Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I'll take a proper look tomorrow!
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Sedjwick


Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Name: Velu Ekleros
Age: 16
Gender: male
Appearance: Velu is a human of slightly taller than average height and a moderately skinny build that nonetheless has a reasonable amount of muscle definition (no Mr. Universe, but perfectly capable of wielding a sword of decent size). He is fair-skinned, but not pale, with short platinum blond hair, blue eyes, and a small, slightly hooked nose. He wears a red fedora with a white feather, a red shirt, red knee-length cape, brown pants, and brown boots.
Personality: Velu is an adventurous young man with a strong sense of morals, which sometimes causes him to butt heads with mercenaries that have more mercenary tendencies. Nevertheless, he tends to keep more of a glass-half-full outlook on life and does his best to treat his fellow mercenaries with respect even when he disagrees with them. He owes no allegiance to any country or faction other than himself and his comrades, and his loyalty to his comrades is that much stronger because of it.
Brief Backstory: Velu was born in one of the many countries that had been subjugated under the rule of the Alvadian Empire. His parents had a deep hatred for the empire, but they had no love for Embria, the last nation to resist the empire, either. Velu never bothered to ask why this was (mainly he was too young to wonder why), and his parents never volunteered the information. Velu was still a child for most of this time, and so he had little to do with any of it, but in the last years of the war he was reaching the age at which he was old enough to understand what was happening, even if he was not in any way truly involved in it, and so he remembers much of the events that happened as the empire collapsed and the political structure of Theia was reorganized in the hopes that such a war would never happen again. Over the next five years, very little changed for Velu. He and his parents were still living quiet lives in their little corner of the world. His parents remained mistrustful of the new Republic of Alvad, and still had no love for Embria, and so offered loyalty to neither, and Velu, being his parents' son, followed suit. This sort of politcal mood, combined with Velu's adventurous nature, is what led him to join the Wild Rose when he left home to seek his own way in the world.
Skills: Velu is naturally quick on his feet, allowing him to slip under or around blows aimed at him or to get out of a fight he can't otherwise win.
Abilities: Velu is competent in both magic and physical fighting. While this versatility is incredibly useful, it has the drawback that his prowess in each of these fields is less than that of a more specialized person. His spell library currently consists of Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Cure, and Esuna.
Limit Break: Magic Sword: Velu can combine a physical attack with any spell, dealing damage equal to that of the physical attack plus that of the spell (if the spell has a healing effect on the target, it will heal the target for that amount instead of dealing damage). This ability still requires that Velu have the necessary amount of mana to cast the spell.
Equipment: a short sword
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@thecatinaction: This should be perfectly fine, my only real issue(and it's not at all a dealbreaker) is that his appearance being Gambit from X-men is really distracting. ^^;

But in terms of his abilities and personality and backstory and all that he's perfectly fine.

@Sedjwick: Hmmm. I think I want a little bit more about why his family doesn't like Embria? Not that there can't be a reason, but if you explained a bit more that would give me more tools to integrate character backstories into the plot. Unless you're hiding it for some reason, in which case I would ask you to PM me about it.

Oh, and he should probably have a surname, the only reason Eurie doesn't is something that will be learned later.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by thecatinaction


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Haha, he just embodies the idea in my head pretty much to a T. I had a couple other avatars before, but this was definitely the idea I had.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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@Pyromania99: Accepted.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by IAmTheIsland
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IAmTheIsland Drifter

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Cadenza Ovatra D’Concerto [“Donna Toro”]
Age: 25
Gender: Female

Appearance: 'Sup?

Personality: If there was a poster child for “hot-headedness” Cadenza would be a strong contender for the title. With a mind that runs at miles a minute, Cadenza comes across brash and impulsive, jumping into the fray with little to no evident forethought or planning. Though most of the time her “fight first, talk later” ideology seems to work itself out to the best results, it has a propensity to create backlashes amid more delicate situations. In the heat of conflict and combat, she follows quick-thinking, improvisational style, and generally has the wits and psychological fortitude to engage multiple opponents up close.

She can be short-fused, easily rallied to action as one seeking conflict might be. If one can restrain her physically, talking her down becomes a manageable task. But, if she is allowed gain momentum, the prospect of pulling her back into a docile becomes significantly more unlikely. Once engaged into a the midst of an altercation, Cadenza is unlikely to back away unless she either emerges victorious or is rendered incapacitated… or worse.

