Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Ozzy Cross
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Ozzy Cross ⚠️ The Emissary ⚠️

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Status: Alive / Well
Location: At the Smithy
Response: @Redpandagamer@Forsythe

Theme Song

If she didn't return he could keep the metals? Thaddeus did not exactly like the implication of that phrasing or the anxious nature in which it was followed by. He was not particulary what one would call a worrier, in fact his mentality dictated that whatever happened would happen and that was that. No reason to fight a battle that already has a decided conclusion. But her words just didn't sit right with him, damn it, that wasn't it at all no matter how he pretended, he liked Shina and would never wanna see her get hurt, without realizing it at first she had become a comfortable part of his life even if neither of them really ever talking much or hung out. So the notion that she might not come back, even if it was a joke made him weary with a caution he was not known for. "Malvo is gonna be pissed..." Thaddeus spoke under his breath before removing the monacle from under his sunglasses replacing it in his pocket. He would just hope Malvo and the Katorian would understand his being late. "Ill go with you both, I would be loathe if something were to happen. Besides I have been cooped up on a ship for months, a nice walk wouldn't hurt." Thaddeus gave that smile he was famous for as he played it off that there was no other reason to go than he could use the exercise. "Lead the way. I will leave this paperwork with an associate of mine down the road, he will inform Malvo I will be back later".
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RedPandaGamer
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Forsythe @Ozzy Cross @Kumbaris @Goldeagle1221

Shina turned to Thaddeus as he agreed to accompany them, she instantly felt at ease with her long time friend coming along, not least because she still wasn't all that keen on it just being her and a dragon!

'Thank you Thaddeus, my friend. I appreciate that you are a busy man. Let's head to Minnow's then, shall we? Shina blushed a little at the thought of Thaddeus being worried enough to accompany them on this trip, then quickly shook the thought away. 'Need to keep a level head Shina', she thought.

So off they headed, back to poor Minnow's, a real weird look they would get, especially if the dragon remained her 'true' form.

Shina swung open the door to see Minnow speaking to Rudolph, she seemed to be even more angry than earlier in the morning. Yoshina was also still there; good, it would be super handy if either of these people could join their party. A powerful wizard, a princess who was also a soldier, yes, that would be very good indeed!

'Hi Minnow! Shina beamed, a completely different demeanour to her early anxious self, 'I wonder, if I can ask around to see if anyone would like to join our team for a rescue.... hmmm, hopefully not too much of a rescue, Shina thought ... '...quest, to find Guan! You know he hasn't been back to Lorenstad for many moons now, and that's just not like him. Your highness... Shina ran up to the princess and bowed 'I do hope it isn't too rude of me to ask if you would like to join us?
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Taraah - Shina's smithy --> TOM

"Off we go, then! You two, pack what you need and meet me at the inn. And if you have a picture of your missing friend, bring it. I will organize a mob to help us search in the meantime!" The dragoness purred with determination. She raised her wings and reared up on her hind legs, casting jagged shadows over her two companions, before beating them and raising herself to the sky, looping away with the grace of the smallest birds. And, accidentally blowing sand into the eyes of her company.

She headed to the terrible establishment, following Shiina who was walking along the road below her. She could swear the awful sour smell was still attacking her nostrils. Spoiling eggs with vinegar, how dare they! She landed in front of the door with a loud thud, blowing a puff of smoke form her nose before poking her head in after Shiina headed inside: "Fair folk of Lorenstad! A Friend of Sheena's has gone missing, we are going to search for them! Can any of you lend us your aid?" her voice bellowed over even the racket of the patrons.

