@BrutalBx @Venus

𝙍𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙨

𝘼𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝘿𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙡𝙨


“It's my rule never to lose my temper till it would be detrimental to keep it.” ― Seán O'Casey
Mikhail Aleksandr Zima
💣 Mika - Common nickname || Responds to it the most
💣 Mickey - Common nickname || Friends and Second fam call him it || Responds to it also; won’t have any problems with it
💣 Michele - Playground name || Used to taunt him || Only call him this is if you wish to breath blood from your nose
💣 “Honey Badger - Street Name || Serpents will refer to him by it || He has this name for his tendency to not give a fuck and his bold behavior
💣 HB - Derived from his street name, also a common nickname || If you know him by Honey Badger, this is often used to get his attention || Doesn’t care if you call him by it
💣 Mickey - Common nickname || Friends and Second fam call him it || Responds to it also; won’t have any problems with it
💣 Michele - Playground name || Used to taunt him || Only call him this is if you wish to breath blood from your nose
💣 “Honey Badger - Street Name || Serpents will refer to him by it || He has this name for his tendency to not give a fuck and his bold behavior
💣 HB - Derived from his street name, also a common nickname || If you know him by Honey Badger, this is often used to get his attention || Doesn’t care if you call him by it
20, May 1st || Taurus
Cismale, He/Him
Heteroflexible, though heavily leans towards female
𝙍𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙨
Single unless something serious comes along

𝘼𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝘿𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙡𝙨
▸ HEIGHT : | 5'11
▸ WEIGHT : | 165lbs
▸ ETHNICITY : | Russian-English (father’s side); Irish-American (other’s side)
▸ HAIR COLOR : | Dark Brown.
▸ EYE COLOR : | Deep set blue eyes
▸ BODY TYPE: | Athletically toned || Muscular-leaning
▸ MODIFICATIONS: | Mickey has his ears pierced, a scar on the back of his head from his younger years
There’s something to be said about how Mika looks equally like both of his parents. From the deep set eyes he shares with his father (and equally with his brother, Viktor) to the dark-rooted dirty blonde hair that is so clearly a perfect blend of his father’s natural blonde hair and his mother’s dark mane, he embodies them both in almost every single way that counts. And with an athletic body that has origins in being raised to be fit as early as he possibly and physically could, it has further evidence in his eventual progression into athletics and self-defense. The way his muscles are toned now, though with the additive of various scars throughout his body, it is clear to anyone that Mika not only continues to exercise, but he does it to the point where every inch of his body is toned to his preference.
Comfort is easy when you live on the Southside. Cheap and affordable is probably what motivates Mika’s fashion sense, because a lot of what he wears might be found at the thirst store down the block from where he lives. Sweatshirts, long-sleeve shirts, jeans of varying shades of blue and brown and black and green -- all of it might seem mundane and boring, but aside from the occasional splurge of a special shirt he might like, most of what’s found in Mika’s closet has come at an affordable price. And you can’t say that he doesn’t rock it. Though, he’ll be the first to admit that he might overpay for the copious amounts of aviator sunglasses he owns. Let’s cop that one out to it being an addiction.
▸ WEIGHT : | 165lbs
▸ ETHNICITY : | Russian-English (father’s side); Irish-American (other’s side)
▸ HAIR COLOR : | Dark Brown.
▸ EYE COLOR : | Deep set blue eyes
▸ BODY TYPE: | Athletically toned || Muscular-leaning
▸ MODIFICATIONS: | Mickey has his ears pierced, a scar on the back of his head from his younger years
There’s something to be said about how Mika looks equally like both of his parents. From the deep set eyes he shares with his father (and equally with his brother, Viktor) to the dark-rooted dirty blonde hair that is so clearly a perfect blend of his father’s natural blonde hair and his mother’s dark mane, he embodies them both in almost every single way that counts. And with an athletic body that has origins in being raised to be fit as early as he possibly and physically could, it has further evidence in his eventual progression into athletics and self-defense. The way his muscles are toned now, though with the additive of various scars throughout his body, it is clear to anyone that Mika not only continues to exercise, but he does it to the point where every inch of his body is toned to his preference.
Comfort is easy when you live on the Southside. Cheap and affordable is probably what motivates Mika’s fashion sense, because a lot of what he wears might be found at the thirst store down the block from where he lives. Sweatshirts, long-sleeve shirts, jeans of varying shades of blue and brown and black and green -- all of it might seem mundane and boring, but aside from the occasional splurge of a special shirt he might like, most of what’s found in Mika’s closet has come at an affordable price. And you can’t say that he doesn’t rock it. Though, he’ll be the first to admit that he might overpay for the copious amounts of aviator sunglasses he owns. Let’s cop that one out to it being an addiction.
