Interaction: Team A, Talon @Courtaud
Location: Inside the Kobra factory; La Hoya
As Cybergirl pulled off the grate, Mirage muffled the sound of the metal tearing. It wasn’t a perfect illusion. As she’d never heard that kind of noise before, she could only dampen it instead of fully erasing it. She waited a tense few moments, waiting for a guard to notice. When there was silence, she made herself invisible and slipped into the grate to start sliding in. It was a bit of a squeeze.
Once she made it through the vent, the corridor ahead was long and metallic. There were four doors, all of them closed. Carefully, she went to each and tried the handles. Three were locked up tight, with no key in sight. She didn’t dare try to break in. Her raw strength could do the trick, most likely, but the noise would cause all sorts of trouble.
The last door, surprisingly, was unlocked. She tried the handle slowly, and froze in fear as two Kobra agents stared right at her invisible form.
“What’s that?”
Mirage didn’t move or breathe, as one of the agents approached the open door.
“Huh. Must be the hinges. I told maintenance about these freakin’ doors weeks ago. But do they get fixed? No.”
“Tell me about it. The toilet in my bunk has been backed up for days.”
“That’s nasty, man.”
The agent began to close the door, and Mirage let her gaze dart around to see everything she could in those few seconds. They had all trained in memorization techniques within the last two weeks. Maps, papers, computers with some kind of reports on them. She read as much as she could before the door shut, then exhaled silently.
Treading slowly back to the group, she approached Talon. “Team Leader, I think I may have hit the jackpot. There’s an open door about 50 feet ahead, two guards and lots of information. At least one of the computers said progress report, and there are world and country maps pasted all over. The guards seem very relaxed; I opened the door and they really didn’t even investigate, just closed it. I didn’t want to attack them without your go-ahead. What would you like me to do?”