Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Ooooh, now I am envisioning an eccentric, goofy stage magician with a fondness for slime named Ivan Ooze who performs at children's birthday parties, but business has been drying up and his wife is about to leave him due to their financial difficulties. He could ultimately merge with the purple slime symbiote, before becoming the toughest villain they've faced to date. His transformation could be similar to Joker's in "The Killing Joke," and then he ends up betraying Zedd and Bandora, imprisons them, and destroys the Command Center and the Nanosuits, setting in motion the journey to Phaedos for the Rangers.

Although Ivan's face and voice will be that of the human magician (and modeled after actor Paul Freeman), we could say the symbiote has some fragments of residual memories from Bandora and her descendants due to his close proximity with the Purple Nanosuit during his gestation period. We could also use inspiration from Majin Buu in DBZ to make him an exceptionally hard villain to kill, with a few false victories before he is actually permanently defeated.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 21 min ago

Just you wait for the "ranger who laughs" then :D
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

@CaptainManbeard my man, I love the story lines you're laying out. I take it we're meant to have a hand in writing the story, since you referred to your players as co-writers instead?

Anyway, lemme lay down my character idea, in general terms: southern himbo gearhead. Big, sweet, and seems dumb in some ways, but he gets machines on an intuitive level.

Maybe he starts to learn how the alien ship works, and helps repair it(guided by our Zordon).

If there's an arc where we lose the nano-suits, maybe he builds a simpler, mechanical version to get by, using his knowledge of alien tech and human mechanical engineering.

Let me know what would be going too far.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

@CaptainManbeard my man, I love the story lines you're laying out. I take it we're meant to have a hand in writing the story, since you referred to your players as co-writers instead?

Anyway, lemme lay down my character idea, in general terms: southern himbo gearhead. Big, sweet, and seems dumb in some ways, but he gets machines on an intuitive level.

Maybe he starts to learn how the alien ship works, and helps repair it(guided by our Zordon).

If there's an arc where we lose the nano-suits, maybe he builds a simpler, mechanical version to get by, using his knowledge of alien tech and human mechanical engineering.

Let me know what would be going too far.

Haha, thanks! I'm a writer, so I am thoroughly passionate about deeply-woven narratives :D. Here's the cover of my upcoming novel! This is Mallory Dane tapping into his Blue Phoenix powers, and yes, the aura was inspired by Dragon Ball, haha.

And I like your character idea, perhaps his temp suit is more akin to Iron Man's earlier tech with visible separation of the metal plates and such. Though, I would advise against playing him as too dumb, as he would need a sharp enough mind to comprehend and utilize the alien tech and programming languages of the ship. His intelligence would likely need to be on par with a Starfleet Engineering officer, for instance. Perhaps he starts off as "dumb," but that's only because he hasn't truly applied himself yet? Perhaps becoming a Power Ranger gives him a bit of a mental boost and also helps jumpstart his motivation to improve himself. You could also play him as autistic and use that as an explanation for why he's incredibly intelligent about some stuff but completely ignorant about other stuff. Just an idea :D.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by RickyG85
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Subscribing, for something to read/follow, for a little while.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Yeah, that's kind of where I'm going. He's certainly intelligent, but guileless, ineloquent, and generally unwilling to apply himself to subjects that don't interest him.

A possible slice of life side plot: the rangers have arranged an after school club of some kind as an excuse to gather without drawing suspicion, but Blue is in danger of losing his extracurricular privileges at school because of his English grade.

Joining the rangers would definitely give him a drive he was lacking, but it also ends up taking a lot of time and energy, leaving less for school work.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Forsythe That character sheet looks awesome, and I like the part about including a voice and a theme! I will probably do a fusion between what you posted and how my CS layouts normally look like. I'll include characters from two of my 1x1 PMRPs to give you an idea of my usual CS layout:

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 21 min ago

Still need to think up the zordbuster mode.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by WindsOfFate

WindsOfFate Divine Diva of Fabulousness

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I am excited for the OOC to get up and going. I’m ready to submit a character.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

I wasn't sure if I should wait for an official CS, or just follow Forsythe's lead.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

I'll have the new thread up within a few days, in the meantime, feel free to post your characters here so we can all get an idea of each other's roles and such. We don't all necessarily have to use the same exact CS layout, but mine will be a fusion of what I posted above and the layout Forsythe used.

