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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Time: Evening
Location:Port 10; Town Square
Interaction: @Alivefalling@FunnyGuy
Outfit:What she's wearing
Inventory:Bag for her belongings(It's along her belt behind her cape and not a backpack). Inside that bag: ama pouch, small water flask, plant seed pouch, small bag of berries, small flowery perfume, small knife, thin nightgown, and Risa has transferred some of her hygienic supplies into small, portable bottles: hair and teeth cleansers, hair softener and armpit fragrance.

Risa nearly jumped out of her skin when an absurdly loud war horn was blown. She stumbled and immediately began to hover, her wings fluttering her feet left their place on the ground. She whipped her head around wildly. Valaeon's voice grew in volume and startled her a second time, letting out a yelp. She had always been very skittish! With rising panic, it took her a moment to take in what he had actually said as she was simply alarmed and confused. There were no sounds of heavy footsteps. No sounds of weapons or magic. There did not seem to be an attack, but there were indeed some screams.

Valaeon's words did offer some clarification. He seemed to be identifying a he somehow. Err... Okay. Let's go." She followed him in flight, catching up quite easily. Her wings slowed as she began to land in the square. There was another dragonborn on a drake in the middle of the square. He was blue and held the source of the madness. Still, she supposed she shouldn't be rude to Valaeon's friend by standing there and staring so she offered a smile and wave, "Hi there! I hope that horn didn't mean you're in some kind of trouble."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Evening
Location: River Port
Interactions: Malachi@princess, Belle@Potter

Valok took in the sights of the quiet seaside town as he limped along with Malachi, Belle, and her new owlbear. Although they were headed towards the healing center it had not occurred to Valok that it would be for him. He simply figured Malachi or Belle were simply far better at hiding injuries than he was. Amongst the dark elf army only those deemed important enough kept fairies for their healing abilities, this magic was not wasted on disposable soldiers. Malachi had already bandaged his wounds, an unfamiliar kindness, and for the dark elf that was more help than he was used to. Valok simply followed along, waiting until it was time to rest, time would either heal his wounds, or it would not. Death came for all things eventually, and with the knowledge that he might not end up undead, it was a much calmer possibility.

Another animal approached them with a note attached to its head as they walked through River Port. It seemed a less than secure way to deliver messages to people and Valok only continued to follow the others paying little attention to the dog. As they passed the dog the sound of a loud battle horn filled the quiet streets, echoing through town. Valok nearly jumped out of his own skin and immediately looked around for the source of the sound. When he could see no source for it nearby he turned his attention to Malachi.

“Do you know the source of that horn? Is it your allies?” He asked the light elf. It was a sound that was almost certainly meant to summon allies or alert others to a threat. There was the electric excitement that the sound meant the possibility of a fight, even injured Valok would never turn down the opportunity to test his ability, to prove himself. He wasn’t sure how pressing the other’s injuries were, and healing centers were not something the dark elf was used to relying on. To fight and to win was proof that he had earned his survival, to do so injured was even more validating. He was raised and taught to live only for his next fight, even if injured, even if survival seemed unlikely. It was an urge that ran even deeper than mere instinct.

Time: Evening
Location: River Port-Beach
Interactions: Lucia@Potter

After drinks, they had parted ways with Orland and Nur, and shortly after that, Vaeril had wandered off as well. Leon was grateful for the brief moment to catch Lucia alone, he did have exciting news to share. He hadn’t wanted the others to know about the strange invitation he’d gotten from the dog, he still wasn’t sure what Vaeril was all about. While Nur and Orland seemed nice enough, and Orland was definitely a human they hadn’t really had a chance to talk about the rebellion and he didn’t exactly trust Nur based on her cold reaction to the dog. Leon figured if they were meant to be at the meeting hall tomorrow then the dog would’ve invited them as well. Lucia on the other hand was entirely trustworthy and he was excited to tell her about the note he’d gotten. Lucia however asked him about his weird reaction at the cafe, an incident he’d almost forgot about.

“Oh that, nah it wasn’t Vaeril, but when I gave my fake name I heard a voice in my head telling me I should’ve chosen something more elven. But I haven’t heard it again so maybe I just imagined it. Hey, remember that dog from earlier? Well, she gave me a note and it says to be at the meeting hall tomorrow afternoon.” Leon was excited to have something useful to contribute, a possible lead on a rebel meet-up, or maybe just a party hosted by the dogs of River Port, either way, it seemed like a good way to spend tomorrow afternoon. Up until getting the note, Leon hadn’t felt like he’d done much that was useful, he’d just been keeping himself entertained while Lucia handled pretty much everything.

Leon jumped to his feet when the horn sounded throughout River Port, he had no idea what it meant but it certainly sounded exciting. He grinned at Lucia who looked more than ready to shot whoever was making the loud noise.

“Lucy you gotta relax some, I’m guessing you’re not supposed to shoot people for being too loud. It’s frowned upon back on Earth and it won’t help us blend in here. You sure you’re alright? I mean, I already said I’m all in, being here, in Avalia, basically saved my life. So everything else, a big rebellious adventure, that’s all just the cherry on top. Don’t worry about me, I laugh in the face of danger. Whatever you want to do I’m happy to follow. And you may not be cunning, but you’re clever, and that’s loads better. Don’t undersell Avalia’s best elf.” Leon said with a grin. He didn’t mind the acting or the possibility of danger, these weren’t new things for him. What was new, and exciting, was having a friend like Lucia and the possibility of doing something good and worthwhile with his life.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Time: Evening
Location: River Port
Interactions: All characters in River Port
Outfit: Blue and gold colored heavy plate armor
Inventory: Greataxe, 1 large red potion, Pouch of Amas, Map of Avalia, Sanguine Draconis Horn.

Valamiir hopped off his drake to greet Valaeon and the pink-haired fairy that approached with them. He let out a loud laugh as the fairy girl seemed to worry over him. Fairies were always such kind creatures! “No, no dear well I am quite alright.” He said, looking down to Risa before turning his attention to his apprentice. “Valaeon, I heard they let you come here alone after what happened at the ball. They should have been more cautious so I rushed here looking for you. I needed to make sure everything was going well. After looking for you, I decided to just call you with the horn; I knew if you heard it I would surely get your attention. But I see you are safe.” Valamiir patted Valaeon on the shoulder, letting out a big toothy grin. “Now who might you be, dear?” He questioned the little fairy petting her head with his large hand, messing her hair up a little bit as pieces stuck to his big claws as they withdrew.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Night
Location: Market Square, River Port
Interaction: @princess Risa, @Alivefalling Valamir

Unlike Risa, Valaeon landed quite clumsily due to his haste. He had slammed his tail against the ground to slow his momentum and skid his feet a few feet. He let loose a grunt as he got his footing before facing Valamir and kneeling to greet his master. Despite outranking Valamir within the Sanguine Draconis Militia, Valaeon had a great deal of respect for the dragonborn that had taught him combat since he was a mere wyrmling. He was essentially Valaeon's second father figure.