A chirp then reminded her that the Lapoo creature was on her hsoulder, looking a bit flattened by the wond and frightened.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Ozzy Cross
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Ozzy Cross ⚠️ The Emissary ⚠️

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Status: Alive / Well
Location: Outside the Tavern
Response: @Redpandagamer@Forsythe

Theme Song

Pyrona was rather bold, maybe a little too much so given she just stuck her head through the door of a tavern and it not being human. Thaddeus was honestly waiting for the screams and half the tavern to hightail it out the back. Finding that thought rather funny if he was being honest, it reminded him of Xevoaren, he smiled at the thought. He had not been one for subetly as such, he believed that he shouldn't have to conceal himself because the greater world feared his species. Pyrona was brash like him, it is probably why it didn't take long at all for him to like her. A normal person would be pissed about being whipped across the yard with a tail but he was fairly used to it. At least, he was used to it anyways, it seemed like such a long time ago now and eons later from that moment in his life. Placing his hand comfortably around the hilt of his blade his smile become somewhat deflated as he looked at the ground. Funny how one can forget over a course of so many years but in the instance of a moment everything comes flooding back to you.

Honestly, he had spent most of that conversation in a haze, his eyes spinning in his skull, but he had heard enough to know that he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Not that it mattered much, when a Mesmer child goes into a blood rage, there is no reasoning with them, there is no stopping them, it was the final stage before complete insanity and once entered one did not come back from it. At least, that was the notion anyways but Xevoaren had convinced his father Alduin to spare his life, to help him. An Alduin felt obligated to do so by a debt of blood even if he didn't believe the boy could be brought back from the blood rage that was slowly engulfing his mind.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 18 days ago


Yoshina could only agree at the other elf trying to dissuade the Dark Elf Woman. "Please listen to reason Minnow." She pleaded. "I have fought dragons before, and they are not particularly fun endeavors, trust me. I should know, I've fought too many battles for someone as young as me."

Yoshina then proceeded to take up Minnow on her offer. She needed a place to stay and income, and 1 silver doesn't sound all that bad. "Sure, but I'm pretty sure the patrons won't be too pleased with me wearing this outfit." She outlined her current clothes. "This is suited for more of a rough and tumble adventurer rather than a barmaid or waitress. I'm sure that you have something lined up in the back."

She went towards the back of the tavern, and, much to her surprise, and embarrassment. She unearthed a particular piece of clothing she least desired. "Oh of fucking course." She muttered, bringing the outfit towards the front, confronting Minnow with the piece of clothing.

"Are you serious?" She said, showing the black and white dress with the frills and all the accessories associated with it. "You could've just said it out front you know? I know a maid outfit when I see them and... ugh!" Before Minnow could even reply, Yoshina went back to the tavern and promptly changed her outfit. Visibly blushing, and completely embarrassed, she returned back to the front of the bar. "I hope you're happy Minnow, I'm very sure your customers would be very pleased seeing me in a-"

She didn't managed to finish her sentence, and her eyes widened up when Shina and the group burst in and see her in the new outfit. A shocking change from her more practical clothes. Yoshina could just curl up and die from the embarrassment alone. Being visibly seen in this new outfit, an outfit incompatible with her personality at all..

She really wanted to just curl up, a Princess should not be wearing this kind of clothing, let alone be seen in public in a servant's outfit, and yet, she couldn't say no to a quest offer. Putting her embarrassment aside, she volunteered. "Yeah, sure. I can go, only if Minnow would allow me to go though." She eyed Minnow, her eyes practically pleading to the dark elf to let her go just for this once.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RedPandaGamer
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Forsythe @Ozzy Cross @Kumbaris

Shina was knocked forward by the dragon who landed with a loud THUD on the ground, 'Well, I suppose that's one way to make an entrance!' she thought. As they all came through, she was met with a VERY different looking princess/soldier. She was dressed in what could only be described as a little girls maid dress! Shina felt bad for her, Minnow must have given her that ghastly uniform for the job.

'Wow, I mean, you look...um...well you look like a very well-dressed maid. Shina glided over to Minnow and whispered, 'Minnow, I don't think that's appropriate for a princess do you? Um also, can we borrow her for a mission pretty please? We're going to go on a quest to find Guan.'

