl Scouts don't have alien origins? It's entirely possible that they were founded by the White Martians in their pursuit to control and eventually wipe out humanity.

"Now I'm onto something..." Q grabbed his composite sketch of a White Martian and a picture of the Girl Scouts of America logo alongside some string and thumbtacks. He was in the process of pinning them up when his radio cut off the music to play a message that was just received by the Monitor Room; he had rigged up a connection to the Monitor Room's comm channels so he could be warned of incoming threats or allies before anyone else did. It was useful to have and helped to ease his paranoia, if only a little.

"Captain Atom to monitor room, I'm coming back early." It was Colonel Cameron Scott, AKA Captain Atom, a fellow member of the Justice League, a slave to the military, and Q's top candidate for a potential mole in the League. He didn't trust Captain Atom and made no secret of it, constantly hounding the man with questions about his origins, the extent of his powers, and just how many details about the League he was feeding to his higher ups.

"Hurm. The government dog is back from 'shore leave'... Perhaps he'll finally be willing to shed some light on the nefarious workings of his commanders." Q finished pinning up the scraps to his conspiracy board before turning his back to it. Finishing off his cigarette and extinguishing it in his ashtray, Q rolled his mask back down, threw on his baseball cap and hit the button on his belt buckle, releasing the bonding gas. His mask tightened against his face as his hair turned from ginger red to pitch black and his leather jacket turned from a light brown to a deep navy blue.

"Now let's go see if our Captain would like a chat," he said to himself, before exiting his room and heading straight for the HQ's hangars, where flying heroes would often enter the HQ, alongside Batman in his jet whenever the Caped Crusader saw fit to check in on the League.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 20 days ago


- Red light district, Metropolis -

Maxima had just finished up a session with a client of hers. The tall redhead bombshell was counting the thousands of dollars as tip from her customer, her gloved fingers caressing and flipping through the money while she wore a blood-red leather corset with the same colored thigh-high leather boots. Meanwhile, her customer was busy putting his clothes back on and she smiled as she saw the red hand marks she left on his butt before he put on his pants.

"I trust you enjoyed our services today, Mister Dimitri?" Maxima asked with a tone of amusement in her voice. Mr. Dimitri looked back at her and eagerly nodded. "Oh yes, yes. I enjoyed every minute of it, mistress." She laughed and shook her head at what he said. "Mr. Dimitri, our session is already over. You don't have to call me mistress anymore." The man blushed and smiled sheepishly at her. "You're right, you're right. Sorry about that." He said before chuckling nervously.

Salvatore Dimitri was the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, an earnest and very hardworking man who climbed his way to the top. Even with all the riches in the world and despite having a loving family to go home to, he still felt like something was missing in his life. Everything he does was not enough, as if he needed someone to make him feel alive.

That's where Maxima and her co-workers come into the picture. They have had the utmost pleasure of providing their dominatrix services to these types of men. In fact, most of their customers were men that were very successful in their chosen careers. The women were more than happy to remind these men of their places and they especially liked it when some of them were more hardcore than the rest, allowing them to go full out and give these men the fantasy that they paid for. Of course, both the men and the establishment the women were working for had a contract to never spill their identities to the public. It's their own little secret after all.

"Allow me to guide you outside, Mr. Dimitri." Maxima said to him once he's finished putting on his clothes. She put on her faux fur jacket and escorted him out of their playroom towards the hallway. Everything was basked in red light while a faint steamy song played in the speakers. As they walked down the hall, Maxima was very amused to see Mr. Dimitri's reactions to the loud sounds of moans and what seemed to be leather slapping against skin as they echoed throughout the hallways. They even passed by an open room where a lucky man shouted in ecstasy while his domme spanked him hard with a crop whip.

Once they were near the exit, Mr. Dimitri turned to look at Maxima before kneeling down on the ground to kiss her boots. "Thank you, mistress. You are the best." He said with a smile as Johan, the establishment's security guard opened the door for the multimillionaire where his guards and car were waiting.

"Dang, Maxie. You got that hotshot kneeling before you and shit. What kinda love magic you put on him?" Johan teased. Even when clad in a black suit and tie, it did nothing to hide the tall man's incredibly muscular physique.

