C A S S A N D R A C A I N ♦ B A D A S S ♦ G O T H A M
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
Cassandra Cain was born to be a killer. She was an experiment to create the ultimate assassin by her father, David Cain, a man so skilled he even trained Batman. He sought out the soon-to-be Lady Shiva and persuaded her into bearing his child.
Once born, his grand, insane experiment began. He deprived Cassandra of all language spoken and written, instead demanding that she only communicate with body language, and violence. The only word she knew was her first name, and she had trouble saying the entire thing. Just 'Cass.' No, her first language was one-on-one combat. While not wanting to give her a potential weakness by upgrading her abilities with magic or science, he did have pseudo-mystical doctors perform invasive surgeries on her to enhance her body's capabilities. For 15 long and brutal years she was molded into a killer. Cassandra's body-reading superceded well beyond what David could have ever predicted. It was mind, soul, and body reading all. Cassandra was connected to those around her in a primally human, yet utterly alien way.
What he didn't predict, in his cold, callous worldview, that his perfect weapon couldn't help but feel empathy. On her first mission when she was 15 years old, she butchered several dozen guards on her way to her target. Upon taking his life she watched him die, and understood death in a way no mortal ever had before. It was like she was experiencing it herself. As she fled from her horrible act she witnessed the dead and dying people she has massacred on her way there. Her fragile grip on her world view came crumbling down and she ran. Escaping her abuse father's clutches and living in the wild. She wandered the world, alone and full of guilt, eventually finding her way to Gotham City. Gotham City was in a place as dark as she was during that period. Compelled to help during these times, she saved people and battled some evil-doers. What really caught her attention was the Bat iconography around the city and on the television. Though she didn't understand what it meant, she saw the hope in people's eyes and the fear in wrongdoers hearts. Whenever they saw it, be in spray painted in a forgotten alley or flashing across screens.
Unknowingly echoing some members of those that came before, Cassandra knitted her first costume, a bat symbol on her chest, and took to the streets. It wasn't long before she was found by Batman. Although only knowing of it for a short time, the bat symbol had already had a profound affect on her life. Hope and fear, for those who need either one. A special kind of justice, away from goverment. A justice, in her mind, for the people of Gotham. The world.
It didn't take long for Cassandra to be accepted into the Bat-cave, though she's only been around for a year she's quickly engraining herself into the culture of the extended Bat family as eagerly and as quickly as possible. She's 17 years old and potentially the best fighter in the world, but there's a lot more that goes into crime fighting than punching and kicking. Batman's most likely figured out who she was trained by and where she came from. In most continuities he had training from David Cain, too. As for the rest of what he knows about her already, and the extent of their relationship, that remains to be seen. All Cassandra knows for sure is that the Bat has given her something to dedicate herself too that she knows is just and good. And she's not letting go of that for anything.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):
The main reason I want to play Cassandra Cain is because she's really cool.
There's a few reasons other than that, too. But that's the main one. She's fun, she's over-the-top, she's larger than life. And despite her preposterously grim upbringing, she's a really good person and a positive influence. She's tough, independant and strong-willed, but very vulnerable at the same time. Vulnerable, but not weak. There's a difference.
My goal is for Cassandra to play the role as the future successor of The Batmantle. Many other members of the Bat-family rightfully grow into their own people, find their true identity. Cassandra's niche is that she is totally and utterly dedicted to the idea of the Bat. As far as she's concerned, she's found her life's purpose already, and her arc is not going to be how that's a misconception for her. Cassandra has found her home in Gotham, and her role as her protector.
What character development she does have is going to be about self-acceptance and forgiveness. Cassandra Cain is still worried that all she'll ever be good for is killing, that she'll never be more than a killer. With all this love she has in her heart, very little of it is reserved for herself. Verging on deathwish. Sometimes she thinks all she'll need to be happy is to find a decent enough reason to sacrifice herself for someone else. But that's not a healthy mindset. It's possible to be a hero and help others without sacrificing yourself. Maybe it'll be better to help others in the long run.
I love her true zealous dedication to the no-kill rule. Cassandra understands what it means to kill, possibly better than anyone. When she looks at someone, she automatically calculates the easiest way to kill them. And she's seen someone (many people in this universe) die at her hand during a terrible night. She knows murder to be a terrible thing that no one deserves. Reformation, redemption, or just a life without harming others. That should be what happens to criminals. Anything other than spilling more blood.
Because if she is convinced that killers deserve death, then she'll have to give up on life. Therefore, her only option is absolution. For others, and herself. The only thing that she'll kill is the person she grew up as. And she firmly believes that even the worst folks can erase who they used to be and start anew. As long as the path to redemption can be made clear.
This Cassandra won't even hurt people if she can avoid it, preferring kindness over brutality. Of course someones harm reduction means breaking fingers and kneecaps, but outside of that she's reluctant to cause pain.
This Cassandra is going to be a bit of a rulebreaker and an anarchist, having spent a lifetime exclusively doing what other people have told her to do and being utterly sick of it. She's dedicated to the idea, the symbol of the Bat, more than she is to Batman or anyone else.
Finally, there's Cassandra's disability. She can't talk very well, able to pronounce very few words and having a hard stutter. I don't intend on Cassandra ever really learning to talk. Her brain, her mind, have been totally re-wired to experience the world in a different way. Like, society could have developed differently and she'd be right at home. But instead humans went vocal, so Cassandra feels like a fish out of water. She'll learn to say 'Yes, no, hi,' and the names of people close to her. Literacy is also going to be a struggle for her, but over the course of her adult life she can do it. Certainly not anytime soon in this RP other than the very very basics. She'll be relying on what she does know of English, and her insane ability to read intention, emotion, and expressions to preposterous degree. I suppose in this interpretation I've just made the pros and cons of her upbringing even more exaggerated. She's way more powerful in the ways she is powerful, but struggles far more with the parts she struggles with. This all being said, being quiet doesn't mean Cassandra can't express herself. And her usual sassy, cocky, compassionate and bright self. Her greatest superpower is her sensitivity for others. And not just because of her ability.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
Well I certainly want Cassandra to be a real professional badass. Like, her senses are going to be super enhanced, too. Like she could find blindfolded, or defeaned. Or both just operating on smell, vibrations she feels with her feet, and where she's getting hit. Just a real supreme martial artist. Like
a pseudo spider-sense that'll help her keep up with the more powerful characters. Punch Queen #1. And just very fast, predatory, stealthy, ridiculously agile and performing well-beyond olympian feats. But, if something isn't related to her assassin training, she'll struggle with it. She has to learn how to out think her opponents rather than just out fight them. Sometimes it's going to be hard to sneak up on an enemy, or getting into grapple hook/ batarang range. Those situations are where she's going to have to rely on others for help.
Like I mentioned earlier, I really cranked her body-reading up to 11. I wanted it to be more like soul-reading, or just true understanding of connectivity. So she's a human lie detector. She understands people very quickly. The longer she has to study someone, the more fine-tuned her prediction of them will become. As she understands how this specific indivdual moves. It'll even work on aliens and robots. If it has a body, the way it moves can become clear to her. This will help her in dodging bullets, too, of course, besides her regular evasive tactics. If she has line of sight she can read where and when they are going to shoot at her.
Alternatively, if they had a sticky note on their head that said 'I'M GOING TO UPPERCUT YOU', she'd have no idea. And if she tries to communicate or explain this information to one of her teammates who could potentially put it to better use than she could- good luck. Hacking is just completely off the table.