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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Akademos
Skills: N/A

Zari felt something shoot through her when Smokey decided to charge right through her. The feeling was not a good one, and her head started pounding, though that wasn't the only thing wrong as she dropped her sword arm, her body feeling heavier. She felt weaker somehow, not to mention the fact that her injuries were really really starting to take a bit of a toll on her body, and she couldn't really do much of anything for the moment. Her body was super tired, and hurting a hell of a lot, so it took her a moment to really truly pay attention to what was going on with Smokey and Andy.

Andy seemingly managed to kill Smokey, something that Zari didn't really think much of honestly, since she personally had killed people before (hell she had killed Cadena not too long before), and she shrugged slightly when Andy asked if she was alright. "I'm fine, just a little sore, but that's just you know, from fighting a whole lot and all," she said with a bit of a shrug, before she reached into her pocket and pulled out a horn, one that no one else had seen her use before, before she blew into it, the sound ringing out for a moment and she put it away. As if by magic, out of nowhere a horse flew down from up above them and landed right in front of them. Walking up to the horse, she patted him on the nose, "Been a while Mr. Sparkles," she commented, before turning to look at Andy, "Come on, we probably should go find where the others or whatever are."

Location: Outside of Magda Memorial Housing Complex
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, good thing that you can actually still feel the pain I suppose," he commented, nodding his head at her after Aurora took off from the area. People dying likely wasn't something he wanted to have to deal with right now, and sure, what he had been doing with getting involved in this fight or whatever was probably more than a little bit reckless. Actually a little bit reckless was probably an understatement, but he wasn't going to tell the others about that, or what all was going through his mind with regards to it.

Jack noticed the blur, signaling the return of Aurora with another person in tow, who immediately went over and set to work healing Kristina. Good, at least Kris wasn't going to die from falling out of the sky like that anytime soon. At least hopefully. If it was falling from the sky it probably would have been because she got shot down as opposed to stepping off the roof of a building and just dropping like a rock. "...So, now what? We try to find others who need help with something or whatever?" he asked, not sure what they should do now.

Location: House of M
Skills: Holographic Projection

She wasn't exactly too sure what was up with the thing that had popped up in front of her, and she more or less just sort of stared at the thing, before he tipped his hat and just disappeared. However, Miranda could feel that he was still there, likely just invisible. "Okay, now where did you go..." she muttered under her breath as she glanced around the area, before she heard the metal and rubble from the building start to shake, and now her attention turned towards Magneto, as he started going off.

Uh oh, this meant that he likely was still under the illusion, "Erik it isn't real!" she said, as she tried to throw up a wall fast enough to protect herself from the metal shards he sent flying at her, but she wasn't quite fast enough. The metal shards ran her through, and she started coughing up some blood as she fell backwards onto the ground. Her mind was racing, knowing that she shouldn't really move very much, and she tossed up the first illusion that she could think of, that of a Sentinel. It looked a bit cartoonish and all, but it seemed to do the trick and distracted Magneto, so she could try to remain still and not move, given her injuries. She just hoped that he wouldn't yank the metal shards back out without a healer nearby, since then she'd likely bleed out rather quickly.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Whatever trick the Asgaurdian bitch pulled hurt like hell.

James clamped his jaw shut around a groan as his head pounded. Even with his eyes closed, he knew she’d taken him somewhere else because now he was standing, someone was fucking screaming, someone else was wailing, and his head felt like the Hulk showed up and bitch slapped him back in Australia. He must have managed to heal the bullet wound and the burn on his neck in the meanwhile but it didn’t make up for the garbled cacophony pumped up to 11 going on around him.

James finally opened his eyes. He took in the swarming people, took in the metal monstrosity in front of him, took in the man at the wall screaming, and then checked for the gun. He clicked his tongue in disappointment as he came up empty handed but patted a few more times as he felt clothes he wasn’t wearing back in the mirror dimension. He looked down for just a second, wary of turning his attention from whatever horror show Runa dropped him in for too long, and confirmed that he was indeed wearing something other than his uniform. Annoyance and frustration churned in his stomach and the noise wasn’t helping.

“Another new dimension, Runa? Couldn’t kill me, couldn’t chop off my hands so that’s it? Where’s the creativity, oh Goddess of Lies?” James scoffed at the metal woman. Apparently, she’d gotten tired of throwing random shit at him and wanted to square up. Fine by him, though the metal exterior put him at a disadvantage. His grimace made a return at the sheer amount of noise, his headache unable to subside in the chaos of it. He needed to find someway around that exterior before she found a way through his spine. “You know, the longer we do this little dance, the more I feel like people don’t care about your unholy domain. Maybe people don’t like you because you’re useless. What kind of Asgaurdian can’t decapitate their enemies at five paces?”

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Blackstone
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max noticed the worry in Pixie's voice as something began to form in his hand. He turned to face the item that was solidifying. He wasn't sure how it got there, or why Pixie seemed to be upset, but there would be time to talk about that later. "I did what I had to to keep everyone safe. Now-" Max focused on the staff, watching as Maria absorbed some of Criptas powers after Selene lasso'd him with a black energy whip. He tried to create a blast of energy but all it did was serve to blind him for a second before he noticed the floor beneath Maria became lava.

He wasn't certain of what to do or how to handle this new item, but something told him to just hit Cripta. He took the gut feeling and ran towards the abomination, crashing his staff against the tethered tentacles as Cripta turned into a pile of dust. Flecks floating off and towards Selene as she siphoned whatever remained. Max clanged his new staff against the floor, hearing the sound reverberate as he used the new item to help him stay up. "Dinners do-able. You're not a vegetarian are you? Cuz I can whip you up some A5 Wagyu beef steaks and a few other ingredients to make a great dinner. Oh and I'll throw in the recipe card too. But first two things…"

Max looked towards Pixie, concern in his eyes for what she might tell him. "You seem to know what this is, might helping me out cuz I have no idea." He then turned to look at Maria "I can send you home now, food in tow, or you can stay and fight alongside me. There are other battles across the island, and we could use all the help we can get."


Location: Hellfire Bay

Harry's shoulders slumped once the original had been found and the other clones had fallen down to the wayside. He watched as the bodies slid one by one off the side of the ship and down below. Each one begging to answer the question would that happen to me if I died? Would the others fall? There was still a lot he didn't fully know about his mutation. Having had one that can produce a variety of ways, ways he hadn't dared tested yet. There was an odd calm amongst the silence of the dead, cut through by the wailing sound of Sunshine as she sat there near a still Waverly.