Protective || Compassionate || Initially Kind || Bold & Brazen || Fearless || Confident (when comfortable) || Loyal || Guarded || Tempermental || Self-Sabotaging || Selfish (un/intentional) || Aggressive (when provoked) || Unforgiving (when wronged) || Sees red (when pissed)
Understandably so, Mikhail grew up being torn between two sides. And like the Irish Martini that makes up the two sides of his family, one being the Irish side that is full of red-hot tempers and loyalty for one's own beyond anything that anyone who doesn't know it can't possibly understand it; the irish side that has been the foundation for many moments of blinding red and vulnerable moments with his sisters and mother; the Irish side that has filled him with as much love as it has with uncontrollable fits of rage and misguided protection, often leading Mikhail with the intention to do good but somehow missing his mark.
And then there's the bitterness of his father's end. His father, whose world was filled with so much darkness and toxicity. Like the Chernobyl sight that is radioactive and can be triggered at any moment, so is the way his father's darkness influenced him. The constant need to prove himself, constant need to feel like he could stand up to his older brother, that he wasn't a pussy in comparison. That need birthed not really an identity or anything in the like, but it gave name to his anger. All the frustration from how he felt about his father in both the way he was rarely there and when he was, it was always to instill negativity in his mind, Mika always felt so angry and no matter how angelic the presence of his family was, the demons of his father and of how he found himself in control only when he fought, that's when the name Honey Badger was given to him, because it was not something that was born from trauma but rather, HB was the name given to the uncontrollable rage, the fire that could not be quelled no matter how much love was given.
And that's the brutal truth about Mika. When you meet him, unless there is a reason why he doesn't like you, he'll smile. You'll see someone pleasant, maybe even crack a joke or two, and he will be as polite as you are to him. He is the kind of guy that firmly believes in being treated how you treat others, but give him a reason to punch you and he'll show you no mercy. Hurt his sisters? He'll kill you. Insult his family? You'll have a black eye to go with your broken nose. Disrespect him in a way that comes off as more than just a joke? Your shin is gone.
See, inside, Mikhail is twisted up. There is an internal struggle to balance the goodness his mother instilled in him and the demons that eat at him every night and sometimes, externally, this makes him difficult to deal with.
And then there's the bitterness of his father's end. His father, whose world was filled with so much darkness and toxicity. Like the Chernobyl sight that is radioactive and can be triggered at any moment, so is the way his father's darkness influenced him. The constant need to prove himself, constant need to feel like he could stand up to his older brother, that he wasn't a pussy in comparison. That need birthed not really an identity or anything in the like, but it gave name to his anger. All the frustration from how he felt about his father in both the way he was rarely there and when he was, it was always to instill negativity in his mind, Mika always felt so angry and no matter how angelic the presence of his family was, the demons of his father and of how he found himself in control only when he fought, that's when the name Honey Badger was given to him, because it was not something that was born from trauma but rather, HB was the name given to the uncontrollable rage, the fire that could not be quelled no matter how much love was given.
And that's the brutal truth about Mika. When you meet him, unless there is a reason why he doesn't like you, he'll smile. You'll see someone pleasant, maybe even crack a joke or two, and he will be as polite as you are to him. He is the kind of guy that firmly believes in being treated how you treat others, but give him a reason to punch you and he'll show you no mercy. Hurt his sisters? He'll kill you. Insult his family? You'll have a black eye to go with your broken nose. Disrespect him in a way that comes off as more than just a joke? Your shin is gone.
See, inside, Mikhail is twisted up. There is an internal struggle to balance the goodness his mother instilled in him and the demons that eat at him every night and sometimes, externally, this makes him difficult to deal with.
The origins of the South Side's Honey Badger might hold elements of stereotypes and cliches within them. His father, Ivan Zima, came to be a prominent figure in the Russian Mafia and his particular group was based out of New York City, but specifically, Brooklyn, though Ivan had connections all throughout the entire Northeast, but specifically, he has notable connections within the South Boston area.
Actually, that is where his wife, Mary-Anne Joanna is from. His wife of nearly thirty years, who hails from Edenridge, a community/neighborhood in South Boston. Actually, she is the black sheep of one of Edenridge's founding families. Her's is O'Hara and she first met her would-be husband when he was in Edenridge so many years ago. He was brokering a deal with Reynaldo Gonzalez and Jerry West, the then President of the Fallen Angels MC. It was part of a longstanding agreement that would benefit all three parties -- something that Charlie Taylor honored when he took over five years after the fact.