Though her physical appearance may be less than impressive to the naked eye, her raw vitality and fiery disposition tend to make up any lost ground, and then some. She abounds with an excess of pride and self-confidence, which, when she’s on the up and up, provides her a formidable advantage. Yet, as with many good things, too much can be problematic. Her confidence has a glass-canon element, being handily shattered in the moments during which real adversity and defeat hits. As such, it often takes Cadenza a longer period to psychologically recover when an endeavor doesn’t pan out in her favor.

Brief Backstory: Cadenza grew up close to the hostilities between Embria and the Alvadian Empire, specifically at the Embria-Alvad border, where the coalition of resistance fighters from Imperial lands and the standing armies of Embria centered the command for its counter-offensives. Her father, Solo D’Concerta, was among the ranks of the resistance, and reasonably respected among the Embrians and resistance fighters that knew him; such was his reputation that the Embrian military honorarily bestowed upon him the rank of Sergeant.

Cadenza lived with her father within a militant community, which the residents of simply referred to as “The Compound.” In her time there, Cadenza absorbed much of the combatant lifestyle. Whether through her father, other residents, or the occasional drifter, she developed a knack and a passion for fighting that just about only someone raised by fighters could have. As a youth, she would play war games with other children on The Compound; as a teenager, she would tag along with her father to observe military training exercises.

The war came to an end just as Cadenza began arranging to join her father in the war efforts, getting so far as to equip herself with weapons and armaments. Disappointed in the missed opportunity, she argued with her father, until, after a course of nearly a month, she relented to his directive to return home and assist the rebuilding effort.

During the following five years, Cadenza spent much of the daylight hours playing the role of homemaker, repairing both the house she and her father had once lived in and those in the surrounding community. By night, however, she found a stand-in for her itch for fighting in the form of an underground combat ring, within which she competed in (often excessively violent) matches against both young adults with similar backgrounds to herself and younger ex-militants looking to feed their conditioned proclivity for bloodshed. In a fashion not unlike her father, she garnered the respect of the ring, being dubbed by her innermost circle as “Donna Toro.”

Solo was rarely home, having dedicated his post-war life to mercenary work with the goal of ensuring stability as the newly formed Republic of Alvad established itself. His visits home were brief, and Cadenza often saw him only once or twice: as he arrived, and just before he departed. He knew nothing of Cadenza’s double life.

However, nearly five years into the post-war era, Cadenza received troubling news: her father had been mortally wounded by Imperial sympathizers while in the line of his mercenary duties. Distraught and angered, Cadenza caught the first transport she could to her father’s station. Her itinerary was short, simple, and sweet: paying her last respects, taking up her father’s mantle, and exercises hard justice on those responsible for putting her father on his deathbed.

Skills: Cadenza is a survivalist to the extent that she has conditioned herself to perform optimally for extend periods of time off between sustenance; she go longer than the average person between eating or drinking water. Her true forte, however, is in her aptitude for combat, particularly at close range. She’s dexterous, strong, and resilient, particularly when faced with physical assaults; intensive magical onslaughts prove to be a significant adversity, as do ranged assaults if she cannot quickly close the gap.

Abilities: Cadenza has tapped into her inner vitality to bolster a baseline of enhanced physical performance. Her developed magical prowess revolves around spells that further draw upon her fighting spirit. “Haste” improves aspects of her speed of mobility; “Gain” increases her attack strength. She is further able to impart her spirit and will unto those around her through “Cheer.”
Limit: Battle Cry – Vicious Strike; an instantaneous, and short-lived outflux of strength and speed propels Cadenza with ludicrous speed towards an unfortunate adversary. The resulting blow is enough to cause fatal damage to weaker foes, typically defeating them in a single hit; when used against near-human sized enemies, the impact may also be enough to ripple and cause minor residual damage to others nearby with no discrimination between friend and foe. Pushing her body this far results in need for either a period of recovery, or an urgent application of healing magic from an ally (whichever comes first).

Equipment: Impact Bracers – Designed and manufactured in the years following the war, Impact Bracers are a line of hand weapons for those that like to let their fists do the talking. Inspired by Gunblades that rose into popularity during wartime, Impact Bracers implement the same concept into the form of an adorned armament. The design is that of a pair of armored gauntlets that cover from the hands in their entirety to halfway along the forearms. Engineered within the palms of the gauntlets are mechanisms activated by way of clenching of the fists that that release a light to moderate kinetic vibration that resonates through the surfaces struck by the gauntlets, amplifying concussive force.