The victory felt empty. A similar feeling creeped into Harry as he watched her lifeless corpse from afar. The breeze from the height tussled her mass of hair that helped to remind him of his late love. For a moment the two were one, his eyes unable to distinguish the difference between them as his vision began to blur and tears began to fill his eyes. The water stopped at the edges of his lashes, ready to fall before Harry managed to steel himself and wipe away the tears. He made his way towards the group now surrounding Sunshine and said in an almost distant tone. "We'll have time for this later. We'll make sure she gets a proper funeral. But for now…" Harry looked off towards the distance of the island. [Color=E610B8]"Others may still need our help."[/colorP
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 5:30 AM


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Rooftop
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation, Perception

"Of course - anything for a hero of Genosha," Elixir said kindly, taking Kristina's hand. "I'm Elixir - or, well, Josh too if we're using our human names." He looked a little bashful, as if he found her cute as well. "Everything feeling good?" he then asked her.

Veil couldn't help but notice the slight romantic connection between the two. They didn't have time for it though. Genosha was being attacked from multiple locations, and while she hadn't heard any updates from the Three-in-One, she had a strong feeling that they were needed elsewhere. She just didn't know where. And then she wanted to kick herself, realizing that with Aurora, they could move pretty much anywhere instantly and know where they were needed. She blushed slightly, feeling strangely vulnerable. "Aurora, would you go see where-" Veil asked.

"Of course," Aurora interjected, before dashing off into the sky.

A few seconds later, Aurora returned. She looked at the foursome. "Magneto needs your aid," she said, before one by one transporting them in the blink of an eye to the ruins of the House of M.

It took Veil a moment to get her bearings, as she felt sick from the rapid travel. It looked like the House of M had collapsed and Magneto was fighting... a cartoon version of a sentinel? Moneta was bleeding out on the ground and she didn't see any sign of anyone else - she hoped that Valkyrie and Andy had made it out okay. She was confident Polaris was fine, Polaris had been through more than most. "Magneto, what's going on here?" Veil asked.

Elixir instantly sprinted over to Moneta, knowing where he, as a healer, was most needed.

Aurora blasted the sentinel with light, whereas Veil noticed something out of the corner of her eye that almost made her heart stop. It looked like a monstrous thing, standing right behind Magneto with a twisted smile. The creature was invisible, so the others could not see it - but she could. "Erik, behind you!"

But Magneto didn't listen, instead turning on Veil and sending a volley of metal blocks at her that she only narrowly managed to shield herself from with a quick force shield.


Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

"Uhh... I'm out," the purple skinned kid said, darting for the nearest exit. This was way more than she had bargained for when she just wanted to take revenge on the silver telepath.

Casper's vision began to clear, as his mind expelled Serafina - that or Serafina was so unnerved by the gaggle of ghouls that she lessened her grip. He no longer saw his father in front of him, he no longer saw the confining small space of the mausoleum, but what he did see was almost worst. It was like the ballroom filled with ghosts in the Haunted Mansion ride, only it was real. They were shrieking and screaming, demanding to be looked at, flickering in and out of view rapidly. They were covered in ghastly wounds and blood, enough to make Casper's stomach feel sick. And the noise, oh the noise was deafening, he couldn't even hear Ben as his legs gave out and Casper collapsed to the floor. Blue light was enveloping his body and he was shaking like a leaf, completely unaware of his surroundings - unaware that the ghosts could now touch and hurt the man he loved.

A ghostly axe came down on James' head, his reactive adaption turning his body into an organic steel and the blade shattered. Serafina was repeatedly shot with ghostly bullets, although they did little more than bruise. She looked freaked out though, as she tried to control her foes with her mind - but couldn't. They were beyond her control.

"James, you need to knock out Casper!" Ben urged, his ghostly tentacles grabbing ghosts and flinging them away as best as he could. If he stopped though, one of them would make it to Casper, so he didn't dare try to do it himself.


Location: Hellfire Bay - the Mercury -> Roof of Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Sunshine flinched slightly at Spark Plug's touch. "Why are you saying sorry to me? You should be saying sorry to her - she's the one that's dead!" Sunshine snapped, rising to her feet and gesturing angrily at Waverley's body. She kept on replaying the promise of Genosha in her mind - that they were safe here, that they didn't need to worry about being murdered, that they could relax and live. She didn't know who had sent those monsters, but it didn't matter. She blamed humans for it all the same. One way or another, it was always a flatscan's fault. "We should've killed all the stupid humans, they're the ones who did this, they're the ones who should be dead instead of her!"

"C'mon, Sun, we'll go kill the rest of these assholes," Marrow said encouragingly. At Echo's words, the Mercury began to vibrate and then it shot off, heading in the direction of Hellfire Manor, as if the craft could sense exactly where it was needed to go. In a matter of seconds, the craft descended on top of the Manor and from below, there was the sound of ghastly wails and shrieks. They could see a group of mutants who had evacuated the Manor, staring at the main entrance as if anticipating some sort of monster to emerge.


"Is... is it safe now?" Rain Boy asked timidly, his eyes wide. The other students looked similarly freaked out, most of them having never witnessing violence like that before. They were used to humans trying to kill them, but not people who might as well have been other mutants. It was difficult to tell how Cosmar was doing, with how distorted her body was, but Glob was jiggling slightly from fear.

"...I like your horse," one student, with antlers coming out of her head, said somewhat timidly, looking at the pegasus in awe.


Pixie hesitated, not wanting to share her own trauma, trauma that had come at the hand of someone she trusted, a Russian mutant sorceress. She didn't notice the way Selene was watching her and Max intently, as if dying to know the explanation herself. Pixie then nodded, before a similar weapon appeared in her own hand, a dagger surrounded by glowing light. "It's part of your soul, Max. But as long as you have the bloodstones, it should be okay... It'd be really bad if you didn't..." There was a ruby gem in the hilt of Pixie's dagger - but Max had no such stones.

"The Frost Sisters are silent," Selene said. She looked at the bodies of the Coven. Only a few others beyond Max and Pixie had survived. Her face fell. "We ought to aid them, if you all are ready for another battle. I won't ask you to risk your lives again today. With the false supreme's power, I can handle this threat myself and spare you the cost."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Callie Johnson

Location: Hellfire Bay -> Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Callie looked down for a moment and sighed as Sunshine snapped at her as she eyed Waverly's body still there, they'd have to make a service of some kind for her she deserved a proper burial as well to. She didn't say anything to Sunshine as she slowly stood up and looked towards Echo and nodded, they needed to see if they could go and help the others wherever they were. Callie wasn't sure if this was due to humans or someone who somehow got their hands on some Hounds.