But during this early time was when a young troubled girl who found herself attracted to the dangers of the gang life entranced by a dashing, young-ish Ivan Zima. With his charming wit, bravado, gorgeous locks of golden hair, and how shockingly attractive he was, the two clicked instantly. She was only twenty-one at the time, but soon they began seeing each other. It wasn't long before Mary found herself enticed by him and addicted to his company that her relationship with her family was strained and when Ivan came to town one last time when he left, so did she.
Their life together has spawned throughout the 90s, 2000s, and 2010s. It was never perfect and that was because of his job. He only talked to her about it only so briefly, but she never questioned it because she was in love. And she loved the family they had. Together, Ivan and Mary had four beautiful children. Viktor, Mikhail, Katya, and Anastasia. Viktor, being the oldest, was probably the most difficult and their youngest were great in their own regard, but Mika was probably the only one who got an equal share of light and darkness from his parents.
Mika, he grew up never knowing which end of the scale he should lean. All his life, his father, who most of the time wasn't even around, but when he was, Mika was always second-choice. Viktor was the older brother whose shadow loomed over him. Viktor was Ivan's favorite and sometimes, Ivan made sure Mika knew that. And that always made him feel inferior to his brother. And maybe in a way, that made him bitter, and sometimes that bitterness exploded in conflicts with his classmates. Sometimes it exploded by him getting into fights; and sometimes, though he never meant for it to happen, these fights caused some kids to be hospitalized.
See, Mika grew up with a lot of imbalance in his life. But what seemed to always center him and make him smile were two things. The first being, of course, was his mother and sisters. There had been times when he was reduced to tears, where his insecurities made him punch walls. At times, it got so bad that his sisters and mother couldn't get through to him, but eventually, they did. Their light eventually outshined what his father and brother tried to do to him.
Correction. Their light outshined what Ivan and Viktor thought they succeeded in doing, but it didn't last. For a while, he found a balance.
And then, after something terrible that happened during one of his bad episodes, which as one could imagine, when someone insulted his mother so badly that he exploded his fist into their face, red streams pouring out of several cuts, Mika didn't even consider that the kid he beat up and nearly killed was the son of one of his father's rivals. And he never anticipated that the retaliation would result in one of their cars in their parking lot being blown to smithereens.
And in a rare showing of compassion, Mika saw the genuine fear and worry in his father's eyes. Somewhere in the pits of his soul, Mika thought that his father was only worried about his daughters and mother. Maybe that's why he sent Katie and Stacy to live with their aunt on the northside and why Mika was sent to live with the second thing that centered him: his godfather, Rey Gonzalez.
Some deep-rooted fear took hold and it was a while before Mika found himself comfortable. A lot of the same incidents recurred, but there was a difference. For the first time, he wasn't overlooked. Sure, Rey had a son that was close to his brother, Viktor's age, but even that was different. Rey was there when Mika finally felt comfortable enough to reach out. Rey was there to straighten him out when he needed to be. And when he wasn't, his son Rey Rey brought him out of the red bubble he locked himself in and Mika came to actually love his new home.
And when Rey Rey was otherwise occupied, then Aleyda, Rey Rey's little sister, was there for him too. They were around the same age, so that was something different for Mika to adjust to. He never thought he'd have a sister that was closer to his age than not, but there was something about her that was different. Maybe it was how honest she always was with him. In the beginning, of course, Mika always was peeved and annoyed whenever she spoke her piece about this or that, but over time, which of course coincided with his own comfort with his family, he came to seek it. Even after all these years, she still told it to him how she saw it. It was always something that Mika appreciated.
When Mika embraced Edenridge, he began the journey of having a normal life. He made friends, he joined the football team, he dated and fucked around with some hot girls. He went to parties both on the northside and in his own backyard. And hell, maybe one could say he was in love at one point.
But like with all things in his life, there were things that tested his resolve. He made mistakes both personal and not and, though he didn't know when eventually he would have to face them like the man that Mary-Anne and Rey Gonzalez raised. Ivan Zima wasn't a father to him anymore. Honey Badger made sure of that.
Actually, that is where his wife, Mary-Anne Joanna is from. His wife of nearly thirty years, who hails from Edenridge, a community/neighborhood in South Boston. Actually, she is the black sheep of one of Edenridge's founding families. Her's is O'Hara and she first met her would-be husband when he was in Edenridge so many years ago. He was brokering a deal with Reynaldo Gonzalez and Jerry West, the then President of the Fallen Angels MC. It was part of a longstanding agreement that would benefit all three parties -- something that Charlie Taylor honored when he took over five years after the fact.