As she looked over to Yoshina, she saw that quite a few of the inn's patrons were also looking...this was no way to treat royalty! 'HAVE SOME RESPECT EVERYONE! SHE IS A PRINCESS, SHE DESERVES YOUR RESPECT! Shina quickly grabbed a coat from the back on a patron's chair and handed it over to the princess, 'If you would like to, we would be very happy to have you join our quest. You may want to change into something more suitable though'

The dragon's earlier bellowing had also made everyone turn to look at them, most with a look of fear, some with intrigue...

'Um sorry for our disturbance. Our group are looking for anyone who would like to help us search for Guan. Some of you know it is not like him to be away for so long. If you are interested, please come and introduce yourself. But know that this mission may involve defending ourselves and even fighting, so you must be able to hold your own. We will wait for you outside the inn'

Shina turned to leave and a flashback of Guan came to her ...

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Taraah - TOM

"Phahahaha haaaaaa~~~" roared the dragon's laughter upon seeing Yoshina in the maid getup, more smoke puffing from her nose, making the establishment a bit hazy as if it was more of an opium den rather than an inn. "Oh hime-chan, hime-chan! How far the nobles of the east have fallen!" Humans - they so silly. Shiina was trying to do more for her dignity than the princess herself, something Taraah admired the Firetail for - utterly futile as the effort was. She certainly failed to keep her sense of decorum - In fact, the believed she would never be able to look at Yoshina in the same light ever again.

Hearing Shiina announce that they would wait outside, she backed out of the Inn entrance, curling herself into a neat pretzel like a cat in the middle of the street. "So, how does this Guam character look like? I have eyes better than all of you combined, I can tell people apart from leagues up in the air, but I have to know what to look for. Or do I just stay visible and he will come trying to slay me like you did?" she grinned at the firetail. She was not bitter about it, but she enjoyed the guilt shaming a little bit too much.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 3 mos ago


With all the fuss going on and all the shouts and calls of her name, Minnow fell into contemplative silence that would rival a recluse dedicated to the Maker’s word. A thoughtful hum vibrated from her throat, putting her in zen as she pieced together all the action spilling about her. The elf’s brow knitted and she pinched her chin, the look of a philosopher (or at least a thinker) creasing her forehead.

“First,” Minnow finally announced, a finger jabbing into Yoshina’s back, “She wore this on her own volition. Second!” She folded her arms. “I have never seen this outfit before in my life. THIRD!” She gritted her teeth, eyeing her friend Shina. “Can you tell your pet dragon to stop yelling at my patrons?”

“And finally!” Minnow held up a finger, “yes, you can go, Yoshina — but don’t bring the dragon back with you.” She stomped her foot. “ANYTHING ELSE!?” Her eyes dared a challenger, the look of Grandma Dessalt very much alive in her descendant’s left eye.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RedPandaGamer
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Forsythe @Goldeagle1221 @Kumbaris @Ozzy Cross

Shina knew it wouldn't be long before her friend threw a fit...after all...Minnow had not been this busy in ages! She chuckled at her response to the princess's maid outfit, she knew it wasn't Minnow's style, but maybe she was trying something new?

She baulked at the term 'pet dragon' though, she didn't want people to think she had started siding with dragons. There was no denying that she needed the dragon's help, but she was not her pet and certainly not her friend...it would take a long while before that would happen. But her existence would surely help them through some sticky spots.

'Hah sorry Minnow, sorry! I didn't mean for everyone to barge in like this. And thank you for letting your new 'servant' go with us, I promise I will TRY to bring her home safely' Shina thought about it; it wouldn't do well at all to be associated with the death of a princess! She would have to protect her...what a bother!

Shina turned and walked out of the inn, princess in tow and saw the dragon curled up. She asked whether Shina could tell her what Guan looked like...

'Hmm well, he is about my height, long grey hair and he tends to wear his lucky satchel with him. I'm afraid there are not any other interesting features, at least nothing to see from high above. He does have a scar across his face, and i'd recognise him straight away from his smell....he always smells like sandlewood.