When the Mercury suddenly started to rumble and they were quickly whisked off towards the roof of the Hellfire Manor, she quickly stepped off of it and onto the roof. Callie looked down as she could see a group of mutants quickly fleeing from the building itself as Callie turned to look at the others. "Lets get down there and see if we can help them." Callie said as she started to find a way off of the roof.

Kristina Smith

Location: Outside of Magda Memorial Housing Complex -> House of M
Skills: N/A

"You can also call me Stareyes to it really doesn't matter to me." Kristina said towards Elixir and smiled towards him, as she slowly started to stand up. She shifted her weight slightly, and was relieved to not feel any kind of pain at all, as Kristina also started to stretch her former broken leg. "It feels a lot better now actually thank you so much." Kristina said towards him, as Veil asked Aurora to see if there was more fighting else where so that they could provide some help.

She was still rather surprised to see how fast she actually was, and it didn't take to long for her to come back and then suddenly they were all at the House of M. Kristina turned to see a rather cartoony looking Sentinel. Elixir quickly went off to tend to Moneta, and quickly went over towards him. "I've got your back." Kristina said towards him, she wanted to make sure that he was alright and wouldnt get hurt either.

Maria Novikova

Location: Blackstone
Skills: (Cripta's Tentacles)

Maria looked between Max and Pixie as the two of them seemed to be more interested in talking about their weapons, she made her way over to where her purse was and quickly picked it up again. Her little Flerken kitten's head popped outside of it and mewed Maria gently started to pet the little guy's head as Maria made her way back towards Max. Offering to take her back home, or stay and fight here as well to and started to think about it for a moment.

Maria gave a slight shrug, she might as well stay and help out a little bit more here. "I'll stay here and help out since you brought me here anyway, might as well finish what we started." Maria said towards Max, and then over towards Selene as she spoke she stared at the other people who were there at least those who survived this attack. "Just tell me where you want us to go and i'll help out however I can."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Akademos
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive), perception

Andy nodded. She seemed to be thinking for a moment and then said. "I can ride too, can your pegasus handle two riders?" There was something different about Andy's voice, it had less of the mixed American accent of someone who had grown up all over the country. She looked at the group of kids. It was clear she didn't know how to answer their question. "The smoke lady is gone."

Andy looked up to the sky and around the land. It almost seemed like it was the first time she was seeing the area. However, quickly she smiled and said, "I think that area over there would be a good place for you all to get to safety." Andy pointed to an area that looked like it had little fighting happening. She then looked at Zari, "And I think we'll find more fighting over there." She pointed towards where the grove was.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Kickboxing, Torture

The throbbing in his head had receded a tad but with these bizarre illusions around him, their howling and screaming echoing in an annoying cacophony, it was like he had two headaches simultaneously. He’d been distracted for a moment, closing his eyes as he rubbed at his temples in a futile gesture to find some relief, and then suddenly he was changing, skin hardening without his command as something slammed down on top of him. He glanced up as a blade shattered on top of his head, the impact still making his head throb despite the lack of any real injury. James stared for a second at his skin as it shifted back into… skin, mind churning with a few experiments he could recreate with new data, but his attention was snatched back into the present by a tentacled freakshow.

Mini-cthulhu apparently knew his name and the solution to this. Now he just needed to figure out who Casper was. Someone beat a hasty escape, the metal woman was panicking, and a decided unhealthy looking man hit the ground without any real reaction but with an ethereal blue glow. Mini-cthulhu was deafening the glowing man with everything it had so James guessed he was the source of all this. He plunged through the chaos, building up speed to catch the scrawny man in the head with his foot and James let out a quiet hiss of pain as toes met skull. He paused, looking around for anything but apparently that hadn’t done the trick. James stared at this Casper―looking for all the world like he’d drop at the hint of a stern word―in disbelief. He’d used his head like a soccer ball and he was doing fine?

James hastily straddled the glowing man, fingers finding and digging into the carotid artery with familiar ease as he wrapped his arms around the man’s throat. He squeezed and waited until the man fell unconscious and while James eased off the pressure, he didn’t let go fully. He really wasn’t sure what was going to happen and if it wasn’t enough, James would just snap the man’s neck. “What the hell do you get me into, Runa?” James muttered under his breath as he watched his surroundings carefully.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Blackstone > Hellfire Manor
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max saw the bloodstone located on the hilt of Pixie's dagger, noting that his staff had no such gems. A knot formed inside his stomach as worry quickly overcame him, crashing like a wave before receding back into the depths of his mind. That was a problem for later. For now, Max smiled towards Maria, offering to stay and help out instead of heading back home. "Thanks I appreciate it. Selene, if you feel you have Hellfire Manor under control then I'll take Maria and any who wish to come elsewhere to continue the fight. I'm sure others need our help."

Max tried to think of who to contact, Veils team was up high last he saw them, and his fear of heights would do him no good there. If he tried contacting Sunshine, she'd kick his ass for insisting she needed help knowing full well she had anything handled. It felt selfish, but he wanted to speak to James, his closest friend on this island. He needed to make sure he was ok. "Hey, I'm glad I got a hold of you. How are things at your end? Everything going smoothly? I have Maria here to help us out." "Who-" Suddenly there was silence. Max's heart dropped to his stomach as he tried to figure out what had happened.

Either James didn't recognize him, or he was attacked and made to break off his communication. Max tapped the bottom of his staff onto the ground, a loud resonating sound coming from the impact as a portal opened up to James. Throw wide the gates "Change of plans. James needs our help" The scene before him was like something out of a nightmare. Countless ghosts were wailing and screaming creating a deafening sound. James held Casper by the throat, his body hanging limp in his grasp while a silver lady recoiled at the ghostly invaders. Max didn't have time to ask what was going on, so he needed to make the time.

Either James had gone crazy or Casper had, but either way they needed to be separated for the time being. Max conjured magical chains, similar to the ones used to trap the president back in House of M, wrapping them around his wrists and waist before pulling them back and separating the two. He then held out one arm towards Casper as a salt ring began to form and encircle his body to help keep the ghosts at bay. "Ben! James! What the hell is going on here? Who's friend? who's foe? And more importantly can you step aside so I can try and perform a mass exorcism?"