But during this early time was when a young troubled girl who found herself attracted to the dangers of the gang life entranced by a dashing, young-ish Ivan Zima. With his charming wit, bravado, gorgeous locks of golden hair, and how shockingly attractive he was, the two clicked instantly. She was only twenty-one at the time, but soon they began seeing each other. It wasn't long before Mary found herself enticed by him and addicted to his company that her relationship with her family was strained and when Ivan came to town one last time when he left, so did she.
Their life together has spawned throughout the 90s, 2000s, and 2010s. It was never perfect and that was because of his job. He only talked to her about it only so briefly, but she never questioned it because she was in love. And she loved the family they had. Together, Ivan and Mary had four beautiful children. Viktor, Mikhail, Katya, and Anastasia. Viktor, being the oldest, was probably the most difficult and their youngest were great in their own regard, but Mika was probably the only one who got an equal share of light and darkness from his parents.
Mika, he grew up never knowing which end of the scale he should lean. All his life, his father, who most of the time wasn't even around, but when he was, Mika was always second-choice. Viktor was the older brother whose shadow loomed over him. Viktor was Ivan's favorite and sometimes, Ivan made sure Mika knew that. And that always made him feel inferior to his brother. And maybe in a way, that made him bitter, and sometimes that bitterness exploded in conflicts with his classmates. Sometimes it exploded by him getting into fights; and sometimes, though he never meant for it to happen, these fights caused some kids to be hospitalized.
See, Mika grew up with a lot of imbalance in his life. But what seemed to always center him and make him smile were two things. The first being, of course, was his mother and sisters. There had been times when he was reduced to tears, where his insecurities made him punch walls. At times, it got so bad that his sisters and mother couldn't get through to him, but eventually, they did. Their light eventually outshined what his father and brother tried to do to him.
Correction. Their light outshined what Ivan and Viktor thought they succeeded in doing, but it didn't last. For a while, he found a balance.
And then, after something terrible that happened during one of his bad episodes, which as one could imagine, when someone insulted his mother so badly that he exploded his fist into their face, red streams pouring out of several cuts, Mika didn't even consider that the kid he beat up and nearly killed was the son of one of his father's rivals. And he never anticipated that the retaliation would result in one of their cars in their parking lot being blown to smithereens.
And in a rare showing of compassion, Mika saw the genuine fear and worry in his father's eyes. Somewhere in the pits of his soul, Mika thought that his father was only worried about his daughters and mother. Maybe that's why he sent Katie and Stacy to live with their aunt on the northside and why Mika was sent to live with the second thing that centered him: his godfather, Rey Gonzalez.
Some deep-rooted fear took hold and it was a while before Mika found himself comfortable. A lot of the same incidents recurred, but there was a difference. For the first time, he wasn't overlooked. Sure, Rey had a son that was close to his brother, Viktor's age, but even that was different. Rey was there when Mika finally felt comfortable enough to reach out. Rey was there to straighten him out when he needed to be. And when he wasn't, his son Rey Rey brought him out of the red bubble he locked himself in and Mika came to actually love his new home.
And when Rey Rey was otherwise occupied, then Aleyda, Rey Rey's little sister, was there for him too. They were around the same age, so that was something different for Mika to adjust to. He never thought he'd have a sister that was closer to his age than not, but there was something about her that was different. Maybe it was how honest she always was with him. In the beginning, of course, Mika always was peeved and annoyed whenever she spoke her piece about this or that, but over time, which of course coincided with his own comfort with his family, he came to seek it. Even after all these years, she still told it to him how she saw it. It was always something that Mika appreciated.
When Mika embraced Edenridge, he began the journey of having a normal life. He made friends, he joined the football team, he dated and fucked around with some hot girls. He went to parties both on the northside and in his own backyard. And hell, maybe one could say he was in love at one point.
But like with all things in his life, there were things that tested his resolve. He made mistakes both personal and not and, though he didn't know when eventually he would have to face them like the man that Mary-Anne and Rey Gonzalez raised. Ivan Zima wasn't a father to him anymore. Honey Badger made sure of that.

Ivan Vladinov Zima AKA "Baba Yaga'' || Father || 56 || Businessman, Arms Dealer, Brigadier for the New York Bratva || Father and main source as to why he has anger problems || Face Claim: Paul Bettany — Ivan lives up to the name. Often dubbed Ivan the Terrible, Ivan the Ruthless, Ivan the guy-you-don't-want-to-fuck-with, in his professional life, he takes no prisoners. A captain -- or Brigadier -- with the Russian Mob, otherwise known as the Bratva, his responsibilities have always been about running jobs that better further the organization's influence amongst cops and politicians and the governing forces, as well as those from the old country. But as a father, Ivan switches into someone less of a monster. Baba Yaga isn't near this at all. Ivan Zima, he raised his four children with a mixture of bias and imbalance. But in a specific way, his sons, Viktor and Mikhail, grew up in a very toxic masculinity way. One embraced while the other struggles to endure.
