Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

Booster Gold - Tomorrow Woman - Bloodwynd - Red Tornado
Freight Train - Obsidian - Giganta - Silent Majority
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 19 days ago

Player Name:
Omega Man

Primary Character:

Secret Identity:
He has partial amnesia. Union knows he comes from another universe and that’s it.

Roughly 40.

Usual Base of Operations:

Day Job:
Full time hero

Union’s powers stem from an almost symbiotic relationship with the “Justice Stone” on his chest given to him by the Protectorate in his universe.

Enhanced Attributes – Strength, speed, durability, and endurance are all on par with DC’s heavy hitters like Superman and Wonder Woman.

Energy Absorption/Blasts – The stone can absorb and redirect most forms of energy.

Energy Staff – Union often creates an energy staff that can also be broken down to two individual escrima sticks for combat.

Flight – The stone effects gravity as well as the electromagnetic spectrum and enables Union flight at super-sonic speeds.

Weaknesses: He has to rest for his powers to operate at 100% and he can be overpowered by stronger opponents. His broken memory also causes him to lose focus on occasion. He’s also vulnerable to mental attacks, gas based attacks, as well as anything that can hamper his senses like flashbangs. Magic is also something he struggles with.

He’s highly trained in hand to hand combat as well as reading people.


Union is originally from a planet called Agena from another universe. While in the middle of a war on his planet he was pulled into our universe through an astral gate by White Martians looking to find a new power source for their army. After numerous attempts to remove the Justice Stone, Union finally escaped their hellish prison after stealing a ship. Exhausted and mentally broken after telepathic assaults from the Martians he crash landed in Tennessee. The League showed up shortly after and he warned them of the invasion and spoke of a traitor among them before passing out. Union has stayed with the League in their Washington DC HQ, and despite warning them himself some newer members believe he’s a suspect.

Supporting Characters:
Wonder Woman

Secondary Character:
The rest of the background characters in the Unlimited Initiative LOL
Booster Gold, Obsidian, Bloodwynd, Red Tornado, Silent Majority... as well as Flash and Wonder Woman

Additional Notes:
I think this character was meant to be something of an analog to Marvel's Thor in the Wildstorm universe, where Majestic was seen more as their Superman.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle The Darkest of Dark Souls

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Player Name:

Primary Character:
The Question

Secret Identity:
Charles Victor Szasz, AKA Vic Sage


Usual Base of Operations:
Hub City, Illinois

Day Job:
News Anchor and Correspondent for KBEL


Only Human, After All - The Question is among the weakest Leaguers when it comes to raw strength and durability. He needs to eat, drink, and sleep and cannot shrug off blades, bullets, or blunt force. Every hit will hurt and taking on a metahuman or even more than three or four human opponents in a head on fight will likely end with his maiming, crippling, or death.

My Reputation Precedes Me - The Question is a well known crackpot and conspiracy theorist, often leading to a tainted opinion for people coming into meeting him with prior knowledge of his exploits. Few would ally with him outside of a League environment, even fewer trust him in one, and only a small amount of people like him.

Pragmatic Fighter - Being a normal human, Question isn't going to go into a confrontation without some sort of advantage. He is prone to using stealth and his environment to give him an extra edge in confrontations.

Investigation Extraordinaire - Noted as one of the world's finest detectives, the Question has sharpened his investigative skills like a knife, able to spot vital clues and make informed deductions off of them. His unorthodox mindset also allows him to come to conclusions others would have failed to. On top of this, he is skilled with hacking, able to crack the toughest of systems if given enough time.

Grappling Hook - A grappling hook designed by a close associate which allows the Question to scale large distances and tall buildings with the pull of a trigger.

Vic Sage has ginger hair, blue eyes, and freckles on fair skin. A tattered suit and tie conceals his well-built form, with a height of 6'2 and weight of 189 pounds. As the Question, his appearance evokes that of a 1940s private investigator or detective: suit, trenchcoat, fedora, with a faceless visage to conceal his identity. His normally red hair is dyed black using the same gaseous compound that binds the mask to his face.

Charles Victor Szasz was born in Hub City to a destitute mother who worked as a prostitute to support herself and her son. At age 7, Charlie's mother was murdered and he was placed into a home for destitute children, which he was promptly kicked out of at the age of 18. After a short while on the streets, he was taken in by Aristotle "Tot" Rodor, a chemistry professor at the local university. Pulling some strings, Tot managed to get Charlie into college, where the young man changed his name to Vic Sage and majored in communications.

