"Oh don't worry Runa, I'm sure they'll be fine on Asgard. They are friends and are trying to aid in everything that is occurring in the universe. The All-Father likely will be alright with them there, if there is a problem I'll do something about it," Klara said with a bit of a shrug as she flew them through space. Unlike everyone else, her clothes stayed the same, keeping her to be in her own armor.
It took a few hours for them to reach their destination though. Pietro as usual was completely bored and (thankfully) since the ship was so much bigger than the one they had had before, he was able to run around it with relative ease. The flight was fairly uneventful. Though every so often there was a Nova Corps ship or two that came into sight, and Klara would just simply maneuver the ship out of the way to avoid them entirely, though it did add a small amount of time to their travel.
Eventually, off in the distance of the stars, they'd be able to see it, Asgard. The thing that they'd see first that stuck out was the building that housed the Bifrost bridge, and then they'd see the rainbow bridge just beyond it, with the city itself looming off in the distance. "Wow..." Mary couldn't help but mutter, seeing just how large it was, and how beautiful the buildings were. Everything seemed to just sparkle as the sun hit it.
"You get used to it," she responded a bit nonchalantly, before guiding the ship towards what looked to be a ship dock of sorts. Lance didn't even really react much to what was in front of them. Actually he'd traveled to more than a few places, of course, he'd been traveling with Thor and they had been trying to find Klara and Runa. Though throughout all of those travels throughout the stars, he'd actually only been to Asgard once, and what Klara had said about under special circumstances non-Asgardians were allowed there. His circumstances had been because he was aiding in trying to find two missing Asgardians.
"It is really something, just the whole sense of wonder kind of goes away after you've been there," he commented with a shrug, as they entered the hangar and Klara landed the ship, before powering the systems down.
"Alright all of you, stay close by, we don't want anyone wandering off since otherwise the All-Father likely would not be too happy. And trust me you do not want that to happen," she said as she headed off of the ship, once off, she greeted a few nearby guards who were there with a bit of a wave.
"Guin, remember this isn't a sight seeing thing, we are actually trying to accomplish something here. And I don't think you taking pictures with the rainbow bridge would go over too well with the people here," Mary said a bit pointedly towards her, before heading off of the ship herself.
So, essentially I probably shouldn't move since we don't want to cause problems or whatever. And if I start racing around odds are I will cause trouble in some form or another, just my thoughts.