"Pay me for one night and you'll find out yourself, sugar." Maxima said to him with a wink. "I'm already off for the day. Tell Madam Artina I'll leave early because I don't have any more clients as of now."

"Why don't you tell her that yourself?" Johan asked with curiosity as Maxima sighed. "Let's just say that she and I have some sort of misunderstanding that led to a whole lotta shouting. Everything's steady at the moment but I'll wait for things to cool down first before I show my face to her.

The big man shrugged and gave her the keys to her car. "Okay, suit yourself I guess. Have fun with your date night." He said, putting emphasis on those last two words as he looked at Maxima's outfit. The redhead woman only rolled her eyes at him. "Not a date, it's a place where I also work. There is someone I fancy there though, a real beefcake of a man..." Maxima said in a sultry tone as she walked towards the back of the establishment to the parking. The thought of seeing a certain someone who went by the name of Captain Atom filled her head as she drove the way towards Washington, D.C.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Atom

Dr. Rhiannon Palmer stood looking out a window in the dining hall as she nursed a bottle of water. It was a reception welcoming Dr. Kent Nelson to the Science Department as the new Department Chair, and Rhiannon wasn't feeling to sociable at the time. She thought that she was going to appointed as the new Department Chair. However, Kent Nelson applied at the last minute and with his reputation in the scientific community the Board of Trustees was falling all over itself to extend him an offer. Rhiannon couldn't help but wonder a bit if the time she devoted to her "hobby" took a way valuable time in politicing for the position. Rhiannon thought about that for a second and then discarded the thought. If she couldn't land the position on her own talent and reputation she didn't want the position.

Her best friend Dr. Celia Becker walked over to her and said, "Well on the bright side these receptions have an open bar, and day drinking isn't always a bad thing."

Rhiannon held up her bottle and said, "I gotta watch myself. In case I get a phone call about my dad and I have to high tail it back to Metropolis." In reality Rhiannon couldn't drink because she once had a couple of drinks, and without realizing it changed into The Atom. She then realized her body hadn't finished processing the alcohol, and she was a six inches tall and practically falling down drunk. Atom was so drunk she couldn't even focus long enough to turn back into Rhiannon Palmer for over three hours. Once she turned back into Rhiannon Palmer she had a monster-sized hangover for 24 hours.

Celia nodded and asked, "Got it. How is your dad doing?"

Taking a drink Rhiannon gathered her thoughts. She then said, "He's hanging in there. The League is going to announce that they're going to enshrine him into the Hall of Fame on Thanksgiving night during the pre-game of when the Stallions play Green Bay. Mom says that'll probably be his last public appearance. She told me she doesn't expect him to be around much longer after that. If we're lucky he might make it to the first week of next year."

Putting her hand on Rhiannon's shoulder Celia said, "I am so sorry Rhiannon. I really like your family and that you all are going through this is just gut wrenching."

Looking at Celia Rhiannon put her hand on top of Celia's and smiling she said, "Thanks C. It does help keep things in perspective though."

Turning back to the window Rhiannon took another swig from her water bottle and asked, "So have you met our Lord and Savior Dr. Kent Nelson?"

Just then another voice chimed in and replied, "Oh no need to be so formal Dr. Palmer. When we're here at work Dr. Nelson will do just fine."

Rhiannon felt her eyes grow larger, and the look on Celia's face told her that her career at Gotham University could be crashing and burning right in front of her. Celia quickly turned to Nelson and said, "Oh my Lord, I mean good afternoon Dr. Nelson. So nice to see you."

Giving a slight nod he replied, "Thank you Dr. Becker. Since I am the guest of honor, as it were, I thought I should be here."

Nodding Becker said, "Good call Dr. Nelson. If you all will excuse me this is going to be awkward enough. No need for me to add to that."

Out of the corner of her eye Rhiannon saw Celia leave. Rhiannon closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She turned to Nelson, opened her eyes and said, "How about we try this again without my sarcastic comments? Welcome to Gotham University Dr. Nelson."

Nelson stepped towards Rhiannon and replied, "Good afternoon Dr. Palmer and thank you. I do have to say at least you're being honest about how you feel. Ever since I got here it's either people are kissing my ass to the point I think it's chaffing, or they look at me like I told their kids the truth about Santa because they feel I stole the position from you."

