![]() ___________________________________ Leonore-Zofia Küchler-Sokołowšky, 22 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Volhynia | Hoznán / Horazan, Volhynia, East Europan Imperial Alliance ___________________________________ ▼ E X T R A I N F O R M A T I O N ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► DOB - 10/31/1893 ► Height - 6'0" / 183cm ► Weight - 173 lbs / 78 kg ► Hair Color - Blonde ► Eye Color - Light Blue ► Classification - Sapper ► Rank - Foreign Legionnaire - Acting Corporal ► Sexuality - Bisexual - | D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E Leo towers over most women from the Federation in an almost statuesque posture, her fit and able frame honed from years of hellish regimen. Fair-haired and with two sparkling azure eyes, Sokołowšky's presence is - barring all else - nothing short of thoroughly impressive. Nestled beneath her army cap and helmet belies her back-length blonde hair, pinned up before battles. No matter where she may find herself, nor with how few resources, Leonore makes a point to take care of herself, and takes immense pride in presenting her best appearance. Always presenting with a unshakeable smile, standing as upright as a mighty ancient oak, the Volhynian is always certain to exude an air of confidence about herself. Leonore's uniform is a piecemeal assembly of uniforms, strewn together over years of scavenging and stitching. Her singular constants are the iconic white, red, and navy armband of the Volhynian flag, which proudly adorns her left sleeve. She makes note to keep it spotless, always rubbing down any grime or gristle which taints it after each and every engagement. |
"Extrovert" does not even begin to describe the aggressively outgoing demeanor by which Leonore carries herself. There are few instances in which Leo will refuse discourse..and even fewer in which she will not begin to indulge in all manner of queries and commentaries until exhaustion. This, compounded by Leo's rapid pace of speech, couples together to form a thoroughly colorful vocabulary which leaves its audience wondering if what is spoken is truly what she had meant, or if she simply lacks the diction to hold a more fitting conversation. Perhaps a result of years spent around the Federation's most crass soldiers, Leo seems to be very comfortable asking the more blunt questions in life. She may come across as incredibly to-the-point, and perhaps a bit crude, yet Leonora finds no fault in, "telling it how it is", as she puts it.
---B I O G R A P H Y
The twin daughter of a Volhynian comedian and a Leican-Imperial priestess of Valkyrur, Leonora came to in the eastern city of Hoznán (Known in Imperial Standard as Horazan). In the Volhynian capital metropolis, she was immediately immersed into a turbulent period of Imperial history. From the moment she was born, Leo was exposed to the national rebirth of Volhynia, with more and more voices raising their support for the long-awaited recognition of the historic region within the greater Imperial Alliance. These wishes often clashed with the views of the more conservative hardline Imperialists in Schwarzgrad, who frequently decried this national sentiment as being disruptive to the unity of the Empire. Battles in academic circles soon accompanied fights in the streets and countryside. Citing the composite nature of the Empire, many within the upper echelons of the Imperial Alliance felt that the continued nationalist sentiments of Volhynia's distinct culture - as well as many other subject nations within it - were unfounded. In contrast, the Volhynian volksgeist more frequently decried Schwarzgradian dominance over Imperial politics and culture, claiming the Alliance - in truth - was little more than a formality to High Imperial hegemony.
Leonora, even from birth, was thoroughly torn between the Imperial and Volhynian worlds. Torn between two languages and with two names, the young woman was thrown right into this rift. Instructor after instructor would give contrasting views, the wedge between the two nations only driving between the use of Volhynian and Imperial Standard even in daily life. Her childhood was filled with news of insurrections by paper, and dinnertime conversations of national awakening. Confused and looking for guidance, a young Leo often turned toward her father, asking what to make of the incertitude. He would simply give a gentle smile, put a kindred hand upon her shoulder, and spoke the simple words, "It is better to do the right thing and lose than to do the wrong thing and win. Do what is right, not what is easy."