Once Valamir patted Valaeon on the shoulder, he stood with a huge smile on his face.

"Welcome to River Port Master Ligthningfang! And what good thinking, because it worked!" Valaeon seemed to ignore the fact it had possibly disturbed the entire town. When Valamir asked Risa who she was, he stepped between the two, now with a serious face. "Here is not the right place, but she is the one I have been seeking. The one who might help us change things here in Avalia. Rexus and Baerun are not confident in her, so I must disprove their predeterminations about her and her commitment." Valaeon hoped Valamir was not here to talk him out of this. He would refuse even his beloved master.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Time: Evening
Location: River Port; Healing Center --> Behind the Convenience Store
Outfit:Outfit from the Ball
Inventory:Sword that's sheathed, Bow and quiver of arrows. Then: 2 hankerchiefs, liquid body cleanser, wayfinder, toothbrush, travel-size hair and teeth cleansers, small round of rope, small amount of disinfectant and bandaging: all in a fanny pack that's facing behind him, hidden behind his cape.

Malachi was startled out of his focus by the sudden horn. He paused hearing the horn, his gaze slowly moving in the direction of its source. He was thoughtful for a moment, listening and glancing around before he decided if it had meant something big, the effect did not seem immediate. It could have meant anything. He wondered if Risa was stupid enough to do that for a moment and then sighed. As long as a war wasn't breaking out, his goal was to get these two the medical aid they needed and he wasn't going to break away from that. He glanced Valok's way as he made his way up to the healing center, "No idea what that was. I am going to investigate it after I make sure you two are getting healed."

The healing center was nice and clean on the inside, with a small front desk right when they walked in. It was pleasantly a lot quieter inside. A male demihuman looked up, his ears twitching. His gaze simply made a trip over the three of them before getting up and gesturing them to follow. He led them to a room and opened a door. Two fairies, in red dresses, were seated on beds inside, chatting to each other. The sound of the door opening made them halt their conversation. They turned their heads and offered smiles toward them.

"Well. Come on. I'm gonna check outside for a moment then I'll return."Malachi gave the two of them a gentle push inside. "Let them heal you up and rest on those beds a bit." The gentleman who had led them there shut the door behind them to give them privacy. Malachi pointed to the two of them, glancing at the fairies. "I'm fine. The young man is in critical, bad head injury, and the girl has a wound on her side." The two girls, their hair up in tight buns, moved to each of them and took their hand gently, leading them to sit on the bed if they were cooperating. They got to work, their hands starting to radiate a soft glow as they kept a gentle grip on Valok and Belladonna.

Malachi made his way out of the room and down the stairs. Once back outside, he jogged around the healing center. He was sure the sound came from right near them, either in the town square or surrounding area. He paused as the sound of the gushing water of the fountain reached his ears and peered into the town square. There were two big dragonborn males, a drake and ...Risa. She looked different, her hair much shorter and her clothing unusual for her, but he recognized her face, all the same, having been up close with her not so long ago. He watched one of the dragonborns pat Risa's head before the other one addressed him.

His gaze zoned in on the horn in the blue dragonborn's hand and sighed. I do remember them being dramatic.
He thought. If they were Risa's allies, then at least Risa had done possibly better than he had considered with reaching strong allies. Still, he knew he had to talk to her at some point. There were things she had got very wrong. He leaned against the wall of the convenience store and decided to watch the situation for a moment, see who else showed up to investigate the sound and if a more obvious reason for it could be understood. It would take some time to heal a wound like Valok's, so he knew he had at least a few minutes to watch the encounter.

Time: Evening
Location:Port 10; Town Square
Interaction: @Alivefalling@FunnyGuy
Outfit:What she's wearing
Inventory:Bag for her belongings(It's along her belt behind her cape and not a backpack). Inside that bag: ama pouch, small water flask, plant seed pouch, small bag of berries, small flowery perfume, small knife, thin nightgown, and Risa has transferred some of her hygienic supplies into small, portable bottles: hair and teeth cleansers, hair softener and armpit fragrance.

Risa had almost shrunken back when his big claw reached for her head, but when she received a gentle pat, she smiled wide. She liked head pats. "Hi! I'm-"She broke off. Could she just give her name so easily now? Valaeon stepped in front of her as if confirming that it was a bad idea. She could tell the two were good friends from the words they were sharing with each other, so she decided to be quiet and let them speak to each other without interruption. Risa pulled her hood up and then moved to sit on the side of the fountain, dipping her hand in the water to poke at the bubbles.

She felt wary being in the middle of the town like this after such a loud sound had alerted this occasion. It was very probable that others were going to show up.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 6 days ago

Location: Forest outside Roshmi
Time: Afternoon
Interactions: Aklenroth @Alivefalling, Sakura @baraquiel

Myra was still searching for Artemis and Darius when she and Mathis met a slightly familiar face. A strange light elf that Myra had a very bad feeling about and remember seeing his face somewhere. Wary due to his presence, Myra went behind Mathis, trying to pull him for them to leave. She didn't know why she had such a bad feeling or who exactly was that light elf... Not until she heard his words. His orders sounded... strange to Myra. More strange was how Mathis followed his orders without questioning, mindlessly walking away almost as if something was dominating him. That was already strange, but the words he used finally connected everything. Her eyes opening wide in fear as she realized what was going on.

The Morteum... The Necropolis... Mathis... was just a lie... wasn't he? She had already seen that sharp eared man before in the ball too... And she knew exactly who he was...

Before Myra could react though, he grabbed her by the neck, staring deep into her eyes, unfazed by her growls, hissing or her futile attempts to struggle against him. No matter if she tried to use her claws or even her tail, neither his grasp nor his feet would even budge. His words cut deep into her mind as he spoke with a terrible smile on his face. The moment he pressed his finger against her forehead, she could feel the cold, terrible touch as she began losing strength, gradually getting harder and harder for her to keep awake. Again he spoke, saying that she would forget everything about 'him', using a name Myra knew that was not his own. A lie, just like Mathis. Despite what was happening, Myra still struggled, a mix of fear and hate on her expression as her growls and hisses became quieter and quieter, her eyes slowly closing until she could see only Vaeril... no... Aklenroth, and then... nothing, as she fell on the ground, unconscious.