Rhiannon said with understanding in her voice, "I'm sorry Dr. Nelson. Not only for my comment but that I forgot what it's like to be the new kid on the block."

Giving a small smile Nelson replied, "Thank you Dr. Palmer, and we're colleagues first and foremost so please call me Kent."

Smiling Rhiannon said, "All right if you call me Rhiannon, and I do respect you and your work. Although, I do admit that yes I am a little disappointed that I didn't get the call but you certainly deserve it. The work you've done in physics is really fascinating."

Nelson took a swig from his champagne glass and replied, "Thank you Rhiannon, and I respect yours as well. Your work on the protein bonds in the nucleic cell structures last year was incredible. I still can't believe you saw things in there that most of us completely missed. Even some of the most powerful microscopes missed the images you captured."

Trying to suppress a smirk Rhiannon said, "Well I just have the gift to see things in ways others can't." Rhiannon looked at her watch and said, "If you'll excuse me Kent I do have another appointment this afternoon." She stuck her hand out and said, "It was really nice meeting you and I look forward to working with you."

Shaking her hand Nelson replied, "You're excused on one condition." Rhiannon asked, "And that is?" Nelson taking his hand back said, "Well, as you noted I'm the new kid on the block. I could use a tour guide for a day or two. Not to mention I make a mean stake sandwich for dinner when it's all over."

Without even thinking she replied, "Absolutely, Saturday morning at 10. Meet me in front of the statue of John Gotham."

Nelson said with a smile, "Looking forward to it Rhiannon."

Rhiannon walked away and made a beeline for her office. She closed the door and stood in the center, took a deep breath, and concentrated. Within a matter of seconds the room around Rhiannon grew taller, and when everything was finally still Rhiannon saw that she had changed into The Atom.

Atom looked at her costume and said, "Interesting day, I go from feeling like I'm six inches to actually being six inches." Shaking her head Atom floated to her phone and dialed a number. Hearing a couple of clicks she shrank to microscopic size and rode the signal all the way to a number in Washington DC. Once she reached her destination Atom re-emerged from a communications console and grew back to six inches. Atom was now in the League's HQ and she floated upwards into the middle of the room. She said, "Someday I would love to see all of this at my normal size."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 4 days ago

Washington DC

Justice League Unlimited HQ

The man called Union was haunted by the shapeshifting aliens. He knew that there were heroes who didn’t trust him. In time his Justice Stone would heal his mind, but how long would it take? He could hear the man without a face in the blue jacket rambling about Captain Atom while walking down the hallway. Union’s door was left cracked open. Just the thought of not being alone against the shapeshifting monsters helped put his mind at ease. He could hear another pair of heroes walking around the personal quarters of the HQ. His light flickered in his room, and the Justice Stone had a trickle of energy escape as it rested on Union’s chest.

“Eh?” he questioned before the Flash and Blue Beetle walked by his door.

"You REALLY think you're fooling people with muscles painted on your suit?" the red and gold clad speedster joked.

On the other side of HQ…

Bloodwynd showed up at the Monitor Room to relieve Obsidian from duty and take his seat. Obsidian quickly became partially intangible and living-shadow like hurrying towards the War Room where Booster Gold and Silent Majority were defeating holo-droids. It was also on the camera feed in the Monitor Room.

“Sorry, I just wanna see Booster when he’s done.” Obsidian said as Bloodwynd immediately saw reports of Solomon Grundy near the Washington Monument.

Just as a shirtless and sweaty Booster Gold and a trio of Silent Majorities exited the War Room simulator to Obsidian and Red Tornado an alert came over the comms:

“All active Unlimited Recruits report to the hangar for assignment.” Wonder Woman said from the Monitor Room standing next to Bloodwynd.

As heroes began entering the hangar, Wonder Woman noticed the white/grey haired Union stepping up to bat. She approached the alien warrior who looked excited to see some action as a ‘superhero’ on Earth.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this, Union?” the amazon princess asked.

“I need to hit something other than your holo-droids.” Union responded with a smirk as he created his energy staff.