As she remembered, she felt her heart sink. What if he was gone? She never got to tell him how much his training had helped her over the years. More than that, after the blacksmith died, he became like an Uncle to her.

She choked back a sniffle [color=green] 'OK we'll wait her a little longer for anyone else that wants to join. After that, I need to get my gear from the workshop. Thaddeus, do you need to get anything before we go?' [.color]
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tags: @Kumbaris@Goldeagle1221@RedPandaGamer@Forsythe@Ozzy Cross

The half-elf wizard would have fainted a second time once he saw the draconic face of Taraah, but his full attention was more focused on more pressing matters. His eyes widened to the size of saucers and his mouth inadvertently pursed inward tighter than a Veracuvian Merchant's purse strings during the day of tax collection. His eyes were locked on none other than the red-haired traveler but, more specifically, at the maid uniform she wore. It had been the same one from the lemon incident a while back. Minnow had promised that she had disposed of the outfit...not well enough it would seem. But he was thankful that she played dumb convincingly. Even he would have been fooled if he didn't know any better. Regardless, he'd have to have a conversation with the night elf innkeeper regarding why the outfit was hidden instead of being turned to ash and scattered to the four winds. But that was a story for another time.

Rudolph blinked erratically as his consciousness deemed it was time to return his attention back to the rest of the world. There was something about a rescue, a princess, a friend, and a dragon. Letting out a steady breath, he pretended to had been in contemplative thought regarding the task at hand rather than in a stupefied state from seeing the maid outfit once again. "Ah yes...I suppose I'll partake in it. I only planned to deliver potions to our local enchanter today and return to my home but this is a more pressing matter."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Some ways away from town was the shack of the local skald Gunner Gunnerson. Currently the skald in question was suffering a hangover as he sat up from his cot. Gunner toss the empty bottle away before he stumbled onto his feet with a groan. He rubbed his temple as another way of headaches hit him

"By the gods what did I do last night?" The question was left hanging in the air.

The skald try to remember the events of last night. Last thing Gunner did remember was sharing one last drink with the other members of the expedition he recently sign onto. The ogre maneater got out a bottle of some ogre moonshine and challenge the group to drink it. Gunner rose to the challenge and down the bottle then everything went black. Leading him back to the morning.

'Last time I am drinking the concoctions made by the ogers for a while' Gunner figure he should head into town and find something to cure his hangover. If that fail he would go drink it off. Make sure he looked presentable the skald set off to town.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Ozzy Cross
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Ozzy Cross ⚠️ The Emissary ⚠️

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Status: Alive / Well
Location: Outside the Tavern
Response: @Redpandagamer@Forsythe@Kumbaris@Searat

Theme Song

Thaddeus, do you need to get anything before we go?

Thaddeus was broken from his thoughts instantly when Shina asked him about his needing anything. Looking around, Pyrona had finally removed her head from the tavern, well there wasn't a panic going on at least so that was good if nothing else. It had been some time since he had lost himself in memories like that, he wondered why he felt such a strong sense of familiarity with Pyrona? Looking at the dragon closesly he just felt a connection to her but he had no idea why. "Nothing to worry about mi'lady I am always ready to travel, all I need is my sword and a jaunty tune." Thaddeus did a little jig in front of her as if there was an beat playing around him and smiled widely.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by RedPandaGamer
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Ozzy Cross @Searat @Forsythe @Kumbaris

Shina was quite taken aback when Rudolph volunteered to come along with their merry band, she had always thought of him as a recluse. Someone who was far too wise to spend his time on adventures. Nonetheless, she was happy to have someone else who was powerful.

'Thank you Rudolph, we are honoured to have you along with us. Shina bowed and offered him a seat on a tree stump. She had always been taught to respect sorcerers.

Thaddeus had started to do a very odd jig in front of them, Shina tried to hide her smile, this wasn't the time or the place for dancing but she couldn't help but smile internally at the man.

