The Justice League had seen better days. After Coast City had been infected with a techno virus by Brainiac, the United States had no other option than to blow it off the map to keep the virus from spreading like wildfire. With most of his family now gone, Green Lantern decided that Earth had enough heroes and cut ties to better protect the rest of sector 2814. Superman was now a father and spending less time with the League as well and Batman was only ever a part-time member at best. Wonder Woman and the Flash kept the dream alive and saw over the expansion of the team, now called the Justice League Unlimited. Several heroes young and old were accepted into their ranks to better protect the planet. Their mettle would be tested however, when the crashed spaceship of Union would also come with a warning: White Martians are planning to invade Earth. And there is already at least one traitor among the new League.
It’s that time again. As many of you might already know I’m a big comics fan and I’ve been reading them longer than a lot of you have been alive LOL. I’ve always been more of a DC guy than Marvel and occasionally one of these Justice League RP’s will take off. In previous games I’ve played with different formats like episodic missions, limiting chapters to 15 or so posts for the group to keep things moving forward, sandbox style open universes, and now we’re working in the imposter gimmick like the popular mobile game Among Us. I’ve had this idea cooking for around a month or so and the original plan was to lead into a return of sorts for the Grant Morrison created team of White Martian’s who masqueraded as heroes on Earth… the HYPERCLAN. Then for some reason I actually read some of DC’s new Future State comics including Justice League and while it’s not exactly what I was going to do it was damn close. However, that ain’t gonna stop this train.
I do have some personal goals for this RP. For one, I want it to read better than the uninspired comics flooding the market. Hollywood writers are being brought in, longtime industry greats are being pushed out, and everything that’s considered mainstream is just becoming more and more gentrified. There’s no passion, just people looking to cash a paycheck. I’d rather read a passionate fan’s fanfic than a hack Hollywood writer’s work because of the two I know that one of them is much more invested in the material than the other. Another goal, once the Among Us type imposter storyline is over, is for this JL RP to stand out above the rest and become more long term. It’s why I’m willing to do secondary characters so that everyone involved can have a little more freedom and be as active or as impactful as they want within the universe we’re creating. Which brings us to the here and now….
There’s room for a few more people if anybody else wants in, but before I go to 10+ players I’d likely look for a Co-GM. Below is a list of accepted characters and the people writing them. For now I’m only going to list their Primary Characters. In the event another new player wants a specific character as their Primary, players already accepted may be asked to switch their Secondary Characters. So far only two or three players have shown interest in writing more than one character.
Union – Omega Man – GM
The Question – Simple Unicycle
Captain Atom – Wxer
Blue Beetle – rocketrobie2 (but where is rocketrobie1?)
Frankenstein – Martian
The Atom – MST3K 4ever
Black Lotus – VeyrinDay
Maxima - baraquiel
For any new interested parties here’s a link to the Interest Check for the CS requirements and any additional info we may have discussed as a group. Accepted players can go ahead and post Character Sheets in the Character Tab.
Link to the Interest Check!!!
And here’s a list of unavailable characters and NPC’s…
Superman – Married with children
Batman – Taking care of Gotham
Green Lantern – Operating exclusively off world
Wonder Woman – Flash – NPC’s
GM Notes 2/15/21 - Made a Prime Suspects 0th post in the Character Tab!