Ivan never saw how he raised his boys as anything bad, but of course, he would have to be around to notice the effects. Nevertheless, he is such an arrogant and conceited, not to mention narcissistic, man that what he sees and what is the truth are two completely different things. Sure, the way he made his money provided his family with a life they couldn’t complain about -- not realistically, at least (again another thing from his perspective), but at what cost does that come at? The impression one has of you, of course. And unless you’re talking about Viktor, the only one who actually likes Ivan as a father, the general opinion of Ivan is that he’s scum. Though, his wife, for all of her positives, still seems to be very much in love with him.
Especially what he did when it really mattered. Too bad Mika can only see through the good to realize that.
Mary-Anne Joanna Zima (nee. O'Hara) || Mother || 52 || Housewife, Jewelry Designer, The Woman behind the Boogeyman || Face Claim: Raquel Weisz — Mary-Anne is a proud, Boston woman. Fire runs through her veins almost as obvious as the nurturing, loving mother that she is that has almost single-handedly raised four children. To her husband's associates, she might just be "The wife", often serving the men their drinks and whatnot, but it is not what both Ivan and everyone else in the Zima household knows. Though she might be the black sheep of the O'Hara family, specifically for the attraction she's always had for danger, Mary-Anne is the life and soul of the Zima Family. Ivan relies on her when he needs someone he can trust all of his stress with and her kids, they know love because of her. Her twin daughters know a firm, yet gentle hand because Mary-Anne raised them the same way she came up: like queens but knowing when to not take shit. And her sons knew how to respect women even if the world might tell them differently. Viktor may not have absorbed those lessons as much as he should have, but Mika did. And he tried to balance it with the excessive amount of counterproductiveness that came from the other elements in his life.
But what remained a fact was that Mary-Anne, despite all the darkness in their lives, remained the light to guide even her kids that embraced too much of the evils of the world they were born into.
A side note but certainly worthy of knowing is that Mary-Anne is a jewelry designer whose works include various deals with Macy’s and Sears across the northeast. They are affordable, yet stylish. She also designs premium bracelets for more luxurious clients, though ever since her family had to split up, she hasn’t done any of that.
Victor Maxx (born Viktor Maxim Zima) || Older Brother (full) || 28 || Banker, Gangster, Money Launderer || Face Claim: James Norton — Some say Victor is the very embodiment of what it means to be a son of Ivan Zima: confident, business savvy, intelligent, ruthless, charming, but he is also conniving, deceitful, and a pathological liar. He is a literal snake who only does things that benefit him. And that’s just when it comes to business. Personally, he is a bastard. Growing up, Mika always experienced cruel torture from his older brother. Victor always saw it as “toughing” the boy up, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Deep down, Victor never liked Mika. He always thought he was too soft. He thought he was unworthy of the life he was given and always made damn sure to remind Mika of it.
And when he graduated from Harvard Business School, Victor rubbed that in his brother’s face, too, essentially reminding him he was the only one that mattered. Even to his sisters, Victor was a bastard. Maybe that’s why Victor is the true essence of what it meant to be Ivan Zima’s heir. He inherited everything bad about the man, which makes Mika glad that he is all the way off in England where he isn’t Mika’s problem (and hasn’t for a few years now).
Katya Sophie Zima/Katie Čapek & Anastasia Svetlana Zima/Stacy Čapek || Younger Sisters (full; also twins) || 17 & 17 || Seniors at Edenridge High School || Face Claims: Kathryn Newton (Katie) & Kristine Froseth (Stacy) — If Mika and Viktor/Victor represent the darkness of the Zima-O’Hara family, then Katya and Anastasia represent the light. Everything good that Ivan and Mary-Anne possess was so clearly passed down to their twin daughters. And rightly so. They have always been shielded from the horrors of their father’s job and what he does to provide. Or at least they were for most of their life. OF course, they came to understand the complexities of their life, yet they had the maturity and understanding to not let it effect them where it really mattered. They are extremely close with Mika and even somewhat close with their eldest brother, Victor. But they are also extremely close with their mother. Honestly, if there was one person who they’d die for, it’s her and as obvious as a neon sign, that’s a two way street.