Myra woke up after some time, after feeling something touching her. At first it was a single touch, but then it began again, nudging her and touching her sides, until a loud horn rang, alarming her and making her wake up, suddenly jumping up, as she looked around confused and in a low posture, feeling threatened and afraid. She remembered coming here to the port to search for her friends with... someone... but why was she unconscious on the ground? Something happened, but what? Did they meet another person? Why she couldn't remember anything...? And more importantly, who was the strange demon woman looking at her? She didn't seem dangerous, especially the curious way she was looking at her while she ate an apple. Slowly calming down, as much as she could being surrounded by so much noises and different smells, her posture changed to a normal one as she looked to the woman, just as curious about her as she was about Myra herself.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 3 days ago


Time: Evening
Location: Town Square
Interaction: @Helo Leon
Inventory at home: 2 Dresses, adventurer outfit, 8 mood bracelets gray coat, 2 spheres, 1 travel shelter, ruddy apple, round rindley old cheese, flask of cider, round of dark bread, 1 hoverboard, blanket, 1 cooking pot, flame starter kit, flask and water purifier, stream water, 1 hairbrush, pillow, and 1 of each cleansers, 2 wayfinders, honey comb
Inventory on her her: 2 mood bracelets, 1 backpack, 1 location sender, 1 darksight glasses, and eye protector; her bow and arrow, magic staff and its' holster

Lucia was perplexed to hear that Leon had heard a voice in his head. She wondered if someone had tried to speak to him with magic. Perhaps a demon had been nearby, but it wasn’t enough information to ascertain. Vaeril was a light elf so how could he have done it? Suspicion rose for the Riverport community and she felt herself transitioning to mama bear mode. She moved onto considering the note he had been given. Most likely, it had been from the rebels, so it was important they went and kept it on the down low. If it wasn’t from the rebels though and a trap for her human, there would be hell to pay.

Leon had reacted positively to the horn, grinning. He was a daring, young man who showed no fear at all and Lucia respected him for that. However, he was new to Avalia, and there was a price for his handsome little head. She listened as he spoke more. ”Well, Leon. It just sounded like a war horn that could have been signaling an attack. Considering the past few weeks and the way life here has been, it wouldn’t have surprised me. The baddies could have been aware of the rebels coming and been up to no good. I’m proud of how brave you are, but we also need to anticipate incoming danger and be ready. Better safe than sorry!” She lowered her bow and smiled wide at his compliment, her cheeks reddening, ”Awww, Leon! So sweet. You’re right I am pretty great. Let’s go make sure there aren’t any hooligans we need to set straight. Just follow close to me.”

Lucia made her way into the town from the beach, moving slowly and staying closer to the walls as the fountain came into the view and two … dragonborns!? One of them had a horn which meant he was the obvious culprit for all the commotion. She held out her arm to pause Leon as she sized up the situation more, her gaze fixating on the little figure of a fairy sitting on the fountain. She had pink braids. Risa had very long hair and dressed in much more feminine clothing last she saw, but still that could have been the idea. It would not be smart for a fairy princess to walk around advertising who she was with a target as big as hers on her back. She was sure if she got a good look on her face she’d be able to tell for certain. Lucia did not want to leave Risa alone in the middle of town with two dragonborns if she wasn’t sure they were trustworthy. The way the one dragonborn stood in front of Risa made her the hair on the back of her neck raise.

There was only one way to find out… Her gaze traveled to Leon and she kept them hidden in the shadows for now. How would she fight two dragonborn if she had too? Was light magic enough? She sheathed her arrow and bow, knowing it wouldn’t be as effective, and kept a firm grip on her staff instead. ”Dragonborns, They may be part of the Sanguine Draconis militia. As far as I know they fought against Aklenroth. If they are part of that group they’re their own military. Don’t know much about them, but if they’re here for Risa’s aid, that’s good news. Still, I don’t know them well and with their obnoxious entrance, I’m wary of meeting them. That fairy girl might be Princess Risa and I’m dying to meet her but we must remain cautious, okay? Act like an Elf, don’t give that name again, maybe something more Elf like.” Her gaze flicked to the group then back to Leon. ”I don’t know how well I can defend you if something goes wrong, so be ready to bolt if needed back to my residence. All I can hope for is my light magic is strong enough with my staff. Remember the pretty amas for your head. Okay?” She paused, awaiting confirmation and then took a deep breath and moved forward.

Lucy strode out of the shadows with a grin on her face. ”Well well well, we found the source of the noise haven’t we?” She grinned as she joined the dragonborns and remained a safe distance away. Her staff was sheathed for now, but it would only take her seconds to pull it back out. ”Thought the dogs of war were here. But to my delight, it’s dragonborns! A pleasure to meet you, good sirs and miss!” She clapped her hands together enthusiastically. ”What’re your names sirs?”

Her gaze fixated on Risa and she sucked in a deep breath. It was the princess! Oh how exciting! Lucy wanted to squeal and bow, but that was only a fool’s move right now. She would have to withhold her excitement. She moved forward and gently took her hand in a comforting matter. ”Hello princess, I’m on your side and support you.” She whispered in her ear and moved away, her blue eyes wide with excitement and awe. She was much younger than Lucy had anticipated. This poor dear looked younger than even Leon. Goodness, and she had been through hell already. Risa was going to need tons of Lucia hugs and comfort.

”I’m so sorry to hear about what you’ve gone through. Do you need a hug? OH! Silly me, forgetting my name! I’m Lucia.” Her voice had been only loud enough for Risa to hear and she removed her hand from hers. She stepped back and grinned at her with the kindest expression she could muster. Her gaze flicked around until she found Leon and kept him in her peripheral vision.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 3 days ago


Time: Evening
Location: River Kingdom, Town Hall Dungeon
Interaction: N/A


The rest of the afternoon proved to be entertaining and yet dreadful. The appearance of the narcissistic bastard had caused her temporary entertainment. She had managed to remain above the waiting sorrow. Though she hated the muzzle, she had been glad nobody had seen or heard her giggles. The humor from Helio only proved that there were fragments of him in there. She wished she could reach him, but she knew it would be near impossible. She refused to give up on him though. This was her problem to fix. The fruits of her betrayal had given her scars inside she knew might never heal. Artemis took several deep breaths. Now she sat in the Town Hall dungeon and was sitting in a tub of water. The conditions of the dungeon were disgusting and she wished to never see the likes of it again. Her clothing was laying on her dirty cot and within reach if she needed them fast. Her tail was half submerged in the water which was refreshing, while the tip of it was out. She felt humiliated, but reminded herself she’d been through worse.

Thankfully it seemed Risa and Kyran had escaped. What she had found interesting was the tension between Umber and Azriel. She hadn’t let her thoughts wander in case that dumbass demon had been nearby. The bitch’s flirting with Helio made her roll her eyes and internally vomit. She had managed daggers in her eyes and remained silent otherwise; she wasn’t giving her the satisfaction. Her gaze had flickered from Umber breaking one of the fairy’s wings and back to Azriel and was sure she knew a way to return the favor. Artemis refrained from smiling in case anyone noticed and kept a neutral expression upon her face.

