Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

If you were to ask him what Echo meant to their world, Efran would have a hard time coming up with a definitive answer. To some, they might be considered a nuisance. To some, they were heros, protectors. And to some, they don't even really exist. For Efran though, Echo had always been home. He grew up in it, thrived within it's walls. Well... most of the time.

"Efran, are you quite ready yet?" He heard his father call from outside of his room. It was a rare time that he was home and not on the Echo ship. 23... you'd think he'd let me go by now. He let out a soft sigh and got up from his bed. He made one long pass over his childhood bedroom before walking out to greet his family.

"Son, it's a big day, why are you so slow?" His father called from the living room when he heard Efran finally exit his room. Their home in Kharan was... extravagant to say the least. His father always prided himself on his family's craftmanship. He'd heard the stories a million times over about how his father's father's father's father built the place and they just kept expanding over the years until it became this wonderful and ornate castle built under the ground of their home.

That was all well and good, but Efran didn't care much for the life of the wealthy. He'd spent his formative years out in the wilderness, the mountains and down to the woods of Barallia on occasion. He had longed to see the world, explore it's every nook and cranny and by all accounts, he was able to. His father was a well known Hunter for Echo who had scouted him well before Efran was born. The young Efran had spent any time not spent out in the wilderness with his friends on the ship, running around, meeting people, learning new things.

He even went on a few assignments with his dad once he was deemed old enough. He was a masterful Hunter by the time he was 18 and went on his first mission to rescue a nearby Barallian town where he'd met Isa. Since then, he had been visiting her at the Orphanage from time to time to bring her new toys, check on her. He felt... responsible. Almost like a great and heavy guilt for not being enough to save her family.

"Yeah, yeah. They won't leave without me." He started back, stretching as he walked to the kitchen. "...Right?" He heard his mother chuckle at him.

"Oh, my sweet boy. No, they won't leave without you, but best not to keep them waiting!" She told him, walking over to hug him and then place a plate of eggs in his hand. "Eat, my love." She told him. He groaned and sat down at the table to eat, eager to get on the ship and get started with his new crew. No one had told him anything about them, so he was eager to meet them...

Somewhere in Tarcanis

"UGH! Why won't it listen to me???" A young woman screeched, whipping around to face the man behind her. He was tall and hooded, brilliant white eyes glowed from under it.

"Because you are not powerful enough yet." He replied, his tone conveying his utter distaste for this girl. She was small for her age and utterly immature to match.

"I'm going to blast it out of the water!" She screamed, her bright blue hair almost appearing flame-like as it bounced around atop her head. She lifted a large bomb wrapped in white parchment. The hooded man lifted a pale finger and placed it over the bomb, stopping her.

"It will do you no good dead. Just..." He sighed, "Focus. You've done it before, right?"

"With a category one!" She barked, whipping around to look at him again, scowling. "I'm going to tell Daddy that you're basically useless as an instructor!" She told him, already starting to storm off.

"You'll do absolutely no such thing." He replied calmly, his hand reaching out to grab her. The young woman felt a wave of calm wash over her at his touch and then a chill ran up her spine.

"I'll... do no such thing..." She replied, almost robotically, her eyes going wide.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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Efran sat behind the one way window of the training room his team had been instructed to gather. He'd made sure to make the room as sparce as possible. He wanted to see what they would do when told to gather in an empty room. Sure, Echo had tested them, but he wanted to see for himself.

The room itself was... very sparce. Not a chair, table, or trashcan in sight. Just off-white tiled floors, a mirror on one side (an obvious one way window), gray walls, and a small camera in the corner, beeping red and recording.

The team had been on the airship for about a week now, being tested, eating separately, nearly unaware of one another until today. Their instructor had just arrived and there was a letter on their bed in their quarters.

New recruit,

Make sure to get your ass to Training Room 3 at 0600 sharp. I'll be waiting.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Corban blinked as he took in the letter, pushing the hair back from his eyes. Whoever this guy was, they were very much to the point. No matter. He swallowed, gathering his equipment. Punctuality was key to this place. And if he was going to be there on time, he needed to leave now.

He booked it through the hallways, carefully breathing as his wings feathers touched the walls when extended out. Training room 3...Training room 3. Just needed to get there...There it was! He darted to the door and opened it, pausing.