Across Town…

The pale behemoth stopped cars in the streets and tore through town. Who will the League send to take him down?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 14 days ago

The Blue Blunder

"Not all of us an do a full body workout in twenty minutes." Ted retorted, looking at his literally sculpted abs on his suit. "I've got a pretty demanding job outside of all this and it's not like I have the time to do all this and still make a living." Ted said as he annunciated his point with a wave of his arms. In truth his mind was about a fifty-fifty split between the whole 'imposter among us' issue and running his company. He'd recently bought into a new blooming market for relatively cheap but wasn't seeing very much in the way of revenue, in fact the whole venture seemed to be a cash dump at the moment. While Kord Industries did nearly everything under the sun, one area they had yet to dip their toes into was the entertainment industry. Having come to that realization Ted began making a push to get the company's image out there and where better to test the waters that the world wide web, more specifically video sharing websites.

Things were slow to start, turned out you couldn't just pump money into the project to make it grow naturally. However once the top 5 videos began the 'Kord-tertainment' channel began to explode in popularity. The videos got tons of views and a fair amount of likes but the comments left were all jabs at the company itself. Now Ted's been spending his nights trying figure out how to salvage the whole thing and not tarnish his company's image. His current plan of attack was a collaborative video with another popular content creator going by the name of Critical of Nostolgia or something along those lines. In truth Ted was glad to be in his Blue Beetle suit and away from the online hellscape for a minute. Ted was snapped out of his own troubles when Wonder Woman came over the speakers.

"We'd better get over to Wondie. Time to show you what these fake muscles can do." Ted said with a grin as he began to haul it over to the hanger
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Atom

Atom started floating down the hallway to the lab. As she floated by it was always a weird feeling to see so many of the heroes she saw in media up-close and in-person. She wondered if they even really noticed her, and I had nothing to do with the fact that she was only six-inches tall. Atom wasn't sure why she came to League Headquarters at this time. The fact that she embarrassed herself in front of her boss, and that she was still stinging from the disappointment of being passed over may have had something to do with it. Here she didn't have to worry about anyone asking about her job or expressing sympathy over her dad. In this place she was just another figure in a costume. Granted she was tall enough to be some child's action figure, but Atom proven she belonged. Not only with her scientific mind but Atom showed on more that one occasion she could throw a punch and cause some serious damage.

Atom floated in front of the security scanner to enter into the lab. Usually someone would have to either speak for voice identification, or look into the scanner. In Atom's case all she had to do was hover in front of it. After a couple of seconds, the door to the lab gently slid open and Atom floated in. She cut on the lights and floated over to one of the lab tables with an image enhancer. Atom began to manipulate the buttons by gently floating over them, and then lightly pushing down on them. She was still studying a specimen that was brought in from one of the previous missions. It appeared to be floral but the cell structure was anything but floral and this scientific mystery intrigued Atom on so many levels. Just cracking one of the protein bonds alone would probably get her a Nobel Prize, but she didn't care about that. As she looked at the image Atom floated down to the table and began to slowly pace. She said, "Just remember Rhiannon, it's not the kill it's the thrill of the chase."

Just then Wonder Woman's announcement came over the speakers. On one hand Atom was disappointed she couldn't continue her study, but on the other hand she had a chance to get work with the others and that thrilled her even more. She cut off the scanner and made her way out the door. Once she made it into the hanger Atom floated at eye level so she could see everyone. She saw Wonder Woman and waited for her to announce what was going on.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by WXer
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WXer オラ・オラ・オラ!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Washington DC Airspace

The slow and leisurely flight of the Captain would soon come to an abrupt end, with radio chatter being picked up from the League's headquarters being relayed to him via military satellites unto his private communicator. However, immediately after hearing Wonder Woman's call to arms, a second transmission had interjected itself in to the receiver. "Callsign Horizon, gonna need you to hang back from that mission. The engineers need to do thorough scans of your equipment before further sortie." Who else could it have been except for Doctor Megala, though the usage of code talking felt like overkill. After all, who could have possibly hacked a secured military line?

"Callsign Continuum, my equipment's fine. Proceeding ahead with sortie." replied Captain Atom. After all, he was a soldier first and foremost, not some sort of lab rat that only ran pressure gauge tests. "Now listen here, Horizon! You were just under abyssal conditions and we cannot guarant-" Static soon scrambled the feed as the Captain altered the electromagnetic field around him to block out radio waves. It sure beats having to audibly create your own static noise or having to find a tunnel to go through, he had thought. With the distractions dealt with, he soon used that burst of speed they had just discovered he was capable of in order to reach the League Headquarters in no time flat.