She sighed as she adjusted her position and wished she could shove the demon into a small ass cage and force it to sit in the sunlight. One way or another, growing up, she had been caged, be it physically or mentally. She was tired of it. There was one person to blame for this and she would be damned if she didn’t help bring him down. Artemis knew she had to bide her time in order to free herself. What she had observed from Helio was he was narcissistic, unpredictable, moody, sadistic, and also exceedingly cocky. She was aware he knew of her strengths and the muzzle had only stopped one of them. She wanted to hum to herself, but it had only caused her to nearly be tortured. That wouldn’t go over too well, not after enduring a near decade of torture and abuse by that piece of shit Dark Elf.

Instead, she began envisioning the most excruciating ways of revenge if she managed to reach her goal. The rebels were in River Port; she wasn’t far from there. She knew it would be wiser to go down into the water, but that would be a cowardly, selfish move and she didn’t want to be that person anymore. It was logical though. She wanted to protect Risa and Kryan, help the rebellion, and take Aklenroth down. It was the only thing keeping her from going ballistic at the moment. Artemis took several more deep breaths to calm herself. All she needed was patience and she wasn’t a patient person; so to her it was like listening to Terneus talk for hours.

Besides, was her family alive still? Did they even care? Had her kingdom crumpled, or were they prospering? She felt intense homesickness unlike before. She missed her seashell bed and the sea. Swimming for hours at dusk and dawn with nothing but the stars and moons to stare down and watch her. To swim with Orion, Aqua, and Nedia. Artemis swallowed and took a deeper breath. She had to hang on in order for them all.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Terneus Andros

River Fairy Kingdom-> To infinity and beyond

Mentions:@Tae, @Funnyguy, @Potter and @princess

The governor had allowed one of his most noble eyebrows to lift in a reaction to hearing the odd looking fairy speak his name in a dramatic fashion. It was appealing to him that someone found excitement in hearing his refined and beautiful name, but also provided the appropriate title. Even if it came from a creature of obvious lesser standing than himself.

"Mmm.. yes.." He allowed himself a self-appreciative thought, perhaps more than one. But the fairy did speak the truth, he was indeed the finest and most handsome of all the elven lords. Come to think of it, there were not many elven lords remaining. He had made sure to eliminate the opposition shortly after the lich seized the throne. But he couldn't remember all of them, for it was true hardships that he had to go through removing those which could have posed a threat to his position of power and wealth. If Aklenroth couldn't be removed from the throne, then the best course of action was to make the most out of it. Taking things from those which didn't deserve their things.

"I appreciate the hospitality, if all places were as welcoming to one of my stature perhaps this world would be a far brighter place." He mused in an even more self-appreciative tone, as if indeed he was eating the most delicious of meals, or had the finest wine to drink. But then the fairy before him had called himself a king? A great king even? Helio? Oh right. He remembered what Halma said moments before, this was a remnant of that foolish fairy kingdom. Perhaps the fairy had taken too many blows to the head that he was living in the past? But it was far below the noble governor to further look down on creatures with obvious mental challenges. After all, everyone couldn't be on par with his brilliance and charm to boot. He felt a rush of further pleasure the more he thought about his mercy in not outright putting the creature out of it's miserable existance right there. And why was there a bird person present? Perhaps it was a pet? And a demon? Likely one of the king's messenger boys.

"I am a very busy man, but I assure you I am full of vigor despite my refined age, I shall have to make graceful haste elsewhere. You have the appreciation of an elven lord, Hedio Mirina." He addressed Helio before setting his eyes on Azriel which seemed to have the audacity to address his magnificence and with a revolting grin on her face. There also seemed to had been some other beast inside of a nearby cage, but what creatures others kept as pets were none of his concern.

"I am fully certain that you would indeed be happy to offer up your primal beastly services for one of my standing, much like these horses that pull my carriage, overgrown pigeon. But I have the carriage to take with me and three servants, and you do not seem capable of carrying all of that. I mean look at you, it's a wonder you can even carry your own weight." The governor stroked the ruffles of his shirt with one of his hands as gracefully as he could while condescendingly looking over the demi-human, before setting his sights on Umber.

"You there... thrall. You will report back to the king immediately that I require emergency powers to suppress this rebellion buisness right away. Tell his majesty that I highly recommend appying a purging process to Roshmi. They are little more than beasts, if they have gone rabid it's merciful for beings such as I, of greater worth and wisdom to put them out of their miserable existance. Take it from someone whose done his fair share of making the world a better place. Mm. Just look at the smaller villages, they are now pure of any... beastly creatures. Years of hard work given fruit." The elf allowed some more prideful thoughts to reach his mind, his mind was indeed his. Full of himself, by himself and for himself. What else could possibly contend with his magnificence?

"But I have dallied long enough here, I shall have to bid my farewell for now. Do no worry, you shall likely gaze upon my gracious visage again very soon. Try to keep things tidy here for his majesty, Hevio Miania." The elven governor gave a noble nod in Helio's direction, before continuing along his way with his carriage and servants shortly behind him.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Sunset
Location: River Port-Beach
Interactions: Lucia@Potter, Valamiir@Alivefalling, Valaeon@FunnyGuy, and Risa@princess

Leon followed Lucia towards the source of the horn, nearly walking straight into her arm when she stopped suddenly. He hung back and studied the small group that had formed around a fountain. He starred at the two large dragon men with a sense of awe and wonder. Dragonborn, that was what Lucia called them, and he couldn’t imagine how a skeleton could’ve won a war when the good guys had an army of dragon people. He would hardly call their entrance obnoxious; sure it was loud but it was also pretty epic, it had flair and boldness. This was the side of Avalia he was most excited to see. Great epic warriors, like from ancient stories from Earth, but even more wonderful. He stared at the shining armor and massive ax that adorn the blue Dragonborn, he really wanted to take pictures of them but the last thing he needed to do was offend giant dragon men.

Lucia had gone on to mention that the other person in the group might be Princess Risa. He’d barely noticed the small winged woman, but he’d never met royalty before so that was exciting. Leon scoffed and rolled his eyes when he was instructed to act like an elf and not use the same fake name.

“Well, now you just sound exactly like the voice in my head.” He joked before they headed towards the group. She greeted the two Dragonborn and then headed straight to for the fairy. Leon remained a few paces from the Dragonborn and folded his arms across his chest doing his best to look unimpressed by their presence.

