Full Name:
Cordelia Antoinette Gable
Delia, Delly
Energy Direction: Cordelia can manipulate and change different types of energy. For instance, by zapping herself with a taser, she can redirect that energy into another person’s body and encourage the natural healing processes. This also means that, if she’s aware and alert enough to be using her powers, she can be very difficult to defeat with fists alone.
Standing at 5’5” even, Cordelia is a twiggy, androgynous thing. She lacks curves, and could pass for a pretty young man without much effort. However, due to the fact she often braids or puts her shoulder-blade length blond hair up into a bun, dresses in almost exclusively pastel colors, and fancies skirts and dresses often on her days off, it puts some of that doubt out of mind. When working in the school’s labs, she tends to wear a lab coat over pastel scrubs, many of which have charming little designs, like blobfish or rabbits, on them.
She’s light skinned, and the most notable feature about her (aside from all the pastel) are her eyes. Not only are they a bright gold in color, but as she suffers from a condition called polycoria, one of her eyes has two pupils instead of one. Cordelia wears glasses to accommodate for this.
“A little odd” would be the polite way of talking about Miss Gable and her mannerisms. She’s pleasant enough, speaking softly and always minding her p’s and q’s. She always provides for the community potlucks, is more than happy to collaborate with her fellow researchers, and never seems to get mad or stir the pot (even passive aggressively! Astounding!). However, when spoken with, it’s easy to get the impression that Cordelia doesn’t exactly have all her marbles in order. In fact, it’s even easier to assume that she’s perpetually high off some strange drug, given her usual behavior. She drifts from one topic to the next in the middle of conversation, brings up peculiar talking points, and when not in the middle of work, it isn’t out of the question to see her wandering around with a dreamy smile on her face.
She makes up for her seemingly absentminded nature with a burning curiosity, a sharp genius, and a complete disregard for silly things like “ethics” and “morality” when it stands in the way of what she wants to know.
Crush: N/A for the time being.
- Highly intelligent, with a deep understanding of human anatomy, surgical procedures, and energy flow, among other such things.
- Can put this knowledge to use, of course, able to perform first-aid, to...genuinely disturbing, and often confusing, experiments.
- Her strange manner of thinking can lead her to interesting results.
- Given the fact she has spent so little time interacting with the outside world, her knowledge of how it works is limited.
- She also has the social skills of a doorknob, but one of those doorknobs that don’t seem to open right away, and you have to twist it around and jiggle it a little for it to finally open GOD DAMNIT. She’s also casually paranoid.
- Not athletic in the slightest. This means in terms of being able to physically defend herself, she is seriously lacking.
Brief History: Cordelia’s history is fairly unknown to most students at the school. She was raised by a single father, who was...decidedly odd, from what she has implied of him. She grew up without much interaction with the outside world. However, she’s a grade A student, and seems to enjoy her work at the school very, very much.

Full Name:
Anjel Emery Finch
The Cartoonist
“What’s in your pants?”
“A bomb! :D”
Toon Town: As their name implies, The Cartoonist doesn't abide by the normal laws of physics. If you set off an explosive in their face, they'll come out of it with little more than a sooty face and raggedy clothes. Their limbs can become rubbery at will. They can bring out anything from a toy dinosaur to an entire school bus out of their pockets. If it's in the name of a gag, they can even duplicate themselves and pull off other ridiculous feats.
Most experts in the field of superpower studies would officially dub them as a reality warper, and a powerful one at that.
They wouldn't be wrong.
Description: For someone attending a school for villains, Anjel has a remarkably sweet and earnest face. They have bright blue eyes, and a mouth quick to smile. Their dark brown hair is a bird’s nest of odd ends and cowlicks, and they prefer to dress in a cheerful, “poppy” manner. They stand at 5’8”, have a slim but muscular build, and light skin.
The Cartoonist's costume is heavily influenced by the fashion style of the 1930s, though exaggerated. They wear a colorful pinstripe suit, a hamburg hat with a giant feather tucked into the brim, white gloves, and a simple black and white mask. Due to their power, the mask will reflect The Cartoonist's feelings in appropriately silly ways when they wear it, the mouth grinning, the eyes widening in shock.
Personality: Anjel is a very cheerful, if not borderline manic person, to say the least. They're upbeat, cracking jokes and looking at life with a smile on their face. They might come off as somewhat eccentric at times, especially because they’re rather childish. Toys in particular delight them- an easy way to get on their good side is to give them a yo-yo or a paddle ball. In spite of their quirks, however, they come off as generally friendly and good-natured.
When working as The Cartoonist, they dial everything up to eleven, however. They go from "semi-regular amounts of bounciness" to complete hamminess. They adore having a stage presence, adore playing themselves up, adore being a "villain". It's enough to make them seem harmless enough, at first.
However, for all the friendly cheerfulness, Anjel lacks empathy for people they don't know. If someone is in the way of what they want, they'll brush the person out of the path, and then see nothing wrong with their actions. The only exception to this rule is children. Anjel makes an effort to look out for students younger than themselves, and will happily give their own...unique brand of advice.
Crush: Has an elaborate and detailed fantasy about finding a superhero rival determined to bring them down. The two regularly come into conflict, exchanging witty banter and barbs, and each altercation ending with Anjel getting away at the last second. An unspoken tension slowly builds between them, until one day, when one is at the mercy of the other, they lean in, the distance getting smaller, their breath on each other’s faces-
...What? Can’t someone dream?
- Highly creative, especially when it comes to using their power.
- Even when not relying on their powers, they are very scrappy in a fight.
- Good at thinking on their feet.
- Their best strength in a fight is when their opponent is taking them seriously. However, a crafty opponent will realize that, by playing along and into the cartoon tropes, they’ll be able to, though not kill them easily, certainly incapacitate them. It’s all about playing into the gag.
- Speaking of gags, The Cartoonist’s powers rely heavily on making gags, being silly, and generally messing about. They can do incredible feats of reality bending, but most of their extreme acts are tied to the sole purpose of making a joke. If they try to play seriously, their powers won’t be as easy to manipulate.
- Again, because of the gag, sometimes their power backfires on them while they’re trying to use it.
Brief History:
Will add at a later date probably.