Landing on the League's hangar bay, Captain Atom noticed that some of his fellow League members had already assembled for the mission. While he wasn't on a first name basis with anyone on the team, the Captain did want to make a good professional impression. "Salutations, fellow Leaguers!" he would state in a authoritative tone towards the group, followed by a formal military salute then at-ease pose with his hands behind his back. His face wouldn't show it but he was quite eager to get back out there on the field.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 20 days ago


- Justice League HQ -

Maxima managed to get into League Headquarters earlier than she thought. She passed by some of her fellow Leaguers and even a few of them practicing in the simulator as she went towards her own quarters. Despite staying on Earth for quite some time, she still didn't understand human customs. Why would they waste their time and effort in fighting mere simulations when they could just fight themselves in the flesh? If they wanted to fight in a specialized environment, they should do what her people would do back in Almerac: conquer a planet and make that their own test arena. As she would always believe in, nothing beats fighting in a war-torn planet filled with the corpses of the weak while Almeracians use their once-tranquil home into their own playpen. Nothing personal really, it was just a matter of strong beating the weak as a general rule of nature.

Still, she decided not to say anything and just let them do whatever they wanted. The last time she tried to impose Almeracian culture on Earth, it lead to a fight between her and Superman that almost completely destroyed a small town. All she ever wanted was to have the most powerful and strongest man on the planet to be her mate and give her equally powerful and strong babies but he kept on rejecting her, making her so angry that she attacked him. All was well now at least, though she still held a small grudge against the Son of Krypton.

She took off all her clothes and stepped in her shower, letting the cool water run down her body. She still didn't understand why Superman wouldn't want to breed her. She was just as powerful and strong as he was, they were both genetically compatible with each other, and, as far as she was aware, she was far more beautiful and sexier than any other human females on Earth. Plus, Superman kept on spewing all this nonsense about having a "wife". In Almerac, people did have mates but they're not bound to each other. They were free to have sex with as many people as they wanted as long as they fit their standards and also as long as they're of legal age. They may be ruthless warriors but they were not savages.

Just as Maxima finished her shower, Wonder Woman's voice could be heard throughout the coms as she asked every available League member to assemble, no doubt to defeat another villain rampaging somewhere on the planet. Maxima rolled her eyes as she dried herself up and put on her hero outfit which was quite revealing for human standards but then again, she stopped caring altogether. Besides, those human ingrate misogynists that kept heckling her in online forums should worry less about her scandalous clothing and instead worry more about how she would crush their skulls with her thighs if they don't shut up.

Once fully dressed, Maxima joined the rest of the Leaguers in the hangar. Most were already assembled but despite all the eye-candy, her eyes focused on one particular silver hunk. Ever since Superman rejected her, her interests have now shifted to Captain Atom, a man she thought would be just as worthy as Superman to father her children. Even if it seemed like he didn't have anything down there to make babies with, that won't stop her from finding a way. What Maxima wanted, Maxima will get.

"Hello, Captain Atom. It's always a pleasure to see you whenever I can. I missed hanging out with you so much." Maxima said in a sultry tone, sauntering over him as she caressed her fingertips against his arm. "Greetings to the rest of you too, I suppose." She coldly said to the other Leaguers present as she kept her focus on Captain Atom per usual.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 4 days ago

Washington DC

The expanded roster of the Justice League after the Unlimited Initiative was something to behold. There were government sponsored heroes, time travelers, a reformed enemy of Wonder Woman, as well as aliens. Also among them was a wolf or two in heroes’ clothing. One in particular looked on, knowing all about the situation after reading the mind of Wonder Woman. As the heroes gathered in the hangar, the Amazon informed everyone else about the situation.

“As some of you may have heard, Solomon Grundy is in D.C. Before another monument gets destroyed or lives are lost I need some heavy hitters to take him down without much property damage…” Wonder Woman stated before Booster Gold chimed in.

“She needs heavy hitters like THIS GUY!” said the winded futuristic hero.

