☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: Audiokinesis
Nancy was basically in lockstep with Madalyne, catching up with the Greek's leader, Chiron. She was a little bit surprised to hear that some of the Greeks had also been dealing with possessions, largely because she assumed that Leandra had done
something to get herself mixed up in it all. She wouldn't have been surprised if Leandra accidentally summoned a ghost and got herself possessed in some sad, desperate ploy to seize power. However, her thoughts were cut off abruptly by someone shoving their way in the middle of Chiron and Madalyne, and Nancy saw red. Her rage only barely subsided when she realized it was her half-brother, Zeke - one of the few children of Apollo that Nancy actually felt connected to.
"Zeke, don't you dare touch her again," Nancy warned, her voice like sharpened steel.
Zeke was
LIVID. He shouted at them and Nancy felt like he was talking specifically to her. He didn't say that she was a failure of a leader or that she was the reason New Rome fell, but Nancy
felt that. She could feel the weight and expectations of being the praetor of Rome, and a daughter of Apollo, and it was like a flame flared up inside of her. Nancy wasn't
good at processing emotions and feelings. She wasn't
good at admitting that they should have sent a messenger earlier, but Nancy had been so focused on doing anything in her power to exile Leandra and/or have her otherwise stripped of her power that she had forgotten. But not only was Zeke laying into her, now others had as well? Any chance of Nancy swallowing her pride and admitting her mistake went out the window.
"Oh, gag me with a fucking spoon!" Nancy snapped, the campfire flames reflecting in her eyes and making it look like her eyes had fires dancing inside of them.
"The minute we were able to, we came on over to tell you about Leandra. We'd been in the Senate ever since the incident happened, trying to sort all of it out and the deadly array of quests that are assigned, so SORRY that we didn't send you a note that our problematic little traitorous bitch was possessed by a ghost! Honestly, I figured she likely did it to herself! Do you send us a note every time one of those Pluto kids raises the dead or sicks a zombie on someone? No? Then how about you mind your own damn business and just be grateful we're telling you now!" She didn't stop though, having only made herself angrier.
"Also, for the record, we don't need your grody asses to keep us safe - we were fine without you all! We're not the ones who die before you're old enough to smoke pot! You're the ones who constantly send small children out into the world and just fucking shrug it off when they get killed! Have you ever stopped to think about why no one here is older than 18? And why Greek demigods in adulthood are about as fucking rare as a unicorn that plays the piano and ran for President? Because you're all a bunch of disorganized screw-ups with delusions that you're heroes, when you're not, you're just shitty tragedies waiting to happen!" Nancy screamed.
"And you!" she added, staring at Cassian.
"Don't you fucking dare think you can order her around." Now, beyond just screaming at them all, Nancy was unconsciously using her powers over sound. All of the sound in the arena was being amplified to louder and louder volumes, to the point that everyone in her vicinity would feel like they had their ears pressed up against the speakers at a club, the sounds so loud they could feel them in their throat.
🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A
"You better live, we're due in a quest," Leda joked, tucking some of Kiera's hair behind her ear. Hopefully the ambrosia would get her girlfriend healed up pretty quickly, it'd suck if Kiera had to start a quest with an inconvenient injury - those were usually better placed in the final stretch, since at least when it was over they could usually find a plane or something to just take back to New York pretty quickly. (Of course, Leda often did wonder if stories about flight attendants falling out of planes were actually
monsters encountering demigods...)
One of the Apollo kids started tending to Kiera and Leda's eyebrows knitted together in worry as Kiera groaned from the pain.
"It's okay, luv, just breathe through it and you'll be right as rain in no time," Leda encouraged. Kristin, Ms. Know It All, then came on over and Leda had to resist the urge to preemptively roll her eyes. Leda shrugged when Kristin asked what had happened, as she honestly didn't really know herself, she had arrived more or less late to the party and was just here for Kiera (and to catch any good tea). Of course, the universe didn't let her be a bystander, as suddenly the noises around her became unbearably loud and Leda quickly plugged her ears, trying to block them out, but she could feel the vibrations in her throat from every noise being made, as if she was standing right in front of a powerful speaker.