Everyone should also use this time while waiting for the main thread to hunt down any images you want to use for your characters. Base form, what their Nanosuit looks like, any upgrades, your Zord, any special attacks or moves that you want to include images or GIFs for, etc.

As mentioned before, the Zords are not giant mechas that can stomp out an entire city block in this RP, they are more akin to the Hulkbuster armor and act as enhancements to the Nanosuits. I showed a GIF of the Hulkbuster earlier, and the Gizmoduck transformation from DuckTales is also a good reference for a larger suit that pieces together over the Rangers:

As for the exact appearance of each Zord, feel free to use a design that matches your Nanosuit theme, but the Zords should each be no taller than like twelve or thirteen feet. I know in the shows the Zords usually join together, but since such a thing would be difficult to RP together and would take forever to finish a single combat action, we won't be doing that.

At the start of the RP, it's the first day of our senior year at Angel Grove High School. Do you want us to all know each other already and be friends, be loosely aware of one another, or complete strangers? Either way, my character - I haven't decided on his final name yet - will be on the look out for people he can trust with the other Nanosuits. If we want them all to already be friends, perhaps he has sent them all texts asking them to meet somewhere quiet during lunch, where he will reveal the secret to them or something. As for why he didn't say anything sooner, perhaps there were some delays in him returning home from Antarctica, and he only arrived back in Angel Grove the night before school started. We could even say he tried to get them to meet that night, but they were like "Dude, it's late, we'll see you at school tomorrow" or something.

What do you all think?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 21 min ago

It will depend on the individual characters me thinks. I don't want to say before I see the sheets. No sense in everyone being friends if they share no interest, for example your guy sounds science oriented, so he would probably not pay much attention to Helia until he starts looking for his ranger team and sees her protecting others from bullies etc.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

It will depend on the individual characters me thinks. I don't want to say before I see the sheets. No sense in everyone being friends if they share no interest, for example your guy sounds science oriented, so he would probably not pay much attention to Helia until he starts looking for his ranger team and sees her protecting others from bullies etc.

Even if they are different, there are ways to have them know each other. For instance, in MMPR, most of the Rangers don't have a whole lot in common, but they are all still friends. Of their few shared interests, martial arts, fitness, and hanging out at Ernie's Juice Bar seem to be among them. If Helia works at Ernie's, chances are she's already well acquainted with the others.

For reference, here is the first scene of the teens before they became Rangers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2IF-Q2N0tQ

Since we all will inevitably be the heroic type, we could say they all became close friends the previous year at some charitable event, perhaps a city-wide trash clean-up or fundraiser.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Hmmm. I was thinking over the best way to incorporate Nanosuits meant for combat that can also replicate various linen materials (such as for Winds' mage-type outfit), and I think we could make it similar to how the Vision can transmutate his appearance in the MCU, like his cape and outfits in WandaVision. For those of us that don't have a visible helmet, the Nanosuit could form a thin layer over their face and eschew the features, similar to how Vision changes between his human face and synthezoid face. Winds, for yours, you could say that once he first bonds with his suit and sees it's default appearance, he's like, "Oh no, this won't do," and he subconsciously changes it, afterwards being like, "Ah, much better." You could say he is a huge fan of fantasy themes and roleplaying games, and that could be part of his inspiration for the suit. And to insulate him against damage that would normally go right through loose cloth, perhaps it can shift localized density to reinforce certain areas at moments of considerable impact and pressure.

Also, since the suits should have some kind of HUD in the visor similar to Iron Man, for you Winds, it could be the equivalent of contact lenses or something. They could alter his true eye color so as to mask his identity and also provide visual data on his suit's statistics and anything from scans and sensors and such.

If you haven't seen it, here's a GIF of Vision changing from his Halloween costume into his full synthezoid form.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Oh, and if you've never seen it, here are the Rangers morphing in the more mature 2017 film, for inspiration:

And the actual scene:

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 21 min ago

How do you plan to include Zordon? I was thinking he could be basically our Cortana, talking tactics to the rangers through the HUD and helping them use their powers.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

How do you plan to include Zordon? I was thinking he could be basically our Cortana, talking tactics to the rangers through the HUD and helping them use their powers.