In the words of her benignant dad's advice, Leonore found her sympathies trudging more and more towards the cause of so many who had bravely stood before the Imperial authorities for the sake of an entire nation. Come the fated day where the Imperial prince saw himself assassinated at the hands of of separatists, Leonore had no doubts in her mind; This was the line in the sand, and the Empire would never be willing to allow the cause of any beneath its iron grasp to be free. Then, it was decided. She searched high and low, traversing all manner of old Volhynian societies before finding the group that would eventually become the Volhynian Legionnaire's Society. In the dead of night, Leonore explained her plans, and gave her last farewells to her siblings with a smile on her face, promising them that - when she returned - it would be to a free Volhynia. With a joyously tearful response, Leo departed her home with the phrase, "Just don't tell mom i'm in Valois."
Upon her treacherous arrival across the Adriats and into Federation soil, Leonore's reception along with the Legion's was met with a rather...lukewarm response. It was clear that the additional help was more than welcome - and from Imperial separatists, no doubt - yet these volunteers, Leonore included, arrived to the Federation with a classical Volhynian uniform, a mishmash of whatever arms they carried from home, and what paucity of Federal language they could pick up from the journey over. Simply put, in 1911, the Federation had no clue what to do with this influx of volunteers from Imperial territories, nevermind how to fit them into the Federation's military structure. Yet, it was ever-clear early on that these men and women who arrived had come to fight, and it was quickly decided in the Federation that they would merely do just that. Leo and her compatriots were put through the standard training regime, and in the weeks of training just before the journey to the front, Leo would march and sing the legendary Volhynian marching tunes with nothing but jubilance, confident that this war would be over by the new year - and with the new year would come a new Volhynia, with a hero's welcome.
The years have not been as kind to her as the initial prospects of war had suggested. Through Maren, Chartreuse, Voiseilles, and Sarrebourg, Leonore has persisted through bloody battle and hellish conflict. Many of her comrades have come and gone, yet her determination remains ironclad. Leo has swore unto herself not to let the many deaths of her friends and compatriots go to waste, and now drives her further and further to see the conflict unto its absolute end, with the proud white, red, and navy flying majestically over Hoznán...no matter the cost.
Leonora, even from birth, was thoroughly torn between the Imperial and Volhynian worlds. Torn between two languages and with two names, the young woman was thrown right into this rift. Instructor after instructor would give contrasting views, the wedge between the two nations only driving between the use of Volhynian and Imperial Standard even in daily life. Her childhood was filled with news of insurrections by paper, and dinnertime conversations of national awakening. Confused and looking for guidance, a young Leo often turned toward her father, asking what to make of the incertitude. He would simply give a gentle smile, put a kindred hand upon her shoulder, and spoke the simple words, "It is better to do the right thing and lose than to do the wrong thing and win. Do what is right, not what is easy."
In the words of her benignant dad's advice, Leonore found her sympathies trudging more and more towards the cause of so many who had bravely stood before the Imperial authorities for the sake of an entire nation. Come the fated day where the Imperial prince saw himself assassinated at the hands of of separatists, Leonore had no doubts in her mind; This was the line in the sand, and the Empire would never be willing to allow the cause of any beneath its iron grasp to be free. Then, it was decided. She searched high and low, traversing all manner of old Volhynian societies before finding the group that would eventually become the Volhynian Legionnaire's Society. In the dead of night, Leonore explained her plans, and gave her last farewells to her siblings with a smile on her face, promising them that - when she returned - it would be to a free Volhynia. With a joyously tearful response, Leo departed her home with the phrase, "Just don't tell mom i'm in Valois."
Upon her treacherous arrival across the Adriats and into Federation soil, Leonore's reception along with the Legion's was met with a rather...lukewarm response. It was clear that the additional help was more than welcome - and from Imperial separatists, no doubt - yet these volunteers, Leonore included, arrived to the Federation with a classical Volhynian uniform, a mishmash of whatever arms they carried from home, and what paucity of Federal language they could pick up from the journey over. Simply put, in 1911, the Federation had no clue what to do with this influx of volunteers from Imperial territories, nevermind how to fit them into the Federation's military structure. Yet, it was ever-clear early on that these men and women who arrived had come to fight, and it was quickly decided in the Federation that they would merely do just that. Leo and her compatriots were put through the standard training regime, and in the weeks of training just before the journey to the front, Leo would march and sing the legendary Volhynian marching tunes with nothing but jubilance, confident that this war would be over by the new year - and with the new year would come a new Volhynia, with a hero's welcome.