Fresh out of college, he got a job at KBEL, Hub City's premiere news station. For a while, Vic was comfortable in his position, but was troubled the Hub City's crime and corruption. He needed a way to do something about it beyond his job; that came in his mentor Tot, who needed help with a former colleague, Arby Twain, who was looking to illegally sell one of their inventions, Pseudoderm, an artificial skin that was meant to be used as a bandage. Vic agreed to help Tot out and take down Twain's operation, with Tot designing him a mask using Pseudoderm. Needless to say, Vic succeeded, and ever since he has operated as the Question in Hub City.

He was inducted into the Justice League Unlimited not too long ago alongside his contemporaries. With the looming crisis of the White Martians approaching and the fact that one has already infiltrated the League, the Question has found himself more paranoid than ever.

Supporting Characters:
Aristotle "Tot" Rodor - Vic's father figure, mentor, and best friend. Inventor of the bonding gas for Pseudoderm, which allows it to be bonded to the body, and the man who converted it into a mask for use by Vic.

Myra Fermin - Vic's ex and one of his closest friends as well as the mayor of Hub City. A reform-minded politician looking to restore glamour and crack down on crime and corruption in Hub City. Needless to say, she has Vic's backing.

Secondary Character:

Additional Notes:
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by WXer
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WXer オラ・オラ・オラ!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Player Name:

Primary Character:
Captain Atom

Secret Identity:
Col. Cameron Scott, formerly Cpt. Nathaniel Adam

34 Years Old

Usual Base of Operations:
Langley Air Force Base, Hampton, Virginia

Day Job:
Air Force Intelligence Officer

Quantum Field Manipulation - While the potential and nature of his power source is still largely unknown, Captain Atom has managed to currently utilize it to great effect in applications such as:

  • Super Strength and Durability
  • Quantum Decay Blasts
  • Flight
  • Molecular Aesthetic Manipulation (aka he can revert back to looking human)

Risk: Quantum Breakdown Edition - The good captain's DNA structure is unstable after his incident, causing any concentrated radiation exposure to potentially alter his powers or even turn them into a liability. The weight of such consequences are enough on their own to make him hesitant when faced against villains able to take advantage of that fact.

Humanity Trapped in Godhood - He can no longer eat. He no longer needs to sleep. He can no longer feel the tenderness of human contact. Push him over the edge, and he may not last any longer.

Security clearances and army operational knowledge are the main benefits in being a colonel in the air force.

Both versions of his physical forms put the sculpting works of DaVinci to shame with his flowing blond/silver hair, chiselled abs, and well-defined jawline. His height and weight fluctuates due to his powers but he usually sticks to around the high 6 feet range. A red glow emanates off of him when he is in his superhero persona, indicating that his powers are primed and ready.

Brief Bio:
As the front runner candidate of an experimental air-to-spacecraft known as Project Horizon, Captain Nathaniel Adam was a man with a bright future ahead of him. Yet, the day that he would take this new innovation to the skies and beyond would coincide with Brainiac's siege on Earth. The techno virus would tear through the Horizon's internal systems with ease. As it caused the engine to stall and explode mid-flight, the charred remains of the ambitious aircraft would plummet to the Atlantic. However, the remnants of that explosion would soon prove to be greater than its whole.

As a recovery team attempted to procure the blackbox on board the Horizon, they were shocked to find Captain Adam in one piece and with a pulse. Upon closer inspection though, certain parts of the aircraft had embedded itself into his chest. Various theories were abound as to how this could possibly happen but nonetheless there was great interest from the top brass. At first they thought they had found some sort of cyborg soldier but it soon became apparent with the captain's quick recovery and displays of superpowers that he was much more than that.

On his first mission, he would debut on a military operation to secure the outskirts of Coast City before its detonation. His actions would quickly be publicized as a means to show that the army still had the capabilities to take on the modern world's problems. After much politicking and giving him a newly fabricated identity, the newly christened Captain Atom would be strongly recommended by the Pentagon to be part of the Justice League. With the blowback of what had just happened, how could the remaining Leaguers say no?

Supporting Characters:
Dr. Heinrich Megala - Lead scientist in charge of Captain Atom's maintenance team. He has an active communication link to the captain during operations, which is public knowledge to the rest of the League but the messages themselves are not.

Secondary Character:
None at the moment.

Additional Notes:
Theme Song - Welcome Back Kotter

This is largely based on the untapped Rebirth version of Captain Atom, which focuses more on the nature of space-time rather than nukes. That isn't to say I won't eventually cover that but for now instead of walking bomb Captain Atom, we have potentially dormant black hole Captain Atom.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 2 days ago

Blue, Beautiful and Bombastic

Player Name:

Primary Character:
Blue Beetle

Secret Identity:
Ted Kord


Usual Base of Operations:
Kord Industries is based out of Chicago but Kord runs most things remotely and get around.

Day Job:
Owner and CEO of Kord Industries


He’s all too human and not in amazing shape either. Lions and tigers and bears can all take Ted down a peg if he doesn’t have access to any of his tech.