Cadenza’s present armaments consists of a pair of Standard Impact Bracers, which function as described. A more advanced model has recently hit the market though: the Type-M, which include Magitech conduits that channel energy from pre-loaded Lumo Crystals through Impact Bracers, enabling the added effect of spell-like effect to be implemented. Cadenza presently longs to bring in enough of an income to invest in a pair of Type-M Impact Bracers.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Wayward: Accepted!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sedjwick


Member Seen 16 hrs ago

@VitaVitaAR Edited my CS. Admittedly, the explanation (or lack thereof) of his parents' political views is a bit of a cop-out, but I'm not even really sure why it is. It just seemed right. Also, I gave Velu a limit break (since everyone else has one too).
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Sedjwick: I mean, I was asking you for something to work with backstory wise, and saying that he doesn't know doesn't really help very much. I think you still need to do some work here.

You could also work that into his personality for a little more depth, rather then just lacking allegiance giving him a reason he doesn't trust either government.

I think you underpowered his limit break a lot too, since that's a fairly basic function of any magitech weaponry, infusing magic into your weapon. Speaking of which, a basic shortsword is also a bit minimal even to start with, and I'd suggest trying to make it a little more elaborate to suit the setting.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 days ago

  • Name: Derrick Errance
  • Age: 21
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: "Nope, not here."
  • Personality: Preferring to take a more methodical approach to problems, Derrick tends to sit back and observe before acting whenever possible. He is rather reserved when it comes to dealing with people and tends to be rather blunt, which can occasionally come off as standoffish or rude to those not used to dealing with him. With that said, he cares quite a lot about those close to him, often prioritizing their health and well-being over his own (and occasionally even those of others).
    Interpersonal relationships aside, though, Derrick is intensely curious about the wider world, and has a non-insignificant number of documents and books scrounged up from traveling around in his room. This has given him a surprising amount of knowledge that one might not expect for someone with his upbringing, and maybe even less so someone of his profession. With that said, his own curiosity may rarely override his tendency towards analysis, which... May or may not be a good thing.
  • Brief Backstory: Derrick was born to a young Embrian woman in the midst of the war; he never knew who his father was, but the bitter look on his mother's face whenever he had asked gave the young child more than enough reason to stop asking eventually. The town where he would have grown up—Kalan—had been razed to the ground by the invading Alvadians, which left a young Derrick next to no time to be a child. He spent much of his childhood away from the ruins that were slowly being rebuilt; few of the survivors (if any) wanted to have anything to do with him, and though the village had since begun to be rebuilt, Derrick had been left with little else besides his mother and the clothes on his back.

    As the war finally drew to a close, Derrick found that the gap between himself and the rest of the townsfolk had only widened. More than a few seemed to dislike him—for what, though, he could only wonder. His mother seemed to receive only pity where he found scorn, but the fact that she continued to give him her affection despite all of this only further question his place here. If it was any solace, though, the young boy found a few books to keep to himself, hidden away from judging eyes in the safety of his home

    Things changed, however, when a wanderer passed through the region. Most of the other townsfolk seemed to pay him no heed, but the young Derrick could not help but be intrigued by the odd-looking case he kept with him. When he collapsed on the side of the road, it was Derrick who acted out to help, if only out of sheer curiosity; though his mother disapproved of the wanderer's presence, she could not well refuse the earnest (if not somewhat self-serving) desire of her son to help.

    Said wanderer, as Derrick would soon learn, was a man by the name of Arden. He introduced himself (however hesitantly) as a researcher from Alvad to the young boy. He explained that he had escaped from his home country once his heart could not in good faith help the war any longer, and that he had taken his equipment with him to assure that he could prevent it from continuing further in what little way he could. Though Derrick's mother seemed less than pleased with that sort of information, the young boy, curious about what that equipment was and about the only other person who treated him with something other than disdain, begged for him to stay—at least, for a while. He wanted to learn, and if nobody else would teach him, then a stranger and a refugee could at least help bridge that gap.

    Eventually, if only through sheer perseverance, Derrick succeeded. Arden had initially been less than receptive to the idea (he would have liked to have sought asylum with what he had and left as soon as he could have), but a few days of rest was probably for the best, given that he had collapsed on the road. Those days soon began to extend, though, as he learned of Derrick's aptitude for knowledge.