Location: Hellfire Bay
Skills:Laser LightShow, PitchPerfect, SoundWaveManipulation

Sadly, Harry had no other words for Sunshine. He was struggling to find words for himself as is. There was an unspoken future that he had seen for Waverly. Something outside of the vigilante work and risk of death. Her skillset was undoubtedly unique, as was her personality. But he didn't have the luxury of time to deal with her death right now. As soon as he mentioned helping others the craft began to move towards a new location. It seemed to be able to feel intent, and it was taking them towards their next stand. Oddly enough, Harry hoped it had a punching bag for Sunshine to take her anger out on.

When they arrived they were atop Hellfire Manor. An audience of mutants scattered below looking as if they were waiting for something horrific to happen. Harry made his way off the ship, his clones following suit as he nodded towards Callie. "Agreed." He went for the rooftop access, pulling on it only to find it was locked. Annoyed, Harry rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers, a large blast coming down and blowing the door right off. "Let's go." Harry and the Boys made their way down and saw as Casper lay on the ground, blue energy surrounding him, James was being held back, Max was entering through a portal, and ghosts attacked a silver woman.

She must've been the one to fight. The reason for all this chaos. After all she fit the bill for the ones they'd fought before. Echo went to assault her, about to call her out for who she was when suddenly she turned towards him and uttered him to be quiet. His voice died inside his throat and he couldn't speak. He gave Barry a pleading look and he understood what to do. Barry gave a sharp whistle and a laser appeared right before the silver mistress, knocking her back and into solid masses of ghosts. In all truth, it was a horrifying sight.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Akademos
Skills: N/A

"Yup, Mr. Sparkles here can handle two easily, can't you?" she said, before petting the horse gently on the nose. Before giving a smile towards the one who commented on the horse. "Maybe after all this is over with I can bring him by again and people can ride him a bit, as long as you're careful of course," she added, with a bit of a smile, before she climbed up onto the horse's back, thinking back to when she was back home a bit now. Truthfully, she had some armor or whatever to go with the horse to more or less complete the ensemble of showing her to be a Valkyrie, but she had left that stuff back home. "Personally, I want to find where the others are... However hop on board and we'll get a better view of the situation, and see where we're needed."

Once Andy was on the back too, Mr. Sparkles spread his wings out, and with a large gust of wind, they were propelled up into the air, soaring high above Genosha. Zari was used to looking down a bit, and trying to spot things from a distance because of her flying on the pegasus before, however right now, she caught a glimpse of some chaos that was going on. "Over here, seems like something bad is going on over there," she pointed towards Hellfire Manor, where it'd be obvious that people were currently fleeing from the building. "Alright Mr. Sparkles, let's go, and hurry!" At her command, the pegasus dove downwards, flying towards Hellfire Manor, and eventually landed down on the ground right by the doors.

Zari was still somewhat hurting from her injuries, a bit more than usual, but she brushed it off as she took her sword and jumped off the horse's back, before racing inside. Eventually, she'd come across everyone else, and the chaos involving ghosts? Uh what? Her eyes grew wide as she saw everything that was happening. "Ghosts? Wait, I think I can do something, maybe? I don't know I really wished I had more practice at this... Maybe I can do something?" she said before she reached into her bag and pulled out her notebook, before proceeding to start flipping through it. She hated that she was still in training, if she was a full Valkyrie she'd be able to do this easily from memory, but nope, she was relying on hoping that she had it written down. Letting out a bit of a sigh of relief as she found the page she had been looking for. "Uh, okay. Well, I can only do one at a time, though maybe more powerful Valkyries can do more than one at a time... And uh, I'm not the best at this, cause I've only ever done this once, under supervision and all... Since you know... I'm still learning..." she added, before holding her sword up, before she went to the first ghost and started reciting, 'Til Valhalla og Fólkvangr går du som har falt i kamp - til Helheim går de feige drepte uten ære'. The first ghost that she did this to suddenly disappeared, however the next two didn't. She was a little freaked out, since she hadn't expected to need to know how to do this fully so soon.

Location: Outside of Magda Memorial Housing Complex -> House of M
Skills: N/A, Elastic Combat, Hand to Hand Combat

It wasn't too surprising for him to just have everyone start randomly doing stuff. To Jack this kind of seemed to be normal, though, so he just sort of waited after Aurora went off to see where they were needed. Of course, he was still more or less going against his father's orders, and that was something he was perfectly fine with doing. Why would he ever listen to him anyway? His mind was just sort of wandering before they all were suddenly more or less whisked away to the House of M where the building was completely demolished.

Miranda wasn't too sure what to really think with everything that was going on around her, something was more or less creating the illusions that Magneto was seeing, the same thing that she had seen when she had managed to break free of her own illusion. Unfortunately, she was not the best person to have in any sort of combat situation. Her powers were defensive, and more of meant to confuse people whenever possible, though the fact that this thing (whatever it was) was basically doing things similar to what she could was a bit annoying.

She was surprised by the sudden appearance of the others showing up at the carnage. When Veil asked about what was going on, Miranda looked towards her, "There's something else here... Whatever it is is causing the illusions... I don't know fully what he sees, but I got free only because I somehow managed to actually catch a glimpse of it... That sentinel thing, well, not exactly my best creation, but well, I was in need of something to hopefully distract him so he didn't attack me again..." she somewhat explained, not sure how much help she'd be in this sort of fight.

So, Magneto had someone messing with his head huh? Well, there was one thing that Jack could do to maybe snap Magneto out of it, but all things considering, it probably would be considered a bit of a death wish. That mainly being to try and punch Magneto directly in the head, see if that worked. Thinking about it for a moment, he shrugged slightly, "Eh, what the hell, better to try something then to have him try to skewer us or something," he commented, before he sent his fist flying, and managed to land a very solid hit on Magneto's head, to the point where it was obvious he likely was going to have a black eye from it later. Well, now to see if that worked, and if it did, if Magneto would want to kill him for attacking him or something.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 5:40 AM


Location: House of M Ruins
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation

Elixir blushed ever so slightly, an odd appearance with his golden skin, as he went to work healing Miranda, getting her back to full strength. "Everything feel good?" Elixir asked - he was pretty sure he got everything that was wrong with her, but he liked to confirm just in case.

"Whoever it was that messed with my mind, they will not live to regret it," Magneto vowed. His helmet blocked out psychic powers and influence, but it wasn't infallible. His defenses could be manipulated, especially if the source wasn't something psychic - it then occurred to him that it must have not been a psychic power that overwhelmed him. But then, what was it?