Ted is a novice in MMA and can hold his own well enough against fitter villains. His main ability tough is his mind. Ted hold multiple degrees and is considered an expert in a multitude of subjects, mostly scientific but with some other wildcards like Mesopotamian artwork. He’s built himself an arsenal of gadgets in order to be capable of contending with the powered villains he faces daily.

Ted’s a decently handsome guy, he’s no Bruce Wayne but he’s not ugly by any means. He’s a little chubby sitting at 181 lbs and standing at 5’6” but has a fair amount of muscle underneath. His costume is pretty tacky looking; primarily consisting of what looks like cheap spandex harkening back to the early days of super heroics. Underneath his goggles and cloth costume is enough tech to make Lex Luthor drool. The micro ceramics and energy dissipation grid helps to keep Ted in the fight where a normal man would fall.

Ted Kord was raised in luxury due to his parents owning the highly successful cooperation know as Kord Industries. Living in such an environment inevitably spoiled Ted and resulted in a child who believed they were a cut above the common rabble but this lifestyle also allowed Ted to put a great focus on his studies and become a child prodigy. This mentality didn’t help Ted make any real friends but the boy suffered a real shock when his parent’s company was bought out by Wayne Enterprises during a low period for the company. Ted’s ‘friends’ all left him and his family was forced to drastically change their lifestyle to fit their new money situation. Luckily Ted’s parents made peace with the situation quickly and managed to keep the family fed, warm and dry.

Ted wasn’t as easy to adapt.

The now eleven year old boy took the change horribly and blamed his parents for their new accommodations and fiscal situation. This mentality slowly eroded away as Ted grew older and came to realize just how much his parents needed to do just to keep their family living somewhat comfortably and put him through university.

After university, Ted made a name for himself in the business world via starting multiple companies and selling them off for huge pay outs which allowed him to once again live in luxury. Eventually he managed to buy back his parent’s company from Wayne Enterprises after a decent amount of haggling and paying more than the corporation was worth. The first major project headed by the company under Ted’s leadership was the development of the software to be used in the Justice League’s base of operation. The business owner hadn’t followed the career of the heroes very closely but he knew about the superhuman that inhabited his world but seeing them up close sparked something within Ted.

These heroes put their lives on the line so that people like him could continue their lives without needing to worry about some intergalactic starfish or something destroying the planet. Ted wanted the self fulfillment that came with such an occupation. He thought “I want to be one of those guys” and began using the resources of his company to cobble together gadgets and a suit so that he could become a protector of the planet.

Supporting Characters:
Dan Garret: The original Blue Beetle. Ted didn’t initially have a name for his alter ego but after unintentionally saving the retired hero in Ted’s early days, the two bonded and Dan passed on the mantle to an ear Ted. Now the two meet up for lunch every now and then

Secondary Character:

Additional Notes:
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by VeyrinDay
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VeyrinDay Appreciatrix of Beauties

Member Seen 8 days ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Player Name:

Primary Character:

Secret Identity:
Adam Frankenstein (Public ID)

While not living, Frankenstein has existed for 203 years.

Usual Base of Operations:
None, he wanders the world.

Day Job:
Monster Hunter

Frankenstein is undead and as such does not need to eat, drink, or sleep. He is also functionally immortal as he can replace lost body parts with spare parts as long as they are the relative same size. Frankenstein also possesses strength greater than that of a regular human. Finally, Frankenstein possesses a neural implant that connects him to the SHADE database, allowing him to access the various files they have.

As an undead being, Frankenstein is susceptible to all magics that target the dead, and could potentially banished to the afterlife. Also, while he is able to replace lost body parts, if he were to be separated into small enough parts, then Frankenstein would be unable to be reformed.

Frankenstein is proficient in combat, being a skilled brawler, marksman, and sword fighter, as he wields a sword that used to belong to the Archangel Michael. Frankenstein also possesses a vast knowledge of the occult.

Frankenstein is a very large man, standing at 6’4’’ with very wide shoulders. His skin is a mishmash of decaying green and grey skin, covered in hundreds of stitches that are keeping him together. On his face, Frankenstein has short black hair, deep brown eyes, and two bolts lodged into his brain. He tends to wear old style clothing, with a mix of newer coats. On one hip he has a steampunk style pistol, while the other has the longsword of the Archangel Michael.

Given an unnatural birth by Dr. Victor Frankenstein, Adam was the result of grave digging, necromancy, and experimental science. Dubbed the monster, at first he was dumb and mute, but Victor saw fit to train him. Within a few weeks he was talking, and then learning other useful skills, even taking the name Adam. For several months Adam was kept locked in Victor’s lab, all the while Victor trying to create more creatures. Eventually, Adam escaped the lab, wishing to see the outside world. However, his presence in the nearby village sparked fear, the villagers chasing Adam back to Victor’s lab.