“What a pleasant surprise, always a pleasure to be in the company of such mighty warriors. I’m Elrond.” Leon said with a nod of his head. He also straightened his posture and puffed out his chest some, feeling small in their presence.

“Oh hey, I love your hair.” He added with a smile as he looked over at the pink-haired fairy. Leon wasn’t entirely sure how most elves acted, but he was getting the idea that Lucia did not behave like a typical elf. He wondered if he should’ve played things colder, more haughty, like the few elven shopkeepers he’d met before. He also didn’t want to make a bad first impression on a princess with an army of dragon people. So he tried to look like he was only partially interested in what was going on here. Seem friendly, but like he also had better things to do with his time. He made sure not to stare at any of them for too long, reminding himself that these were totally normal people to see in Avalia.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

TIME: Evening
LOCATION: River Port
INTERACTIONS: Myra @13org, @ the group in the townsquare

"Um... Hello? Are you okay? Yoohoo...?" Sakura called to her again, even waving her hand in front of the demon's face to make sure she wasn't just staring off into space. For once, Sakura was very perplexed about this girl. She thought Myra was deaf at first but now, something told Sakura that she's just not into speaking at all. With the way Myra looked at her, it seemed that she was not deaf, perhaps just incapable of talking.

Sakura blew a strand of hair away and had a mildly annoyed expression on her face. She was so tempted to leave this white demon behind as she was wasting Sakura's time but Sakura also believed things happen for a reason. It's not every day that she sees a demon passed out in such an idyllic town and ever since the arrival of humans in Avalia, not everything was what it seemed.

She looked around and expanded her senses. She couldn't detect any sort of malicious aura that belonged to any demon in the perimeter of where she was at least. However, she could sense a strong force of energy towards the part of town where a horn was sounded. There were probably strong warriors there who went to meet up and Sakura wanted to investigate. It also meant that whoever did this to Myra was long gone before Sakura even got here. Everything happens for a reason and she was determined to know the mysteries that lie behind the peaceful face of the white demon Sakura was looking at right now.

"My name is Sakura and I'm here for the rebels. I don't know if you understand me but if you want to come with me, I suggest you stand up and follow me. Clock's a-ticking and I don't want to sit around here all day. I got a few ta- friends I need to look for." Sakura said and with a wave of her hand, she covered her face in her illusion again. She was about to leave but she looked at Myra again and then at her apple. With a sigh, Sakura cut the apple in half with her magic and gave the uneaten half to Myra.

"Here." She said before walking towards the direction of the source of the horn without waiting to see if Myra will follow. It only took her a couple steps before she realized what she just did. 'Did I really gave half of my apple to some lowly demon? Ugh, these humans and demi-humans are making me soft. Disgusting...' She thought to herself as she ate her half.

Sakura turned around until she got a full view of the town square but quickly retreated back and pressed her back against a wall. Just to be curious, she slowly took a peak and fear struck her as her suspicions were correct. Two dragonborns were conversing in the town square along with a peculiar male with green hair and two girls, one with white hair and one with pink. One of the dragonborns was holding a horn which meant he was the source of the sound. Sakura focused more on the pink-haired girl and realized it was Risa, just in a different get-up.

What Sakura was really worried about was the dragonborns. She remembered Aklenroth telling a tale of how the Sanguine Draconis militia gave him a very hard time. It looked like they were even planning on joining the forces of the rebels now that they were meeting up the fairy princess. It's possible Aklenroth didn't know about this yet but Sakura decided not to tell him. They were posing to be a huge threat to him but naughtiness inside Sakura stopped her from spoiling all the fun for now. She decided to stay behind the wall and watch the group from a distance, eager to know more about their plans and what they were going to do next.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Location:45 minute walk from River Port
Outfit:This outfit, but imagine the cape is down to her ankles and the skirt is shorter.
Inventory:Ama pouch, map, dead iPod, a knife, wyvern scales some rope, and a blanket.

The stars sparkled above them as they weaved through the woods toward River Port. Once Bowyn and Kenia had finished up their harvest, Clara had taken on some of the weight of wyvern scales in her bag and they had moved on. She soon ended up telling them the story of her arrival into Avalia and what her week had been like at some point that afternoon. That had been quite a story to unpack, even for herself. Sometimes she still found herself questioning if this was all real. But Clara knew it was all too real and she had to make the sacrifices her friends had made count. She couldn't let the same happen to anyone else; no one else was going to die for her.

Clara had been quieter than usual after her story, besides the occasional humming of songs no one would recognize. At least, she was pretty sure that an elf and two fairies had no idea of Mambo Number 5. She had briefly wondered if it would get in their head anyway.

She paused to take out her map, squinting one eye as she glanced between the map and their surroundings. "We're almost there, guys!"Clara called to them before quickening her pace.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Night
Location: A dream, River Port

"So you're telling me that not only is the Devil plural and a people, but they are not demons, and you both hate each other so much that you have been actively invading each others planes of existence to continue a war that has been going since… forever?" Some time had passed in the dreamscape. And if Malgormuun was willing to actually have a conversation, why not indulge.

"Yes, and it is disgusting that your kind sees a devil as the ringleader of demonkind… But, you don't get it. I can tell you do not understand the ramifications of their victory. The war is worth it. My kind, we are… intense, but we show it in our nature or even by our appearance. Devils hide this… intensity. They claim to be bound by order, but they will refuse to tell you the complexities and circumstances of that order. Despite us being chaotic, what you see is what you most likely get… That is if we are fulfilling our true purpose; What we were born to do, rather than raised to do." Malgormuun was mirroring Darius' posture now, leaning forward. He noticed Darius thinking to himself. "Myra."

"Uh yeah… Is she doing what she was born to-"

"Don't be foolish! The common outsider would see her as no more than a beast. Even confuse her for one of the ferals of my kind. The ones that would snap at anything with flesh and a pulse. Though I do not know her, I believe I have seen her kind once before and by observing your dear friend, I know her purpose is quite simple. She is a killer, a natural and near-perfect hunter. Cloaking, speed, acrobatics, sharp senses, and her natural weapons. I don't know her affliction, but naturally, she would have a way to dispatch most in combat… And that's if they were to see her first and know her intentions."

Darius listened with a pensive stare as he tried to imagine Myra being like the aliens from the Predator movies. He wondered what might have happened to her. Was she better off being the Myra he knew cared for?