The years have not been as kind to her as the initial prospects of war had suggested. Through Maren, Chartreuse, Voiseilles, and Sarrebourg, Leonore has persisted through bloody battle and hellish conflict. Many of her comrades have come and gone, yet her determination remains ironclad. Leo has swore unto herself not to let the many deaths of her friends and compatriots go to waste, and now drives her further and further to see the conflict unto its absolute end, with the proud white, red, and navy flying majestically over Hoznán...no matter the cost.
---P O T E N T I A L S
Fierce Patriot: Leonore will die for the Volhynian cause with nothing but joy in her heart and a smile on her face. Overbearingly outspoken about her admiration towards The Fatherland and its noble plight for freedom, she will never cease to "enlighten" others about the glories and wonders of Volhynia. To her, The Empire is a despotic, tyrannical regime which only desires total Europan domination - and if Volhynia and millions of others trapped within Imperial chains are to be free, it must be military defeated. She borders on fanaticism in her beliefs, and will seldom give any ground on any issues related to the cause.
"Ščo?": When Leonore first signed on to the Volhynian Legions and arrived in Federation lands, she came not knowing a single word of the Federal language. Four years of immersion have helped her comprehension immensely, yet Leo is far from "fluent" in any regard; Her speech is heavily accented, and she often interchanges words she doesn't know with those of her native tongue, fishing for a response. She has heard commands and general phrases aplenty to not be confused with battlefield orders, but in more technical, verbose conversations, Eleonora may have trouble keeping up.
"Marš, Vołyniny, Marš!": East Europans are notoriously stubborn, and Eleonora fits this mold quite well. Equal parts valiant, foolhardy, and utterly obstinate, Leonore refuses to allow any obstacle to slow the inexorable advance of her iron heart. She takes this in stride, often urging her comrades when they find themselves in despair to hold their heads high, always proud, and to forever march forward no matter the bleakness of their battle - For when the dust inevitably settles and the storm is weathered, Leo will say: "Never forget that we are saving nations and enslaved people!"
Veteran Legionnaire: From the moment the Great Europan War erupted, Leo immediately dedicated herself to the Volhynian Legion, trudging off to an unknown land with her comrades-in-arms to fight for a free Volhynia. She has spent four hellish years along the trenches and fields of Europa, and has survived some of its most brutal battles.
"Ščo?": When Leonore first signed on to the Volhynian Legions and arrived in Federation lands, she came not knowing a single word of the Federal language. Four years of immersion have helped her comprehension immensely, yet Leo is far from "fluent" in any regard; Her speech is heavily accented, and she often interchanges words she doesn't know with those of her native tongue, fishing for a response. She has heard commands and general phrases aplenty to not be confused with battlefield orders, but in more technical, verbose conversations, Eleonora may have trouble keeping up.
"Marš, Vołyniny, Marš!": East Europans are notoriously stubborn, and Eleonora fits this mold quite well. Equal parts valiant, foolhardy, and utterly obstinate, Leonore refuses to allow any obstacle to slow the inexorable advance of her iron heart. She takes this in stride, often urging her comrades when they find themselves in despair to hold their heads high, always proud, and to forever march forward no matter the bleakness of their battle - For when the dust inevitably settles and the storm is weathered, Leo will say: "Never forget that we are saving nations and enslaved people!"
Veteran Legionnaire: From the moment the Great Europan War erupted, Leo immediately dedicated herself to the Volhynian Legion, trudging off to an unknown land with her comrades-in-arms to fight for a free Volhynia. She has spent four hellish years along the trenches and fields of Europa, and has survived some of its most brutal battles.
---E Q U I P M E N T
---A F F I L I A T I O N S
- Mihaiyl Feodor Sokołowšky (Father)
- Emma Küchler (Mother)
- Josef Gareon Küchler-Sokołowšky (Older Brother)
- Rozaliya Ksenia Küchler-Sokołowšky (Twin Sister)
- Riško Marcel Küchler-Sokołowšky (Younger Brother)
- Emma Küchler (Mother)
- Josef Gareon Küchler-Sokołowšky (Older Brother)
- Rozaliya Ksenia Küchler-Sokołowšky (Twin Sister)
- Riško Marcel Küchler-Sokołowšky (Younger Brother)
---R E L A T I O N S
None at the moment.
-A Template by Load Wraith
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