Vurs Kabki
Species: Weequay
Age: 52
Appearance: The veteran warrior stands a shade under two meters in height, with a strong, imposing frame. His eyes are tinted gold whilst the mercenary's face is dotted with scarring. Vurs' hair is braided and graying in color, grown out to the bottom of neck. His armor is heavy and sturdy, lacking in any frills or fancy coloration. Vurs has a cybernetic lower leg, just beneath his left kneecap. The prosthetic is firmly metallic, clearly not a top of the line limb replacement.
Faction: Independent mercenary/bounty hunter, loyal to whoever pays him the most.
Weapons - E-11 blaster rifle
- Scoped slugthrower rifle
- MPL-57 grenade launcher
- Vibrosword
Equipment: - Dune Reaver - Vurs' G-1A starfighter
- His armor
- Grappling hook
- Credit chip
- Food and water rations
Skills: - Firearms - The veteran soldier is still a fine shot even in his middle aged years, coupled with his wealth of experience on battlefields all over the galaxy he's quite fearsome with a blaster.
- Brawler - Well practiced in a few form of martial arts and unarmed combat. Along with his powerful frame he's a brutal fighter.
- Unfazed - The Weequay is well aware death could come for him at just about any moment, part of him is surprised it hasn't already but a larger, more pompous part of him knows he's very hard to rattle or frighten. Vurs often tackle challenges head on, without an ounce of disbelief in himself.
- Ruthless - Unyielding in combat and utterly merciless against his enemies, the mercenary will fight through pain to slay those that attack him. He's been described as barbaric in battle, often dispatching opponents with vicious assaults.
Weaknesses:- Hobbled - Vurs does not move as swiftly as he once did, due to his outdated prosthetic lower leg and advanced age. He isn't one to run around or sprint after his enemies, a light jog is as much as he will comfortably do.
- Disloyal - The hired gun has been in his line of work for a long time, he knows very well that money is the most important thing. His allegiance can be bought with lots of credits. If offered more money whilst doing a job he will easily consider ditching the first offer.
- Immoral - Vurs has done some bad things in his life, he rarely ever second guesses or feels shame over the more questionable deeds he's done. His morals also tend to go with the credit flow. Though he is not an intentionally wicked man, just one trying to make a living by any means possible.
- Arrogant - He has been at this for awhile, and lived longer doing it than most. It's only natural he has a very high opinion of himself that can be quite grating.
- Sarcastic - An often used tool in his arsenal, Vurs is not beyond spouting off mocking words at anyone who gets on his wrong side. Frequently he'll fire them at just about anyone.
History: Born on the arid Weequay homeworld of Sriluur, Vurs had an intensely rough upbringing. An only child, Vurs mother died in his first year of life which meant he would be raised by his father, Vukk Kabki. His father was a rough, demanding man, a warrior in service of the Hutts. Vukk often was tasked with brutal tasks like shaking down debtors or hurting those that defied the powerful Hutt cartels. Vurs learned early on how to fend for himself and how to fight. His father was a harsh parent but undoubtedly instilled some survival values within his only son. Shortly after reaching adulthood Vurs follow his fathers footsteps in becoming muscle for the Hutts. He hated the cruel slugs with a passion but it was the only way to get by. His father was killed a few years later, Vurs never being told who killed him. He did not mourn the ferine warrior that had raised him, but found himself completely on his own.
For the next decade the tough Weequay plied his talents out in service of the Hutts, diving himself deep into the savage criminal underworld. Vurs did terrible things during this time, but it had been beaten into his brain that it was all part of his life. Life was savage and unforgiving, one needed to do whatever it took in order to survive. The Hutts had been hit hard by the fall of the Empire, along with the death of Jabba. Power vaccums had formed and there was more warfare within Hutt Space than ever before. He'd made enough credits to benefit himself, to not just simply survive but thrive. He bought his own freedom, a dream which has father had but never succeeded in. From there the entire galaxy seemed to open up to him, there was always war among the stars for him to take advantage of. Vurs had also stepped into the bounty hunting life as well, opening himself up to more opportunities.
Vurs gradually made a name for himself, a fearsome blaster for hire with a ruthless streak. One could not afford to be weak in his line of work, or have strong morals. He had little care for the New Republic or the Jedi, often finding work within the wicked factions which stood in opposition to these two forces of good. With the rise of the First Order and the new Separatists the Weequay warrior feels it is inevitable that the galaxy would once more by engulfed in a massive conflict. He has kept his communications open to all of these grand factions with anticipation of a very busy future employment. The longtime mercenary certain that he can make a killing from a galaxy spanning war.