Turning to the rest of the group she felt quite the sense of comradery. 'Thank you all for wanting to help me search for Guan. I brings me much joy to know you are all willing to go on this difficult quest. Especially those of you who do not even know him, I thank you. I must go to my workshop to stock up on my supplies. If anyone else needs to do the same, do so now. We will meet at the edge of town'

Shina turned and headed towards the workshop, Lapoo in tow.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 5 days ago

Calleida Fynwynlynn

--> outside The Other Mine

It had been nearly two weeks since Calleida had flown, and the rush of wind caressing her feathers felt wonderfully refreshing. The harrier tilted her wingtips and opened her beak in something close to a smile as she felt herself rise up another ten feet almost effortlessly, floating on the power of updrafts. Flying was almost too easy for a bird of prey. Much better than being a hummingbird. Good lord.

Calleida angled down as she neared her destination. She could people-watch villagers wheeling carts down the road, milling around the tavern, Captain Thaddeus dancing in the middle of the road, the usual. Wait... behind him... was THAT a-

"Hey! Captain!" the hawk exclaimed as she dived down toward the small group standing around the reptilian creature sprawled on the ground. She splayed out her wings to land gracefully, misty gray-green eyes locked on Thaddeus with awe.

"Hiya, it's Calleida," she began. Though Thaddeus could likely recognize her voice by now, she found that fewer mishaps happened if she simply introduced herself wherever she went.

"Did you slay this dragon?" the harrier gushed, hopping a couple times. "That's AMAZING! You gotta tell me the whole story! I was just on my way to..."

The bird's beak went slack as her keenly focused predator eyes finally strayed away from Thaddeus enough to notice the curled-up creature blink with eyes larger than Calleida's head. She jolted back, tripped over her own tail in a wild flurry of feathers, and finally managed to right herself and dart behind Thaddeus' boots.


@Ozzy Cross @Forsythe @RedPandaGamer @Searat @Kumbaris
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ArmorPlated
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


Roa floated carelessly in her hammock, the only light in the room a weak sunbeam trickling in from the hatch over the stairs, filtering down through the river water above. She didn't know how long she waited in between dreaming and awake, but she didn't have the presence of mind to care. Tired and rested in equal measure, she enjoyed the almost overbearing warmth of her blanket as she slowly drifted into wakefulness. I should get up.. Another, deeper part of her disagreed, and she did not move for a moment. The warmth lost it's comfort after a mew more moments and she pushed herself up, reaching forwards in a well practiced motion, hand finding the magical lantern which ignited with a flameless light at her touch, casting a pale light over her room. She couldn't help but flinch at the sudden brightness.

gently pushing away from the wall, Roa floated through the middle of her room, enjoying the sensation of the cooler water before stopping herself with a wave. She stretched for a moment before catapulting herself towards the back of the ship. As she reached the stairs, she angled herself towards the hatch. sliding bolt out of the way, she slowly pushed the hatch open with a firm shove. Swimming out and into the open water, Roa took a moment to admire what amounted to a garden for her. The waters by her workshop were by far the most colorful thanks to the numerous aquatic plants she'd transplanted from the sea or bought from a friendly botanist. Feeling almost giddy, she pushed the hatch closed before kicking off from the bottom to swim up to the surface.

Surfacing in the morning light, Roa took a deep breath of fresh summer air. She looked over to the town proper a short ways uphill from the docks "Good morning, Lorenstad." she said to nobody in particular... Her expression turned puzzled as she realized there was no one on the docks despite it being an ideal time to catch an easy meal. "Where is everyone?" she questioned aloud. Is there some kind of festival today?...
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Ozzy Cross
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Ozzy Cross ⚠️ The Emissary ⚠️

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Status: Alive / Well
Location: Outside the Tavern
Response: @Redpandagamer@Forsythe@Kumbaris@Searat@zanavy