“You and Silent Majority just finished a forty minute session in the War Room.” The Amazon stated being backed up by another League founder.

“We need a team with a full tank of gas, Booster. ” the Flash stated.

“Giganta, Captain Atom, Union, Maxima, Bloodwynd, Red Tornado, and Atom…you’re all with me. Our goal is to get Grundy away from the populated areas and take him down. Question, Beetle, and Flash are on crowd control.” Wonder Woman said with a commanding presence.

Within moments…

The League dropped, ran, and flew onto the scene where Grundy was attempting to smash anything in his way. Bloodwynd and the android Red Tornado gave air support from the ship. Q, Flash, and BB started setting a parameter and the heaviest of hitters went in for a beatdown. Union went in with his staff but underestimated his opponent’s strength. He was quickly grabbed and thrown into the side of a Charlton Meats delivery truck. Another Leaguer went in and was quickly backhanded in the other direction and near the Potomac River. The Flash was getting everyone out of the way that he could while the Question and Beetle got in a good bit of cardio trying to keep up and explain to civilians just what was going on amid all of the confusion and chaos. Giganta oddly stayed away from a small fire that had just ignited under a destroyed car…
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 14 days ago

The Blue Blunder

"I don't... understand... oh god... why we gotta be doing this? Flash has this kinda job in the bag." The out of shape Blue Beetle huffed as he did his best to clear out the civilians in the area. The hero was happy to help but complaining was a good distraction from the burning in his lungs. The obnoxiously Blue hero dashed over to somebody recording the whole event on their phone.

"You guys gotta, oh boy, get outta here." Ted said as he lurched forward, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. "Solomon Grumpy over there's not gonna care if you get squashed or no-"

"Man, you have any idea how many views this is going to get me on SpewTube? Like millions! 'Grundy: Up-close footage' it'll be awesome!" said the man recording the event.

"Is the fame really worth it kid? Besides you got any idea how many hoops you'll need to jump through just to get a cent from that video? Not worth risking your life." Ted explained when suddenly a chunk of shrapnel from the clash of the titans behind him nearly obliterated the duo. The civilian recoiled at the hunk of building that nearly took him out and put his phone away.

"Th-that's probably enough footage. Good luck with the fight!" the man said mid-way through backing up and dashing away from the scene. Once the man was sufficiently far away, Ted took out his own phone and set it to record, then taping it to his chest armour as he continued to help.

'That guy's right, the super heroics'll be a huge pull for to Kord Entertainment!' Ted thought, as he continued to shuffle people out of the area.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Atom

Atom prided herself on always trying to be cool and calm in any situation. That wasn't always easy when a house-cat at times could be as threatening as a mountain lion, but Atom usually didn't allow emotions to get the better of her. In this case though, she was almost ready to shout for joy. First off, she was going to be involved with some of the heavy-hitters within the group. A lot of times she felt like she was a "B-Lister" in the sense of the only time she saw this group was when she was six-inches tall. They looked imposing and impressive in any setting but at her size they were downright God-like in many ways. Secondly, Atom was going into where the action was. Usually she was relegated to sciences or the covert-recon but this was going toe to toe with someone. Lastly, Wonder-Woman knew she existed! Sure she was part of the team, but at times Atom felt like she would get lost in the crowd.

Upon arrival Atom's feeling of joy and excitement quickly faded to one of concern. The embarrassment of earlier in the day was starting to feel like a warm memory compared to what she was seeing now. Grundy was a force of nature casting leaguers aside like they were tissue paper, and now there was a question for Atom. How in the world was six-inch her going to deal with someone who was the size of a small mountain chain for regular sized league members? The goal was to get him away from the populated area and then Atom had an idea.

She tapped her communication device in her mask and said, "I think I got an idea. What do you all think of a group of us annoying him enough he goes after us and we lead him to an ambush by the heavy hitters? Does anyone else have another plan? If so speak up now. He's getting close to the heart of DC and cars are just sitting there waiting to be pulverized by him."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 4 days ago

Washington DC

Union smelled the most flavorful foods he had ever imagined. He picked himself up and out of the Charlton Meat truck wreckage where pre-cooked meats and debris were in every direction. He surveyed the area with his eyes and saw Wonder Woman and the others had pushed the monster away from the more populated streets towards the river. On the edge of the fight around the Flash and his team some gasoline from a damaged car ignited from a civilian’s cigarette thrown to the ground and in a red blur the Flash saved everyone nearby but the flames were enough to scare a certain someone.