A strange green glow then appeared in Veil's eyes. To her, she was trapped inside of her worst nightmare - zombies. Everyone around her had suddenly turned into decaying, man eating beasts. She didn't have a lot of practice with shutting out illusions like Moneta did, so Veil did what anyone in a zombie nightmare would do with her powers - she turned herself invisible. She then threw up a force field around herself, preventing anyone from coming near or touching her. She was panicking, trying to figure out what to do - should she kill the zombies? Or hope for a cure?

A similar experience would happen to Jack, only for him, he would see himself surrounded by fire as the island burned.

"Veil, t'es d'accord?" Aurora said, asking Veil if she was alright. Veil had vanished from view and had shouted about something behind Magneto, but she couldn't see it. No one else could.

"This place is giving me the creeps," Elixir then admitted, as the rubble started to shift, before exploding upwards as someone flew out from underneath it with shocking green hair.

Casper & Sunshine

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

Selene strutted through the portal Max had conjured, Pixie fluttering along after them. When she arrived, Selene's eyes seemed to light up with delight at the ghoulish assembly of ghosts. Her eyes flickered towards Casper, restrained by Max's chains and surrounded by a circle of salt. He was limp but his body had a concentrated blue glow to it, his powers wildly out of control even though he was not conscious. "Why have I not met this young man properly? So much potential wasted in a male though," she mused.

Two others caught Selene's attention - a girl with dark hair like her own and Selene smiled ever so slightly. The other was a young child, doing a feeble attempt at banishment. "My dear, do allow me to give you a demonstration - and what is the saying these days? Use every part of the animal?" Selene then opened her mouth, using her powers to create the illusion of fangs, and she began to feast on the ghosts. With each bite, a ghost would turn into dust that Selene would practically inhale. However, even then Selene was hardly making a dent in the numbers - the room was crowded, overflowing basically with blue spirits.

Pixie was fluttering around the room, stabbing at the ghosts with her souldagger, dispelling them slowly one by one - but again, in the grand scheme of things, she was hardly making a dent. It was like with each ghost they took care of, two more appeared to take their place.

Soon after Echo appeared and began his assault on Serafina, Sunshine and the others would also make their way down. Sunshine's eyes widened, looking at the haunted spectacle. "Oh Hades...." she cursed softly. She had no idea how to fight ghosts. Her heart ached for a moment, thinking of Magik - Magik would've known. She could see James and Casper, both in chains. There was a silver woman, surrounded by ghosts - Sunshine didn't recognize her, so she assumed she was the enemy. She started moving in that direction with Marrow, only to see a horrific sight. The ghosts had swarmed the woman, each grabbing hold, and then pulling until her limbs gave out. They ripped her apart.

"How are we supposed to fight ghosts?!" Marrow shouted.

The ghosts weren't stopping with Serafina either. Some of them were clawing at James' eyes and his eyes hardened into steel to stop them. Ben was busy doing his best to defend Casper, his tentacles throwing ghosts away from his incapacitated bestie as best as he could. "Casper's powers are out of control, we need to find a way to stop him!" Ben exclaimed for the newcomers.

"But he's already unconscious!" Pixie cried.

One ghost was tugging at Zarina's sword, trying to steal it from her. Two ghosts had grabbed Andy by the hair and were dragging her up into the air, now at least ten feet off the ground. Echo would find he could speak again. Max was the other person targeted by the ghosts, as one ghost grabbed for his throat, attempting to strangle him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive), Electrokinisis

The fly over was interesting. When they landed Andy took in the scene. The place was swarming with ghosts. She knew her Electricity would have little use in this fight. Ghosts didn't need electricity. Though they could manipulate it some on their own. "Can you only take one at a time Ker?" Andy asked, then her attention shot up to the woman who had just spoken to them. Surprise was written in her features, as well as some other mixed emotions.

"Ma-" She was cut off as a couple of ghosts picked her up. She struggled against them, holding onto her hair to keep it from pulling and ripping out. "Cūlus." She cursed. One hand reached for her belt, but whatever the hand had been searching for it didn't find. She cursed again.

Out of reflex mostly she released a blast of electricity out and five of the ghosts were stunned. Not the best outcome, but she would take it. Unfortunately, it didn't get her out of the grasp of the ones holding her.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Callie Johnson

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Empathy

Callie watched as Harry used his powers to break open the locked door and quickly started to follow him down the stairs and stopped when she came face to face with a scene of a bunch of ghosts attacking just about everyone there. "What the hell happend here?" Callie asked, she had no idea if she could even fight the ghosts, or if any of her powers could work as she looked over to see Casper, as he glowed an eerily blue. His powers were going haywire and he was unconscious but still his powers were very much active. James was quickly restrained by Max as several people she didn't recognize jumped into the fray along with Andy and Zari as well to.

She really felt useless when it came to the supernatural she only really watched movies and tv shows about them, and she had no real powers against them. Callie started to think of an idea she was an empath and had used it on the living a lot of the time, she wasn't sure if it would work on a bunch of ghosts though but tried to concentrate on calming them down.

Kristina Smith

Location: House of M
Skills: Eyebeams

Kristina looked towards Elixir and nodded towards him, as she looked around she wasn't sure what she could do as Elixir tended to Moneta, her eyes wondered over toward Veil and Jack seeing their eyes suddenly glowing green and Veil quickly vanished with her powers. Kristina looked behind Magneto as she squinted a little bit and noticed that there were some footprints in the grass.

She wasn't sure if they were old foot prints or not but decided she'd give it a try, she shot an eyebeam directly where the footprints were as the attacker quickly reappeared on the ground and smiled a little bit she was actually pretty proud of herself. When she felt the ground starting to shake and an explosion happened turning to see what it was coming out of the rubble.

Maria Novikova

Location: Blackstone -> Hellfire Manor
Skills: Power Absorption (Casper's Mediumship

"Yep, no problem." Maria said towards Max as he opened up a portal and Maria quickly stepped through the portal shortly behind Selene, Max and Pixie. Seeing a scene that was more or less out of a horror movie as an army of ghosts started to cause a lot of chaos by the looks of it. Maria gently patted her kitten on the head as it quickly hid under her purse. Maria started to look around seeing Casper on the ground, she remembered him a little bit during Wanda's House of M reality world along with James and Max.