Theme Song

Slay a dragon? Thaddeus heard the all too familiar voice, he checked his surroundings and noticed Calleida making her way over in yet another animal form, he had yet to see her as a hawk or had he and forgotten? Time did weird things to the mind, never mind that though, he went to open his mouth and tell of the dragon's not being dead but when Calleida flew back and tripped over her own feathers and quickly skirted behind his boot he couldn't help but chuckle. That was the reaction he had been waiting for inside the tavern but this was just as funny. "Calleida! Has it really been eight months already? You seem... hmmm... you seem well?" Thaddeus was looking for something to compliment the hawling on but he had no idea how old she was or even looked and with no proper comparison he had no clue. "Oh yeah! The dragon, was getting lost in my thoughts again! This is Pyrona, she is very much alive but don't worry she won't eat anyone. Slay a dragon... I have not fought a dragon in many years..." Again he found himself slipping into old memories but he stopped himself this time, what was it with him today? Must just be a day to remember old stories from his childhood. "How are you doing my friends and how is Oryxtheos, the old goat, his knees feeling any better? I believe I have the perfect ointment for him, I can drop by after I give Shina a hand in locating old Guan."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Ozzy Cross@Zanavy

Taraah - Scaring patrons away from entering TOM

The dragoness briefly almost fell asleep. She could not help it - The skies was clear and the sun was caressing her scales, and the cobbles in the road were sooooo waaarm. She started to not off, her eyelids getting heavy, only for yet another loudmouth animal to make an appearance and noise. She raised her head, blinking the tiredness from her eyes and focused on the hawk thing, eyeridges creasing in a frown: "What in Bahamut's shiny scales is this town's deal? Your citizens are a menagerie of all races, yet everyone seems to hate dragons and wants to slay them on sight! Can you not see the irony here? You have neighbors who are as much danger as I am." she growled.

Thaddeus then mentioned that he has fought a dragon before, which gained Taraah's attention instantly, her head swinging to face the half Mesmer. "I can only conclude that it was either a friendly spar or that you did not have all wits about you at the time? You know, you being alive still and all. That or you ran into a dragon who for some bizzare reason took a pity on you and let you live?" She said, a bit more guarded now as she raised to her feet. She took a long whiff of the sea farer. Dragon eyes were their best sense, but their smell was also very keen. The scent of the sea was still fresh on him - he must have indeed arrived recently. But then, she took a step back, ready to pounce as she smelled something distinctly familiar: "Where. Did. You. Get. It."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Ozzy Cross
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Ozzy Cross ⚠️ The Emissary ⚠️

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Status: Alive / Well
Location: Outside the Tavern
Response: @Redpandagamer@Forsythe@Kumbaris@Searat@zanavy

Theme Song

Thaddeus slowly lost his smile as he turned to look at Pyrona, his entire lackluster persona switched as if by the flick of a switch, his body became tensed up, his posture cold almost frightening. He could easily see that her posture had changed from that of a haze into a defensive position. Lowering his hand onto the hilt of the blade at his side he would not slide the blade up but rather prepared himself to quickly slash, he knew exactly what Pyrona's sudden change in temper was about and if she chose to attack than he would have to be serious lest she strike him down in one move. "Calleida, Shina, please back away now." His voice was cold, his usual hardyness they had come to know and love gone. He never should have mentioned fighting a dragon, that was stupid given their present company and now she had suss'd out the blade of his hilt was made of dragon bone and thinking the worse. "You have nothing to fear from me Pyrona, but if a fight is inevitable than give me the courtesy of doing it outside of Lorenstad. No one else needs to get hurt. As for your question... I can't explain to you where it came from, thats not your concern fledgling, but I can assure you that I did not kill the dragon it came from. I would never harm family." Thaddeus spoke very pointedly to Pyrona, there was no use in trying to console her now, that would most certainly make her attack, he just hoped she could accept his explanation because he intended to give her nothing more. "An to answer your earlier question, it was a sparring match."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Taraah - in front of TOM

"I am not scared, I am enraged!" The dragon roared fiercly. "However you came to posess it, someone either slain one of us or, even worse, robbed a grave!" She continued more calmly, but her face still looked serious. How dares someone disturb a body's rest! The soul remembers the body and mind when it reincarnates according to her kin's beliefs. Disturbing graves is a higher sacrilage than taking a trophy from a slain opponent, there at least the dragon died in battle, hopefully gloriously!

