White Moon

Birth Name: Tamreon K'ui ish ku'ye Uhyt Eywah (White Moon of the Wolf Mother)
Current Human Name: Sebastian Dane
Age: 317
DOB: August 13th, 1703
POB: Uhyt Eywaho Kusica (Wolf Mother’s Forest, located in present-day Southeast Alaska)
Height (Human Form): 6'4"
Weight (Human Form): 226 lbs
Eyes (Human Form): Light Golden Brown
Hair (Human Form): Dark Brown
Special Talents, Skills, & Abilities Advanced Intelligence (Linguistics, History, Art & Literature)
Fluent in dozens of languages (Speak, Read, & Write)
Unwavering Charisma (Charming, Persuasive, & Confident)
High Physical Tolerance (Pain, Alcohol, & Narcotics)
Enhanced Strength, Speed, & Stamina (Passive/Focused)
Heighted Physical Senses (Sight, Smell, Sound, Taste, & Touch)
Accelerated Healing Factor (Variable/Stamina-Dependent)
Multiple Lycan Forms (Body-Mass Transmutation)
Intermediate Mana Sensitivity (Low/Mid-Level Spellcraft)
Biography Sebastian was born into a difficult time for his tribe, the Uhyt Eywaho Lah (Wolf Mother's People). While his birth mother was native to their land, she had been impregnated by an injured Irish explorer who had sought medical care with their local shaman. Because of their forbidden romance, she was nearly exiled from the tribal forest, until the shaman felt the growing energy inside her and knew she was pregnant. She insisted the mother stay under her care until giving birth, after which she could be exiled. To prevent further strife from occuring in the village, the father was asked to leave, and he did so peacefully so that his son may live.
Nine months later, Sebastian was born, and as was custom for their people, he underwent the Hachu’a ish Usugwey (Trial of Visions). This was a ceremony to peer into the souls of newborn children to determine whether or not they were gifted with an Uhyt Oyosey (Wolf Spirit). Not only did that prove to be the case, but his was a legendary Laquay Uhyt Oyosey (Sky Wolf Spirit), named such because the fur would be white like the clouds.
This bewildered the entire tribe: Not only was this half-breed bastard child host to a Wolf Spirit, but a Sky Wolf Spirit? Many tribespeople felt angered and jealous, considering the fact that a Sky Wolf Spirit hadn’t been born for nearly a thousand years.
Sebastian’s childhood was not an easy one, and he was the victim of rampant bullying for most of his youth. With the exception of his mother, the shaman, and the Chieftain, most of the village harbored a deep hatred of the boy. They felt as if he had stolen his destiny from a pure-blooded child. At age fifteen, as was custom, he accompanied other gifted teenagers out to the Iyatohica (Proving Grounds) to undergo the Hachu’a ish Tenebwey (Trial of Growth). This was basically a test to see if the children were ready to be deemed adult warriors in the eyes of the Wolf Mother.
During these youthful years, Sebastian had grown very fond of Liwaiyeh, a girl of the tribe about the same age as him, much to the ire of her father. The older tribesman was distrustful of the "half-breed bastard," urging his daughter to stay away from the boy. She, of course, ignored his request and spent time with Sebastian whenever she could.
The day before the Trial of Growth, the two teenagers went picking flowers together, frolicking and joking and laughing. He gave her piggy-back rides, and when night fell, they laid down in the soft grass and watched the stars, telling each other stories and singing together. After they turned to look each other in the eyes, they shared their first kiss, making them both blush fiercely.
It was at this moment Liwaiyeh's irises turned silver for the first time. Among their people, this was a sign that, through the Wolf Mother's guidance, a woman had bonded with her Eysapadwey (True Mate). They were both elated by this revelation, but the girl had admitted she was worried the instructors would be too rough on Sebastian during the Trial, especially now that they were joined. He waved off her concerns, claiming that once he returned to the village as a man, the tribe would give him the respect he deserved.
However, once they arrived at the Proving Grounds, the instructors revealed the true test was to see if the others could kill Sebastian and remove his stain from their people. They revealed that, at that very moment back in the village, a handful of warriors were rebelling and would assassinate the Chieftain, the shaman, Sebastian’s mother, and anyone else who were loyal to them.
Terrified for his mother, Sebastian tried to run back home to protect her, but he was attacked from all sides. After a bloody, desperate fight for his life, he managed to kill them all - even the instructors. He stood there, heart racing, chest heaving, fangs bared, claws out. All around him were the torn corpses of his fellow tribespeople. His white fur, the grass, the stones - everything was soaked in red.
After regaining some control of his senses, he turned and ran to the village, but he was too late - his mother was dead, surrounded by her murderers. Not only that, but Liwaiyeh had been fatally injured in the chaos. Sebastian ran up and held her, looking into her eyes. They glowed silver one last time as she lifted a weak hand up to gently rub the side of his fur-covered face, uttering his name. Her last words were "I will find you again, my love," and then died in his arms.
Overcome with grief and anger and hate, Sebastian launched into full beast mode, and within minutes, had slaughtered dozens of the rebels. It was apparent by then to everyone just how powerful a Sky Wolf Spirit was, and that it was a mistake to earn his wrath.
The surviving tribespeople dropped to their knees and begged forgiveness, immediately swearing allegiance to him as their new Chieftain. But this only disgusted Sebastian, as he could see in their eyes this was only out of desperate fear. He growled and howled loudly before turning and running away from the village, never to return.
He spent many months living in the wild, hunting and gathering to survive. Eventually, he began encountering human encampments, keeping secret his wolf abilities. He passed himself off as just a tribeless wandering native, and soon found himself as a laborer for Louisoix Leveilleur, head of a merchant caravan. Through this man, Sebastian learned both English and French, and spent a number of years as his right-hand. During this time, he hired another wandering native to ink tribal tattoos on his body, detailing out how he wanted them to look. They were identical to what he was supposed to have received after his Trial of Growth, and that was his way of finally making peace with his troubled past.
But the wolf began to notice his aging slowed to a crawl between thirty and forty years old, and once he realized that the Sky Wolf Spirit had gifted him with extreme longevity, he left Louisoix behind to avoid suspicion. After that, he stayed on the move, never staying in one place for more than a few years.
Sebastian always remembered Liwaiyeh's final words, and knew their people would sometimes be reincarnated. Although he never returned to the village, he did occasionally pass through the nearby forest to see if he could feel the Aura of his lost loved one. But after many decades passed and she hadn't resurfaced, he eventually grew disillusioned with that belief and assumed she must have chosen to leave him behind and cross over to the Other Side. Unbeknownst to him at the time, she had indeed been reborn, but in another part of the world entirely.
He embarked on a number of adventures in the centuries to come, ultimately finding himself within the ranks of the Watcher’s Guild during World War II. This was an international organization of Magi, an umbrella term used for all people of magical affliction. They fought to shield Unmagi from Magi operatives during the conflict, and continued that role in future wars to come.
By the turn of the Twenty-First Century, Sebastian had been living in a large secluded estate amidst the forests of western Oregon, pretending to be his own heirs as ownership passed down. The Watcher’s Guild had helped him with documents and legal proceedings in that regard, but that meant he needed to take a new name every few decades to keep his passport up to date. He had kept the surname Dane for several generations, continuing that trend when he had taken the first name Sebastian in 2015.
By this point, he spent most of his time in his manor, driving to a nearby town periodically for food and supplies. Occasionally, he’d still pilot missions for the Guild, but he had mostly retired, finally having grown tired of all the violence he’d seen in his long life.
That was, however, until he was asked to safeguard a young witch who would light his heart - and his groin - ablaze, and bring his past crashing down on him...