Alastor Shore

Tiefling, Fighter (Champion), Level 03
STR: 18 (+4) DEX: 16 (+3) CON: 16 (+3) INT: 11 (+0) WIS: 08 (-1) CHA: 12 (+1)
HP MAX: 31 Armor Class: 16 Movement: 30 ft Spell DC: N/A
Alignment: CG Defenses: (R) Fire
Alastor cuts an impressive figure standing at 6'4 with a broad chest. He has short but well groomed black hair that he combs back and a thick, well trimmed beard. The only thing that breaks up the growth is a crooked scar going across his right cheek and ending at his jawline. His horns curl, not unlike a ram, and one can tell that they are maintained and looked after. His eyes are a dark blue, complimented by his lavender skin. This look gives him a refined aura, despite his younger age of 24. Alastor wears a custom fit breastplate with the insignia of The Kadosh noble house, which is a gold coin with a dagger through it. He wears a simple leather jacket over the breastplate. At his hip hangs a longsword with a black ribbed hilt and a circular pommel. The same noble insignia is on the pommel.
Alastor is a man whose had to make his presence known all his life. So he is confident and boisterous by necessity. Some might say arrogant but Alastor doubts they would say that to his face. He is a man who wears his heart on his sleeve, for better or worse. This makes him friends and enemies at about the same rate. With this boisterous nature also comes anger. Insecurity. A less than healthy family situation will do that to a person. Alastor doesn't think, he acts, especially when his pride is on the line. But on the flip side of this, he is incredibly determined and disciplined in his goals. He knows what he wants and he will stop short of nothing to achieve them. He is also intensely loyal to those he cares about and has a strong sense of justice. He will step in to help a stranger without a second thought.
That being said, Alastor likes to fight. So if someone needs help he's more likely to pound the opposition rather than look for a diplomatic solution. The same can be said about his own relationships. Alastor hates talking about himself or his feelings towards other people and will shut down until the topic is dropped. And if someone pushes too hard, there might be some "friendly" scrapping about to happen.
That being said, Alastor likes to fight. So if someone needs help he's more likely to pound the opposition rather than look for a diplomatic solution. The same can be said about his own relationships. Alastor hates talking about himself or his feelings towards other people and will shut down until the topic is dropped. And if someone pushes too hard, there might be some "friendly" scrapping about to happen.
Though Alastor was born into an environment of privilege and money, his life has been anything but easy. Primarily due to the fact that he was born a bastard. His father, the head of the Kadosh Noble-Merchant House and his mother, a sickly servant. They fell in love in secret and the servant got pregnant. Though his advisors begged him to just give her some money and send her away, Lord Kadosh couldn't do that. There are some days where Alastor wish he had. Alastor's mother died during childbirth and Lord Kadosh took public responsibility for her child. And so Alastor Shore was born, unable to take the family name due to the circumstance of his birth, he was named after the coast on which his father's estate sat. Alastor had two sisters, Sharkaria and Leki. The heirs of the Kadosh estate. He got along famously with them.
It was his step mother that was the issue. Lady Kadosh had bright red skin and piercing yellow eyes and was every bit as terrifying as she sounded. And she despised Alastor. Not only was he a bastard and name but physically it was very obvious to anyone that there was no relation. Just the sight of him made her blood boil and as such she made his life as miserable as possible. One could be forgiven for thinking she never acknowledged him at all. That's what it felt like. And though his father and sisters loved him, Lady Kadosh had the most power due her extended family, all very powerful nobles. So the lord bent to the lady and Alastor had to suffer the aftermath. With less than zero prospects of advancement in his family, Alastor trained and served as a soldier in his father's retainer for a time, eventually becoming skilled enough to be announced as the official bodyguard of the Kadoshes. This backfired for Alastor however, as he was right back where was as a child, at the mercy of Lady Kadosh.
In the end, Alastor decided he had to find his own way. His whole life he had spent serving his half family, being treated no better than a common guard. He refused to spend his entire life getting tossed aside like he was nothing when he worked so hard to earn the respect of those around him. So he left, with nothing but a sword on his hip and a pack on his back. Where he was going, he had no idea. But for the first time in his life, he felt like the master of his own fate...
It was his step mother that was the issue. Lady Kadosh had bright red skin and piercing yellow eyes and was every bit as terrifying as she sounded. And she despised Alastor. Not only was he a bastard and name but physically it was very obvious to anyone that there was no relation. Just the sight of him made her blood boil and as such she made his life as miserable as possible. One could be forgiven for thinking she never acknowledged him at all. That's what it felt like. And though his father and sisters loved him, Lady Kadosh had the most power due her extended family, all very powerful nobles. So the lord bent to the lady and Alastor had to suffer the aftermath. With less than zero prospects of advancement in his family, Alastor trained and served as a soldier in his father's retainer for a time, eventually becoming skilled enough to be announced as the official bodyguard of the Kadoshes. This backfired for Alastor however, as he was right back where was as a child, at the mercy of Lady Kadosh.
In the end, Alastor decided he had to find his own way. His whole life he had spent serving his half family, being treated no better than a common guard. He refused to spend his entire life getting tossed aside like he was nothing when he worked so hard to earn the respect of those around him. So he left, with nothing but a sword on his hip and a pack on his back. Where he was going, he had no idea. But for the first time in his life, he felt like the master of his own fate...
Alastor was never good with animals and though he can ride a horse, he doesn't exactly have the money to afford one.
Recreational Archery (Specifically crossbow)
Drawing (His favorite is landscapes)
Tasting wines (Perhaps the only part of his noble upbringing that he actually likes)
Singing (When no one is looking, though. Maybe if there was someone cute nearby and he was drunk enough he could sing in public.)
A good bar brawl
The smell of the ocean
Most Nobles
Brussel Sprouts
Recreational Archery (Specifically crossbow)
Drawing (His favorite is landscapes)
Tasting wines (Perhaps the only part of his noble upbringing that he actually likes)
Singing (When no one is looking, though. Maybe if there was someone cute nearby and he was drunk enough he could sing in public.)
A good bar brawl
The smell of the ocean
Most Nobles
Brussel Sprouts
Alastor would most likely be a frontline DPS style character. Or at the very least a really obnoxious distraction.