Yeah, sort of. As mentioned in the original post, Zordon is an AI similar to Ultron, and is able to sort of "jump" into droids to control them directly. His primary way of communicating with the Rangers in the Command Center would be through a holographic projector of sorts, similar to how the EMH works in Star Trek: Voyager, though localized to only a small pod about the size of his warp tube in the show. So, to start, that would give him a few methods of communication - when he's in his pod, inhabiting a droid body, speaking over audio channels to the Rangers from afar, and syncing up with their suits' HUD when in full combat mode.

Although this version of Zordon is not a living organism as we would understand it, he still cares greatly for his Rangers, and exhibits a level of kindness and compassion many humans lack.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by CaptainManbeard
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So I was going through various image searches trying to decide the name and faceclaim for my character, and I think I've settled on Tomoyasu "Tommy" Miyazoko, the son of a Japanese father and an Irish-American mother. While he is definitely tech-savvy, he's also an experienced martial artist despite his young age. However, he did have some trouble when he was younger, and spent a few months in juvenile detention when he was thirteen after he brutally assaulted a gang of bullies to defend a classmate. One of the bullies would go on to walk with a limp for the rest of his life, and this event helped motivate Tommy to better control his temper.

I will flesh him out more in his CS. For the faceclaim, I'll be using a younger version of Jon Foo, who has had some kick-ass fight scenes, a few of which are linked below.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by WindsOfFate

WindsOfFate Divine Diva of Fabulousness

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'll have the new thread up within a few days, in the meantime, feel free to post your characters here so we can all get an idea of each other's roles and such. We don't all necessarily have to use the same exact CS layout, but mine will be a fusion of what I posted above and the layout Forsythe used.

Everyone should also use this time while waiting for the main thread to hunt down any images you want to use for your characters. Base form, what their Nanosuit looks like, any upgrades, your Zord, any special attacks or moves that you want to include images or GIFs for, etc.

As mentioned before, the Zords are not giant mechas that can stomp out an entire city block in this RP, they are more akin to the Hulkbuster armor and act as enhancements to the Nanosuits. I showed a GIF of the Hulkbuster earlier, and the Gizmoduck transformation from DuckTales is also a good reference for a larger suit that pieces together over the Rangers:

As for the exact appearance of each Zord, feel free to use a design that matches your Nanosuit theme, but the Zords should each be no taller than like twelve or thirteen feet. I know in the shows the Zords usually join together, but since such a thing would be difficult to RP together and would take forever to finish a single combat action, we won't be doing that.

At the start of the RP, it's the first day of our senior year at Angel Grove High School. Do you want us to all know each other already and be friends, be loosely aware of one another, or complete strangers? Either way, my character - I haven't decided on his final name yet - will be on the look out for people he can trust with the other Nanosuits. If we want them all to already be friends, perhaps he has sent them all texts asking them to meet somewhere quiet during lunch, where he will reveal the secret to them or something. As for why he didn't say anything sooner, perhaps there were some delays in him returning home from Antarctica, and he only arrived back in Angel Grove the night before school started. We could even say he tried to get them to meet that night, but they were like "Dude, it's late, we'll see you at school tomorrow" or something.

What do you all think?

My character will be slightly flirtatious, and I’m sure everyone in the school would know of him since he likes to host fundraisers for various charities and such and is always smiling and bringing joy even though he’s internally troubled by his own demons. He’s the “rich kid” but is always giving more of himself than is given. He has an ex who you can use later in the story as some sort of evil something if you want.

So, in regards to the Zords , I know it’s a nanosuit but you never answered my question about my character having ties with Udonna and has ties with magic to a degree. I was wondering about his Zord if he could summon something and fuse with it to remain within the limits of 11-12 feet tall. He’d summon a mythical Siren/Banshee and fuse with them to initiate Banshee Mode which would be his Zord mode.

If none of that is okay I can work around it. Just thought it would be cool to do. Kinda wanted to blend my characters magical heritage with the technology involved with the suits. Nonetheless, I’m extremely excited.
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