“Is that..?” Union asked out loud looking at Giganta anxiously avoiding the flames and for a brief moment losing her concentration.

She was a White Martian.

Union’s eyes grew wide and he charged at the giant from the air and cracked her in the jaw. She flew towards the larger group taking on Grundy and smashed into the ground. Her physical form kept shifting around from White Martian to giant ginger.

“Did that Union guy just punch Giganta?” the Flash asked Question and Beetle looking off in the distance.

Wonder Woman caught on to what was happening and tapped her communications device in her bulletproof armband.

“Bloodwynd, if you’ve got some sort of spell that can put Grundy to sleep… we’ve got a Martian to deal with…” Wonder Woman commented as the African mystic fell from the sky while Red Tornado took command of the sky cruiser.

The albino Martian was still somewhat in a giant form while also sprouting an additional two arms. Once the alien creature had got back up it was ready to go to war with the League. It became intangible as Union tried striking again with his staff as well as a blast from his Justice Stone. The Martian took Union in one of it’s giant clawed hands and when Wonder Woman went in to strike with her sword she was grabbed midair as well. As other heavy hitters among the group circled the enemy the Martian used it’s insane telepathic abilities to throw the more human of attackers’ senses for a loop. Even surrounding civilians as well as the Flash and the heroes assisting him could feel the effects.

“You can’t trick my mind anymore, monster. The Stone has already shielded me against your trickery.” Union stated waiting for another opportunity to strike. “Are you alright, princess?” he then asked Wonder Woman with a yell from about twenty feet away in another giant alien arm.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by WXer
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WXer オラ・オラ・オラ!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

While he was a hardened soldier and now an even harder entity composed of interstellar alloy, the Captain was puddy in the hands of Maxima. Rendered speechless by her forward approach, he thanked his lucky stars that Wonder Woman had given the go-ahead to deploy and bolted out of there just behind the Flash. Yet, he wouldn't be exactly with the scarlet speedster as the radioactive rambo was heading to a head-on collision with the grey gargantuan. The Captain maintained his distance at first, scanning the area for any potential hazards and injured civilians still on the scene before going in for close quarters combat.

Yet, the rash action of Union resulting in him getting thrown like a ragdoll prompted an immediate followup. Once again using his superior flight control and acceleration, the Captain went in for a pinpoint strike. However, almost out of pure instinct, Grundy had backfisted him at the perfect moment. A momentary lapse of consciousness had overwhelmed Corporal Adam Scott, with radio chatter about a plan being the last thing he heard. Sinking twice in one day into the abyssal depths of water is certainly a unique experience. However, the Potomac is nowhere as treacherous as the Atlantic; the river's relatively calm current would soon be atomically supercharged. As if a torpedo had just exploded, a huge torrent of water had erupted and within it was a pissed off Captain Atom.

"We won't need a group." he would state regarding his similarly dubbed ally's plan. Charging an energy barrier around himself, the Captain would run instead of fly towards Solomon Grundy this go around. With each step, he had slowly dug into the paved asphalt in order to ground himself in. This time, if the zombie struck him he'll most likely stay in the same spot but he had also hoped to grapple the undead ogre in place along with him so that the others would be able to blast him. This was his plan and now it was time for the execution.

"Better get here fast, Bloodwynd!" he would state, running into Grundy while trying to get him into a nelson grappling hold. While the sudden revelation of Giganta was somewhat unexpected, the mission had to come first.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 20 days ago


- Washington, DC -

Maxima listened to Wonder Woman's briefing but her attention was directed to her silver-skinned crush. Compared to how Superman would always push her away, something about Captain Atom's frequent shyness around her with the way he would find excuses just to get away from her was just so adorable. In her mind, her forwardness and say-it-as-it-is attitude made Maxima think that she had an effect on the hero albeit gradually. It made her yearn for him more and she couldn't wait for the day that Captain Atom will finally give in to her. Alas, they would have to focus on the mission for now and defeat that overgrown zombie before he hurt more people.

