Location: Akademos
Skills: N/A
Zari felt something shoot through her when Smokey decided to charge right through her. The feeling was not a good one, and her head started pounding, though that wasn't the only thing wrong as she dropped her sword arm, her body feeling heavier. She felt weaker somehow, not to mention the fact that her injuries were really really starting to take a bit of a toll on her body, and she couldn't really do much of anything for the moment. Her body was super tired, and hurting a hell of a lot, so it took her a moment to really truly pay attention to what was going on with Smokey and Andy.
Andy seemingly managed to kill Smokey, something that Zari didn't really think much of honestly, since she personally had killed people before (hell she had killed Cadena not too long before), and she shrugged slightly when Andy asked if she was alright. "I'm fine, just a little sore, but that's just you know, from fighting a whole lot and all," she said with a bit of a shrug, before she reached into her pocket and pulled out a horn, one that no one else had seen her use before, before she blew into it, the sound ringing out for a moment and she put it away. As if by magic, out of nowhere a horse flew down from up above them and landed right in front of them. Walking up to the horse, she patted him on the nose, "Been a while Mr. Sparkles," she commented, before turning to look at Andy, "Come on, we probably should go find where the others or whatever are."

Location: Outside of Magda Memorial Housing Complex
Skills: N/A
"Yeah, good thing that you can actually still feel the pain I suppose," he commented, nodding his head at her after Aurora took off from the area. People dying likely wasn't something he wanted to have to deal with right now, and sure, what he had been doing with getting involved in this fight or whatever was probably more than a little bit reckless. Actually a little bit reckless was probably an understatement, but he wasn't going to tell the others about that, or what all was going through his mind with regards to it.
Jack noticed the blur, signaling the return of Aurora with another person in tow, who immediately went over and set to work healing Kristina. Good, at least Kris wasn't going to die from falling out of the sky like that anytime soon. At least hopefully. If it was falling from the sky it probably would have been because she got shot down as opposed to stepping off the roof of a building and just dropping like a rock. "...So, now what? We try to find others who need help with something or whatever?" he asked, not sure what they should do now.

Location: House of M
Skills: Holographic Projection
She wasn't exactly too sure what was up with the thing that had popped up in front of her, and she more or less just sort of stared at the thing, before he tipped his hat and just disappeared. However, Miranda could feel that he was still there, likely just invisible. "Okay, now where did you go..." she muttered under her breath as she glanced around the area, before she heard the metal and rubble from the building start to shake, and now her attention turned towards Magneto, as he started going off.
Uh oh, this meant that he likely was still under the illusion, "Erik it isn't real!" she said, as she tried to throw up a wall fast enough to protect herself from the metal shards he sent flying at her, but she wasn't quite fast enough. The metal shards ran her through, and she started coughing up some blood as she fell backwards onto the ground. Her mind was racing, knowing that she shouldn't really move very much, and she tossed up the first illusion that she could think of, that of a Sentinel. It looked a bit cartoonish and all, but it seemed to do the trick and distracted Magneto, so she could try to remain still and not move, given her injuries. She just hoped that he wouldn't yank the metal shards back out without a healer nearby, since then she'd likely bleed out rather quickly.