"And you? What's your purpose? You guys kind of sound like you have programming or something. You should have a choice. Like, being a nice demon that helps others." A low growl emanated from the demon

"Possible, but difficult. Imagine being born with great wings and choosing not to soar the skies or having the ability to thrive on the negative emotions of others and not create despair to sustain yourself… Sure it is not so cut and dry as your kind would say. A demon born to kill can kill for a good cause, sure, but nothing is so black and white. Take the light elves. Some see them as the hope of Avalia, while others see them as the original oppressors. They created the monsters they fear today due to their own cruelty. In turn, those monsters returned the favor not only to them but all others who simply stood by. Do the fairies and demi-human deserve the same treatment? Perhaps. Does a person who stands by while another is abused and assaulted deserve punishment as well? Again, perhaps. One hundred years of returning the same cruelty and they fold. Now, they are grasping at whatever they can to fight back. Your kind are powerful, but even if they find victory by some miracle, the hate will still be there among the masses. Most orcs, dark elves, and demons will despise the light elves, demi-humans, and fairies. And the same goes for the other side. Removing Aklenroth leaves the races to their own devices and schemes. Divides them even more so. Fairies governing fairies seems ideal to their side, but what of orcs who deliver violence or my kind who were born to spread our influence as far as we can? To govern ourselves would threaten their livelihood. Aklenroth presents a cruel balance, but a balance that keeps the masses alive… As for my purpose… It is simple. Preserve my kind at any costs"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Time: Evening
Location: River Port
Interactions: Valaeon@FunnyGuy, Risa@princess, Lucia@Potter and Leon@helo
Outfit: Blue and gold colored heavy plate armor
Inventory: Greataxe, 1 large red potion, Pouch of Amas, Map of Avalia, Sanguine Draconis Horn.

Valamiir's face stiffened to a more stern look then nodded to Valaeon’s words and replied, “Understood. Where shall we go to talk about things then?”

An elven woman soon revealed herself, speaking up. He looked to the source of her voice and watched as she spoke. ”Hello. My name is Valamiir Lightningfang of the Sanguine Draconis Militia. What do you call yourself, madam?” The woman moved immediately to Princess Risa and began to whisper to her in such a way that Valaeon and he could not hear. “You know it is rude to whisper when there are others around.” He huffed as sparks of electricity came from his mouth. “You should learn some manners and respect when you have a group nearby.”

Valamiir noticed that a green-haired elven man had also joined with the woman. He watched as the young man crossed his arms “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well Elrond but you can ease up no need to look so tense!” He said letting out a loud laugh. Valamiir turned back to Risa and Valaeon. “I suppose we should find a more private area to discuss more in detail.” He finished before mounting his drake once again.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Night
Location: Market Square, River Port
Interaction: @princess Risa, @Alivefalling Valamiir, @Potter Lucia, @Helo Leon

Valaeon returned a nod to Valamiir, glad they were on the same page. When a grinning elf suddenly approached the two dragonborn and Risa, Valaeon managed a toothy grin. It was rude not to be friendly to those that greeted with a smile. He allowed Valamiir to introduce himself first, and then watch as the light elf moved on and straight to Risa. Valaeon's face stiffened some as he took slight offense to the elf's perceived rudeness. Valamiir was one of his role models and his mentor, so he held the older dragonborn in high esteem. As he went to clear his throat, Valamiir spoke up about the female elf's rudeness

"Agreed. Do not perpetuate the idea of elves being the rudest of people…" When Valamiir commented on the male elf's posture, he laughed along with him, the booming laughter filling the area. "And yes, loosen up, green-haired warrior! I am sure you are one of the mightiest in these parts! No need to intimidate us!" He chuckled this time, just before Valamiir mounted his blue drake.

Valaeon turned his head to Risa and Lucia with a nod.

"To the beach! That is where we shall go to continue our meet and greet!" His eyes locked on Risa as he fully spread his wings. "I will not fly without you! Take the lead!"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Time: Evening
Location:Port 10; Town Square --> Beach
Interaction: @Alivefalling@FunnyGuy@Potter@Helo
Outfit:What she's wearing
Inventory:Bag for her belongings(It's along her belt behind her cape and not a backpack). Inside that bag: ama pouch, small water flask, plant seed pouch, small bag of berries, small flowery perfume, small knife, thin nightgown, and Risa has transferred some of her hygienic supplies into small, portable bottles: hair and teeth cleansers, hair softener and armpit fragrance.

Risa glanced over as a new voice joined the conversation. To her surprise, the elven woman with white hair moved right up to her and took her hand. She kept a steady gaze as she listened to her. Her words were very sweet and Risa felt as if tears might brim in her eyes. She gave Lucia a warm smile and gave her a gentle hug for a brief moment, "It's lovely to meet you, sweetheart. Thank you so much for the kind words. Please don't worry about me."

She proceeded to stand up as a green-haired elf introduced himself as Elrond and then shared his love for her hair with her. His hair color was certainly peculiar for an elf. Fairies tended to have all kinds of hair colors while elves were born with more earthy tones. The bright green could have been achieved with a hair color changer, but an elf wanting to do so was very out of character. Risa thought he was brave and interesting for going against the status quo in order to be himself. "Thank you, Elrond. I love your hair and I love your kindness. What a beautiful and unique green and what a kind young gentleman." She was soft-spoken but warm with her words.

Valamiir soon voiced that he believed Lucia to be rude and Risa immediately shook her head, looking in his direction as Valaeon was agreeing with him. "Lucia had a sweet and personal thing to say to me. I think she got excited to do so and meant no ill will. Please forgive her." Their ideas of leaving the area were most agreeable, on the other hand. It seemed as if people were going to gather here, curious to find the source of the horn.

"I will walk so our wingless friends do not get lost. It is not very far so please follow me, everyone."Risa told the group and moved in the direction of the beach. It would take a few minutes but they would find themselves once again at the boardwalk. There were quite a few people moving along the boardwalk, so Risa stepped off it into the sand and stepped some way into it to get a good distance away from people. She turned around to face the others once she was satisfied, "Lucia, Elrond, I am Risa Millinia of the River Kingdom. I am going to be direct and I hope you could be honest with me as well. How do you feel about the current rebellion and Aklenroth?" She recalled that Lucia had told her that she was indeed on her side, but her Dragonborn companions had not been able to hear that. It was best they were all on the same page with this.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Elthrael Vol'Kerno

The port, during the night.

The moth had allowed the winds to carry him into the air, away from the park, away from the demi-bat and into more housed areas of the port. He slowly descended and landed on a roof which was overlooking one of the many streets within the port. Not long after he had landed he heard a horn, someone was rallying the militia or arranging a meeting? To him it could be many things, a warning call or perhaps even a trap. Yet to not inspect it from afar would be folly. It was then he saw a blonde elf make his way out of what seemed to be the local centre of healing, making his way towards the direction of the sound.