"Oh..Hello?" He glanced around the room as he came inside. Where was the teacher? They usually were already in. Frowning, he wandered around as he examined the room, stretching out his wings before folding back in then repeating the cycle
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Ash McShane

Ash was already there when Corban had opened the door, tapping his foot impatiently against the stark white floor as he leaned against the wall. Ash, when he first got the idea to head for Echo, was excited. Excited to put his energy towards something righteous, excited to go out and see the world, excited to be able to meet some friends who could keep up with him. But that excitement slowly transformed into frustration over the course of his first week of 'training.' He had to take some boring tests, he ate with an ever shifting group of people that he knew he wouldn't be seeing much of again, and worst of all he always had to wake up early for the whole rigamarole. If it was for REAL training, he wouldn't be happy about waking at the crack of dawn, but he'd get it. He did not get waking up that early for a personality test. How would that even help in their fight against the Lost?

But he had hopes today would be different. They were actually meeting in a room labeled 'training' for one, and the note about it was gruff, clearly from a new instructor called Efran. Ash assumed he was the kind of person to really kick things into gear, start really working on taking on the lost, so Ash followed his instructions. Got to the training room a little early, in-fact, eager to start. But he was getting frustrated fast. The room didn't hold anything, or anyone, in it when Ash first entered, except for a mirror and some weird beeping box. Ash didn't want to investigate, having broken something similar fairly recently on the ship trying to understand it. So, he just sat against the wall, and tapped his foot.

When the door opened, Ash was about to exclaim "Finally." However, it still wasn't Efran. Ash recognized this person, it was Corban. At the least talking to them would pass the time, even if it definitely wouldn't excuse the teacher of demanding they all be their on time and missing the date himself.

"Hey, Corban!" Ash greeted, easing off the wall and walking over to his raven-feathered acquaintance. "You been hating all this red tape stuff as much as I am? We've been here a whole week and haven't even gotten put into teams for the real training yet!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mage
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Mage π’Šπ’π’”π’‘π’Šπ’“π’†π’…

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Adaptation within the academy had been, at least until now, perfectly fine for Leyfinn. She grew with a daily routine, including training and studying schedules. The only thing she missed was eating and reading in solitude... she felt as if she was never completely alone in here.

Upon returning to her quarters, Leyfinn's eyes immediately identified a previously inexistent letter laying in her bed. She picked it and hastily opened to read the content, an eyebrow arched while her ears twitched simultaneously above her head. Either their instructor was a person of action or a dry-humoured individual that's likely working against the academy.

"Tsck. Maybe I've been reading too much of that detective story." Leyfinn replied lowly to her own thoughts, making herself to the training room 03. Which actually already had two other individuals whom Leyfinn had certainly seen around but never actually spoke directly to. Was this going to be a training with a handful of trainees only? As she walked past the door, she peered around and began making her way slowly towards the two other individuals, trying to make eye contact to nod towards them before fully approaching and declaring her worries:

"... Did you two get a letter with questionable manners? I'm a little worried this could be a prank."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Finn Skyer

"Okay, I guess this Efran is a minimalist since this tells me nothing about him or why I have to go." He anticipates it is more training, and will it be more solo sessions? Sure, Finn does not mind the training or the study but, he would like to be assigned to a team and see some action. The Lost will not kill themselves.

Either way, he does not want to be late so, he got up from his bed and, after putting the note away on his desk. He gathered his gear and headed to the training room. He should get there in time unless he wants to be early but, waste energy now? Better save it for the training, and who knows, he might need it with this new instructor.

So Finn made his way to the training room, and while he was surprised early, he was not alone. It looks like three people were already here. "Uh," I guess it will not be a solo session this time. He thought as he noticed he did recognize some of his being fellow Hunters in training. Not really speaking to them before or really since coming to the airship. Guess it is time to really meet some people, he thought.

"So I guess we will be training together," Finn said as he approached the group.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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Isabelline Carter

Fashionably late, as always, Isa arrived just on the trail of Finn, a spring in her step. She'd been excited about this for days, constantly badgering Efran about it on her phone. He wouldn't give her any details though. So much for having the inside scoop. She thought to herself. She blinked as she walked in behind Finn, surprised at the empty room.

"Shouldn't there be... I don't know... stuff in here?" She asked, looking around. Her eyes went wide at the sight of two familiar boys. She'd seen them on the ship, but hasn't spoken to them. They knew a side of her that she no longer was and even she hesitated to speak to them because they knew some of her story. But, now she supposed that she didn't have a choice anymore.

"Anyway.. Hey! I'm Isa! And you all are?" She started, looking at the group. Maybe if she pretended not to remember them...
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Corban looked up from the camera every time someone came in, considering them all. Were they about to be training together? Where was the teacher? He should definitely be here by now. Unless it was a prank or...Ash was here. Things would be fine!