The complex upbringing they had was only heightened by the almost biblical elements behind just how much like their parents they are. And it’s almost inversed to how they look, too. Katie, who many say is the spitting image of her father both in the way her face rounds, but with her naturally blonde hair and blue eyes, but it’s the stubborn pride and refusal to accept no as the only answer that she embodies from her mother. And she has used it to the best of her abilities. But likewise, one could say that it’s led to many problems both when she was growing up and when she and her twin were sent to live with their aunt. She always clashed and even got to the point in which Katie found herself seeking a validation of being heard that only the debate team could provide. Her opinions, which contrast her upbringing, has been very anti-violence, very anti-oppression. She leans heavily to the left on the political spectrum and wants to become a lawyer when she graduates college. She is well on her way to being accepted to Yale. She just needs to ace the upcoming school year and she just might do it.
On the other end of the spectrum, there’s Stacy. Compared to her opinionated twin, she is more mild-mannered than Katie. She has a prim and very regal like personality that many in the Zima-O’Hara family question where she got it, but the truth is that, out of all, her and Mika probably have the same core personality (if we ignore Mika’s temper and all the other shit that plagues him). She is the one who looks most like Mary, though compared to Mary’s almost-black hair, it’s clear her father’s lighter shade influenced the way she appears, what with the auburn shade she has. But she has blue eyes just like her twin. But unlike her twin, she is somebody who doesn’t have any interest in politics or anything about it. It’s not that she doesn’t care, but she’s much too busy with cheerleading. And maybe it is something not as important (coming from Katie), but Stacy feels it’s just as important and it shouldn’t invalidate her opinion. She is quite honestly somebody that is passionate about cheerleading, having been someone who has trained in gymnastics for nearly all of her life, she feels that she can have a real career in it some day and hopes to make the squad of a professional team. Her dream is to make it on the New England Patriots squad, though really any professional team would be more than enough.
Ivan never saw how he raised his boys as anything bad, but of course, he would have to be around to notice the effects. Nevertheless, he is such an arrogant and conceited, not to mention narcissistic, man that what he sees and what is the truth are two completely different things. Sure, the way he made his money provided his family with a life they couldn’t complain about -- not realistically, at least (again another thing from his perspective), but at what cost does that come at? The impression one has of you, of course. And unless you’re talking about Viktor, the only one who actually likes Ivan as a father, the general opinion of Ivan is that he’s scum. Though, his wife, for all of her positives, still seems to be very much in love with him.
Especially what he did when it really mattered. Too bad Mika can only see through the good to realize that.
Mary-Anne Joanna Zima (nee. O'Hara) || Mother || 52 || Housewife, Jewelry Designer, The Woman behind the Boogeyman || Face Claim: Raquel Weisz — Mary-Anne is a proud, Boston woman. Fire runs through her veins almost as obvious as the nurturing, loving mother that she is that has almost single-handedly raised four children. To her husband's associates, she might just be "The wife", often serving the men their drinks and whatnot, but it is not what both Ivan and everyone else in the Zima household knows. Though she might be the black sheep of the O'Hara family, specifically for the attraction she's always had for danger, Mary-Anne is the life and soul of the Zima Family. Ivan relies on her when he needs someone he can trust all of his stress with and her kids, they know love because of her. Her twin daughters know a firm, yet gentle hand because Mary-Anne raised them the same way she came up: like queens but knowing when to not take shit. And her sons knew how to respect women even if the world might tell them differently. Viktor may not have absorbed those lessons as much as he should have, but Mika did. And he tried to balance it with the excessive amount of counterproductiveness that came from the other elements in his life.
But what remained a fact was that Mary-Anne, despite all the darkness in their lives, remained the light to guide even her kids that embraced too much of the evils of the world they were born into.
A side note but certainly worthy of knowing is that Mary-Anne is a jewelry designer whose works include various deals with Macy’s and Sears across the northeast. They are affordable, yet stylish. She also designs premium bracelets for more luxurious clients, though ever since her family had to split up, she hasn’t done any of that.
Victor Maxx (born Viktor Maxim Zima) || Older Brother (full) || 28 || Banker, Gangster, Money Launderer || Face Claim: James Norton — Some say Victor is the very embodiment of what it means to be a son of Ivan Zima: confident, business savvy, intelligent, ruthless, charming, but he is also conniving, deceitful, and a pathological liar. He is a literal snake who only does things that benefit him. And that’s just when it comes to business. Personally, he is a bastard. Growing up, Mika always experienced cruel torture from his older brother. Victor always saw it as “toughing” the boy up, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Deep down, Victor never liked Mika. He always thought he was too soft. He thought he was unworthy of the life he was given and always made damn sure to remind Mika of it.
And when he graduated from Harvard Business School, Victor rubbed that in his brother’s face, too, essentially reminding him he was the only one that mattered. Even to his sisters, Victor was a bastard. Maybe that’s why Victor is the true essence of what it meant to be Ivan Zima’s heir. He inherited everything bad about the man, which makes Mika glad that he is all the way off in England where he isn’t Mika’s problem (and hasn’t for a few years now).