'Well aren't you fancy in your attire... too fancy for a port such as this no doubt.' The fairy thought as a smirk crawled up unto his lips and he jumped off the roof and landed softly on the ground below, as if he had indeed been about as light as a feather, his wings opening briefly to dampen the fall. The moth winged fairy then began to walk calmly forwards, travelling on ground this time. The healers and patients within the healing centre may have noticed a dark shape slide past the windows, a pair of golden orbs staring into the centre itself before the dark shape continued along it's way. Further into the direction of where the elf had gone were some white creature with a long tail, some other person had moments before left something by her. Elthrael kept the same pace, calmly observing his surroundings and approaching the creature. An apple. It had been given half an apple.

'My my, what have we here? What manner of being is this?' His eyes scanned over Myra, she seemed unlike anything he had ever seen before, were she a vagrant or someone's pet? Is that why the other person fed her half an apple?

'Pity is it? Not to one such as I.' He made a soft exhale, reaching out with one of his hands and creating a small vine quickly, which shot out right towards the apple. Soon he allowed his magic to channel through the vine and make the apple grow into a complete one. The vine soon detached from the apple after his work was done and he gave the strange looking creature a slight smile.

"Who or what manner of thing are you?" The dark winged fairy asked, allowing one of his hands to rest at his waist as his golden eyes searched for Myra's gaze. "You are... beautiful." He said in a softer tone, his lips forming a smile with his cornerteeth still visible. "Something you are looking for? Perhaps I can help you..."

Mentions: @13org
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Evening
Location: Forests near River Port
Interactions: Zephyrin@Howlsofwinter, Kenia@Tae, Clara@princess

Once they had harvested what they could from the wyvern’s corpse, they continued towards River Port. Bowyn’s hand absentmindedly rubbed at his shoulder where Boreas used to sit. The lack of talons digging in bothered him, the absence of that comforting weight, and every so often he turned his head and expected to see feathers and beady eyes still there. But Boreas was gone, and everything seemed to remind Bowyn of this. He didn’t want to think about it, he welcomed any distraction. Silence no longer suited Bowyn; it was too uncomfortable to have to focus on his thoughts.

A few weeks ago someone rambling on about their entire week in excruciating detail would’ve been would have both bored and annoyed him. But something in him had changed. He found himself invested in the human’s story, thankful for her willingness to cut through the silence. It was uncomfortable to care about these people, to enjoy the company, but not nearly as difficult as being alone, as focusing on the void left by Boreas. When Clara had finished her tale and started humming strange melodies, Bowyn did his best to hum along as well. His timing off at first but quickly picking up on the rhythm of it. He had forgotten how much he had used to enjoy music.

He didn’t talk much as they walked, but he listened and tried to hum along with Clara when the others were quiet. When Clara announced they were almost at the port, he found himself more nervous than excited. What if he didn’t find Torvi or Belle here? Could he even handle that on top of Boreas? It was hard to keep pace, his feet were weighted down with anxious dread. He could only think of more disappointment, of the probability of only the worst possible fates. There was no other option but to keep going forward. He hated this, caring about so many people other than just himself. Hated feeling an uneasy sickness in the pit of his stomach over so many fates that hung by such a fragile thread. It was a distraction from his goals and it would only bring pain in the long run.

But in the meantime, they were a source of comfort. Loneliness also no longer suited him. He’d realized it at the ball, but it had happened before then. After spending so much time traveling with Torvi, he’d remembered how much easier it was to have others around. After so many years alone in the forest, it had simply been something he’d forgotten as music had been, and he didn’t know if he could forget it all again. Bowyn wasn’t sure he even wanted to remember how to merely survive and forget how to live again.

So he pushed forward. He fought through the dread of not finding his human friends. He remembered how Boreas had always been willing to fight, and this was a little easier than facing the wyvern. Torvi and Belle were strong too, stronger than he, and he would find them. He kept reminding himself of that as he walked, kept thinking it until he believed it.

“Once we get there, and sell these damn scales, we should find someplace with food and strong drinks.” He suggested as the silence had started to return. Bowyn thought the most likely place he’d find Torvi and Belle might be a tavern, and he knew they’d at least know that would be the place to find him.

Time: Evening
Location: River Port
Interactions: Malachi@princess, Belle@Potter

Valok silently followed Malachi into the healing center. It was a place wholly soothing and inviting, and the atmosphere there made him uneasy. The building was brightly lit and warm, the few people inside approached with a peaceful demeanor, and nothing about it was familiar. It only amplified the side effects of his head injury; dizziness, nausea, anxiety. He didn’t understand the purpose of this; he didn’t need healing, he should heal on his own and allow pain to strengthen him. But it was not his place to argue with Malachi, and so he followed the elf’s order without question.

Once they were led to another room by a demihuman Valok watched the two fairies closely. Ingrained distrust overtook him, an immediate reaction to look at them with disdain and suspicion. Fairies, beings so opposite to dark elves. Creatures that celebrated only the light side of nature; growth, healing, and connection. Fairies who claimed to champion benevolence, but had stood by and watched the dark elves’ banishment. Celebrated in the exile of a race which represented the darker side of nature; sorrow, pain, and violence. When one of the fairies touched his hand it made his skin crawl. He was more prone to expect a knife to the back rather than a helping hand.

The fairy held his hand so lightly that after a moment he barely noticed it. He watched the light that emanated from her other hand with intense fascination. Her hand with its soft warm light gently touched his head, brushing against the lacerations and hair matted down with blood. Even more, than building itself, the healing touch of a fairy was beyond his realm of experience. There was warmth in it, the magic had an innate calming effect, and it was kind. He hadn’t expected kindness, not from Malachi, and certainly not from strange fairies.

Today alone he had seen more kindness from those he was taught to hate than from his kind. Malachi had saved his life, treated him like someone with value. What was his value? Was it to serve the rebellion, to fight for them? It seemed reasonable, but his value as a soldier was still not equivalent to these kindnesses. Did they think he’d have useful information on The Great King’s armies? Perhaps that was the reason, although he knew they would soon be disappointed in how little he knew. But the fae healer was even more perplexing. What benefit did healing him have for her? Just as the fae had been no friend to the dark elves, his people had shown them no kindness, no mercy. He would not have lifted a hand to help a fairy during his time with the army.

Valok exhaled a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding in. To breathe still hurt, and in the serenity of the healing center, he failed to keep from showing signs of pain. While the head injury was now healed, the injuries from the hug of the owlbear remained. The fairy took care of that as well. He wondered how much magic the fairy willingly wasted on him.