As the hawk winged girl came in, he vaguely remembered her from the ship ride over. Couldn't say that it was the most welcoming introduction. Yet, to be fair he had been rather agitated and unsocial himself. A mistake he wouldn't make this time. He stood to his full height. "Corban." He answered her, then pointed. "This here is Ash."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Ash McShane

Just as Corban and Ash had finished their catching up, and resumed leaning against the wall, a few more people entered the room. Two Feren women, and another human boy like Ash. Actually, the boy looked pretty dang similar to Ash really. Red-orange hair, broad shoulders, fairly similar skin tone... He was probably from Shidan ethnically too. He didn't have anything in particular to note about the wolf feren woman, but the other bird feren he also recognized. It took him a moment to remember exactly from where, but as he scanned her up and down it clicked. She was also a Child like Corban and Ash were, though he didn't interact with her too much. She was an orphan and, as such, probably didn't have the best life, so she always seemed awful gloomed up whenever Ash was around. But, maybe he had misjudged her.

She introduced herself up front, talking just fine. Corban took the lead in doing the introductions, oddly, giving his name and Ash's. Maybe the people in his life he almost left behind were growing faster than he gave them credit for. A small pang of guilt rose up as he realized he would have been leaving these people to their own problems even if he knew them, and was even friends with Corban... but he tucked it back down to deal with for later, speaking up to ease his tension.

"Yeah, like Cor said, I'm Ash. You remember me? We went to the same church as kids, the three of us." Ash said, gesturing back to Corban. "We didn't talk too much but, I'm glad to see another Child of Gaia. As for that 'questionable' note..." Ash mentioned, turning back to the wolf girl, "Me an' Cor got it yeah, the other human is probably right about all of us training together, though that probably doesn't start until this Efran joker gets off his ass and gets in here."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Mage
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Mage π’Šπ’π’”π’‘π’Šπ’“π’†π’…

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Shortly after Leyfinn’s arrival, two other arrived, another avian feren and a human boy. Two strangers which Ley knew nothing about, other than maybe seeing here or there. Great, two other clueless individuals, she snickered at the thought, then nodded in agreement towards Ash, taking a few subtle steps backwards while doing so.

There wasn’t much to do other than waiting, then. Leyfinn crossed her arms in front of her, idly tappikg her fingers on her arms.

(Sorry for the short reply, had to post from my phone which I’m not used to!)
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Finn Skyer

"I am Finn and nice to meet you all," he said with a smile, Nice to see that his training mates are friendly at least. Unlike soon he had been with. Though one of them, a Feren girl chose to remain silent. Maybe she is not the talkative type or maybe just not social. Well, since this just training so Finn guesses that names are not that important. Still, nice to have names to faces for the future. Even if it might not see these people any time soon.

However, where is Efran? Finn figured that their instructor would be here already since he set up a time. Finn looked around for anyone approaching and so far it was only them. Was this Efran late to his own training session? "Yeah, kinda expected Efran to be already here really." Finn taking the time to lean up against the wall and looking around some more. "I mean he did set this up and I thought he would be here by now. So I hope he does not keep us waiting for too long."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Efran Von Carmen

Admittedly, he wasn't super impressed so far, but considering that they were still in an empty room waiting for their asshole instructor, he had to give it to them. At least they didn't storm out like he'd wanted to when his instructor had done this to him. He rose after a moment and turned on the intercom.

"Hello newbies. Sorry for being so late, I hope you can forgive me." He started with a chuckle. "Admittedly, this was done to me when I first arrived and I wanted to see what my instructor at the time was thinking. I'm not sure I even get it though, myself." He explained, laughing again.

"I know you all have been waiting rather patiently to get started with the nitty and gritty of everything, but I'm going to have to ask for some more of your patience, okay? I'm not going to send a bunch of strangers out to fight the lost without giving you all the chance to get to know one another. So, today. I'd like each of you to pair off and go complete the task I've laid out for you." He explained more before cutting off the intercom and stepping outside through the side door.

He entered with a clipboard, scratching the back of his head with his free hand. "Let's see here..." He started, looking at his list. "Ash and Leyfinn, I need you two to head out and find a herb for me. It should be fairly easy to find but be mindful that you might come across some small lost. Be on the lookout. The herb I need is called Cermila. It's used in medicine to help fight off infection. Our healers are low in supply. Return with as much as you can find."

"Isa, Finn, and Corban; I need you three to report to the Ministry of Care in Korstone. They're looking for workers to help them rebuild homes for the tribes out in the outskirts of Barallia. There's a small chance you might run in to some lost, so be prepared. Report to Lafre. She'll help you all get started." He explained, setting his clipboard down by his side now. "Should you have any questions, I'll be right here. But otherwise, you should be off."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Corban straightened up, swallowing. "...Yes sir." He gave one last look to Ash. "Do well." Then turned to Isa and Finn. "We should head out then." He started towards the door, then frowned and turned to Efran. "Excuse me, but, where is Lafre?"
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