Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Species: Moth Fairy [Night Fae] [Natural weakness to iron, cold weather and sonic attacks]
Gender: Male
Height: 175cm
Weight: 60kg
Maturity: Adult [33 years, capable of reaching up to 200 years]
Origin: Iprazeru [A fantasy world with magic and fairy-tale like creatures]
Possessions: Jian sword[Exceptional quality], Sword-staff [Exceptional quality] but otherwise non-magical], grey carapace breastplate and wrist armor, long light blue overcoat, red sash belt, brown pants, black boots, black and white undershirt and a long black cloak with a hood.
Abilities: Well trained swords/spearman and acrobat, quick on ground and air, winged flight, keen eyesight and hearing, Chlorokinesis (The ability to summon, control and manipulate plantlife) and the ability to heal wounds (Although this makes him weary if done excessively. Small wounds however are no problem.) He also has knowledge of herbalism, alchemy and wilderness knowledge.
Description: Elthrael bears the remnant blood and traits of an extinct sub-species of fairy. In his homeworld he fought to make sure that order was kept no matter what, a particular controlled form of order. The man in question sees himself as a being standing on the top of the foodchain and almost as if it his duty to bend the meek to kneel before him. Elthrael has ambition to rule, perhaps not of all things, but of a majority in which he can impose total order. He doesn't believe in the utter destruction of a single species, as such a thing had happened to his own ancestors, thus he would rather see rebellious elements subdued by other means. Such as slavery.
He's a cunning foe, shrewd and doesn't fight fair, his words are about as dangerous as the tip of his sharpened blade or the magic at his beck and call. Usually his way with words is his first weapon of choice, for why fight something that you can bend to see things his way. The arts of seduction, temptation and taunting is also within his grasp, often these serve the goal of giving him an edge, be it emotionally making his foes unstable or otherwise have them reveal their 'nature' by acting on it. The moth fairy's perceptive skills are quite grand, yet he is not a mindreader, as such he often finds himself taking some creative liberties in possible scenarios playing out. Often these things include manipulating others into believing something which he suspects to be true, such as a person's motivation and true desires.
The man may seem to have vast patience and an almost disturbing calmness, yet under all of that is a fierce spirit and if he considers his quarry to be of no use to him he will not waste time. Normally he abhors hotheaded people which possess physical prowess, as it goes against his own way of belief in that there must be a balance of mind and body for a great warrior, that someone whose consumed by their emotions or give in to feelings of rage is a failed warrior no matter how physically strong they may be. He often thus seeks to expose said 'weaknesses' of others, especially within larger groups while advancing his own point of view on things.
While the man fights dirty and unfair, using stealth, poisons, mockery and more, he bears respect for loyalty and honorable individuals while at the same time berating them if he considers their loyalty misplaced and in such a case he would tempt them to change their allegiances.
What matters most to Elthrael is the order of nature and the world, where he as one of the 'strong' is destined to rule over those which he deems to be weak as his birthright, yet even so he doesn't approve of unnecessary cruelty without a purpose nor always killing his foes. For he may see potential allies, or at the very least amusement in them, akin to how a cat would play with other creatures.
Which goes into another aspect of his nature, in that he is a womanizer of a particular type, using his wit and way with words, coupled with some dramatic movements to appear as if he's indeed come from a fairytale to take whomever finds themselves in his vision away, to a world of dreams.
The fairy also makes good use of trinkets and weapons of various kinds, yet always being careful not to touch something which would render the object the wielder instead of him. He believes that power is only power if he's the wielder himself and anything else is a weakness or a curse. That said he doesn't feel beholden to his trinkets unless they have an emotional value to him, material objects are replacable most of the times according to him. He has no need to work or aqquire coin, as he deems it useless other than to bribe or pay of the masses. All he needs is his magic to provide him with the food and drinks he needs, while everything comes at a cost it is one he's willing to pay, as he believes the more he uses said powers the better his mastery will be. Yet being careful never to trivialize or consider his powers a toy, it would be to disrespect the power itself and the gift of having it. Although he may use it and appear to toy with it, but only if it will lead him to a promising pathway such as handing someone some food in return for information, loyalty or other things.
While Elthrael is a proud man, he doesn't allow himself to underestimate his opponents and always is ready to draw a blade if needed, believing that there are very few whom one could trust in the world and as such both he and others should be watchful for betrayal. For those whom ignore it will find the daggers coming from the dark with murderous intent.
There are many aspects to the moth fairy's true nature, he may appear simple at times with some nearly primal behaviour, yet these things are quickly oversighted when the man begins to speak in what some may regard as riddles or words hidden in other words waiting to be uncovered by those who listen well.