“Thank you.” He said, an attempt to repay the kindness. Gestures, he’d never known, didn’t fully understand. But ones, he wanted to repay.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Location:The Pretty Flower, River Kingdom
Interactions: @Tae
Outfit:: Armor he has on

The doors swung open violently as the red-haired male entered The Pretty Flower. The room was filled to the brim as always, some seated at tables and some seated along the bar. The occupants all turned to stare as the presumed dead prince gave them all a smile. "Hello!"He greeted casually and hopped up on a barstool. The room had been bursting with energy and voices until he had come in. As soon as the doors had opened, the room had fallen silent and all eyes were now on him. He knew most were aware of his arrival into the kingdom and even had seen their little torture game this afternoon. Still, some of them seemed to be seeing him for the first time and stared at him in terror, as if they had seen a ghost. Helio loved the expressions on their faces.

The dark-haired girl running the bar turned to glance upon him. He tilted his head as he analyzed the emotions swimming in her eyes. He remembered her quite well. "Ayette, Ayette, whom all the boys just cannot forget! I know you recall my favorite drink." Her eyes flashed and she moved as if being awoken out of a slumber, hastily turning to make his drink.

"Vereon's not on shift tonight I see."Helio mused, examining the room as the talking began to resume. "So many memories. " He was thoughtful as he took in the surroundings and began to chuckle.

She turned and placed a mug in front of him.

Helio grinned at her, raising a brow. She had on her poker face. He looked down at it and took it in his hands, shaking it gently to watch the liquid swirl in the mug. He then pushed it toward her. "Take a sip."

"What? Seriously?"Ayette asked with a glare.

"I know you know what I might do to you if you don't.""He said smoothly, continuing the sentence loudly, "And it wouldn't be like that night I took you home, so don't get your hopes up!"

Her cheeks reddened as a few nearby heads turned.

"I know Risa was probably here and she most likely told either you and Vereon how I'm very, very scary,"Helio's voice had lowered in volume just to address her. "So let's not play pretend. You know what I'm capable of and I want to enjoy my night without little surprises in my drink. You could understand that, right, Ayette?" He gave her a cheeky smile, his voice full of charm and warmth despite the implied threat.

Ayette grimaced and grabbed the mug, finally dumping the liquid in the sink. She gritted her teeth as she prepared him a new drink. Once she was done preparing it, she took a sip, averting her eyes as she did. Then she pushed it toward him.

Helio caught it and took a swig of the drink, "Ah! Just how I like it. Strong and bitter. Knew I could count on you to remember. "

Artemis was locked up in the dungeon, ready to be tormented at a moment's notice whenever he pleased, River Kingdom was his to play with for the time being, and Aklenroth was probably murdering all the rebels wherever they all were. He even got to make fun of Terneus Andros today. Helio truly had nothing to complain about and perhaps he'd have mercy on these bargoers, despite the obvious poison attempt. He could just let that slide for now. Besides, Azriel was coming to join him and he didn't want to start the party without her.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 3 days ago


Time: Evening
Location: Town Square → Beach
Interaction: @Helo Leon @Alivefalling Vaeril @FunnyGuy Valaeon @princess Risa
Inventory at home: 2 Dresses, adventurer outfit, 8 mood bracelets gray coat, 2 spheres, 1 travel shelter, ruddy apple, round rindley old cheese, flask of cider, round of dark bread, 1 hoverboard, blanket, 1 cooking pot, flame starter kit, flask and water purifier, stream water, 1 hairbrush, pillow, and 1 of each cleansers, 2 wayfinders, honey comb
Inventory on her her: 2 mood bracelets, 1 backpack, 1 location sender, 1 darksight glasses, and eye protector; her bow and arrow, magic staff and its' holster

Lucia smiled at the dragon as he introduced himself. Then, her smile slowly faded and was replaced by a frown. That hadn’t been in her intention; Lucia had seen people eavesdropping and had wanted to keep the princess safe. She opened her mouth to speak when the next dragon joined the conversation. At least he hadn’t told them to shoo. She turned to Leon with furrowed brows and an apology in her eyes. Had she made a bad impression on her too? She shuffled her feet. Way to go Lucia, she thought. However, she saw Risa smile up at her and wrap her arms around her. Lucia returned the hug with surprise, having expected disappointment from the young girl.

The fairy’s words were moving. She was sweeter than cake. Before Lucia could quite speak up, the girl continued to turn to the dragonborns and defend her. Lucia’s excitement was palpable. She had to withhold her glee though as not to overwhelm them. She linked arms with Leon with a wink and started walking. ”Thank you,” Her voice was quiet so only the group could hear. She fell silent as they passed people and finally were a safe distance away. Her blue eyes lit up with passion and determination as she began readying her reply. She glanced at Leon, then turned back to the Princess and dragonborns.

”I am on your side and want to bring Aklenroth down more than anything. We are here waiting for the rebels. We also received a note that said meeting hall at 2pm. Was that your doing?” She then continued to speak. ”I was partially involved with the DROMS, although I wasn’t instrumental to the process, I was tasked with finding the humans once they were summoned.” Her mind’s eye filled with memories of the night and tears threatened to boil over. She blinked them away and didn’t let it stop her. ”I lost some friends in the process although I know they’re looking down at us though and rooting for us!” She glanced at Leon, wary of his response and studied him carefully.


Time: Evening
Location: River Port Healing Center
Interaction: @Helo Valok

Belle sat on the bed and avoided eye contact with the fairies. Being healed and helped were strange to her. In the Hunters, she usually bandaged her wounds herself and sucked it up. There hadn’t been time for pitying or healing. She had broken her arm once during a pursuit and continued to escape despite it. She glanced at Valok and could tell he felt similarly. What a strange yet similar pair they were. She chuckled from the irony. Once they finished the healing business, she thanked them. Belle curiously watched as the strange glow began to ebb away. Life with the Hunters would’ve been easier with that. She sighed and looked down to find Avenger pecking at the bed with his beach. She cracked a rare smile and picked him up gently.

”He’s SO cute.”

Belle jumped as she turned to find one of the healers with red hair and blue eyes, addressing them. She grimaced at the loud noise and sighed. This was something she’d have to overcome. Avenger was adorable, and it would, unfortunately, attract attention which last thing she needed. Belle withheld a groan.

”Yeah.” She replied and pet his head gently. Avenger turned to cuddle up against her and Belle regretted her actions. What did she do now? ”Keep your voice down. I have a headache.” She told the fairy who looked at her with dismay, but nodded and quietly began speaking to her friend. Her head was throbbing and she knew if she didn’t eat or drink mead within the next hour, she might self-combust.

”You alright over there, Valok?” Belle called to Valok as she leaned forward and tilted her head. He’d been more critically injured than her and he looked lost. She understood to a degree how he felt. Kindness, concern, compassion; all foreign emotions to Belle that unfortunately were being shared in the room. It made her sick inside and she couldn’t wait for Malachi to return and leave. She didn’t know how to reply and it was bothering her. Belle wished desperately that Torvi and Bowyn were safe and here. She couldn't wait to reunite with them.
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