She had no clue on how to tame the undead but she looked at Max seeing the eerie blue glow around his body, and started to get an idea if she could use his power she could try and tame them. Maria quickly charged forward doing her best to avoid the ghosts as Maria took off her gloves and rested them on both sides of his head and started to absorb some of his power. Maria quickly released Casper and stood up looking at the ghosts and tried to concentrate on them, and nothing happened while looking over at Ben. "Do you happen to have a training manual on how to use his powers?" Maria asked the only friendly ghost in the area.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Blackstone > Hellfire Manor
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max cocked his head as Zari tried to, what he could only assume was, exercise a ghost. As usual she muttered out a lot of random nonsense he didn't understand, and the words that she spoke weren't the incantations he knew. Sure enough however, she managed to make one vanish in a fit of smoke. The room erupted in chaos as ghosts pulled and tugged at everyone around them. Selene was eating them, Pixie stabbed them, Andy shocked them and Maria tried her best to control them using Caspers powers. He silently thanked himself for bringing her along, seeing just how useful she was in a pinch.

"Alright. Those who can't fight against ghosts listen closely. Avoid the tentacle one that's Ben. He's a friend and I'll kick your ass if he's hurt or expelled. I'm gonna try and get yall some help." Max said through choked words as a ghost went up and grabbed him by his throat. He began to try and Conjure some salt, only managing to get two containers of Morton Salt. Next he tried to make some tape recorders of him saying the chant, but his powers fizzled out. He cursed to himself silently, looking over and seeing as James was being clawed at by the spectral enemies.

Fuck How could he have forgotten he bound James? Max waved his hand and the chains undid from James. He poured some salt into his hand and began to exercise. "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te... cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare... Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis... Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei; contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine... quem inferi tremunt... Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine. Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos" As he threw the salt and said the final word, the ghost gripping him vanishes and Max clutched his neck.

"Ok magic isn't agreeing with me today. Sunshine heads up!" Max tossed one of the containers of salt to her. "You have better aim, Draw a circle around you to keep them at bay, I'm gonna try and get some cheats for you to exercise them." Max made his way over to James to help him up. "Sorry about that, the situation didn't look too great and we'll for a moment...nevermind."


Location: Hellfire Bay
Skills:Laser LightShow, PitchPerfect, SoundWaveManipulation

Harry had no idea how to handle what he was seeing. Ghosts were everywhere, wails were piercing the air, and a Wan just got torn apart by a haunting of spirits. He went to speak and felt the familiar tug of his voice again. Making a finger gun motion, Harry shot at one of the ghosts and pushed it backwards, showing him he could still handle them like normal. Good. Harry tried a full out assault, shooting lasers to see if he could hit as many as possible much how he'd done with the clones, but in all his lights he managed to strike Ben and send him down. "Shit! Ben!"
"Are you fucking with me?" "I know! I've got it!"

Harry and the boys bolted towards Casper, surrounding him outside the circle of salt Max had created and standing guard over Casper and Ben. It was his mess now and he needed to clean it up. Each clone stood by in defensive stance, waiting and watching to beam any ghost that dared to approach them. None of them, including Harry, were sure of how effective they'd be as a front line, but they were all Ben and Casper had at this moment, and there were enough of them to handle and surround the pair. "Just. Focus on the rest. I'll watch over them."

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

James let out an undignified squawk as the newcomer caught him off guard, cursing at himself as he lay on the ground. What was with these mad mages and tossing him around like a sack of flour? His irritation was quickly forgot as a ghost honed in on his restraints and took the opportunity to scratch at his eyes as it screamed. Thankfully, whatever strange reaction he was having to the witch's effects saved him again. He still shivered as his eyes turned to solid metal, the sound of fingernails screeching against steel grating above the roar of combat.

James watched warily as his captor feed him and then offered his assistance and while he certainly didn't trust him, James reached out and stood with his assistance. James paused to take stock of the situation, watching as various individuals threw themselves into the fray. A young girl his captor called Sunshine seemed uncertain how to approach this. Another man replicated himself and surrounded the problem Mutant in some effort to defend him after inadvertently taking down Cthulhu. A few were actually successfully staving off the ghosts, the most terrifying the one actively eating them, but it was clear they were out numbered and losing fast.

James could run but he had no idea where he was or if the world outside this house was as crazy as it was in here and he had no way to contact any allies, if he had any here. His captor seemed familiar enough with him so for now, he'd stay nearby and use him to get out of this mess after they got out of the

"Our odds of survival seem slim." James commented flatly to his captor, glancing over at the Problem. "Have we considered that terminating the source would likely put an end to all this?"

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: House of M
Skills: N/A

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you very much... I'm not exactly much of an actual fighter, I typically do more on the defensive side of things whenever possible, just sort of ended up needing to somewhat, thank you again," she said to Elixir with a bit of a smile. This wasn't exactly the sort of situation that she really stuck around for. Truthfully whenever possible, she tried to stay out of any sort of combat, in her experiences she was better at creating diversions, as opposed to creating attacks. At least when she first had her powers and began using them that was more or less what they were used for.

Jack was thankful for a few different things in the moment currently. One being that no one over here who wasn't an attacker was dead, two, that Magneto had snapped out of it, and three, the fact that Magneto wasn't seemingly super pissed off at him for punching him in the face! That last one was the thing he was most grateful for, especially considering the fact the he had punched him knowing full well that that sort of thing could happen. So that was at least something for the moment anyway so hooray!

Of course, Veil seemingly decided to disappear randomly for some strange reason, however the world around him suddenly decided to catch on fire. Somehow? Nothing seemed to decide to actually lead to this, just, suddenly, everything decided to catch on fire. Despite the fact that something was really weird about how this started, no matter how he could rationalize it as being impossible, it still seemed very real. Meaning that odds were, it probably was, somehow. Nothing was making sense, and his brain was just sort of trying to process what was going on around him.

Feeling the ground shake, Miranda turned to glance towards the remains of the building, considering the fact that Lorna was down there somewhere. She couldn't help but be rather hopeful that Lorna was alright and not injured despite being trapped under the rubble (despite what Magneto seemed to be convinced of, she was still worried). So when the rubble burst upwards and there was a glimpse of green hair for whoever was coming out of it, she let out a bit of a sigh or relief, figuring that it likely was Lorna.