The villagers would burn down Victor’s lab, as Adam escaped with a female creation. For a year they hid in the wilderness of Northern Europe, even marrying one another. However, they would be reunited with their creator Victor Frankenstein, when he decided to destroy all evidence of his work. Victor seemed to kill Adam’s bride before escaping. Furious, Adam chased down Victor to the Arctic, where they had a climatic battle on a glacier, with both of them falling into the freezing water.

Adam would remain in the water for some time before making his way to America. There he would try to live in isolation, avoiding the humans. However, his isolation would be broken when he encountered the Bride once again. She had survived her encounter with Victor and was now a monster hunter. Her appearance prompted Adam to join her in monster hunting. The two would travel together for a while, before departing as they found their relationship wasn’t working. Adam would continue hunting monsters for decades before being approached by the American government, who wanted him to hunt down monsters created by the Nazis.

Once the war ended, Adam would continue to work with the American government, eventually meeting a person named Father Time, who was founding an organization called the Super Human Advanced Defence Executive, or SHADE. Adam would be one of the first agents of SHADE. During his tenure with SHADE, Adam would be put in charge of the Creature Commandos, a team of other monsters, such as vampires, werewolves, and mummies. Recently, Adam had an encounter with the Archangel Michael, who gifted him his sword and a few secret words. Whatever the angel had told him, it prompted Adam to take some time off from SHADE, and begin to look into the Justice League.

Supporting Characters:
The Bride - The only other remaining creation of Victor Frankenstein. While once married to Adam, they have since separated and she too now works as a monster hunter.
Father Time - A seemingly immortal being, Father Time runs SHADE, a secret powered agency. While Frankenstein is technically on leave from SHADE, he is still in contact with Father Time.
The Creature Commandos - A unit of monsters that work for SHADE that used to serve under Frankenstein. While not under his command anymore, the Commandos would do anything to help Frankenstein.

Secondary Character:

Additional Notes:
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Player Name:

Primary Character:

Secret Identity (Public):
Maxima of the House of Blood Royale

33 in human years

Usual Base of Operations:

Day Job:
Dominatrix in Metropolis' red-light district

Almeracian Physiology - As an Almeracian, her physiology has given her superhuman strength, stamina, durability, and speed, and her lineage also made her a psionic. Maxima can utilize her psionic powers in a variety of ways, mainly psychokinesis (force fields, psychic blasts, telekinesis, and flight) and telepathy (illusions and mind-control).

Living Being - While she may be tougher than an ordinary human, Maxima can still be affected by poison and the like. She can still die by natural causes

Prideful - She would sometimes let her emotions and pride get the best of her which would result in her downfall one day.

- Highly skilled hand-to-hand combat

Maxima is a tall woman with fair skin, long flowy red hair, and pale blue eyes, along with a mole under her left eye. She passes like a normal human except her skin turns orange or pink depending on the type of light she's under. She takes great pride in her appearance and would mostly wear revealing or tight-fitting outfits that showcase her fit, sexy body.

Almeracians were a technologically advanced warrior society that pursued the cycle of constant military activity. It was a part of their culture for an Almeracian to mate with skilled warriors to produce powerful offspring. Maxima was a member of the House of the Blood Royal who ruled Almerac and she was expected to follow their customs and choose from a variety of men to mate with, but none were able to reach up to her very high standards.

It was only when she had witnessed Superman fighting and defeating a powerful alien beast during his expedition with the Justice League that she fell in love with him. She found him to be the perfect mate for her and soon left her planet to go to Earth with the intention of pursuing Superman to be her husband.

She was greatly shocked and appalled when he turned her down time and time again, especially when he was already married to Lois Lane. It greatly hurt her pride and she attacked Superman in a fit of rage, showing herself as a capable adversary to him due to her psionic powers. She was later defeated by him and imprisoned by the Justice League. They gave her a chance: go back to her planet where she could never come back on Earth again, or stay here on Earth for as much as she wanted and help Earth out as a member of the League. Maxima chose the latter, hoping that she could use the time of her staying here to woo Superman and be her mate.

Maxima had become a member of the Justice League and had since helped them many times in many battles. She was a haughty noblewoman on her planet but her time on Earth had taught her the value of humility, even just for a little bit. She had even expanded her horizon and set her eyes on another potential mate, a certain male who's famously known as Captain Atom.

Supporting Characters:
Madam Artina - her boss
Scarlette Rouge - Maxima's co-worker
Pink Velvet - Maxima's co-worker

Secondary Character:

Additional Notes:
- Maxima has a thing for Captain Atom in the comics so this could be a potential plot in the RP
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