Once her anger abated a little, her brain registered the rest of what Thaddeus said. She carefully looked him over. She could not see his heart beating faster, sweat or anything that would betray he was lying. Did she dare take a chance on him? "I want to believe you. I desperately want to believe you." She finally said, her posture relaxing from 'ready to murder this entire town' to just 'ready to dodge a blade'. "But I will want to know more. If I am not satisfied with the answers, I will lay that bone to rest. And you along with it if need be. But let us find Shiina's friend first."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Ozzy Cross
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Ozzy Cross ⚠️ The Emissary ⚠️

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Status: Alive / Well
Location: Outside the Tavern
Response: @Redpandagamer@Forsythe@Kumbaris@Searat@zanavy

Theme Song

"You need not make your choice now, trust is something that comes with time for it is not something that can be rushed. But I must warn you, no one, and I mean absolutely no one touches this blade except for me. If one day you intend to put it to rest it will never leave my hand unless I am dead, so be prepared to fight me to the death." Thaddeus was deathly serious, his voice was steady and there was no loss of conviction in his words, he was more than ready to die for this sword.

The image would flash across his brain like a tidal wave surges across the open sea, that eye... that putrid eye that would haunt him for the rest of his existence. Just thinking of it made his body shake with an anger that not many knew he even had. His hand would tighten unecassarily on the blade, his eyes would glow deeply under his sunglasses in cohesion with his anger.

"Your anger amuses me boy, do you truly believe a half mesmer whelp such as you could ever strike me down? I suppose there is one way you might, but the question is... are you willing to go that far for this trash you call family? You can chase me for eternity but the only thing that is for certain is I will kill you, but only when you have suffered enough for my liking."

Bastard... Thaddeus was lost in his own head again, however, that did not last long, the whole tense situation did not last long before it happened...


The scream was so defeaningly loud that Thaddeus nearly jumped it being so damn sudden. Oh no, not now, they had to reach town now!? In the distance he could see Thomas making a full tilt run for the dragon. There was no way to mistakes his intent as anything more than pure joy and excitment however given the nature of things and what had just been happening he could not take that chance, not with his son. Damn it, was this boy afraid of anything?! He supposed that was his fault but still, Thaddeus would quickly depart from his spot in the blink of an eye and cover the distance between Pyrona and Thomas within seconds and without hesitation he would slide around the boys back and give him a quick but very deliberate and aimed strike to the back of his neck knocking him out almost effortlessly. Falling foreward his eyes rolled back in his head Thaddeus caught Thomas in his arms gently and would toss the young boy over his shoulder holding onto his legs. Yeah it was painfully obvious this had not been the first time he had done this to him. "Damn Captain, you ain't dun him like that since that incident involving the bandits and their Griffin. Malvo would come over the hill, thankfully the rest of the contigent was probably waiting in the town center, the last thing he needed was his men over reacting. Malvo on the other hand... "Is that... a ruddy dragon Capt'n... I thought the boy was yelling about something else.." Malvo was greatly dumbfounded as he placed his hand on the left pistol criss crossed against his chest with leather straps. Thaddeus would quickly put his hand against Malvos, "DON'T." Thaddeus was deadly serious, to the point where Malvo gulped, he had not seen the Capt'n this serious in a while and he didn't enjoy the experience when he did. "Take Thomas and keep an eye on him, strap him to a bed if you have to, I will be leaving town for alittle bit to help Shina, Please take care of the deliveries and collection and we will have our celebration when I return." Malvo would merely shake his head in understanding and would take Thomas in his arms, turning he would begin to walk but would turn back around right quick: "Your going to explain this later right?" Thaddeus would just nod as Malvo took the hint and disappeared back toawrds their caravan.
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