Location: Akademos
Skills: N/A

Zari froze when she heard a familiar voice, and anyone close to her would practically be able to see the color drain from her face, as she whirled around for a moment and saw Maria there. She almost said something, but instantly clamped her mouth shut, figuring it likely would be best if she didn't say anything. After all, if she said the wrong thing, she might change the timeline or mess with something, then what would she be left with? Hell, saying the wrong thing to someone who she knew most of her life and yet didn't actually know her right now could result in major repercussions for the timeline, something she really wanted to prevent since that would make things really complicated for her later.

Of course, she was a bit sidetracked from that line of thought, by the fact that a ghost was trying to steal her sword. "Hey that's my sword not yours! I hate that you can even mess with it!" she snapped, before she yanked really hard and managed to get her sword free. Of course, she instantly started trying to get rid of the ghosts, the words in Ancient Norse just rolling off her tongue effortlessly as with another poof a ghost disappeared. Turning her attention to another ghost, she accidentally stumbled, but managed to make the ghost disappear, mostly anyway. Problem was now the poor ghost was just a pair of legs wandering around. "Oops, sorry!" she said, apologizing to the ghost for the fact that currently it was just a pair of legs.
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 5:50 AM


Location: House of M Ruins
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation

Polaris looked like she had gone through hell. Her body was sporting numerous cuts and her green hair was matted with blood. Her nose was broken and a blade was embedded in her stomach. Green magnetism surrounded her hands as she used her mutant gifts to drag five bodies out from the rubble with her, all of their throats cut with some sort of jagged blade. There was a certain numbness in her eyes as she saw the strange creature Kristina had blasted, and with the flick of her wrist, metal shards slit the creature's throat. "Father, Moneta, you survived," Polaris stated.

With the creature dead, Veil and Jack were both freed from their illusions. Veil took a deep breath, suddenly coming to her senses, and she made herself visible again. Everyone seemed to be okay - well, Polaris looked like she was in desperate need of a doctor and then a quiet moment to herself, but otherwise, they were fine. By some miracle, no one had died. "What were these people?" Veil muttered, but she knew that there were probably still other places on the island that needed them. They had just showed up to the tail end of the fighting here - from the psychic messages earlier, it seemed like every inch of Genosha was under attack, so odds were, they were needed elsewhere.

"Yes, although we cannot say the same for the meshugener," Magneto commented. There was a hint of concern in his eyes. "Elixir, would you attend to Polaris?" Magneto requested.

"I'm fine," Polaris said, her voice void of emotion. "See?" she then pulled the blade out of her stomach, blood gushing out. Her pale fingers were stained with her own blood and she must have been in immense pain, but it didn't show. She was numb to the world - likely because of the senseless bloodshed that had just happened, but it was fine - they were all alive - so what had her so shaken?

"Um... I'm going to heal you anyways, okay?" Elixir said timidly, looking like he was worried Polaris would carve his insides out with metal as he approached her. He gently put a hand on her, before his eyes widened with understanding. "Oh.... Oh. I see... I... I can't do anything about that... I'm so sorry..."

"You can't heal her?" Aurora asked, confused.

Veil saw Elixir's hands heal Polaris' wound, but it didn't change the heartbroken look on his face - or wash away the clear trauma in Polaris'. Her eyes widened slightly as she realized what must have happened. She didn't know what to say about it - she hadn't known Polaris that well, they used to have been more or less friends, but that had been years ago. And she definitely wasn't about to ask Polaris if her dead unborn child was Havok's. Now wasn't the time. It would never be the time for that.

Casper & Sunshine

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

The minds of the ghosts must have been harder for Spark Plug to access, as she simply couldn't get a grip on them (2 on a d20). But perhaps, with another go at things, she could be more successful. Selene slurped down another dozen or so of the ghosts, with at least thirty left in the room to deal with. Horrifyingly, Selene was more or less eating their souls, the ghosts ceasing to exist once she consumed them. It was really for the best that Selene was one of Genosha's upstanding citizens and not a villainous foe.

"He's right - we'll have to kill him. That or if you could use your magicks to stop his mutant power," Selene suggested to Max. "We could attempt the spell together, although it may be permanent, rendering him human... Such a waste of an omega."

Unfortunately for Maria, Ben had been knocked out, his ghostly form fading away as he left this plane of existence for the moment before he could answer her (another 2 on a d20). The ghosts were more or less rushing at Echo and the clones as a mob, their combined force causing the clones to stumble backwards, decreasing the distance between them and Casper, to the point that if the clones were to move back any further they'd be stepping on the unconscious and glowing mutant.

"We aren't killing the idiot!" Sunshine shouted, catching the container of salt that Max had thrown at her. "Just... just kill the ghosts faster!" She could see that they were making progress. Pixie had stabbed another three ghosts with her souldagger and they dissipated like mist. One ghost apparently was in the mood for pranks, pulling Zarina's shirt up and over her head, effectively trapping Zarina's head inside of her shirt and blinding her. The ghosts holding Andy decided it would be really funny to drop her.

Horrifically, one of the ghosts got a hold of Marrow's bone spikes and stabbed her through the heart, the life leaving her eyes as Sunshine screamed in horror. "MARROW!" she shouted, traumatized at seeing Waverley die not long ago, and now, her wife too. She didn't listen to Max. She didn't draw a circle around her in salt. Instead, she poured salt into her hand and balled her hand into a fist, dashing for her wife. Each ghost that popped up in her way she punched, her salty knuckles causing the ghosts to flicker in and out of being.

She made it to Marrow, tears pouring through her eyes as she cradled Marrow in her arms.

"I can heal, you know," Marrow wheezed. "I'm not going to die on you, Sunny."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive), Electrokinisis

Andy started to fall. Electricity crackled around her and she more glided to the ground than fell. A wave of electricity rolled off of her hitting ghosts around her. They froze, stunned. Every ghost was stunned. It didn't hurt the humans as it was more like an EMP than it was actual electricity. She was irritated that stunning them was all she seemed to be able to do. However, at least it meant everyone was safe from their attacks and could work on wiping them out.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te... cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare... Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis... Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei; contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine... quem inferi tremunt... Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine. Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos." Repeating what Max had said, some of her pronunciation seemed clearer even. Only one ghost disappeared.