The Leaguers under the leadership of Wonder Woman dropped in at the area to intercept Solomon Grundy while the rest made sure the civilians were far from harm's way. She tried to use her telepathic powers to communicate with him but she got nothing. His mind was truly void of any rational thoughts.

"I can't get a read on this buffoon." Maxima said through the coms in reply to Atom. "It seemed that the only plan of action we need is to beat him to a pulp before he reaches the masses. We can definitely do tha-"

Before Maxima could finish her sentence, she saw how Grundy easily sent Union crashing into a meat truck and gasped as he backhanded Captain Atom like he was nothing. This enraged Maxima and she screamed in anger as she flew in to deliver a piece of her mind right at the zombie's jaw when intense pain hit the back of her mind. Thankfully, it didn't affect her that much due to her Almarecian physiology but a mental attack from a Martian was still painful. She fell down to the ground and groaned in pain. When she could focus, her eyes set on Giganta transforming into a White Martian.

'So the female muscle-headed gorilla was the spy all along.' Maxima thought to herself.

As much as she wanted to attack Grundy for hurting her hunky captain, Maxima knew she had to help take down this white abomination of an alien first. She saw the Martian had taken hold of Wonder Woman and Union in two of her four hands as it seemed to be ready to attack the League as well.

Her eyes glowed orange first and then the light fully encased her head in a fire-like halo. "You're not the only one here who could do things with their mind, b*tch!" Maxima screamed defiantly at the White Martian as she unleashed a bright orange beam of psionic energy from her head to attack her.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 14 days ago

The Blue Buffoon

"Go on! Get moving!" Blue Beetle yelled, shooing people away from the area as they mostly got the hint at this point. He wasn't able to do so more forcefully like the Flash but he needed to get people moving none the less. As the leaguers got more into the thick of things, the area of destruction got larger and larger and Ted narrowly managed to tackle a bystander out of the way of some flying debris, getting hit in the armour in the process and knocking the wind out of him. The civilian took off as Ted struggled to his feet. Suddenly Atom came over the comms with an idea.

"If you need a distraction, I can distract like nobody's business." the exasperated hero said, unholstering his air gun and pressing a few buttons on the side of his goggles to deploy a face mask as flames began to spread around the battlefield, fumes and all. That's when Giganta's facade fell.

"Ah shit." the normally well spoken Ted said under his breath as they were now fighting two enemies on two fronts, both out of his league. He looked around the area for anything he could use to help but came up blank. Deciding numbers were better in this situation, Ted rushed over to the Atom.

"Still want to go with that distraction? Looks like Maxie and the Captain might have Grundy in a good spot." Ted asked in a muffled voice, proceeding to shield his eyes as Maxima's psi-beams lit up the area.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Atom

Atom was not completely shocked that Giganta was a traitor for some reason, but the fact that she was a White Martian was a bit of a surprise. On the other hand she did have to admit that it felt good that she was the only size-changer on the team. That was her specialty and no one else was going to take it from her. Maxima and Captain Atom were taking care of her better than she would've been able to, and besides there was a certain white zombie who demanded their attention. Atom knew that this was an opportunity for her to step-up and show that she could contribute in a battle-type situation.

Just then Blue Beetle appeared next to her. She replied to his question, "Yeah I think I got an idea. Just wait until you see him distracted then make your move." Atom looked over to Beetle and said, "Trust me you'll know it when you see it. Just hope it doesn't kill me in the process." She took a deep breath and said, "Wish me luck." With that Atom touched the side of her mask and a mask that covered her mouth slid into place along with red lenses.

She then floated over to Grundy's right side but trying to stay out of his peripheral vision. She said to herself, "Wow this guy could use a bath. Okay Atom let's see if your theory pays off." With that she shrank even smaller and flew into Grundy's ear. She hovered close to his inner ear and said, "Hey Solomon, how's it going? Everyone has a voice in their head and since it doesn't seem like yours is helping guide you into a good, productive way I'm gonna help." She was hoping that her voice would not only distract him, but keep him from realizing that Atom had a definite plan of attack to really slow him down. Atom asked, "Why don't you take a load off?" With that Atom began punching his inner-ear knowing it would throw off his sense of balance drastically. She was hoping this would buy Beetle time to mount an attack.

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