    Days turned to weeks, weeks into months; before long, Arden had become more than just a stranger to Derrick; he was a teacher, someone to look up to who he had never had before. But those days soon came to an end; news of a group of hunters seeking him eventually met Arden's ears, and the researcher knew that what time he had left was fleeting. To the young man who had insisted on keeping him around, though, the researcher gave unto him one thing before leaving: the Air Grid, the tool that Derrick had been so curious about until now. There was no guarantee that his work would make it out, and given that it was him they were after, losing the Grid for all the goodwill he had been shown was not much of a loss.

    Arden leaving meant that Derrick was once again left with just his mother, who would continue to work herself to the bone trying to make ends meet. Meeting the researcher had changed Derrick, though, and the young man found himself working to try and understand what it was that had been left in his hands. He succeeded eventually, if only through sheer force of will; understanding everything.

    Having been long since aware of his status as a pariah, Derrick chose to leave Kalan and pursue work elsewhere once he came of age. A single letter to his mother was all he had left behind as he travelled to the border, and the young man eventually found himself employed as a mercenary at Wild Rose. Even if he didn't have any direct combat experience, the group accepted him so long as he was willing to put in the effort—something he was more than willing to do.
  • Skills: Rather than being specialized for combat like many of his peers, Derrick has placed more of his effort into making sure that everything remains running smoothly. In other words, things like gear maintenance and medical work are a part of his usual activities. As a result of using the Air Grid, Derrick is also uncannily apt at multitasking, leaving him able to flick between multiple jobs at once without losing track of himself in the process.
  • Abilities: Derrick's spells mostly focus around supporting and reinforcing his allies, mitigating the damage they take and keeping them alive enough to continue fighting. The method for doing so—the Air Grid—allows him to use Cure and Protect where it might prove dangerous for most other medics, though it may take up his concentration in the process. He can also cast Ruin with the Grid, but as it is not optimized for offensive spells, doing so may put unnecessary strain upon its equipment.
    The number of Conduits from the Grid that he uses to cast spells also affects their output; while a Cure may be cast with one, for example, two would be optimal; similarly, while he could cast it with two Conduits, three would be optimal for a Protect.
    • Limit Break — Aegis of Heaven: Derrick overclocks the Air Grid, pushing it beyond its usual capabilities to create a massive barrier in front of him. This barrier is able to protect him as well as anyone behind him, and is able to deflect or absorb an absurd amount of damage before faltering. This ability is not without drawbacks, though; the barrier is incredibly taxing upon the Grid, and the heat damage that they sustain can outright put Conduits out of commission if not damaging the mechanisms within.
  • Equipment:
    • Air Grid: A prototype tool 'relieved' from Alvad in the years prior to their collapse. The Grid itself consists of five 'Conduits', prism-like structures with a refined Lumo core at their center. Each Conduit is able to fly about according to it's user's commands independent of any physical command, and unlike most other magitech objects, does not need to be refueled with Lumium to function. Conduits can also be used to cast spells—a function that would have in theory made Alvadian combatants all the more problematic should the project have reached fruition.

      With that said, the Grid itself is not without faults; in exchange for not requiring Lumium to function, each Conduit requires a near-constant stream of mana when in use, and that amount only increases when used to cast spells (hence the term 'Conduit'). Despite the high barrier of entry to being able to use the Air Grid, its versatility and maneuverability allows Derrick and any of his allies a lot more breathing room in the heat of battle.

      The Air Grid can, in theory, be upgraded, and the Conduits increased in efficiency and power; that would, however, require finding someone who could create the components necessary to do so. Derrick himself understands the fundamentals of how the Grid works and has learned to use it effectively (enough) in the decade or so to be able to maintain and repair it, but the possibility of him screwing something up in the process has given him enough pause to at least find someone who has more 'professional' experience before attempting anything.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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@PKMNB0Y: Accepted.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Going to be putting in a weekend deadline for this RP. If you're planning on signing up a character or are in the process of revising a bio, please do so by then, or at least contact me to confirm your intent to do so.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Alright, given we've hit the weekend, deadline has been reached. I'll be reopening the RP to two more players.

If they don't join in time to be there from the start, they can join the party at another point. It would hardly be the first time that party members join later on.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by thecatinaction


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@VitaVitaAR When can we expect first IC RP?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@thecatinaction: Imminently, quite possibly today.
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