"Yep, that's really my name! And it totally rocks, too!"
Age: 19
Background: Depending on which parent you ask, “Sunny Day” was either a terribly brilliant name or a bad joke that stuck. According to her mom, it was in hope that she would embody all the qualities of her namesake. Which she does, or tries to anyways. Sunny is the daughter of an expat family. She is technically an expat herself, although she has not seen America since the age of six and has few memories of her native country. Her family left their homeland seeking a more progressive political climate and culture; circumstance and fortune bought them to Japan, which could be generously described as a lateral move. Despite that, they forged a decent enough life in Minato, and Sunny considers Tokyo to be her home.
As of the present day, Sunny is neither employed or in schooling. Of course, her parents think she’s off to college. In reality, she’s currently embracing her identity as a Magical Girl, fighting for justice in the streets of Tokyo.
Naturally, with no home, she’s created a ramshackle “superhero base” in a disused sewer pipe.
Personality: With a name like Sunny Day, she was essentially destined to be completely insufferable. At least, if one is prone to believing that there is a such thing as a person being “too nice”, Sunny certainly fits the bill. At her core, Sunny desperately just wants to be friends with everyone she meets. She tries her utmost to treat others with kindness, a strong believer in meta-physical concepts such as karmic energy. She is quick to joke and quicker to laugh. Her interests and fashion lean towards the hipster-ish, having been raised by her parents with a strong counter-cultural streak. As a non-conforming expat, she’s used to being treated with occasional disdain. Of course, when she encounters adversity, she always does her best to live up to her name and meet it with overwhelming, annoying happiness.
In the vein of her patron, she often tells people that she lives her life with “big witch energy” (otherwise known as “BWE”), and leaves them to make of that what she will.
Appearance: If one thing about Sunny is to be noted, it is her incredibly radiant smile. It goes wide. It is almost always there. Her attire is appropriately and ununiquely hipster. She has a fondness for bomber jackets, converse, beanies, and cuffed jeans. Her hair, which falls to her mid-back, is usually concocted into some sort of bun or ponytail. It is black with grey-white dyed streaks. She is 5’7” and a fairly fit 125 lbs. She is in the awkward state between high-schooler and adult, where she could pass or be mistaken for either. She is Caucasian; her skin is pale. Her green eyes have been likened to perfectly ripe avocado at least once.
Baphomet is ever the fan of contrast. Transformed, she is inappropriately goth. Which is fairly uncomfortable for her. Her arms and legs are caught in tight fishnets, which have been frayed and distressed, holes improperly burst. A black crop top hand loosely from her shoulders. Below is a tight black miniskirt. Further, making up the space below the fishnets, there are aggressively black thigh high leather boots. A choker wraps around her neck, hanging from it the symbol of Baphomet – a downward pointing pentagram. More of the aggressive black is above. Lipstick, thick racoon makeup, faux-tear streaked eyeliner. To cap it all off is her dramatic headpiece, a black crown from which extends two large outwardly pointed horns, mirroring the Sabattical Goat, a traditional depiction of Baphomet. Her hair is an appropriate enough color already, and remains.
Patron: Baphomet
Patron Tool: A black choker, from which hangs the emblem of Baphomet: a downward pointing pentagram.
Patron Weapon: Joyeuse – whose name rather serendipitously matches Sunny’s demeanor – a sword wielded in antiquity by Charlamagne, supposedly fashioned from the Lance of Longinus. Sunny cannot truly say whether or not the sword she wields is genuinely the same Joyeuse, as Baphomet themself is rather cagy regarding the weapon’s identity. All they are willing to say certainly is that the sword in the Louvre certainly isn’t Charlamagne’s.
What can be said for Sunny’s Joyeuse is that it’s a spectacular weapon. It is a longsword wrapped with blackened leather, from which extends dully glowing blue blade. Legend states that Charlamagne’s sword radiated light and ever-changing color, but Sunny’s instead sloughs pitch-black dark energy.
Patron Aspect: Balance
Aspect Magic: Baphomet can best be described as the representative of opposites and equality. They are both a devil and a god, and at the same time neither. They embody the nature of contradiction, and the nature of karmic balance. Sunny, for her part, has not quite mastered this sort of center – but balance and opposites makes sense. As such, Baphomet granted her the power of balance; that of the equal and opposite reaction.
Using her aspect magic, Sunny may “tag” two humanoid targets (including herself) by inscribing the symbol of Baphomet (a downward pointing pentagram) on them. This can be done with any medium, be it blood, ritual chalk, or, most commonly, a special set of markers she carries with her, designed for surgeons to draw on skin. As long as the marking is legible, it becomes a permeant engraving on the target’s skin for as long as the magic holds effect, not dissimilar to a tattoo.
After tagging two targets, they are bound. While bound, any injury that one receives acts as panacea to the other, healing them proportionally to the damage caused. And, conversely, if one is healed by magical means, the other is proportionally harmed. Of course, there is no potential for any sort of feedback loop, as the magic does not activate itself. In terms of effect, the spell does its upmost to mirror injury/healing 1:1, although it may also work by more esoteric means. Sometimes, proportionality is quite clear. Healing a broken finger? Break a finger. Healing a cut? Make a cut. In terms of more abstract malaise, such as illness, the case is not so clear. There is some guesswork involved in what Baphomet will see as sufficient recompense, although they lean towards cruelty – if one is unsure, it is always an option to drub an unfortunate victim until the other is well again, although this could end up being quite unpleasant.
The limits of Sunny’s aspect magic is as such: she may only bind one pair at a time. If another is bound, the earliest mark placed will disappear. Baphomet’s sigils will disappear an hour after they are placed. Only those that are humanoid may be marked, and certainly nothing inorganic may be marked. She does not like hurting people.
Miscellany: Amateur in electronic music production; has an okay singing voice; prone to the dramatic, as her mother was an actor; dabbles in painting; very knowledgeable when it comes to niche hipster music; writes poetry; can do a handstand; decently fit; is an okay cook; can touch the tip of her nose with her tongue.