"Ker, you should do yours it will be better." She said looking at Zari and seeing that she was wrapped up in her own shirt because of the ghosts. It was like some comedy play.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Blackstone > Hellfire Manor
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max took a sharp turn to look towards James as he spoke. Odds of survival? Terminate the source? What the hell was he on about? Something had changed in James, switched like a Jekyll and Hyde situation. Before Max could continue his line of thoughts, the hoard of ghosts center clattering towards Harry and was forcing the boy band to push closer and closer to Casper, losing footing along the way. Zari was being assaulted as her weapon was tugged at, and everyone else was having to deal with these spirits in some way or another. Selene agreed with Jame's notion and Max's heart sank to his stomach. That wasn't a source it was his boyfriend and when the coast seemed clear enough, Max would have to figure out what happened to James between this morning and now.

"We aren't killing him. And we aren't stripping him of his powers either" Max said sternly, giving both Selene and James a very pointed look as he chimed in alongside Sunshine. "Let's deal with the ghosts and then we can figure out how to calm down his powers." As if things couldn't go any worse, Marrow was struck hard with her own bones, Sunshine barreling towards her in fear but for now she appeared to be doing fine. Hopefully with her healing she would be fine for just absent longer. Now more than ever Max wanted to rid them of these pests.

Andy seemed to pick up the words just fine, helping to exercise the spirits though rather slowly. They needed to speed things up. Max held onto his soulstaff, clanging the bottom onto the ground as he began to recite the words once more. "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te... cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare... Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis... Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei; contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine... quem inferi tremunt... Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine. Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos"

His vision was becoming speckled with black dots that danced across his sight. He could feel the blood starting to drip out of his eyes, nose, and ears as the seventh ghost disappeared. Max turned his attention towards the ones attacking Harry, continuing the Latin chant as two more disappeared. By now his clothing was becoming drenched in blood. His soulstaff was functioning more as a way to hold him up than to channel his magic, and the words he was speaking were beginning to weaken as he fought to stay up. Max slowly made his way towards James, hoping the old him was still in there somehow. "James...please...heal me."


Location: Hellfire Bay
Skills:Laser LightShow, PitchPerfect, SoundWaveManipulation

Things were going downhill and quick. Echo had expected a fee attacks here and there, but the amount of them rushing towards him was almost too much. They tried firing back, blocking, and just keeping them from getting past but every movement caused them to take a step back. Before Echo knew it, their heel had hit Caspers body and there was hardly any space left to move. They looked around amd saw how busy everyone else was, fighting their own battles. They cursed silently to themselves as they decided they had to push back on their own.

Echo sent out a wide blast of lights, managing to miss everyone with the first Barrage. He exhaled, launching his hand forward and blasting one ghost, allowing them to move forward even if just a little bit. The clones nodded and each blasted a ghost themselves. Now there was a bit more room to maneuver, especially as Max cleared away some more. But when Harry looked towards his former roommate, things appeared to be far worse. "Uh, James. Max looks like he needs some serious attention stat." After all, James was the only mutant around capable of helping him, and Harry knee nothing of Jame's alter ego.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Online

Callie Johnson

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Empathy

Callie closed her eyes as she tried her best to try and get the ghosts to calm down, but she could feel that they were all very angry and that she couldn't control their emotions at all to try and calm down. She knew that empathy could easily backfire on her as well to, if an emotion was strong enough, like what happened when they first encountered Vulcan back at the old mutant underground HQ before they had their fancy underground mansion one.

But she had to do something as she saw Max was starting to get hurt seeing him starting to bleed, she turned to look at James and motioned for him to help Max as well to. Callie closed her eyes again and started to try again with calming down the ghosts with empathy, hoping that she'd be able to help more this time. One of the ghosts managed to stab Marrow with one of her bone spikes and Sunshine going over to her wife's side to try and help her and glared at James' suggestion it was his boyfriend after all that he was talking about. "Thats not going to be an option." Callie told James as she went back to concentrating on the ghosts.

Kristina Smith

Location: House of M
Skills: N/A

Kristina watched as Polaris came over seeing all of her injuries were really bad, she stared at the five bodies that she dragged out and then her using her abilities to kill the Babadook looking creature. Kristina turned to the others, Veil and Jack seemed to finally be coming to now which was a good thing then. "Are you guys alright?" Kristina asked Jack and Veil, as she watched Elixir going going over to her and healed her.

Kristina looked down for a moment seeing the look on Lorna's face what had happened to her during the fight, she wasn't sure what she could do or say to help her out. "We should maybe try and go help out in other places now?" Kristina finally spoke up looking over towards the others they needed to get rid of these people off of here as soon as possible.

Maria Novikova

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Power Absorption (Casper's Mediumship

"Hey! I kind of needed that ghost you know!" Maria yelled towards Harry as he hit Ben watching as Ben started to disappear, she sighed and then started to close her eyes and turned to face the closest ghost and held out her hand, feeling control over it she quickly sent the ghost away and opened them again seeing the ghost fade away from sight this time. "Alright I think I got the hang of it." Maria said as she started to get rid of another ghost turning to look at James and Selene as she ate another ghost.

She didn't like the idea as she looked at Casper for a moment, she only met him during the whole House of M reality but never really got to know him, she thought of an idea. "Only as a last resort, but if we stop his heart for a few seconds and then revive him could work." Maria suggested as she used Casper's powers again and three more ghosts disappeared, she looked at Max seeing him starting to bleed that wasn't a good thing at all by the looks of it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Omega Level Healing

James' lip curled with scorn as the wizard came begging for help. Dear God, did this man have any dignity? James was inclined to hasten him along, ignoring the flamboyant cloner's obtuse observation, rather than help him. And why was everyone so causal with him? He went by Kingston to nearly everyone because he wanted discourage people's interests in anything more than a professional relationship. Disgusting.

"One point for Novikova for basic intelligence," James rolled his eyes at the chorus against killing the problem. He was an omega level mutant and turning him human or killing him really was a waste. Control could be taught or made; telepathy existed for a reason. "But then she loses them all on account for being a traitor to the crown. Clearly, we aren't killing or erasing an omega level mutant. Control can be taught or if they refuse, enforced."

James eyed the wizard thoughtfully as he spoke. This was an opportunity he supposed. This wizard seemed to recognize him and was relatively friendly towards him so keeping the wizard alive long enough to get them would probably be in his best interest. "Any more magic cast on me and I'll take away what I'm giving you." James informed the wizard, brushing his hand against the other's cheek. James felt the briefest heartbeat, the faintest syncing of a pulse, and drew his hand back. The wizard would be fine, outside of death's clutches buy no where near 100 percent. He conti used past, slinking up next to one of the clones.

"If we settled on the killing route, I'll handle it. I'm trained in advanced interrogation techniques and know how to do it so I can heal him safely again." James offered.

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