Katya Sophie Zima/Katie Čapek & Anastasia Svetlana Zima/Stacy Čapek || Younger Sisters (full; also twins) || 17 & 17 || Seniors at Edenridge High School || Face Claims: Kathryn Newton (Katie) & Kristine Froseth (Stacy) — If Mika and Viktor/Victor represent the darkness of the Zima-O’Hara family, then Katya and Anastasia represent the light. Everything good that Ivan and Mary-Anne possess was so clearly passed down to their twin daughters. And rightly so. They have always been shielded from the horrors of their father’s job and what he does to provide. Or at least they were for most of their life. OF course, they came to understand the complexities of their life, yet they had the maturity and understanding to not let it effect them where it really mattered. They are extremely close with Mika and even somewhat close with their eldest brother, Victor. But they are also extremely close with their mother. Honestly, if there was one person who they’d die for, it’s her and as obvious as a neon sign, that’s a two way street.
The complex upbringing they had was only heightened by the almost biblical elements behind just how much like their parents they are. And it’s almost inversed to how they look, too. Katie, who many say is the spitting image of her father both in the way her face rounds, but with her naturally blonde hair and blue eyes, but it’s the stubborn pride and refusal to accept no as the only answer that she embodies from her mother. And she has used it to the best of her abilities. But likewise, one could say that it’s led to many problems both when she was growing up and when she and her twin were sent to live with their aunt. She always clashed and even got to the point in which Katie found herself seeking a validation of being heard that only the debate team could provide. Her opinions, which contrast her upbringing, has been very anti-violence, very anti-oppression. She leans heavily to the left on the political spectrum and wants to become a lawyer when she graduates college. She is well on her way to being accepted to Yale. She just needs to ace the upcoming school year and she just might do it.
On the other end of the spectrum, there’s Stacy. Compared to her opinionated twin, she is more mild-mannered than Katie. She has a prim and very regal like personality that many in the Zima-O’Hara family question where she got it, but the truth is that, out of all, her and Mika probably have the same core personality (if we ignore Mika’s temper and all the other shit that plagues him). She is the one who looks most like Mary, though compared to Mary’s almost-black hair, it’s clear her father’s lighter shade influenced the way she appears, what with the auburn shade she has. But she has blue eyes just like her twin. But unlike her twin, she is somebody who doesn’t have any interest in politics or anything about it. It’s not that she doesn’t care, but she’s much too busy with cheerleading. And maybe it is something not as important (coming from Katie), but Stacy feels it’s just as important and it shouldn’t invalidate her opinion. She is quite honestly somebody that is passionate about cheerleading, having been someone who has trained in gymnastics for nearly all of her life, she feels that she can have a real career in it some day and hopes to make the squad of a professional team. Her dream is to make it on the New England Patriots squad, though really any professional team would be more than enough.

Reynaldo “Big Rey” Gonzalez || 60 || Adoptive Father/Godfather || Retired Gang Member || Face Claim: Jimmy Smits — ”Big Rey might be the hardened criminal and sure, he’s certainly equal parts bark and bite, but this man -- yeah, he took me in. Sure, it was because my old man asked him to, but he could have said no, ya know? He could have told Ivan to fuck off, but he didn’t. And, I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty fucking grateful that he didn’t live up to the stereotype that surrounds people like him, ya know people who live a certain life. He didn’t need to take in another mouth to feed and I know I didn’t make it easy for him, but Big Rey is my father. I don’t care about blood and I certainly don’t care if I’ve only been his son for half my life, this man took me in and I’ll be forever repaying all that he’s done for me.”
Reynoldo “Rey Rey” Gonzalez II || 26 || Adoptive Brother || Leader of the SSS || Face Claim: David Castenda — ”Man Rey Rey, you crazy son of a bitch, what is there to really say? You talk a lot and god, you’re a fucking dick, but not in the way that will make you sore after a good night. Sorry, that’s weird but you like it. Anyway, you’re a pretty wild fucker, but whatever was implied with our dad goes double for you. I have a brother and he’s a fucking asshole. A real bastard, but you? Man, you’re the real deal, you know? I mean, you’re still a crazy bastard, but you accepted me as your brother. I know loyalty is a big thing for you and maybe that’s why we have always gotten along so well, huh? You know you always have me in your corner, right? Fuck, you’re my brother and no lack of a blood connection will ever change that."
Aleyda “Ley” Gonzalez || 19/20 || Adoptive Sister || Single mother & Hairdresser @Tresses Salon || Face Claim: Alexa Demie — “Fuck, Ley kinda scared me in the beginning. Really just in your face, but fuck me if she wasn’t one of the few people who was always straight with me. Her honesty was a breath of fresh air. Probably something that just seems to be a Gonzalez trait, huh? But, it’s also that she never sugar coated anything. When I fuck up, she lets me know and when I’m doing good, well she probably won’t be all cuddly about it but I’ll know it when I hear it. And of course, there’s how she’s easily one of the main reasons why I’m not such an illiterate when it comes to Spanish.”
Reynoldo “Rey Rey” Gonzalez II || 26 || Adoptive Brother || Leader of the SSS || Face Claim: David Castenda — ”Man Rey Rey, you crazy son of a bitch, what is there to really say? You talk a lot and god, you’re a fucking dick, but not in the way that will make you sore after a good night. Sorry, that’s weird but you like it. Anyway, you’re a pretty wild fucker, but whatever was implied with our dad goes double for you. I have a brother and he’s a fucking asshole. A real bastard, but you? Man, you’re the real deal, you know? I mean, you’re still a crazy bastard, but you accepted me as your brother. I know loyalty is a big thing for you and maybe that’s why we have always gotten along so well, huh? You know you always have me in your corner, right? Fuck, you’re my brother and no lack of a blood connection will ever change that."
Aleyda “Ley” Gonzalez || 19/20 || Adoptive Sister || Single mother & Hairdresser @Tresses Salon || Face Claim: Alexa Demie — “Fuck, Ley kinda scared me in the beginning. Really just in your face, but fuck me if she wasn’t one of the few people who was always straight with me. Her honesty was a breath of fresh air. Probably something that just seems to be a Gonzalez trait, huh? But, it’s also that she never sugar coated anything. When I fuck up, she lets me know and when I’m doing good, well she probably won’t be all cuddly about it but I’ll know it when I hear it. And of course, there’s how she’s easily one of the main reasons why I’m not such an illiterate when it comes to Spanish.”

FC: Finn ColeDialogue Color: #635687

FC: Finn ColeDialogue Color: #635687
Fonts: Honey Badger Header || Character Header
💣 Mika is a practitioner of sambo, a Russian martial arts specializing in hand-to-hand combat. He isn't at any professional level but he can certainly hold his own in a fight. Though his anger tends to hinder his technique. So he mildly swings for the fences for the most part.
💣 He is fluent in Russian and English. He can also understand most Spanish and can carry a basic conversation in Spanish but some terms go right over his head.
💣 He wouldn’t call himself an addict because, unlike those junkies who go to Sonny and Prof for their daily fix, Mika knows his limits. That being said, once in a blue moon -- or just whenever he is feeling like it -- he will indulge heavily in party favors that he pays out of his own pocket. And when he does, his poison is always vodka and coke.
💣 Mika is what one might call a sort of third-party to the Serpents. While he technically might be part of the gang, he isn’t part of like Decky Boaz was. He does, however, follow the orders given to him by his brother all the same.
💣 Mika still lives with Big Rey and when he’s not working, he’s helping around the house as much as he can.
💣 Mika drives a black 2017 Toyota Tacoma that he recently bought with money his father forwarded him through several third parties.
💣 Mika is a practitioner of sambo, a Russian martial arts specializing in hand-to-hand combat. He isn't at any professional level but he can certainly hold his own in a fight. Though his anger tends to hinder his technique. So he mildly swings for the fences for the most part.
💣 He is fluent in Russian and English. He can also understand most Spanish and can carry a basic conversation in Spanish but some terms go right over his head.
💣 He wouldn’t call himself an addict because, unlike those junkies who go to Sonny and Prof for their daily fix, Mika knows his limits. That being said, once in a blue moon -- or just whenever he is feeling like it -- he will indulge heavily in party favors that he pays out of his own pocket. And when he does, his poison is always vodka and coke.
The white stuff, not the carbonated sugar water.
💣 Mika is what one might call a sort of third-party to the Serpents. While he technically might be part of the gang, he isn’t part of like Decky Boaz was. He does, however, follow the orders given to him by his brother all the same.
💣 Mika still lives with Big Rey and when he’s not working, he’s helping around the house as much as he can.
💣 Mika drives a black 2017 Toyota Tacoma that he recently bought with money his father forwarded him through several third parties.
💣 He was never going to accept it until he received some advice about what to really do with it
Break Stuff by Limp Bizkit || Wild Boy by Machine Gun Kelly (feat. Woka Flocka Flame) || Radioactive (Imagine Dragons cover) by Bullet For My Valentine || Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz || The Heart and The Fist by Rudy Francisco
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